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<正>应上级单位规定,《海洋环境科学》官网地址已由http://hyhjkx.nmemc.gov.cn改为http://hyhjkx.nmemc.org.cn。另,为适应工作发展需要,我刊原投稿邮箱bjb@nmemc.gov.cn即日起停用,新的投稿方式为:1,E-mail投稿,投稿邮箱为:hyhjkx@vip.126.com;2,在线投稿平台,网址为:http://hyhjkx.nmemc.org.cn  相似文献   

正地址:江苏省江阴市周庄工业园华宏区邮编:214423销售热线/传真:0510-86223534 86221734联系人:胡品荣售后服务部电话:0510-86900661 E-mail:info@hhyyjx.com网址:www.hhyyjx.net汽车环保拆解流水线产品用途:报废轿车的拆解产品作用:a.规范化拆解;b.保护环境;c.零部件的精细化拆解;d.废钢、有色金属、非金属分选;e.符合"精料入炉"要求。产品规格:6种基本型流水线(根据处理量和投资规模的不同,可调整流水线的不同配置、形式和功能)。产品专利:a.发明专利3项;b.实用新型专利12项。  相似文献   

Aluminum formate (AF), a degradable and non-corrosive coagulant, was synthesized from aluminum hydroxide and formic acid. Polyamidine (PA), as a coagulation aid, was combined with AF for dye wastewater treatment. AF was characterized by XPS, FT-IR, viscosity, zeta potential, mass spectrum and XRD, and the flocculation properties of the dual-coagulation system were characterized by FT-IR and SEM. The results showed that COOH, Al2O3-Al and O2-Al bonds were formed in the AF synthesis process, and AF had a higher molecular weight and higher charge neutralization ability than PAC. The hydrolysates of AF were determined to contain Al13 Al11 and Al2, and the components of AF were confirmed to comprise a mixture including aluminum formate (C3H3AlO6) and its hydrate. When the color removal efficiency reached 100% in jar tests, the optimized dosage of AF/PA was 18.91/0.71 mg/L, while the optimized dosage of PAC/PA was 21.19/0.91 mg/L. According to the variance analysis, the interaction between AF/PA and PAC/PA were insignificant in macroscopic view. FT-IR spectrum indicated AF captured pollutant by means of CCO bond, PAC captured pollutant by δ CH, CC and δ CH. Overall, although the coagulation mechanism of AF was different from that of PAC, AF/PA showed better coagulation efficiency than PAC/PA in dye wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

利用电凝聚法处理乳品污水 ,通过中试设备进行条件实验得出最佳的实验条件为 :电压 :1 5 .2 V;电流 :1 1 .2 A;p H值 :7.0 ;流量 :1 0 0 /L·h- 1 ;PAM:5 ppm。CODCr去除率可达 92 %  相似文献   

<正>(二)问:节能建筑有哪些主要优点?答:1.提高居住环境的舒适度,冬暖夏凉有利于身体健康;2.可以减少冬季采暖和夏季空调的运行费用;3.节约国家能源消耗,促进国民经济可持续发展;4.减少环境污染,改善生态环境。问:节能建筑一般能节约采暖供热费用多少?答:(一)"条件"满足如下条件原"节能建筑"的初步测算结果。1.房屋南北朝向无遮挡;2.建筑物  相似文献   

<正>网站:http://www.projectwet.org/地址:美国蒙大拿州博兹曼,210公寓,西橡树1001号(59715)电话:00(1)406-585-2236传真:00(1)406-522-0394Email:info@Project WET.org  相似文献   

Amides, a series of significant atmospheric nitrogen-containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can participate in new particle formation (NPF) throught interacting with sulfuric acid (SA) and organic acids. In this study, we investigated the molecular interactions of formamide (FA), acetamide (AA), N-methylformamide (MF), propanamide (PA), N-methylacetamide (MA), and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) with SA, acetic acid (HAC), propanoic acid (PAC), oxalic acid (OA), and malonic acid (MOA). Global minimum of clusters were obtained through the association of the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The conformational analysis, thermochemical analysis, frequency analysis, and topological analysis were conducted to determine the interactions of hydrogen-bonded molecular clusters. The heterodimers formed a hepta or octa membered ring through four different types of hydrogen bonds, and the strength of the bonds are ranked in the following order: SOH???O > COH???O > NH???O > CH???O. We also evaluated the stability of the clusters and found that the stabilization effect of amides with SA is weaker than that of amines with SA but stronger than that of ammonia (NH3) with SA in the dimer formation of nucleation process. Additionally, the nucleation capacity of SA with amides is greater than that of organic acids with amides.  相似文献   

