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In situ measurements of nitric acid (HNO3), reactive nitrogen (NOy), nitric oxide (NO), and ozone (O3) made in the upper troposphere (UT) and lower stratosphere (LS) between 29° and 33°N latitudes during September 1999 are used to examine NOy partitioning and correlations between the measured species in these regions. The fast-response (1 s) HNO3 measurements are acquired with a new autonomous CIMS instrument. In the LS, HNO3 accounts for the majority of NOy, and the sum of HNO3 and NOx accounts for approximately 90% of NOy. In the UT, the sum of HNO3 and NOx varies between 40% and 100% of NOy. Both HNO3 and NOy are strongly positively correlated with O3, with larger correlation slopes in the UT than in the LS. In the UT at low values of the quantity (NOy–NOx–HNO3), it is uncorrelated with O3, while at higher values, a positive correlation with O3 is found. Of these two air mass types, those with higher (NOy–NOx–HNO3) mixing ratios are likely associated with the presence of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) that is produced by NOx-hydrocarbon chemistry.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of a 20% reduction in the rate constant of the reaction of the hydroxyl radical with nitrogen dioxide to produce nitric acid (OH+NO2→HNO3) on model predictions of ozone mixing ratios ([O3]) and the effectiveness of reductions in emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) for reducing [O3]. By comparing a model simulation with the new rate constant to a base case scenario, we found that the [O3] increase was between 2 and 6% for typical rural conditions and between 6 and 16% for typical urban conditions. The increases in [O3] were less than proportional to the reduction in the OH+NO2 rate constant because of negative feedbacks in the photochemical mechanism. Next, we used two different approaches to evaluate how the new OH+NO2 rate constant changed the effectiveness of reductions in emissions of VOC and NOx: first, we evaluated the effect on [O3] sensitivity to small changes in emissions of VOC (d[O3]/dEVOC) and NOx (d[O3]/dENOx); and secondly, we used the empirical kinetic modeling approach to evaluate the effect on the level of emissions reduction necessary to reduce [O3] to a specified level. Both methods showed that reducing the OH+NO2 rate constant caused control strategies for VOC to become less effective relative to NOx control strategies. We found, however, that d[O3]/dEVOC and d[O3]/dENOx did not quantitatively predict the magnitude of the change in the control strategy because the [O3] response was nonlinear with respect to the size of the emissions reduction. We conclude that model sensitivity analyses calculated using small emissions changes do not accurately characterize the effect of uncertainty in model inputs (in this case, the OH+NO2 rate constant) on O3 attainment strategies. Instead, the effects of changes in model inputs should be studied using large changes in precursor emissions to approximate realistic attainment scenarios.  相似文献   

The role of the wall of a smog chamber as a radical source has been investigated in several ways. From data in the literature evidence is obtained that HNO3, present on the reactor wall, may react with NO in the gas phase according to the reaction HNO3(wall) + 2NO + H2O → 3HNO2 to give nitrous acid. Nitrous acid may subsequently photolyze to give hydroxyl radicals.Experimental evidence about the occurrence of this reaction was obtained by u.v.-irradiation of propane-NOx mixtures with and without NH3. The presence of NH3 resulted in a drastically reduced photochemical reactivity, suggesting that neutralization of nitric acid prevented the reaction of HNO3 with NO. Inclusion of the reaction mentioned above into a computer-model gave a good agreement between experimental and calculated concentration profiles of NO, NO2 and O3 in experiments with CO-NOx and propane-NOx, mixtures. The results of our findings and those from others are discussed.  相似文献   


