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Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - The development of electric vehicle (EV) market has significant implications on reducing oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It...  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Electric vehicles (EVs) play a crucial role in addressing climate change and urban air quality concerns. China has emerged as the global...  相似文献   


Both China’s national subsidy policies for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) purchasers and passenger cars corporate average fuel consumption and new vehicle credit regulation (dual-credit policy) favor long-range 300+ km battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and 80+ km plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). However, these electric vehicles tend to have lower energy efficiency and higher purchase and operation costs. Vehicle with larger batteries can also be less equitable because the subsidies are often provided to more expensive vehicles and wealthier owners. This study takes advantage of a novel dataset of daily driving data from 39,854 conventional gasoline vehicles in Beijing and 4999 PHEVs in Shanghai to determine the optimal range of BEVs and PHEVs within their respective cities. We simulate a model to explore ranges with which PEVs emit less GHGs than that of a baseline hybrid and conventional gasoline vehicle while ensuring that all daily travel demands are met. Our findings indicate that in both cities, the optimal ranges to balance cost and travel demand for BEVs are 350 km or less and for PHEVs are 60 km or less in Beijing and 80 km or less in Shanghai. We also find that to minimize carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the ranges are even lower 10 km in Beijing and 30 km in Shanghai. Our study suggests that instead of encouraging long-range PEVs, governments should subsidize PEV models with shorter ranges. Parallel efforts should also be made to both increase renewable energy over fossil fuels and expand charging facilities. Although individual mobility demand varies, the government could reduce occasional long-distance driving by subsidizing alternative transportation choices. Providing week-long driving trials to consumers before their purchases may help decrease the demand of very long range PEVs by alleviating the range anxiety through a learning process.


This article presents the research and development of an electric vehicle (EV) in Dept.of Human-Robotics Saitama Institute of Technology.Electric mobile systems developed in our laboratory include a converted electric automobile,electric wheelchair and personal mobile robot.These mobile systems contribute to realize clean transportation since energy sources and devices from all vehicles,i.e.,batteries and electric motors,does not deteriorate the environment.To drive motors for vehicle traveling,robotic technologies were applied.  相似文献   

Promoting plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) is one important option to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants for road transportation sector. In 2015, more than 220,000 new PHEVs were registered across the world, indicating a 25-fold growth during 2011–2015. However, more criticizes have been put forward against the current energy efficiency regulations for vehicles that are mostly depended on laboratory measurements. To better understand the real-world energy-saving and emission mitigation benefits from PHEVs, we conducted on-road testing experiments under various operating conditions for two in-use PHEVs in Beijing, China. Our results indicate that air condition usage, congested traffic conditions, and higher loading mass could significantly increase energy consumption and shorten actual all-electric distance for PHEVs. For example, the worst case (14.1 km) would occur under harshest usage conditions, which is lower by at least 35% than the claimed range over 20 km. In charge sustaining (CS) mode, real-world fuel consumption also presents a large range from 3.5 L/100 km to 6.3 L/100 km because of varying usage conditions. Furthermore, various vehicle users have significantly different travel profiles, which would lead to large heterogeneity of emission mitigation benefits among individual PHEV adopters. Therefore, this study suggests that the global policy makers should use real-world energy efficiency of emerging electrified powertrain techniques as criteria to formulate relevant regulations and supportive policies.  相似文献   

New energy vehicles in China: policies, demonstration, and progress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 2009, China has become the largest new vehicle market in the world. To address the energy security and urban air-pollution concerns that emerge from rapid vehicle population growth, China has initiated the Thousands of Vehicles, Tens of Cities (TVTC) Program to accelerate the new energy vehicle (NEV) commercialization. In this paper, we summarize the efforts made by the Chinese government since 1995 in the areas of research and development, demonstration, and communalization of NEVs; evaluate the progress of NEV demonstration; and provide some recommendations for future development. Our analysis has determined that the deployment of NEVs for the TVTC Program is lagging behind the original plan and, on average, only 26–36% of the goals have been attained by October 2011. Although China has approved many NEV models for sale, significantly more than 50% of them are not in production. On the other hand, stimulated by the policy shift, electric vehicle production has increased considerably, thereby contributing 23% and 44% of the total NEV production in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Additionally, because of the constraints imposed by price and technology maturity, lead-acid battery technology is a substantial factor in the high-volume sales of top NEV car models.  相似文献   

为评估车用钛酸锂(LTO)电池对能源、环境与资源的影响,构建了包括重制与二次使用阶段在内的车用锂电池全生命周期评价模型,以某款国产纯电动客车用钛酸锂电池包为评价对象,计算得出每kW·h钛酸锂电池全生命周期的总能量消耗(CED)、全球变暖潜值(GWP)和不可再生矿产资源耗竭潜值(ADP(e))分别为2.80×104MJ、1.86×103kg CO2eq.以及4.77×10-3kg Sbeq.其全生命周期CED与GWP主要与两个使用阶段中由电池充放电效率引起的能量损耗相关,生产阶段GWP主要来源于正负极材料、铝制材料和N-甲基吡咯烷酮.基于全生命周期存储-释放每MJ能量的视角,发现二次使用可显著降低电池全生命周期GWP;与已有研究中其他锂电池对比可知LTO电池生产阶段GWP最低.  相似文献   

