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对贸易与环境之间相互作用的了解的加深产生了制定环境保护手段和贸易手段的新方法,这篇文章回顾了有关贸易与环境关系的理论和实验性工作,中心内容是经济全球化和贸易自由化的环境影响(正面的和负面的)。文章还探讨了它们对贸易和环境政策的影响。  相似文献   

分析了我国在保护臭氧层工作中在进出口贸易方面存在的问题,重点分析了消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)非法贸易的形式,尤其是ODS作为制冷剂的非法贸易形式,论述了ODS非法贸易工作的防范重点。同时,分析了非法贸易产生的主要原因,阐述了我国控制ODS非法贸易的措施和成效,以及非法贸易对我国履行环境国际公约工作的危害。最后,就强化ODS进出口管理、减少杜绝ODS非法贸易提出工具体的对策建议:调整氟化工行业产品的出口退税率,加强打击“三非”能力和ODS进出口管理机构建设。  相似文献   

关于贸易与环境关系的几点认识及其对我国的启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
环境与贸易是环境与发展的热点问题之一。环境与贸易的主要关系问题包括贸易活动本身与环境的关系问题 ,以及贸易规则与环境的关系问题。环境成本外部化是这些问题的根源。我国在新形势下针对这些问题应当采取相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

加入WTO以来,我国出口贸易快速增长,对外贸易的增长己经开始由注重量的增加转向了对质的关注.我国企业应借鉴国际先进经验,积极开展多种形式的贸易融资,研究和应用符合具体贸易项目的结构贸易融资方案.这样做不仅可以提升我国出口产品结构,帮助国家重点扶植企业走出国门,而且对于我国银行系统在开放的金融环境中参与国际竞争同样具有重要的理论意义和实践意义.参5.  相似文献   

建筑物对空气污染扩散影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要地介绍了建筑物对空气污染物扩散的影响,回顾了风洞实验,回顾了风洞实验、现场观测和模型计算机等几种研究方法及结果的对比情况,重点讲话了各种计模型的性质和适用范围及使用效果,并展望了未来计算建筑物影响污染物扩散方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

综述了气候变化对物种的影响,表明气候变化会造成生物物候期的改变,导致物种地理分布的变化,增加物种的灭绝速率。分析了利用模型进行气候变化影响模拟的技术,指出模型的适用性和不确定性。最后,针对中国相关研究的不足,展望了未来开展气候变化影响研究的方向。  相似文献   

在加入欧盟仅仅两个星期之后。匈牙利在布达佩斯世界海关组织中心主办了一次别开生面的会议.根据全球环境基金(GEF)“促进履行《蒙特利尔议定书》关于经济转型国家贸易和许可规定。的地区项目,匈牙利海关和财政护卫组织与UNEP DTIE臭氧行动计划联合组织了此次地区研讨会.来自东欧和中亚21个国家的政府代表和海关官员讨论了针对环境犯罪,  相似文献   

王占哲  陈渊  王刚  王文刚 《生态环境》2002,11(3):283-285
采取定位试验的方法研究了组合施肥技术对土壤有机质、氮、磷的影响。结果表明,组合施肥较单施化肥土壤有机质含量增加1.8~3.3g/kg;土壤全氮增加0.05g/kg,速效氮(除Ⅱ处理外)增加6.6~44.6mg/kg;土壤全磷增加0.15~0.29g/kg.速效磷增加15.68~37.21mg/kg。土壤有机质增量为0.6~23g/kg;土壤氮素增量全氮增加0.002~0.25g/kg,速效氮增加11.6~39.4mg/kg;土壤磷素增量全磷增加0.09~0.24g/kg,速效磷增加23.59~57.28mg/kg。在保持土壤肥力有所提高的情况下,玉米大豆两年平均产量提高7.7%~17.3%,净收入提高19.4%~37.3%,由此可见,组合施肥技术应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

近年来我国服务贸易保持着稳健发展,逐步跻身全球服务贸易大国行列.国际金融危机对我国服务贸易的发展既是严峻挑战,又带来了新的发展机遇.本文就在国际金融危机背景下,中国服务贸易面对机遇和挑战将如何开放提出了几点对策.  相似文献   

会计电算化给传统内部审计工作带来了深刻的影响,如审计线索改变、会计系统内部控制改变、审计内容改变等,显然传统的手工审计已不能适应电算化的要求,对这种变化必须予以认识并加以改进.  相似文献   