The ozone (O3) sensitivity to nitrogen oxides (NOx, or nitric oxide [NO] + nitrogen dioxide [NO2]) versus volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the Mexico City metropolitan area (MCMA) is a current issue of scientific controversy. To shed light on this issue, we compared measurements of the indicator species O3/NOy (where NOy represents the sum of NO + NO2 + nitric acid [HNO3] + peroxyacetyl nitrate [PAN] + others), NOy, and the semiempirically derived O3/NOz surrogate (where NOz surrogate is the derived surrogate NOz, and NOz represents NOx reaction products, or NOy – NOx) with results of numerical predictions reproducing the transition regimes between NOx and VOC sensitivities. Ambient air concentrations of O3, NOx, and NOy were measured from April 14 to 25, 2004 in one downwind receptor site of photo-chemically aged air masses within Mexico City. MCMA-derived transition values for an episode day occurring during the same monitoring period were obtained through a series of photochemical simulations using the Multiscale Climate and Chemistry Model (MCCM). The comparison between the measured indicator species and the simulated spatial distribution of the indicators O3/NOy, O3/NOz surrogate, and NOy in MCMA suggest that O3 in this megacity is likely VOC-sensitive. This is in opposition to past studies that, on the basis of the observed morning VOC/NOx ratios, have concluded that O3 in Mexico City is NOx-sensitive. Simulated MCMA-derived sensitive transition values for O3/NOy, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/HNO3, and NOy were found to be in agreement with threshold criteria proposed for other regions in North America and Europe, although the transition crossover for O3/NOz and O3/HNO3 was not consistent with values reported elsewhere. An additional empirical evaluation of weekend/weekday differences in average maximum O3 concentrations and 6:00- to 9:00-a.m. NOx and NO levels registered at the same site in April 2004 indirectly confirmed the above results. A preliminary conclusion is that additional reductions in NOx emissions in MCMA might cause an increase in presently high O3 levels.  相似文献   

In the present study, photocatalytic reactions of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) were studied on commercial TiO2 doped facade paints in a flow tube photoreactor under simulated atmospheric conditions. Fast photocatalytic conversion of NO and NO2 was observed only for the photocatalytic paints and not for non-catalytic reference paints. Nitrous acid (HONO) was formed in the dark on all paints studied, however, it efficiently decomposes under irradiation only on the photocatalytic samples. Thus, it is concluded that photocatalytic paint surfaces do not represent a daytime source of HONO, in contrast to other recent studies on pure TiO2 surfaces. As main final product, the formation of adsorbed nitric acid/nitrate anion (HNO3/NO3?) was observed with near to unity yield. In addition, traces of H2O2 were observed in the gas phase only in the presence of O2. Formation of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) could be excluded. The uptake kinetics of NO, NO2 and HONO was very fast under atmospheric conditions (e.g. γ(NO + TiO2) > 10?5). Thus, the uptake on urban surfaces (painted houses, etc.) will be limited by transport. For a hypothetically painted street canyon, an average reduction of nitrogen oxide levels of ca. 5% is estimated. Since the harmful HNO3/NO3? is formed on the surface of the photoactive paints, whereas it is formed in the gas phase in the atmosphere, the use of photocatalytic paints may also help to reduce acid deposition, e.g. on plants, or nitric acid related health issues.  相似文献   

We have used a three-dimensional off-line chemical transport model (CTM) to assess the impact of lightning emissions in the free troposphere both on NOx itself and on other chemical species such as O3 and OH. We have investigated these effects using two lightning emission scenarios. In the first, lightning emissions are coupled in space and time to the convective cloud top height calculated every 6 h by the CTM's moist convection scheme. In the second, lightning emissions are calculated as a constant, monthly mean field. The model's performance against observed profiles of NOx and O3 in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean improves significantly when lightning emissions are included. With the inclusion of these emissions, the CTM produces a significant increase in the NOx concentrations in the upper troposphere, where the NOx lifetime is long, and a smaller increase in the lower free troposphere, where the surface NOx sources dominate. These changes cause a significant increase in the O3 production in the upper troposphere and hence higher calculated O3 there. The model indicates that lightning emissions cause local increases of over 50 parts per 1012 by volume (pptv) in NOx, 200 pptv in HNO3 and 20 parts per 109 by volume (ppbv) (>40%) in O3. In addition, a smaller increase of O3 in the lower troposphere occurs due to an increase in the downward transport of O3. The O3 change is accompanied by an increase in OH which is more pronounced in the upper troposphere with a corresponding reduction in CO. The method of emission employed in the model does not appear to have a significant effect globally. In the upper troposphere (above about 300 hPa) NOx concentrations are generally lower with monthly mean emissions, because of the de-coupling of emissions from the model's convection scheme, which vents NOx aloft more efficiently in the coupled scheme. Below the local convective outflow altitude, NOx concentrations are larger when using the monthly mean emissions than when coupled to the convection scheme, because the more dilute emissions, and nighttime emissions, lead to a slower NOx destruction rate. Only minor changes are predicted in the monthly average fields of O3 if we emit lightning as a monthly constant field. However, the method of emission becomes important when we make a direct comparison of model results with time varying data. These differences should be taken into account when a direct comparison of O3 with measurements collected at particular times and locations is attempted.  相似文献   

