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This study aims to investigate the effects of information and communication technology (ICT), energy consumption, economic growth, and financial development on carbon dioxide emissions using 1993–2013 panel data from 12 Asian countries. The study employs a panel unit root test accounting for the presence of cross-sectional dependence and found that Internet usage is stationary and carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, gross domestic production (GDP), and financial development are first-difference stationary. The results form Pedroni panel cointegration test confirms that the variables are cointegrated. The results of the cointegration test indicate that the ICT-energy-GDP-carbon dioxide emissions nexus has long-run equilibrium. Both energy consumption and GDP have significant, positive impacts on carbon dioxide emissions; energy consumption and GDP have an effect on carbon dioxide emissions growth. ICT has a significantly negative effect on carbon dioxide emissions; the promotion of ICT becomes one of the important strategies introduced to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions for various countries. Causality results show that energy consumption, GDP, and financial development cause more carbon dioxide emissions. Energy consumption, GDP, and carbon dioxide emissions cause ICT. GDP causes financial development, whereas energy consumption and GDP are interdetermined. The feedback hypothesis exists in the region; those countries need to develop alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. ICT does not threaten the environment and ICT policy can be seen as a part of carbon dioxide emissions reduction policy.  相似文献   

中国10km二氧化碳排放网格及空间特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于全国第一次污染源普查数据中150多万家企业数据等,“自下而上”建立中国2007年10km×10km CO2排放网格数据.结果显示,中国CO2排放空间格局的特点是基本沿着我国人口胡焕庸线分为东部和西部,东部地区明显高于西部地区.全国CO2排放明显受城市活动影响,网格排放高值区域都是以北京、上海、广州等大型城市为核心的区域.京津冀、长江三角洲、珠江三角洲地区是我国CO2排放空间格局的重点地区.全局Moran指数表明,中国CO2排放空间格局在10km空间分辨率水平上具有显著的正空间自相关性,即空间上存在显著的集聚效应,而非随机杂散分布.局部Moran指数显示中国CO2排放在空间上具有显著集聚效应的区域面积并不大,主要集中在北京、上海、广州等重点城市核心区周边.基于这些重点城市采取CO2减排政策和措施,由于带动效应,其实际减排效果要远大于直接减排效果.  相似文献   


With increases in the economy and standards of living, energy consumption has grown significantly in China, which has resulted in serious local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Because both carbon dioxide (CO2) and air pollutant emissions mainly stem from fossil energy use, a co-control strategy is simulated and compared with single control in China, using an integrated assessment model (Global Change Assessment Model-Tsinghua University (GCAM-TU)) in this paper. We find that end-of-pipe (EOP) control measures play an important role in reducing air pollution in the near future, but in the long run, optimizing the energy system is an effective way to control both emissions. Reducing air pollutant might take a “free-ride” of decarbonizing the energy system. Compared with a single control of air pollutants, a co-control strategy is likely to reduce the requirement of EOP control measures. The result guides the Chinese government to consider a systemic and scientific plan for decarbonizing the energy system and co-controlling CO2 and air pollutant, in order to avoid duplicate investments in infrastructure and lockup effect. The solution could be extended to many other developing countries, such as India and Africa, which is helpful to realize the goals of United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Agenda.


This article provides an introduction to this Special Issue of Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP), which contains thirteen, carefully selected articles from the 12th Conference, “Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction” – PRES'09. This issue builds upon the multi-year co-operation between the PRES conference planners and the JCLP. The articles cover important subjects of increased efficiency in energy generation and usage and in improvements in industrial process optimisation. The first group of five papers focuses upon recent advances in emissions reduction and the resulting energy penalties. The second group of four papers deals with improving the efficiency and reliability in the utilisation of renewable energy, where hydrogen and biodiesel are the key energy carriers. The final group of three papers focus on process integration challenges of sustainable energy systems and upon the challenges of industrial/societal integration of sustainable energy systems into regional sustainable development planning.  相似文献   

This editorial introduces and provides an overview of this Special Issue dedicated to papers from the 7th conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2004. It contains 10 selected papers. The first three papers address important features of cleaner production – renewable resources, CO2 emissions and Life Cycle Assessment. The second group of papers addresses cleaner production approaches to batch processed. The third set of papers studies reduction of emissions from industrial production including SOx and NOx. The last paper focuses upon minimisation of wastewater from industrial production.  相似文献   