金水河流域矿物元素生物地球化学交换模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对金水河流域矿物元素生物地球化学交换模式的研究,得到以下结论:(1)在不同空间位置的矿物元素对河水的水质贡献率不相同。河水成分贡献主要来源于硅酸盐风化,在金水河流域生态系统不同空间位置矿物元素对河水水质贡献率方程为:YRiverwater=0.242+0.203 XRain+0172 XLitter+0.471 XSoilwater(r2=0.55)。(2)固-液相界面(土壤-土壤水溶液)离子交换过程拟合表明:离子交换过程符合二、三次曲线模型。(3)区域内碳酸盐岩含较少的Na+和K+,且受酸雨等影响。Na+在土壤-土壤溶液之间的分配行为可能加重土壤盐碱化的趋势。土壤和枯枝落叶层HCO3-和TDS值均处于稳定的范围内。(4)输入性污染分析表明,流域内土壤基本表现出物理性质改善;但却表现出贫养化和生物地球化学性质恶化的极化趋势。人为活动输入污染物影响显著,在全球变化背景下,酸雨和干旱加剧了水溶液组成的变化。  相似文献   

In the trade and environment debate, the relevance of examining the impact of a location's intra-industry trade (IIT) on environmental quality cannot be overemphasized, in part, due to the increasing prominence of such trade and the paucity of related empirical evidence. Although existing studies largely indicate overall trade to be pro-environment, the consequences of IIT may differ owing to greater varieties of intermediate and final goods, easier technology diffusion via trade in similar goods, productivity gains from within-sector reallocations, and increased innovation. However, identification of the causal effect is plagued by the potential endogeneity of IIT attributable to crucial unobservables and measurement error. In this light, utilizing an instrumental variables strategy and data on multiple environmental indicators from roughly 200 countries over 2000-2005, we investigate IIT's impact on the environment. To measure IIT, we rely on two indexes of within-industry specialization based on changes in and levels of sector-level trade. Regardless of the indicator of IIT or environmental performance, across several sets of instruments, we mostly find (i) IIT to benefit the environment, (ii) overall trade to be less pro-environment than IIT, and (iii) concerns over endogeneity to be relevant.  相似文献   

Wildlife trade has rapidly expanded on social media platforms in recent years, offering an easy means for traders to access international markets. Investigating this trade activity poses a complex challenge to researchers seeking to understand online trade and moderators seeking to disrupt illicit and harmful activity. Current survey methods frequently rely on text-based searches and focus on posts in which the advertisement is explicit. However, such approaches risk overlooking a growing volume of relevant content, particularly outside social media groups. We used posts from pages promoting West African birds for trade as a case study to explore the availability of information for making inferences about trade activity on social media, specifically information indicating that trade activity was occurring or that could be used to infer trade routes. We recorded 400 posts from 12 pages that we inferred either promoted or facilitated wildlife trade, of which 19.7% were explicit advertisements and 23.8% contained taxa-related terms. In the remaining 341 posts, profile information was the most common indicator of trade activity, but a variety of indicators (e.g., images of birds in trade and trade enquiries) were identified across imagery, text, and comments. We identified multiple types of geographical information that could help infer trade routes and thus the likely legality of trade, although most were relatively rare and sometimes contradictory. Our findings suggest that triangulating multiple types of information from within, across, and beyond posts is vital for effectively identifying and interpreting wildlife trade content on social media. Therefore, were commend that expert-mediated triangulation should be integrated in and used alongside automated detection systems and moderating practices of social media companies.  相似文献   

李海燕  李明怡  崔爽 《环境化学》2013,(6):1056-1061
通过实验室模拟研究了进水流速对雨水管道中沉积物-水界面间磷释放规律的影响,得出不同流速条件下沉积物-水界面磷交换的平衡时间,拟合出上覆水磷的平均浓度和沉积物中磷最大累积释放量与流速的关系曲线,并采用连续函数计算方法通过现场采样和实验分析进行不同流速下雨水管道沉积物-水界面磷交换速率的研究,最后根据实验得出的交换速率值,以一条雨水管线为例估算了不同进水流速下沉积物中磷释放总量.结果表明,流速的增大会促进沉积物中磷的释放,且上覆水总磷平均浓度及磷释放最大量随流速的增大而呈指数式增长,对应的指数方程分别为y=1.2194e0.5983x和y=0.436e0.7928x.在实验工况下,流速为0.3、0.5、0.7、0.9和1.1 m.s-1对应的磷平均释放速率分别为0.62、1.04、2.51、2.85和4.09 mg.m-.2min-1;对应的磷释放总量的估算值分别为3410.00、5720.00、27610.00、31350.00和61861.25 mg.  相似文献   