考虑能源结构和气候因素的电动汽车温室气体影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任梦磊  杨斌  李珺 《环境科学学报》2019,39(7):2434-2441
电动汽车因在使用过程中近似零排放而被认为是节约能源和减少碳排量的有力工具.但我国的电力结构是以火力发电为主,这会使电力在生产阶段排放大量的二氧化碳.为进一步研究电动汽车的环境友好性,本文构建了一种改进的电动汽车排放指数模型,使用2017年的电网统计数据及气候统计数据,就能源结构和气候这两个关键因素对我国31个省市分区域展开实证研究.结果表明,电动汽车对温室气体产生的影响存在明显的空间变化,且其与能源结构中火力发电占比密切相关.另外,对于全年温度变化范围较宽的省市,气候因素可能是使电动汽车和燃油车的碳排量达到排放平衡点的关键因素.基于此,扩大电力结构中清洁能源使用比例、改善电池性能、完善相关政策体制是促进今后我国电动汽车清洁、低碳发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

In November 2014, the United States of America (USA) and the People’s Republic of China (China) governments announced their carbon emission reduction targets by 2030. The objective of this paper is to quantitatively project the two countries’ carbon emission reductions that will likely contribute to or facilitate the global climate change mitigation commitment and strategies in Paris in 2015. A top-down approach is used to analyze the relationship between China economic development and energy demand and to identify potentials of energy savings and carbon emission reduction in China. A simple time series approach is used to project carbon emission reduction in the USA. The predictions drawn from the analysis of this paper indicate that both China and the USA should use energy efficiency as first tool to achieve their carbon emission reduction goals.  相似文献   

通过对近些年美国和中国总量控制政策进行介绍,比较分析了两国总量控制政策的特点、实施的效果以及存在的问题,提出了我国今后污染物总量控制政策的几点建议。  相似文献   

The accelerated eutrophication of freshwaters and to a lesser extent some coastal waters is primarily driven by phosphorus (P) inputs. While efforts to identify and limit point source inputs of P to surface waters have seen some success, nonpoint sources remain difficult to identify, target, and remediate. As further improvements in wastewater treatment technologies becomes increasingly costly, attention has focused more on nonpoint source reduction, particularly the role of agriculture. This attention was heightened over the last 10 to 20 years by a number of highly visible cases of nutrient-related water quality degradation; including the Lake Taihu, Baltic Sea, Chesapeake Bay, and Gulf of Mexico. Thus, there has been a shift to targeted management of critical sources of P loss. In both the U.S. and China, there has been an intensification of agricultural production systems in certain areas concentrate large amounts of nutrients in excess of local crop and forage needs, which has increased the potential for P loss from these areas. To address this, innovative technologies are emerging that recycle water P back to land as fertilizer. For example, in the watershed of Lake Taihu, China one of the largest surface fresh waters for drinking water supply in China, local governments have encouraged innovation and various technical trials to harvest harmful algal blooms and use them for bio-gas, agricultural fertilizers, and biofuel production. In any country, however, the economics of remediation will remain a key limitation to substantial changes in agricultural production.  相似文献   

沈万霞  张博  丁宁  王薛超  卢强  王成 《环境科学学报》2017,37(11):4409-4417
基于中国本地化的环境负荷数据,建立了电动汽车全生命周期模型,深入分析和评估了电动汽车生产和运行两个阶段的能耗及温室气体排放(Greenhouse gases,GHGs).结果表明:电动汽车生产和运行过程的总能耗为474 GJ;GHGs为40500 kg(以CO2当量计),电动汽车生产和运行过程的GHGs分别占总排放量的23.5%和76.5%.对于电动汽车生产过程能耗和GHGs而言,原材料生产均为主要贡献者,GHGs占到车辆生产过程的74.6%,占生命周期的17.5%.另外,情景分析表明,再生材料应用、单位电力GHGs和百公里电耗能够在很大程度上影响电动汽车的碳排放.再生金属替代原生金属后,从情景1到情景5,车辆生产的GHGs下降了约22.2%,车辆生产和运行过程的总GHGs下降了约4.7%;单位电力GHGs每下降1%,电动汽车运行GHGs下降0.9%;电动汽车百公里电耗每下降1.0%,车辆生产和运行过程总GHGs下降约1.0%.因此,发展清洁能源、降低火力发电比例、优化原材料生产工艺、提高再生原材料用量等,是有效降低电动汽车全生命周期过程总能耗和GHGs的重要途径.  相似文献   