Emission inventories (EIs) are the fundamental tool to monitor compliance with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emission reduction commitments. Inventory accounting guidelines provide the best practices to help EI compilers across different countries and regions make comparable, national emission estimates regardless of differences in data availability. However, there are a variety of sources of error and uncertainty that originate beyond what the inventory guidelines can define. Spatially explicit EIs, which are a key product for atmospheric modeling applications, are often developed for research purposes and there are no specific guidelines to achieve spatial emission estimates. The errors and uncertainties associated with the spatial estimates are unique to the approaches employed and are often difficult to assess. This study compares the global, high-resolution (1 km), fossil fuel, carbon dioxide (CO2), gridded EI Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2 (ODIAC) with the multi-resolution, spatially explicit bottom-up EI geoinformation technologies, spatio-temporal approaches, and full carbon account for improving the accuracy of GHG inventories (GESAPU) over the domain of Poland. By taking full advantage of the data granularity that bottom-up EI offers, this study characterized the potential biases in spatial disaggregation by emission sector (point and non-point emissions) across different scales (national, subnational/regional, and urban policy-relevant scales) and identified the root causes. While two EIs are in agreement in total and sectoral emissions (2.2% for the total emissions), the emission spatial patterns showed large differences (10~100% relative differences at 1 km) especially at the urban-rural transitioning areas (90–100%). We however found that the agreement of emissions over urban areas is surprisingly good compared with the estimates previously reported for US cities. This paper also discusses the use of spatially explicit EIs for climate mitigation applications beyond the common use in atmospheric modeling. We conclude with a discussion of current and future challenges of EIs in support of successful implementation of GHG emission monitoring and mitigation activity under the Paris Climate Agreement from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21). We highlight the importance of capacity building for EI development and coordinated research efforts of EI, atmospheric observations, and modeling to overcome the challenges.


我国海洋能开发利用情况分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据能源短缺问题已经严重制约了我国沿海及海岛地区经济发展和人民生活水平提高的现实情况,客观分析和评价了国内外海洋能研究和开发的经验,提出了我国海洋能发展思路及对策建议。  相似文献   

广东省能源消费碳排放分析及碳排放强度影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据省级能源统计和温室气体核算规则,计算分析了2005~2012年广东省能源消费碳排放和碳排放强度变化,并应用对数平均迪氏指数法对计算期的碳排放强度变化进行因素分解,定量分析了各产业(部门)能耗强度、产业结构、能源消费结构和能源碳排放系数对广东省碳排放强度变动的影响.结果表明:2005~2012年,广东省能源消费CO2排放年均增长6.28%,单位GDP碳排放累计下降27%,各产业(部门)能耗强度下降是推动碳排放强度下降的主要原因;净外购电力的碳排放系数下降及用作原材料石油消费比重上升也有利于单位GDP碳排放下降;产业结构和能源消费结构总体上朝着不利于碳排放强度下降的趋势发展;生活能源消费年均增速低于GDP年均增速,有利于地区碳排放强度下降.  相似文献   

Besides energy conservation, theexploration of renewable energy sources, inparticular biomass and solar energy, arecentral aspects of the Austrian energypolicy, regarded as an optimal option forachieving CO2-emission reductionobjectives.The market penetration of RenewableEnergy Technologies in the last twentyyears was supported by the AustrianEnergy Research Programme. The result ofsuccessful developments of biomass heating,solar thermal, solar electrical and windenergy technologies is the key for themarket development of these renewableenergy technologies.With the market penetration of renewableenergy technologies new business areas wereestablished and employment created.Today, some renewable energy technologiesin Austria have reached economiccompetitiveness. Some technologies notreached commercialisation, and need moredevelopment to improve efficiency,reliability and cost to become commercial.This would include material and systemdevelopment, pilot plants or fieldexperiments to clarify technical problems,and demonstration plants to illustrateperformance capabilities and to clarifyproblems for commercialisation.  相似文献   

