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Knowledge of the balance between nutrient inputs and removals is required for identifying regions that possess an excess or deficit of nutrients. This assessment describes the balance between the agricultural nutrient inputs and removals for nine geographical districts within Arkansas from 1997 to 2001. The total N, P, and K inputs were summed for each district and included inorganic fertilizer and collectable nutrients excreted as poultry, turkey, dairy, and hog manures. Nutrients removed by harvested crops were summed and subtracted from total nutrient inputs to calculate the net nutrient balance. The net balances for N, P, and K were distributed across the hectarage used for row crop, hay, pasture, or combinations of these land uses. Row-crop agriculture predominates in the eastern one-third and animal agriculture predominates in the western two-thirds of Arkansas. Nutrients derived from poultry litter accounted for >92% of the total transportable manure N, P, and K. The three districts in the eastern one-third of Arkansas contained 95% of the row-crop hectarage and had net N and P balances that were near zero or negative. The six districts in the western two-thirds of Arkansas accounted for 89 to 100% of the animal populations, had positive net balances for N and P, and excess P ranged from 1 to 9 kg P ha(-1) when distributed across row-crop, hay, and pasture hectarage. Transport of excess nutrients, primarily in poultry litter, outside of the districts in western Arkansas is needed to achieve a balance between soil inputs and removals of P and N.  相似文献   

Quantification of the effects of management programs on water quality is critical to agencies responsible for water resource protection. This research documents reductions in stream water phosphorus (P) loads resulting from agricultural best management practices (BMPs) implemented as part of an effort to control eutrophication of Cannonsville Reservoir, a drinking water supply for New York City. Dairy farms in the upstate New York reservoir basin were the target of BMPs designed to reduce P losses. A paired watershed study was established on one of these farms in 1993 to evaluate changes in P loading attributable to implementation of BMPs that included manure management, rotational grazing, and improved infrastructure. Intensive stream water monitoring provided data to calculate P loads from the 160-ha farm watershed for all runoff events during a two-year pre-treatment period and a four-year post-treatment period. Statistical control for inter-annual climatic variability was provided by matched P loads from a nearby 86-ha forested watershed, and by several event flow variables measured at the farm. A sophisticated multivariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) provided estimates of both seasonal and overall load reductions. Statistical power and the minimum detectable treatment effect (MDTE) were also calculated. The results demonstrated overall event load reductions of 43% for total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and 29% for particulate phosphorus (PP). Changes in farm management practices and physical infrastructure clearly produced decreases in event P losses measurable at the small watershed scale.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The persistence of water quality problems has directed attention towards the reduction of agricultural nonpoint sources of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). We assessed the practical impact of three management scenarios to reduce P and N losses from a mixed land use watershed in central Pennsylvania, USA. Using Scenario 1 (an agronomic soil P threshold of 100 mg Mehlich‐3 P kg‐1, above which no crop response is expected), 81 percent of our watershed would receive no P as fertilizer or manure. Under Scenario 2 (an environmental soil P threshold of 195 mg Mehlich‐3 P kg‐1, above which the loss of P in surface runoff and subsurface drainage increases greatly), restricts future P inputs in only 51 percent of the watershed. Finally, using scenario 3 (P and N indices that account for likely source and transport risks), 25 percent of the watershed was at high risk or greater of P loss, while 60 percent of the watershed was classified as of high risk of nitrate (NO3) leaching. Areas at risk of P loss were near the stream channel, while areas at risk of NO3 leaching were near the boundaries of the watershed, where freely draining soils and high manure and fertilizer N applications coincide. Remedial measures to minimize P export should focus on critical source areas, while remedial measures to reduce N losses should be source based, concentrating on more efficient use of N by crops.  相似文献   