<正>报料渠道广东省环境保护厅网络问政平台:http://www.gdep.gov.cn/《环境》杂志邮箱:hjzzs@163.com、huanjingzazhi@126.com舆论监督电话:020-87576437注:报料时请提供现场真实照片。广东省茂名市高州市曹江镇某大型矿石开采场,泥  相似文献   

49.blast〔bla:st〕(来自古英语?,大风,吹) n.疾风,鼓风例:When the window was opened,a blast of wind rushed into the room.窗一打开,一阵大风刮了进来.与环境有关的词: blast aeration鼓风曝气;blast aerator鼓风曝气装置; blast furnace鼓风炉;blast furnace cement高炉渣水泥;blast-furnace cinder高炉熔渣,鼓风炉炉渣;blast furnace coke高炉黑炭,鼓风炉焦炭;blast-furnace du-  相似文献   

<正> 一九八四年八月,在莫斯科将召开第二十七届国际地质大会,现将大会中有关讨论地球化学和宇宙化学的分组内容介绍如下: C11:地球化学和宇宙化学 召集人:V.L.Barsukov(苏联);M.H.Grünfelder(瑞士);B.Hitchon(加拿大) C11·1·1:地球化学旋回及控制化学元素在地壳中分布的自然规律 内容包括: 化学元素的地球化学旋回的规律及地壳、海洋和大气圈的演化;地壳的化学结构模型及控制元素分布  相似文献   

The characteristics of effluent organic matter (EfOM) from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) during ozonation were investigated using excitation and emission matrix (EEM) spectra, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) at different ozone dosages. The selectivity of ozonation towards different constituents and functional groups was analysed using two-dimensional correlation spectra (2D-COS) probed by FT-IR, synchronous fluorescence spectra and HPSEC. The results indicated that ozonation can destroy aromatic structures of EfOM and change its molecular weight distribution (MWD). According to 2D-COS analysis, microbial humic-like substances were preferentially removed, and then the protein-like fractions. Terrestrial humic-like components exhibited inactivity towards ozonation compared with the above two fractions. Protein-like substances with small molecular weight were preferentially reacted during ozonation based on 2D-COS probed by HPSEC. In addition, the selectivity of ozone towards different functional groups of EfOM exhibited the following sequence: phenolic and alcoholic CO groups?>?aromatic structures containing CC double bonds?>?aliphatic CH. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) further elucidated the preferential reaction of aromatic structures in EfOM during ozonation.  相似文献   

该仪器主要用于现场多个 NOx气体样品的连续测定。本方法系根据常压化学发光法原理 ,适用于烟道排气、各种燃烧装置排气和汽车排气的监测。特点 :1 .耐用 ,采用高灵敏度的固态传感器 ;2 .高性能 ,内装小型臭氧装置 ;3.测定浓度直读 ;4 .内装自动排水管。规格 :1 .测定范围 :0~ 50 m L/m3 、 1 0 0 m L/m3 、2 0 0 m L/m3 、50 0 m L/m3 、1 0 0 0 m L/m3 、2 0 0 0 m L/m3。2 .应答速度 :30 s以内。3.取样量 :2~ 3L/min4 .使用温度范围 :5~ 37℃。5.电源 :AC1 0 0× 50 /6 0 Hz6 .尺寸和重量 :36 0× 2 0 0× 4 50 mm,1 5kg手提式B…  相似文献   

59. breed〔bri:d〕(来自中古英语breden)vi.生产,繁殖,育种,饲养例:Chicks with high production bred into them.用高产性能的小鸡进行育种以改良鸡群.与环境有关的词:breeder育种人员,种畜,增殖反应堆;breeder material再生材料;breeder reactor增殖反应堆;breeding繁殖,生育,培育,增殖;breeding activity繁殖活动,breeding area繁殖区,产卵区,breeding habit生殖习惯,繁殖习性;breeding period生殖期;br-  相似文献   

