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为研究多车道路段无灯控人行横道的行人过街难与事故多发的问题,调查了泸州市5处人行横道的行人过街及车辆让行情况,分析了行人不同过街方式的交通延误情况。研究结果表明:传统"车让人"模式存在非必要的车辆延误,易促使车辆放弃让行,使行人被迫等待车流间隙过街,存在较大的过街阻力和安全隐患。为此,运用交通冲突技术讨论了单位车道与人行横道交织的人车协同让行关系,提出一种基于行人优先与效率原则的分车道让行模式,通过设置让行识别区和行人驻足引导人车双方按照到达时序进行相互避让。VISSIM仿真显示,该让行模式可在不过分增加行人延误的同时显著降低车辆延误。  相似文献   

北京市机动车驾驶员“抢行”行为及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机动车驾驶员的"抢行"行为是我国交通事故的主要原因之一。为探索北京市机动车驾驶员的"抢行"行为特征及其影响因素,编制"抢行"行为量表,修订态度和驾驶技术量表,通过在线网站调查收集了486个有效回答。进而分析了个人信息变量对"抢行"行为、态度以及驾驶技术的影响。方差分析的结果表明,男性、年轻、未婚驾驶员报告了更多的"抢行"行为。相关性分析的结果表明反对违规(文中"违规"特指违反交通法规定的行为)的驾驶员"抢行"行为更少,赞成违规的驾驶员更容易采取"抢行"行为,赞成"车让人"的驾驶员往往采取避让行人的行为。  相似文献   

区域道路交通事故驾驶员原因的灰色关联分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文应用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联分析研究驾驶员行为对道路交通事故的影响.就驾驶员行为对道路交通事故的影响来说,灰色关联序的汁算结果表明,导致某省道路交通事故最主要的原因是驾驶员操作不当,此外依次为不按规定让行,未保持安全距离、违章转弯等.通过规范驾驶员培训、考试制度和加强道路交通安伞宣传、教育,可以减少道路事故的发生.  相似文献   

1、……机动车、非机动车、行人实行 分道通行。没有划分机动车道、非机动车 道和人行道的,机动车在道路中间通行, 非机动车和行人在道路_通行。 A、右侧B、以外C、两侧 2、在没有交通信号的道路上,应当在 确保安全、_的原则下通行。 A、畅通B、方便C、快捷 3、机动车行经人行横道时,应当减速 行驶,遇行人正在通过人行横道,应当 —让行。 A、注意B、减速C、停车 4、机动车行经没有交通信号的道路 时,遇行人横过道路,应当_。 A、避让B、注意C、减速 5、机动车行驶时,驾驶人、乘坐人员应 当按规定使用安全_。摩托车驾驶人及 乘…  相似文献   

正在路上开车是一件非常复杂的事情,因为除了需要你手脚配合协调之外,还需要集中注意力,眼观六路耳听八方!稍不留神就会出现意外!比如,如果你撞了一个正在闯红灯的行人,责任应该怎么划分呢?保险赔不赔呢?或者是否应该赔钱呢?今儿我们就来聊聊这个话题!根据《道路交通安全法》第四十七条规定:"机动车行经人行横道时,应当减速行驶;遇行人正在通过人行横道,应当停车让行。机动车行经没有交通信号的道路时,遇行人横过道路,应当  相似文献   

机动车绿灯倒计时对交叉口交通安全的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在总结国内外研究的基础上,通过问卷调查、现场观测等方法对机动车绿灯倒计时对我国驾驶员的心理及驾驶行为进行调查,解析机动车绿灯倒计时信号对驾驶员心理与驾驶行为的影响机理,研究结果显示机动车绿灯倒计时既不利于交叉口的交通安全,又降低了通行效率,因此得出应谨慎使用机动车绿灯倒计时的结论。同时建议采取道路交通安全法中对黄灯的含义进行修改,并在闯红灯抓拍系统中增设闯黄灯超速自动抓拍功能,以减少信号过渡期间超速抢灯现象的发生,保障交叉口的交通安全。  相似文献   

为探寻驾驶员因素和时间因素对城市道路机动车交通违法间隔时间的影响,收集机动车驾驶员交通违法的间隔时间和驾驶员年龄、累计积分等数据,清洗后得到包含10个影响因素的基础数据;基于生存分析算法,采用Cox比例风险回归模型,从各变量对再次发生交通违法间隔时间的影响方面,研究驾驶员交通违法的间隔时间差异,以及影响驾驶员发生再次违法的关键因素。结果表明:交通违法时间间隔受年龄、累计积分、月份3个因素显著影响;33~44岁的驾驶者再次违法率最大,大于60岁的驾驶者再次违法率最小;驾驶员累计积分与生存曲线陡峭程度为正相关关系,累计积分与驾驶者再次违法率为正相关关系;相同间隔时间下,11月生存率最高,1月生存率最短。  相似文献   

为探究提前右转车道处不同因素与人车冲突的相关性,以及行人空间违章对过街安全的影响。采集2 062个行人及人车冲突的样本数据,获取行人和机动车的时空信息,对比分析不同类型行人过街轨迹的特征;综合考虑人车冲突时间和速度指标构建人车冲突严重度指标,从行人生理特征、车流条件、道路环境等方面选取8个因素作为自变量,构建人车冲突严重度的多元有序Logistic模型。研究结果表明:空间违章过街的行人平均过街速度和速度离散程度都明显高于其他行人;年龄、车速、人行横道长度、车辆到达率以及过街轨迹类型都是影响人车冲突严重程度的重要因素。各类型空间违章行为使严重冲突占比均提升75%以上。研究结果有助于交管部门采取措施保障行人过街安全。  相似文献   