A Sensitivity Analysis of Nitrogen Losses from Dairy Farms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
International attention has focused on agricultural production systems as non-point sources of pollution affecting the quality of streams, estuaries and ground water resources. The objective of the current study was to develop a model of nitrogen management on the dairy farm, and to perform sensitivity analyses in order to determine the relative importance of manipulating herd nutrition, manure management and crop selection in reducing nitrogen (N) losses from the farm. The importance of the method of N input to the farm (purchased feed, legume fixation, inorganic fertilizer, imported manure) was investigated, and the potential to reduce N losses from dairy farms was evaluated. Nitrogen balance equations were derived, and related efficiency coefficients were set to reference values representing common management practices. Total farm N efficiency (animal product N per N input), and N losses per product N were determined for different situations by solving the set of simultaneous equations. Improvements in animal diet and management that increase the conversion of feed N to animal product by 50% would increase total farm N efficiency by 48% and reduce N losses per product by 36 to 40%. In contrast, reducing losses from manure collection, storage and application to improve the percentage of manure N that becomes available in soil by 100% would only improve total farm N efficiency by 13% and reduce total N losses by 14%. Selecting crops and management that can use soil nutrients 50% more efficiently would improve total farm efficiency by up to 59% and reduce N losses by up to 41% depending on the predominant nitrogen sources to the farm. Legume production would reduce N losses per product compared with non-legumes. There was more than a five fold difference in N losses per animal product N between the most extreme scenarios suggesting considerable opportunity to reduce N losses from dairy farms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: EPIC, a soil erosion/plant growth simulation model, is used to simulate nitrogen losses for 120 randomly selected and previously surveyed cropland sites. Simulated nitrogen losses occur through volatilization, surface water and soil runoff, subsurface lateral flow, and leaching. Physical and crop management variables explain a moderate but significant proportion of the variation in nitrogen losses. Site slope and tillage have offsetting effects on surface and ground water losses. Nitrogen applications in excess of agronomic recommendations and manure obtained off the farm and applied to the sites are significant contributors to nitrogen losses. Farm characteristics such as production of confined livestock, total manure nitrogen available, and farm income per cropland acre explain a relatively large portion of the variability in manure nitrogen applied to survey sites. The results help to identify farm characteristics that can be used to target nutrient management programs. Simulation modeling provides a useful tool for investigating variables which contribute to agricultural nitrogen losses.  相似文献   

Manure management plans require knowing the amount of manure produced, collected, and available for land-spreading. Whereas much information is available to calculate manure production, little is known about the types and amounts of manure actually collected on typical dairy farms. This study of 54 representative Wisconsin dairy farms showed significant regional, housing, and herd size differences in collection of manure from lactating cows (Bos taurus), dry cows, and heifers. Significantly (P < 0.05) less manure is collected in the hilly southwest (56% of total annual herd production) than in the undulating south central (72%) or the flat northeast (68%) regions. Collection of lactating cow manure is significantly (P < 0.05) lower from stanchion (66% of total annual production) than free-stall (89%) housing, and significant (P < 0.05) positive relationships were found between the number of lactating cows a farm keeps and the percentage manure collected. Average annual manure N (range of 116-846 kg N ha(-1)) and P (range of 24-158 kg P ha(-1)) loading rates in areas where manure goes uncollected was highest in unvegetated barnyards followed by vegetated and partially vegetated outside areas. Once uncollected manure was accounted for, average annual loading rates on cereal cropland ranged from 128 to 337 kg ha(-1) of manure N, and from 45 to 139 kg ha(-1) of manure P. Compared with adjacent cropland, the accumulation of uncollected manure has vastly increased soil test P, K, and organic matter levels in outside areas. Manure management on Wisconsin dairy farms with small to medium herds might require assistance in managing manure in outside confinement areas to reduce the risk of impairing surface and ground water quality.  相似文献   

The Khanikhola watershed in Sikkim is agrarian with about 50% area under rain-fed agriculture representing the conditions of the middle mountains all over the Himalaya. The study was conducted to assess overland flow, soil loss and subsequent nutrient losses from different land uses in the watershed, and identify biotechnological inputs for management of mountain farming systems. Overland flow, soil and nutrient losses were very high from open agricultural (cropped) fields compared to other land uses, and more than 72% of nutrient losses were attributable to agriculture land use. Forests and large cardamom agroforestry conserved more soil compared to other land uses. Interventions, like cultivation of broom grass upon terrace risers, N2-fixing Albizia trees for maintenance of soil fertility and plantation of horticulture trees, have reduced the soil loss (by 22%). Soil and water conservation values (> 80%) of both large cardamom and broom grass were higher compared to other crops. Use of N2-fixing Albizia tree in large cardamom agroforestry and croplands contributed to soil fertility, and increased productivity and yield. Bio-composting of farm resources ensured increase in nutrient availability specially phosphorus in cropped areas. Agricultural practices in mountain areas should be strengthened with more agroforestry components, and cash crops like large cardamom and broom grass in agroforestry provide high economic return and are hydroecologically sustainable.  相似文献   

There are a number of agricultural farming practices that are controversial. These may include using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, and planting genetically modified crops, as well as the decision to dehorn cattle rather than raise polled cattle breeds. We use data from a survey of Missouri crop and livestock producers to determine whether a farmer’s ethical framework affects his or her decision to engage in these practices. We find that a plurality of farmers prefer an agricultural policy that reflects principles based on rights rather than principles of utilitarianism or justice. Furthermore, after controlling for personal and farm characteristics, we find a positive correlation between farmers preferring a rights-based policy and a farmer’s use of chemical farm inputs and polled rather than horned cattle. We also find that a combination of ethical framework and farm and farmer characteristics correlate with decisions to use farm chemicals, while only farm and farmer characteristics affect the decision to plant GM crops and only a farmer’s ethical framework affects the decision to use polled cattle.  相似文献   