膜型树脂在土壤养分测试中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘婷琳  李贵宝 《生态环境》2001,10(2):161-164
回顾了离子交换树脂在土壤养分测试中的应用及其发展变迁的3个阶段;综述了国内外离子交换树脂膜(膜型树脂)的研究进展;同时对该技术未来应用的前景及其进一步发展存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

● Mechanical behavior of MBT waste affected by loading rate was investigated. ● Shear strength ratio of MBT waste increases with an increase in loading rate. ● Cohesion is inversely related to loading rate. ● Internal friction angles are positively related to loading rate. ● MBT waste from China shows smaller range of φ. Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) technology has attracted increasing attention because it can reduce the volume of waste produced. To deal with the current trend of increasing waste, MBT practices are being adopted to address waste generated in developing urban societies. In this study, a total of 20 specimens of consolidated undrained triaxial tests were conducted on waste obtained from the Hangzhou Tianziling landfill, China, to evaluate the effect of loading rate on the shear strength parameters of MBT waste. The MBT waste samples exhibited an evident strain-hardening behavior, and no peak was observed even when the axial strain exceeded 25%. Further, the shear strength increased with an increase in the loading rate; the effect of loading rate on shear strength under a low confining pressure was greater than that under a high confining pressure. Furthermore, the shear strength parameters of MBT waste were related to the loading rate. The relationship between the cohesion, internal friction angle, and logarithm of the loading rate could be fitted to a linear relationship, which was established in this study. Finally, the ranges of shear strength parameters cohesion c and effective cohesion c ´ were determined as 1.0–8.2 kPa and 2.1–14.9 kPa, respectively; the ranges of the internal friction angle φ and effective internal friction angle φ ´ were determined as 16.2°–29° and 19.8°–43.9°, respectively. These results could be used as a valuable reference for conducting stability analyses of MBT landfills.  相似文献   

The wildlife trade is a lucrative industry involving thousands of animal and plant species. The increasing use of the internet for both legal and illegal wildlife trade is well documented, but there is evidence that trade may be emerging on new online technologies such as social media. Using the orchid trade as a case study, we conducted the first systematic survey of wildlife trade on an international social‐media website. We focused on themed forums (groups), where people with similar interests can interact by uploading images or text (posts) that are visible to other group members. We used social‐network analysis to examine the ties between 150 of these orchid‐themed groups to determine the structure of the network. We found 4 communities of closely linked groups based around shared language. Most trade occurred in a community that consisted of English‐speaking and Southeast Asian groups. In addition to the network analysis, we randomly sampled 30 groups from the whole network to assess the prevalence of trade in cultivated and wild plants. Of 55,805 posts recorded over 12 weeks, 8.9% contained plants for sale, and 22–46% of these posts pertained to wild‐collected orchids. Although total numbers of posts about trade were relatively small, the large proportion of posts advertising wild orchids for sale supports calls for better monitoring of social media for trade in wild‐collected plants.  相似文献   

随着对气候变化日趋关注,人们对生态系统气体交换及其主要影响因素进行了大量研究。短花针茅草原作为荒漠草原的典型代表,是亚洲特有的一种草原类型,是最干旱的草原类型,生态环境异常严酷,系统极度脆弱,稳定性差,在自然和人为干扰下极易退化。以短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)草原为研究对象,通过控制降雨量以及氮素添加对生态系统气体交换进行监测,研究气体交换对降雨量和氮素添加的响应过程,揭示降雨量和氮素添加对生态系统气体交换的影响作用。该文在2012年自然条件下,采用自动CO2通量系统(Li-6400, Li-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA)野外测定短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)草原生态系统气体交换数据,比较研究了增雨施肥(WN)、增雨不施肥(W)、减雨施肥(RN)、减雨不施肥(R)、单独施肥(N)、自然状况(CK)条件下2012年气体交换变化规律。结果表明:整个生长季生态系统净 CO2交换(NEE)、总的生态系统生产力(GEP)、生态系统呼吸值(ER)都呈先升高后降低的趋势,并在生长旺盛期(8月)达到最大值。NEE在N、W处理下有升高,其他处理都降低。ER在N、WN处理下都有升高,其他处理都降低。GEP在W、N、WN处理下都有升高,其他处理都降低。NEE、ER、GEP都是在N处理中达到最大值。  相似文献   

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