运用探索性空间分析、冷热点分析、标准差椭圆分析和地理加权回归分析等地学方法,研究了我国东北地区2005—2014年间能源消费碳排放的时空演化特征及其驱动机制.结果表明:①东北三省的能源消费碳排放量从高到低分别为辽宁省、黑龙江省、吉林省,2014年碳排放量分别达到20266、9914、6411万t;②东北三省能源消费碳排放量呈比较显著的全局空间正相关特征,在统计学上显著性检验存在多个冷、热点,其中,热点区主要集中在辽宁省的大连市、沈阳市、本溪市和辽阳市,吉林省的吉林市,以及黑龙江省的大庆市和鸡西市,冷点区主要集中在黑龙江省的大兴安岭市、黑河市、佳木斯市和伊春市;③在省级尺度上东北三省碳排放重心在2005—2014年间呈往东偏移的趋势,在市级尺度上辽宁省和吉林省碳排放重心往西偏移,而黑龙江省碳排放重心则往南偏移;④在省级尺度上,能源消费碳排放主轴方向为"西南-东北",但有往北旋转的趋势,黑龙江省能源消费碳排放主轴呈现往北旋转的趋势,辽宁省和吉林省的能源消费碳排放主轴方向则呈往东旋转的趋势;⑤东北地区影响能源消费碳排放量的主要驱动因素的影响程度排序为:人均GDP产业结构总人口数城市化率老龄化.  相似文献   

选取IPCC碳排放核算方法并基于能源统计数据,核算了我国大陆30个省市的能源消耗碳排放量,利用纠正后的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据与相应空间单元的碳排放量进行回归分析,反演出1km×1km栅格的电力消耗碳排放量并分析其在地级市尺度上的时空变化.核算出2005年、2010年和2013年能源消耗排放总量分别为57.02,82.28和93.26亿t,其中电力碳排放量分别为23.03,35.62和42.07亿t.结果表明:校正后的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据能更好地估算碳排放,其DN总值与统计的省级能源消耗排放量、电力消耗排放量均存在较强的相关关系;整体而言,发达地区能源消耗排放量大但强度比较低.  相似文献   

The Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, located in southwestern China is an area of great biological and cultural diversity. While the region has long been a dynamic one, the past 50 years have witnessed changes in the state of the biodiversity of Xishuangbanna at an unprecedented pace and scale. Due to a number of trends including demographic growth, as well as abrupt shifts in land use and economic policies, agricultural patterns have changed substantially. These shifts have resulted not only in a decline and fragmentation of forest areas, but also in changes in the practice of swidden-fallow agriculture. This paper employs a variety of published data, combined with original information derived from field research in Xishuangbanna villages, to draw attention to these trends and discuss their implications for biodiversity, including agricultural biodiversity.  相似文献   

中国城市居民生活能源碳排放的时空格局及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着经济社会的发展与人民生活水平的提高,生活用能强度逐年增大,城市居民生活能源碳排放日益成为碳排放的新增长点.本文采用Theil指数、空间自相关分析了我国城市居民生活能源碳排放的时空格局演变特征,并利用STIRPAT模型分析了影响城市居民生活能源碳排放的主要因素.结果表明:12001—2012年我国城市居民生活能源碳排放总量及人均生活能源碳排放量均呈增长趋势,其年增长率分别为9.69%、3.29%;2八大经济区域间城市居民人均生活能源碳排放的差异是构成我国城市居民人均生活能源碳排放总体差异的主要原因,其对总差异的贡献率达到了57.90%;3我国城市居民人均生活能源碳排放具有显著的空间正相关性,2001—2012年间城市居民人均生活能源碳排放的"冷点"区变化较为稳定,主要分布在东部和南部经济区,而"热点"区主要分布在西北、东北和黄河中游经济区;4城市人口规模、城市居民可支配收入、城市居民生活消费支出、城市居民年龄结构均对城市居民生活能源碳排放量具有加剧作用,而城市居民能源消费结构具有减缓作用,且北方城市居民生活能源碳排放量明显高于南方;5现有样本数据支持环境Kuznets曲线假说,即随着经济的发展,城市居民生活能源碳排放量存在转折点.  相似文献   