We analyse the air quality data measured at a green area of Buenos Aires City (Argentina) during 38 days in winter. We study the relationships between ambient concentrations of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2). The variation of the level of oxidant (OX=O3+NO2) with the NOx is obtained. It can be seen that the level of OX at a given location is made up of two contributions: one independent and another dependent on the NOx concentration. The first one can be considered as a regional contribution, equivalent to the background O3 concentration and the second one as a local contribution that depends on the level of primary pollution. Local oxidant sources may include direct NO2 emissions, the reaction of NO with O2 at high-NOx levels, and the emission of species that promote the conversion of NO to NO2. The final category of emissions may include the nitrous acid (HONO) that is emitted directly in vehicle exhaust. Finally, we present a diurnal variation of the local as well as regional contributions and the dependence of the last one on wind direction.  相似文献   


Ambient air quality data were analyzed to empirically evaluate the effects of reductions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions on weekday and weekend levels of ozone (O3; 1991–1998) and particulate NO3 - (1980–1999) in southern California. Despite significantly lower O3 precursor levels on weekends, 20 of 28 South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB) sites (28 of all 78 southern California sites) showed statistically significant higher mean O3 levels on Sundays than on weekdays (p < 0.01); 49 of the remaining 50 sites showed no significant differences between mean weekday and Sunday peak O3 levels. We also observed no statistically significant differences between mean weekday and weekend concentrations of particulate NO3 - or nitric acid (HNO3, the precursor of particulate NO3 -). Averaged over sites, the mean Sunday NOx and nonmethane hydrocarbon concentrations were 25–41% and 16–30% lower, respectively, than on weekdays. Site-to-site differences between weekend and weekday mean peak hourly O3 levels were related to whether O3 formation was limited by the availability of NOx. A thermodynamic equilibrium model predicts that particulate NO3 - levels would decrease in response to a reduction of HNO3, and that particulate ammonium NO3 - formation was not limited by the availability of ammonia. The similarity of mean weekday and weekend levels of NO3 - therefore did not result from limitations on the formation of particulate NO3 - from its precursor, HNO3.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of ozone (O3) concentrations in the Mexico City area to diurnal variations of surface air pollutant emissions is investigated using the WRF/Chem model. Our analysis shows that diurnal variations of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions play an important role in controlling the O3 concentrations in the Mexico City area. The contributions of NOx and VOC emissions to daytime O3 concentrations are very sensitive to the morning emissions of NOx and VOCs. Increase in morning NOx emissions leads to decrease in daytime O3 concentrations as well as the afternoon O3 maximum, while increase in morning VOC emissions tends to increase in O3 concentrations in late morning and early afternoon, indicating that O3 production in Mexico City is under VOC-limited regime. It is also found that the nighttime O3 is independent of VOCs, but is sensitive to NOx. The emissions of VOCs during other periods (early morning, evening, and night) have only small impacts on O3 concentrations, while the emissions of NOx have important impacts on O3 concentrations in the evening and the early morning.This study suggests that shifting emission pattern, while keeping the total emissions unchanged, has important impacts on air quality. For example, delaying the morning emission peak from 8 am to 10 am significantly reduced the morning peaks of NOx and VOCs, as well as the afternoon O3 maxima. It suggests that without reduction of total emission, the daytime O3 concentrations can be significantly reduced by changing the diurnal variations of the emissions of O3 precursors.  相似文献   