RevieW(综述)·Kempen R V.Overview:full scale experience of SHARON Process for treatment of rejection water of digested sludge dewatering.Water Science& Technology,2001,44(1):145-152. (综述:用于处理菌致分解污泥脱水的废水 SHARON工艺全尺度经验)·Bode H.Nutrient removal in the river basin of the Ruhr-a German case study.Water Science&Tech-nology,2001,44(1):15-25.(德国鲁尔区流域中营养素排除法实例研究)  相似文献   

这部分应包括下列内容:1.编制《报告书》的目的和由来.其中应描述贷款项目的名称和项目的建设单位;对贷款国的重要性;2.编制依据;3.环境影响评价的评价范围与评价标准;4.控制及环境保护目标;5.评价中采用的主要技术和方法;6.评价工作量、评价单位和有关评价工作人员等情况.二、贷款项目概况尽可能详细的描述以下内容:1.贷款项目的基本情况:性质、所处的地理位置,产品结构、生产规模、投资总额、建设进度计划,主要  相似文献   

269.sewage[′sjuid(?)](sewer污水管+-age)n.污水例:There are three kinds of sewagetreatment:physical method,chemical method and biologicalmethod.污水处理包括三种方法:物理法,化学法和生物法.与环境有关的词:sewage aeration污水曝气;sewageanalysis污水分析;sewage chlorination污水氯化作用;sewage conduit污水管道;sewage discharge污水排放;sewage discharge standard污水排放标准;sewage dis-posal污水处置;sewage disposal plant污水处理厂;sewage disposal process污水处置(理)过程;sewagedisposal system污水处置(理)系统;sewage disposalworks污水处理厂;sewage drainage standard污水排放标准;sewage effluents污水厂出水;sewage farm污  相似文献   

<正>《环境科学导刊》,投稿及联系邮箱:ynhjkx@yies.org.cn;电话(传真):0871-64142389;国内统一刊号:CN 53-1205/X;国际标准刊号:ISSN 1673-9655。《环境科学导刊》(原《云南环境科学》)创刊于1982年,是云南省环境保护厅主管,云南省环境科学  相似文献   

112. coagulate〔?〕(来自拉丁词coagulatus,是coagulare演变而来)V.凝结,混凝,凝结物例:Rennet coagulates milk.凝乳酶使牛奶凝结.与环境有关的词:coagulability凝结性,凝结力;coagulant凝结剂,絮凝剂;coagulant aids助凝剂;coagulant sedimentation混凝沉淀法;coagulase凝固酶;coagulating agent凝结剂;coagulation凝结(作用);coagulation basin凝结池;coagulation chamber凝结室;coagulation  相似文献   

Fish scale (FS) loaded TiO2 composites were investigated as photocatalysts in degradation of Methyl Orange under solar light irradiation. Composites were prepared through sol-gel method by varying mass ratio of TiO2/FS at 90:10, 70:30 and 50:50, respectively. The catalysts prepared in this study were characterized by using XRD, SEM, FT-IR and nitrogen sorption. The effects of solar irradiation, mass ratio of TiO2/FS composites, irradiation time and catalyst loadings were studied. Synergistic effect was found in TiO2/FS of 90:10 composite which performed higher photocatalytic degradation than synthesized TiO2 under solar light irradiation. However, further increasing fish scale content in the composites reduced the photocatalytic activity drastically. Under solar light irradiation, all the catalysts in this study exhibited photocatalytic activity, except TiO2/FS of 50:50 composite that only acted as a weak biosorbent without performing any photocatalytic property. Photocatalytic degradation increased with increasing catalyst loading and irradiation time but decreased with increased of initial dye concentration.  相似文献   

<正>邮编:626000联系地址:四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定县呷巴乡立启村联系人:登巴大吉丁晓涛电话:0836-2839119传真:0836-2839119http://blog.sina.com.cn/greenkham E-mail:2839119@qq.com gzdingxiaotao@vip.sina.com2004年4月6日,甘孜州第一个民间环保组织——绿色康巴协会在康定成立。绿色康巴协会是一个致力于雪域高原、江河源头——康巴地区的生物多样性保护和优秀传统生态文化的传播、关注青藏高原  相似文献   

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