Extensive degradation of Indonesian peatlands by deforestation, drainage and recurrent fires causes release of huge amounts of peat soil carbon to the atmosphere. Construction of drainage canals is associated with conversion to other land uses, especially plantations of oil palm and pulpwood trees, and with widespread illegal logging to facilitate timber transport. A lowering of the groundwater level leads to an increase in oxidation and subsidence of peat. Therefore, the groundwater level is the main control on carbon dioxide emissions from peatlands. Restoring the peatland hydrology is the only way to prevent peat oxidation and mitigate CO2 emissions. In this study we present a strategy for improved planning of rewetting measures by dam constructions. The study area is a vast peatland with limited accessibility in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Field inventory and remote sensing data are used to generate a detailed 3D model of the peat dome and a hydrological model predicts the rise in groundwater levels once dams have been constructed. Successful rewetting of a 590 km2 large area of drained peat swamp forest could result in mitigated emissions of 1.4–1.6 Mt CO2 yearly. This equates to 6% of the carbon dioxide emissions by civil aviation in the European Union in 2006 and can be achieved with relatively small efforts and at low costs. The proposed methodology allows a detailed planning of hydrological restoration of peatlands with interesting impacts on carbon trading for the voluntary carbon market.  相似文献   

铝工业是高能耗高排放工业,探索铝工业的节能减排路径有助于我国实现《巴黎协定》中的温室气体减排承诺.采用物质流分析和生命周期评价方法,基于存量水平、技术水平和能源结构设置了15种情景,研究了我国铝工业1990~2100年的能耗和碳排放量,探索不同路径下的节能减排潜力.我国铝在用存量将在2040~2050年达到峰值(4.6...  相似文献   

上海市能源消费CO2排放清单与碳流通图   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
谢士晨  陈长虹  李莉  黄成  程真  戴璞  鲁君 《中国环境科学》2009,29(11):1215-1220
基于上海市能源统计数据,参照IPCC(2006)方法,测算了上海市能源CO2排放清单,并绘制了2007年上海市碳流通图.结果表明,上海市能源相关的CO2排放总量从1995年的1.10亿t增长到2007年的2.01亿t,期间年均增长率为5.0%.其中“交通”对应的CO2排放量增长最为迅速,年均增长率达15.1%;而“热电厂”的CO2排放量增幅逐渐变缓,其原因为近年上海市外来电力比重增大.2007年“热电厂”、“工业与建筑业”、“交通”、“商业”、“居民生活”与“农业”各部分CO2排放分担率分别为35.4%、34.4%、23.8%、4.0%、2.0%、0.4%.由2007年上海市碳流通图可见,15.6%的煤炭直接由终端使用,这不利于能源效率的提高与污染物的减排;成品油存在较多的交叉流通,若能够减少不必要的流通,不但能够缓解成品油的运输,还能够减少其在转运过程中的输配损失.  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展进入新常态,煤炭行业正在发生巨大的变化。为降低中国未来煤炭供应行业总成本,在收集和分析行业现有格局及相关政策的基础上,研究优化未来中国煤炭产、运格局;并通过分析各地区煤炭供应行业的各个环节,最终核算出碳排放系数,再利用这些系数对优化格局下的煤炭活动产生的碳排放进行测算。结果显示:(1)在现有格局的基础上,在资源和政策的约束下,中国煤炭开发将不断集中化,山西、陕西、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、新疆的开发规模不断扩大,到2030年占全国总生产比例将近88%,比2015年提高17%;(2)煤炭调运压力先增后减,新疆、西南、东北等地区铁路运力不足,需不同程度地扩能;(3)2020年煤炭供应行业总排放约6.41亿t CO2当量,单位供应排放比2015年降低8.75%,2030年总排放约5.26亿t CO2当量,单位供应排放比2015年降低15.34%。在此基础上具体分析各地区煤炭生产、运输及排放情况,并提出了中国煤炭产业发展的相关对策建议,为煤炭行业相关决策和碳减排工作提供一定的支撑。  相似文献   

中国交通运输碳排放时空演变及差异分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
袁长伟  张倩  芮晓丽  焦萍 《环境科学学报》2016,36(12):4555-4562
核算了2003—2012年间中国30个省域的交通运输碳排放量和碳排放强度,分析了交通运输碳排放时空演变规律,分别计算了中国东、中、西部的交通运输碳排放量和碳排放强度的标准差和变异系数以定量分析其差异.结果表明:2003—2012年10年间,中国30个省域交通运输碳排放量呈逐年增长趋势,并整体呈现"西低东高"的特征,其中,湖北、广东和山东三省的总量居前3位,而内蒙古、吉林和重庆这3个省份(直辖市)的增速最快;交通运输碳排放强度整体上全国呈增长趋势,呈现出"西高东低"的非均衡变化特征;交通运输碳排放强度绝对差异增速趋缓,自2008年后三大区域的标准差和变异系数都呈现明显趋同效应.  相似文献   

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