A wintertime episode during the 2000 California Regional PM Air Quality Study (CRPAQS) was simulated with the air quality model CMAQ–MADRID. Model performance was evaluated with 24-h average measurements available from CRPAQS. Modeled organic matter (OM) was dominated by emissions, which were probably significantly under-represented, especially in urban areas. In one urban area, modeled daytime nitrate concentrations were low and evening concentrations were high. This diurnal profile was not explained by the partition of nitrate between the gas and particle phases, because gaseous nitric acid concentrations were low compared to PM nitrate. Both measured and simulated nitrate concentrations aloft were lower than at the surface at two tower locations during this episode. Heterogeneous reactions involving NO3 and N2O5 accounted for significant nitrate production in the model, resulting in a nighttime peak. The sensitivity of PM nitrate to precursor emissions varied with time and space. Nitrate formation was on average sensitive to NOx emissions. However, for some periods at urban locations, reductions in NOx caused the contrary response of nitrate increases. Nitrate was only weakly sensitive to reductions in anthropogenic VOC emissions. Nitrate formation tended to be insensitive to the availability of ammonia at locations with high nitrate, although the spatial extent of the nitrate plume was reduced when ammonia was reduced. Reductions in PM emissions caused OM to decrease, but had no effect on nitrate despite the role of heterogeneous reactions. A control strategy that focuses on NOx and PM emissions would be effective on average, but reductions in VOC and NH3 emissions would also be beneficial for certain times and locations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of over 2 years of measurements of several of the species comprising atmospheric SOx (=SO2+SO42−) and NOy (=NO+NO2 + PAN + HNO3+NO3+ organicnitrates + HONO + 2N2O5 …) at Whiteface Mountain, New York. Continuous real-time measurements of SO2 and total gaseous NOy provided data for about 50% and 65% of the period, respectively, and 122 filter pack samples were obtained for HNO3, SO2 and aerosol SO42−, NO3, H+ and NH4+. Concentrations of SO2 and NOy were greatest in winter, whereas concentrations of the reaction products SO42− and HNO3were greatest in summer. The seasonal variation in SO42− was considerably more pronounced than that of HNO3and the high concentrations of SO42− aerosol present in summer were also relatively more acidic than SO42− aerosol in other seasons. As a result, SO42− aerosol was the predominant acidic species present in summer, HNO3was predominant in other seasons. Aerosol NO3 concentrations were low in all seasons and appeared unrelated to simultaneous NOy and HNO3concentrations. These data are consistent with seasonal variations in photochemical oxidation rates and with existing data on seasonal variations in precipitation composition. The results of this study suggest that emission reductions targeted at the summer season might be a cost-effective way to reduce deposition of S species, but would not be similarly cost-effective in reducing deposition of N species. kwAcid deposition, seasonal variation, sulfate, nitrate, nitric acid, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, air pollution, Adirondack Mountains  相似文献   

The threshold values of indicator species and ratios delineating the transition between NOx and VOC sensitivity of ozone formation are assumed to be universal by various investigators. However, our previous studies suggested that threshold values might vary according to the locations and conditions. In this study, threshold values derived from various model simulations at two different locations (the area of Switzerland by UAM Model and San Joaquin Valley of Central California by SAQM Model) are examined using a new approach for defining NOx and VOC sensitive regimes. Possible definitions for the distinction of NOx and VOC sensitive ozone production regimes are given. The dependence of the threshold values for indicators and indicator ratios such as NOy, O3/NOz, HCHO/NOy, and H2O2/HNO3 on the definition of NOx and VOC sensitivity is discussed. Then the variations of threshold values under low emission conditions and in two different days are examined in both areas to check whether the models respond consistently to changes in environmental conditions. In both cases, threshold values are shifted similarly when emissions are reduced. Changes in the wind fields and aging of the photochemical oxidants seem to cause the day-to-day variation of the threshold values. O3/NOz and HCHO/NOy indicators are predicted to be unsatisfactory to separate the NOx and VOC sensitive regimes. Although NOy and H2O2/HNO3 provide a good separation of the two regimes, threshold values are affected by changes in the environmental conditions studied in this work.  相似文献   