Subsurface tile drainage from row-crop agricultural production systems has been identified as a major source of nitrate entering surface waters in the Mississippi River basin. Noncontrollable factors such as precipitation and mineralization of soil organic matter have a tremendous effect on drainage losses, nitrate concentrations, and nitrate loadings in subsurface drainage water. Cropping system and nutrient management inputs are controllable factors that have a varying influence on nitrate losses. Row crops leak substantially greater amounts of nitrate compared with perennial crops; however, satisfactory economic return with many perennials is an obstacle at present. Improving N management by applying the correct rate of N at the optimum time and giving proper credits to previous legume crops and animal manure applications will also lead to reduced nitrate losses. Nitrate losses have been shown to be minimally affected by tillage systems compared with N management practices. Scientists and policymakers must understand these factors as they develop educational materials and environmental guidelines for reducing nitrate losses to surface waters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Long-term land use and reservoir sedimentation were quantified and linked in a small agricultural reservoir-watershed system without having historical data. Land use was determined from a time sequence of aerial photographs, and reservoir sedimentation was determined from cores with 137Cs dating techniques. They were linked by relating sediment deposition to potential sediment production which was determined by the Universal Soil Loss Equation and by SCS estimates for gullied land. Sediment cores were collected from Tecumseh Lake, a 55-ha reservoir with a 1,189-ha agricultural watershed, constructed in 1934 in central Oklahoma. Reservoir sediment deposition decreased from an average of 5,933 Mg/yr from 1934 to 1954, to 3,179 Mg/yr from 1954 to 1962, and finally to 1,017 Mg/yr from 1962 to 1987. Potential sediment production decreased from an average of 29,892 to 11,122 and then to 3,589 Mg/yr for the same time periods as above, respectively. Reductions in deposition and sediment production corresponded to reductions in cultivated and abandoned cropland which became perennial pasture. Together, cultivated and abandoned cropland accounted for 59 percent of the watershed in 1937, 24 percent in 1954, and 10 percent in 1962. Roadway erosion, stream bank erosion, stored stream channel sediment, and long-term precipitation were considered, but none seemed to play a significant role in changing sediment deposition rates. Instead, the dominant factor was the conversion of fields to perennial pastures. The effect of conservation measures on reservoir sedimentation can now be quantified for many reservoirs where historical data is not available.  相似文献   

Pollution of water resources by phosphorus (P) is a critical issue in regions with agricultural and urban development. In this study, we estimated P inputs from agricultural and urban sources in 24 catchments draining to the Central Valley in California and compared them with measured river P export to investigate hydrologic and anthropogenic factors affecting regional P retention and export. Using spatially explicit information on fertilizer use, livestock population, agricultural production, and human population, we calculated that net surface balances for anthropogenic P ranged from -12 to 648 kg P km yr in the early 2000s. Inorganic P fertilizer and manure P comprised the largest fraction of total input for all but two catchments. From 2000 to 2003, a median of 7% (range, -287 to 88%) of net annual anthropogenic P input was exported as total P (TP). Yields (kg P km yr) of dissolved inorganic P (DIP), dissolved organic P, particulate P, and TP were not significantly related to catchment-level, per area anthropogenic P input. However, there were significant relationships between mean annual P concentrations and P input from inorganic fertilizers and manure due to the concentration of agricultural land near catchment mouths and regional variation in runoff. Catchment-level P fertilizer and manure inputs explained 4 to 23% more variance in mean annual DIP and TP concentrations than percent of catchment area in agriculture. This study suggests that spatially explicit estimates of anthropogenic P input can help identify sources of multiple forms of P exported in rivers at management-relevant spatial scales.  相似文献   

提高畜禽粪便沼气发酵产气量的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着畜禽养殖规模的不断扩大,合理处理畜禽粪便是目前刻不容缓的问题.目前,沼气发酵是解决畜禽养殖场粪污处理和资源化利用的主要方式之一,且通过提高畜禽粪便沼气发酵产气量可以实现将粪便变废为宝的目的和达到资源利用最大化效果.综述了畜禽粪便沼气发酵产气的内在影响因素和外在影响因素对产气量的影响,为提高畜禽粪便的利用率和沼气发酵...  相似文献   