美国是世界环境政策的引领,对我国生态文明制度建设有着重要的参考价值。通过系统梳理近年来美国环境政策制定的趋势发现,美国环境立法出现了僵局,但环境政策却以国会"非正统"的立法、联邦行政机构的环境政策制定、法院裁决、联邦行政机构和非公机构合作制定环境政策、地方环境政策、非政府环境政策等新方式出现,环境政策制定相当活跃。因此,借鉴美国经验,我国也可加强系统性环境法律体系的建设、优化行政机构的环境政策制定、积极发挥法院体系在环境政策领域中的作用、推动地方环境政策可先行先试以及参与式环境政策制定模式的探索。  相似文献   

Diesel vehicles have caused serious environmental problems in China. Hence, the Chinese government has launched serious actions against air pollution and imposed more stringent regulations on diesel vehicle emissions in the latest China VI standard. To fulfill this stringent legislation, two major technical routes, including the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and high-efficiency selective catalytic reduction (SCR) routes, have been developed for diesel engines. Moreover, complicated aftertreatment technologies have also been developed, including use of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) for controlling carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions, diesel particulate filter (DPF) for particle mass (PM) emission control, SCR for the control of NOx emission, and an ammonia slip catalyst (ASC) for the control of unreacted NH3. Due to the stringent requirements of the China VI standard, the aftertreatment system needs to be more deeply integrated with the engine system. In the future, aftertreatment technologies will need further upgrades to fulfill the requirements of the near-zero emission target for diesel vehicles.  相似文献   

The demand for urban transportation in China, including cars, motorbikes, buses, and trains, is growing substantially. China’s transportation fleet is projected to expand from 16 to 94 million vehicles between 2000 and 2020, with liquid and electricity transport fuel demand growing from about 5 Quadrillion British Thermal Units (Quads) to over 20 Quads in 2035. In response to energy security, economic growth and environmental protection needs, Chinese government agencies, academia and the private sector have organized their programs and investments to advance development and demonstration of sustainable alternative transportation systems. This analysis surveys historic development of fuel cell vehicle (FCV) including fuel cell buses (FCB) technology in China, summarizes recent efforts to scale-up FCV development and associated infrastructure in major Chinese cities, and briefly addresses future directions in Chinese fuel cell and hydrogen energy technology development. Since the late 1990’s, Chinese universities, government institutions and the private sector have implemented research, development, demonstration and deployment programs for electric (EV), fuel cell (FCV), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). These efforts have advanced the feasibility of FCVs to be a part of sustainable urban transportation system, including technical performance, infrastructure, and customer acceptance. Three generations of FCVs, START I, START II and START III have been developed, demonstrated and deployed. Similarly, several generations of FCBs have been developed and demonstrated. Collectively, these efforts have demonstrated and deployed over 1,000 FCBs and FCVs in several Chinese cities. Large-scale, intensive-use FCV and FCB demonstration trials, including those during the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 Shanghai World Exposition (EXPO), have been successfully built and operated. Infrastructure, such as hydrogen production facilities, fuelling stations, and maintenance stations have been constructed and operated to support the fleets of FCBs and FCVs. Experiences learned from these FCV research, development, and demonstration activities are the foundation for scaling up infrastructure and fleet trials in a growing number of cities in eastern and western China. An aggressive research and development vision and 2020 technology performance targets provide a foundation for the next generation of EVs, FCVs and HEVs, and, options for China’s efforts to develop a portfolio of sustainable transportation systems.  相似文献   

Increasing energy consumption in the transportation sector results in challenging greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental problems. This paper involved integrated assessments on GHG emissions and emergy of the life cycle for the internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric automobiles in the USA over the entire assumed fifteen-year lifetime. The hotspots of GHG emissions as well as emergy indices for the major processes of automobile life cycle within the defined system boundaries have been investigated. The potential strategies for reducing GHG emissions and emergy in the life cycle of both ICE and electric automobiles were further proposed. Based on the current results, the total GHG emissions from the life cycle of ICE automobiles are 4.48E + 07 kg CO2-e which is 320 times higher than that of the electric automobiles. The hotspot area of the GHG emissions from ICE and electric automobiles are operation phase and manufacturing process, respectively. Interesting results were observed that comparable total emergy of the ICE automobiles and electric automobiles have been calculated which were 1.54E + 17 and 2.20E + 17 sej, respectively. Analysis on emergy index evidenced a better environmental sustainability of electric automobiles than ICE automobiles over the life cycle due to its higher ESI. To the authors’ knowledge, it is the first time to integrate the analysis of GHG emissions together with emergy in industrial area of automobile engineering. It is expected that the integration of emergy and GHG emissions analysis may provide a comprehensive perspective on eco-industrial sustainability of automobile engineering.  相似文献   

杨伟利 《环境》2006,(7):74-76
对于多数人而言,环保产业作为一项朝阳产业是一个普遍共识。但是中国的环保产业也存在一些不容忽视的问题。中国环保产业的发展之所以有一些不成熟的地方,一定程度上与发展历史过短有关。  相似文献   

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