The formation of chemical oxidants, particularly ozone, in Mexico City were studied using a newly developed regional chemical/dynamical model (WRF-Chem). The magnitude and timing of simulated diurnal cycles of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and the maximum and minimum O3 concentrations are generally consistent with surface measurements. Our analysis shows that the strong diurnal cycle in O3 is mainly attributable to photochemical variations, while diurnal cycles of CO and NOx mainly result from variations of emissions and boundary layer height. In a sensitivity study, oxidation reactions of aromatic hydrocarbons (HCs) and alkenes yield highest peak O3 production rates (20 and 18 ppbv h−1, respectively). Alkene oxidations, which are generally faster, dominate in early morning. By late morning, alkene concentrations drop, and oxidations of aromatics dominate, with lesser contributions from alkanes and CO. The sensitivity of O3 concentrations to NOx and HC emissions was assessed. Our results show that daytime O3 production is HC-limited in the Mexico City metropolitan area, so that increases in HC emissions increase O3 chemical production, while increases in NOx emissions decrease O3 concentrations. However, increases in both NOx and HC emissions yield even greater O3 increases than increases in HCs alone. Uncertainties in HC emissions estimates give large uncertainties in calculated daytime O3, while NOx emissions uncertainties are less influential. However, NOx emissions are important in controlling O3 at night.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional global chemical tracer model and a radiation transfer model have been used to study the role of NOx emissions for radiative forcing of climate. Through production of tropospheric O3, NOx emissions lead to positive radiative forcing and warming. But by affecting the concentration of OH radicals, NOx also reduces the levels of CH4, thereby giving negative forcing and cooling. The lifetime of NOx varies from hours to days, giving large spatial variations in the levels of NOx. We have selected geographical regions representing different chemical and physical conditions, and chemical and radiative effects of reducing NOx emissions by 20% in each region are studied. Due to nonlinearities in the O3 chemistry as well as differences in convective activity, there are large geographical differences in the effect of NOx on O3 as well as variations in the annual profile of the changes. The effect of NOx emissions on methane is also found to depend on the localisation of the emissions. The calculated ozone and methane forcing are of similar magnitude but of opposite sign. The methane effect acts on a global scale with a delay of approximately a decade, while the ozone effect is of regional character and occurs during weeks.  相似文献   

This study investigates several factors that could influence ozone chemistry occurring in subsonic aircraft plumes in the upper troposphere. The study focuses on uncertainties in gas-phase rate parameters, but also examines the influence of selected heterogeneous reactions, the rate of expansion of the plume, ambient and initial plume concentrations, and the time of emissions. Monte Carlo analysis with Latin hypercube sampling was applied to an expanding box model of an aircraft plume, in order to estimate the sensitivities of O3 perturbations (ΔO3) to uncertainties in rate constants in the RADM2 chemical mechanism. The resulting coefficient of variation in ΔO3 at the end of a 36 h simulation was about 50%. Influential uncertainties in gas-phase rate parameters include those for photolysis of NO2 and HCHO, O3+NO, HO2+NO, and formation of PAN and HNO3. With high background concentrations of non-methane hydrocarbons, uncertainties in rate parameters of reactions involving peroxy radicals from ethene and propene oxidation were also influential. The coefficient of variation for ΔO3 due to uncertainties in emission indices of NOx, CO, and organic compounds was less than 15%. The effects of the heterogeneous reaction of N2O5 leading to HNO3 formation, and hypothesized reactions of HNO3 and NO2 on soot, were also investigated. The results suggest that the latter two reactions could be influential for ΔO3 if published estimates of reaction probabilities and high estimates of soot concentrations in plumes are realistic.  相似文献   