The disposal of manure on agricultural land has caused water quality concerns in many rural watersheds, sometimes requiring state environmental agencies to conduct total maximum daily load (TMDL) assessments of stream nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). A best management practice (BMP) has been developed in response to a TMDL that mandates a 50% reduction of annual P load to the North Bosque River (NBR) in central Texas. This BMP exports composted dairy manure P through turfgrass sod from the NBR watershed to urban watersheds. The manure-grown sod releases P slowly and would not require additional P fertilizer for up to 20 years in the receiving watershed. This would eliminate P application to the sod and improve the water quality of urban streams. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was used to model a typical suburban watershed that would receive the sod grown with composted dairy manure to assess water quality changes due to this BMP. The SWAT model was calibrated to simulate historical flow and estimated sediment and nutrient loading to Mary's Creek near Fort Worth, Texas. The total P stream loading to Mary's Creek was lower when manure-grown sod was transplanted instead of sod grown with inorganic fertilizers. Flow, sediment and total N yield were the same for both cases at the watershed outlet. The SWAT simulations indicated that the turfgrass BMP can be used effectively to import manure P into an urban watershed and reduce in-stream P levels when compared to sod grown with inorganic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Reliable estimation of nutrient concentrations is required to manage animal manure for protecting waters while sustaining crop production. This study was conducted to investigate sample variability and reliable nutrient analysis for several manure types and handling systems. Serial samples were collected from dairy, swine, and broiler poultry operations while manure was being loaded onto hauler tanks or spreaders for field application. Samples were analyzed for total solids (TS), total nitrogen (N), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4-N), total phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The least number of samples needed for reliable testing of total N and P, defined as +/- 10% of the experimental means with 99% probability, was obtained for each farm using a computer-intensive random resampling technique. Sample variability within farms, expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV), was mostly 6 to 8% for farms that used agitation of manure storages but several times higher (20-30%) on farms where no agitation was applied during the sampling period. Results from the random resampling procedure indicated that for farms that used agitation, three to five samples were adequate for a representative composite for reliable testing of total N and P; whereas for farms without agitation, at least 40 samples would be required. Data also suggest that using book values for manure nutrient estimations could be problematic because the discrepancies between book standards and measured farm data varied widely from a small amount to several fold.  相似文献   

Abstract: An integrated economic and environmental modeling system was developed for evaluating agro‐environmental policies and practices implemented on large scales. The modeling system, the Comprehensive Economic and Environmental Optimization Tool‐Macro Modeling System (CEEOT‐MMS), integrates the Farm‐level Economic Model (FEM) and the Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) model, as well as national databases and clustering and aggregation algorithms. Using micro simulations of statistically derived representative farms and subsequent aggregation of farm‐level results, a wide range of agricultural best management practices can be investigated within CEEOT‐MMS. In the present study, CEEOT‐MMS was used to evaluate the economic and water quality impacts of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) based manure application rates when implemented on all animal feeding operations in the State of Texas. Results of the study indicate that edge‐of‐field total P losses can be reduced by about 0.8 kg/ha/year or 14% when manure applications are calibrated to supply all of the recommended crop P requirements from manure total P sources only, when compared to manure applications at the recommended crop N agronomic rate. Corresponding economic impacts are projected to average a US$4,800 annual cost increase per farm. Results are also presented by ecological subregion, farm type, and farm size categories.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We measured annual discharges of water, sediments, and nutrients from 10 watersheds with differing proportions of agricultural lands in the Piedmont physiographic province of the Chesapeake Bay drainage. Flow-weighted mean concentrations of total N, nitrate, and dissolved silicate in watershed discharges were correlated with the proportion of cropland in the watershed. In contrast, concentrations of P species did not correlate with cropland. Organic P and C correlated with the concentration of suspended particles, which differed among watersheds. Thus, the ratio of N:P:Si in discharges differed greatly among watersheds, potentially affecting N, P or Si limitation of phytoplankton growth in the receiving waters. Simple regression models of N discharge versus the percentage of cropland suggest that croplands discharge 29–42 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and other lands discharge 1.2–5.8 kg N ha-1 yr-1. We estimated net anthropogenic input of N to croplands and other lands using county level data on agriculture and N deposition from the atmosphere. For most of the study watersheds, N discharge amounted to less than half of the net anthropogenic N.  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay has been the subject of intensive research on cultural eutrophication and extensive efforts to reduce nutrient inputs. In 1987 a commitment was made to reduce controllable sources of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) by 40% by the year 2000, although the causes and effects of eutrophication were incompletely known. Subsequent research, modeling, and monitoring have shown that: (i) the estuarine ecosystem had been substantially altered by increased loadings of N and P of approximately 7- and 18-fold, respectively; (ii) hypoxia substantially increased since the 1950s; (iii) eutrophication was the major cause of reductions in submerged vegetation; and (iv) reducing nutrient sources by 40% would improve water quality, but less than originally thought. Strong public support and political commitment have allowed the Chesapeake Bay Program to reduce nutrient inputs, particularly from point sources, by 58% for P and 28% for N. However, reductions of nonpoint sources of P and N were projected by models to reach only 19% and 15%, respectively, of controllable loadings. The lack of reductions in nutrient concentrations in some streams and tidal waters and field research suggest that soil conservation-based management strategies are less effective than assumed. In 1997, isolated outbreaks of the toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida brought attention to the land application of poultry manure as a contributing factor to elevated soil P and ground water N concentrations. In addition to developing more effective agricultural practices, emerging issues include linking eutrophication and living resources, reducing atmospheric sources of N, enhancing nutrient sinks, controlling sprawling suburban development, and predicting and preventing harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Climate change has the potential to have dramatic effects on the agricultural sector nationally and internationally as documented in many research papers. This paper reports on research that was focused on a specific crop growing area to demonstrate how farm managers might respond to climate-induced yield changes and the implications of these responses for agricultural water use. The Hadley model was used to generate climate scenarios for important agricultural areas of Georgia in 2030 and 2090. Linked crop response models indicated generally positive yield changes, as increased temperatures were associated with increased precipitation and CO2. Using a farm management model, differences in climate-induced yield impacts among crops led to changes in crop mix and associated water use; non-irrigated cropland received greater benefit since irrigated land was already receiving adequate moisture. Model results suggest that farm managers will increase cropping intensity by decreasing fallowing and increasing double cropping; corn acreage decreased dramatically, peanuts decreased moderately and cotton and winter wheat increased. Water use on currently irrigated cropland fell. The potential for increased water use through conversion of agriculturally important, but currently non-irrigated, growing areas is substantial.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine if nitrate sources in ground water (fertilizer on crops, fertilizer on golf courses, irrigation spray from hog (Sus scrofa) wastes, and leachate from poultry litter and septic systems) could be classified with 80% or greater success. Two statistical classification-tree models were devised from 48 water samples containing nitrate from five source categories. Model 1 was constructed by evaluating 32 variables and selecting four primary predictor variables (delta 15N, nitrate to ammonia ratio, sodium to potassium ratio, and zinc) to identify nitrate sources. A delta 15N value of nitrate plus potassium > 18.2 indicated animal sources; a value < 18.2 indicated inorganic or soil organic N. A nitrate to ammonia ratio > 575 indicated inorganic fertilizer on agricultural crops; a ratio < 575 indicated nitrate from golf courses. A sodium to potassium ratio > 3.2 indicated septic-system wastes; a ratio < 3.2 indicated spray or poultry wastes. A value for zinc > 2.8 indicated spray wastes from hog lagoons; a value < 2.8 indicated poultry wastes. Model 2 was devised by using all variables except delta 15N. This model also included four variables (sodium plus potassium, nitrate to ammonia ratio, calcium to magnesium ratio, and sodium to potassium ratio) to distinguish categories. Both models were able to distinguish all five source categories with better than 80% overall success and with 71 to 100% success in individual categories using the learning samples. Seventeen water samples that were not used in model development were tested using Model 2 for three categories, and all were correctly classified. Classification-tree models show great potential in identifying sources of contamination and variables important in the source-identification process.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the forms of P and to examine the influence of oven-drying on P forms in different organic amendments. Samples of biosolids, beef and dairy cattle manures, and hog manures from sow and nursery barns were used in this study. Both fresh and oven-dried amendments were analyzed for inorganic (Pi), organic (Po), and total phosphorus using a modified Hedley fractionation technique. Water extracted about 10% of total biosolids P and 30 to 40% of total hog and cattle manure P. The amount of P extracted by NaHCO3 ranged from 21 to 32% of total P in all organic amendments except in the dairy cattle manure with 45% of total P. The labile P fraction (sum of H2O- and NaHCO3-extractable P) was 24% of biosolids P, 60% of hog manure P, and 70% of dairy cattle manure P. The residual P was about 10% in biosolids and cattle manures and 5 to 8% in hog manures. Oven-drying caused a transformation in forms of P in the organic amendments. In hog manures, H2O-extractable Po was transformed to Pi, while in the dairy manure NaHCO3-extractable P was converted to H2O-extractable Pi with oven-drying. Therefore, caution should be exercised in using oven-drying for studies that evaluate forms of P in organic amendments. Overall, these results indicate that biosolids P may be less susceptible to loss by water when added to agricultural land.  相似文献   

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