A new convenient measurement method of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the ambient air was developed. The collection of NOx is performed by an annular diffusion scrubber coated with a mixture of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) and the analysis is carried out by ion chromatography with conductivity detection. Under ultraviolet light (UV) illumination, TiO2 produces reactive oxygen species such as super oxide (O2), hydroxyl radical (OH·) and peroxyhydroxyl radical (HO2·), by which nitric oxide (NO) is oxidized to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and is further oxidized to nitric acid (HNO3). The yielded HNO3 and NO2 are effectively adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 and hydroxyapatite. The collection efficiencies of NO and NO2 by the annular diffusion scrubber coated with the catalysts under UV illumination are higher than 98%, respectively, at the air flow rate of 0.2–1.0 l min−1. After the collection of NOx, by feeding deionized water into the annular diffusion scrubber, HNO3 and NO2 which adsorbed on the catalysts are extracted as forms of nitrite ion (NO2) and nitrate ion (NO3). The extraction efficiencies of NO and NO2 are almost 100%. The activity of the washed catalysts can be completely recovered by drying with the purified air. Further, a simultaneous separated measurement of NO and NO2 can be performed by utilizing the UV illumination dependence. This method was applied to the measurement of NOx in the ambient air. The NOx concentration measured by this method was in good agreement with that obtained using the chemiluminescence NOx analyzer.  相似文献   

The influence of nitric acid (HNO3) on the atmospheric corrosion of copper, zinc and carbon steel was investigated in laboratory exposures at 65% relative humidity (RH), 25 °C and 0.03 cm s−1 air velocity. The deposition velocity (Vd) of HNO3 on the specimens, the corrosion rates and corrosion products were determined by gravimetry, ion chromatography, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopy. Comparisons were also made with literature data on the corrosion effects of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3).At 65% RH, the Vd of HNO3 on all metals was at least 70% of that of an ideal absorbent, i.e., an impregnated filter with perfect absorption for HNO3. The Vd of HNO3 was much higher than that of SO2, NO2 or O3, which is mainly attributed to the relatively high sticking coefficient, high solubility and high reactivity of HNO3 compared to the other gases. During identical exposures to HNO3, the corrosion rate of carbon steel was nearly three times higher than that of copper or zinc. However, when comparing the corrosion effects induced by HNO3 with those induced by SO2 alone or in combination with either NO2 or O3, HNO3 turned out to be far more aggressive than SO2. Relative to SO2, zinc is the metal most sensitive to HNO3, followed by copper and with carbon steel least sensitive to HNO3.  相似文献   

Efficient methods are developed for modeling emissions – air quality relationships that govern ozone and NO2 concentrations over very long periods of time. A baseline model evaluation study is conducted to assess the accuracy and speed with which the relationship between pollutant emissions and the frequency distribution of O3 concentrations throughout the year can be computed along with annual average NO2 values using a deterministic photochemical airshed model driven by automated objective analysis of measured meteorological parameters. Methods developed are illustrated by application to the air quality situation that exists in Southern California. Model performance statistics for O3 are similar to the results obtained in previous short-term episodic model evaluation studies that were based on hand-crafted meteorological inputs that are supplemented by expensive field measurement campaigns. Model predictions at one of the highest NO2 concentration sites in the US indicate that measured violation of the US annual average NO2 air quality standard at that site occurs because other species such as HNO3 and PAN are measured as if they were NO2 by the chemiluminescent NOx monitors in current use.  相似文献   

A statistical Lagrangian atmospheric transport model was used to generate annual maps of deposition of sulphur and oxidised and reduced nitrogen for the UK at a 5×5 km2 resolution. The model was run using emissions for the year 2002. The model was compared with measurements of gas concentrations (SO2, NOx, HNO3 and NH3) and of wet deposition and aerosol concentrations of SO42−, NO3 and NH4+ from national monitoring networks. Good correlation was obtained, demonstrating that the model is capable of accurately estimating the mass balance and spatial distribution of sulphur and nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere. A future emissions scenario for the year 2020 was used to test the influence of shipping emissions on sulphur deposition in the UK. The results show that, if shipping emissions are assumed to increase at a rate of 2.5% per year, their relative contribution to sulphur deposition is expected to increase from 9% to 28% between 2002 and 2020. The model was compared to both a European scale and a global scale chemical transport model and found to give broad agreement with the magnitude and location of sulphur deposition associated with shipping emissions. Enforcement of the MARPOL convention to reduce the sulphur content in marine fuel to 1% was estimated to result in a 6% reduction in total sulphur deposition to the UK for the year 2020. The percentage area of sensitive habitats with exceedance of critical loads for acidity in the UK was predicted to decrease by 1% with the implementation of the MARPOL convention.  相似文献   

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