构建驾驶员心理品质与道路交通事故之间的关联模型,以准确反映机动车驾驶员的心理品质和安全驾驶的关系。依据事故倾向性理论,采用对照研究方法,随机选取253名事故驾驶员和254名优秀驾驶员,用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16PF)进行调查。比较2组驾驶员群体的气质类型和人格特征,通过因子分析计算驾驶员心理品质的综合得分。将所有驾驶员系统聚类,建立参照模型,区分驾驶员的不同类型。结果表明,驾驶员的心理品质直接制约驾驶行为,事故驾驶员和优秀驾驶员之间在心理品质上有显著差异,事故倾向性驾驶员筛查有可操作性。  相似文献   

为提高老龄化背景下道路交通的安全性,基于驾驶模拟试验数据,分析老年驾驶员的跟驰行为特征,并深入研究驾驶员跟驰行为的影响因素。选取车头间距、速度和反应时间作为驾驶员跟驰行为的表征指标,通过对比老年驾驶员与年轻驾驶员跟驰行为的差异,分析老年驾驶员的驾驶特征;进一步采用Pearson相关系数法研究跟驰行为与驾驶员年龄、驾驶负荷和驾驶偏好的关系。研究结果表明:相较于年轻驾驶员,老年驾驶员对前车紧急制动行为的反应时间较长,行驶速度的变化较大,且保持较大的车头间距。驾驶员的跟驰行为与年龄、驾驶负荷得分以及驾驶偏好显著相关。  相似文献   

Introduction: Using connected vehicle technologies, pedestrian to vehicle (P2V) communication applications can be installed on smart devices allowing pedestrians to communicate with drivers by broadcasting discrete safety messages, received by drivers in-vehicle, as an alternative to expensive fixed-location physical safety infrastructure. Method: This study consists of designing, developing, and deploying an entirely cyber-physical P2V communication system within the cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X) environment at a mid-block crosswalk to analyze drivers’ reactions to in-vehicle advanced warning messages, the impacts of the advanced warning messages on driver awareness, and drivers’ acceptance of this technology. Results: In testing human subjects with, and without, advanced warning messages upon approaching a mid-block crosswalk, driver reaction, acceptance, speed, eye tracking data, and demographic data were collected. Through an odds ratio comparison, it was found that drivers were at least 2.44 times more likely to stop for the pedestrian with the warning than without during the day, and at least 1.79 times more likely during the night. Furthermore, through binary logistic regression analysis, it was found that driver age, time of the day, and the presence of the advanced warning message all had strong, significant impacts with a confidence value of at least 98% (p < 0.02) on the rate at which drivers stopped for the pedestrian. Conclusions: The results from this study indicate that the advanced warning message sent within the C-V2X had a strong, positive impact on driver behavior and understanding of pedestrian intent. Practical Applications: Pedestrian crashes and fatality rates at mid-block crossings continue to increase over the years. Connected vehicle technology utilizing smart devices can be used as a means for communications between pedestrians and drivers to deliver safety messages. State and local city planners should consider geofencing designated mid-block crossings at which this technology operates to increase pedestrian safety and driver awareness.  相似文献   

Introduction: This study presents the prediction of driver yielding compliance and pedestrian tendencies to press pushbuttons at signalized mid-block Danish offset crosswalks. Method: It applies Bayesian Networks (BNs) analysis, which is basically a graphical non-functional form model, on observational survey data collected from five signalized crosswalks in Las Vegas, Nevada. The BNs structures were learnt from the data by the application of several score functions. By considering prediction accuracy and the Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, the BN learnt using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) score resulted as the best network structure, compared to the ones learnt using K2 and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The BIC score-based structure was then used for parameter learning and probabilistic inference. Results: Results show that, when considering an individual scenario, the highest predicted yielding compliance (81%) is attained when pedestrians arrive at the crosswalk while the flashes are active, whereas the lowest predicted yielding compliance (23.4%) is observed when the pedestrians cross between the yield line and advanced pedestrian crosswalk sign. On the other hand, crossing within marked stripes, approaching the crosswalk from the near side of the pushbutton pole, inactive flashing lights, and being the first to arrive at the crosswalk result in relatively high-predicted probabilities of pedestrians pressing pushbutton. Furthermore, with a combination of scenarios, the maximum achievable predicted yielding probability is 87.5%, while that of pressing the button was 96.3%. Practical applications: Traffic engineers and planners may use these findings to improve the safety of crosswalk users.  相似文献   

为研究驾驶人在隐性危险场景中危险感知行为,基于Bayes判别法,将驾驶行为指标作为输入变量,建立驾驶人危险感知能力预测模型。结果表明:驾驶员在显性危险场景的纵向加速度显著低于隐性危险场景;驾驶人在隐性危险场景中TTC值小于显性危险场景;在被试车辆与轿车、行人、非机动车冲突3种交通冲突场景中,驾驶人对行人危险感知能力最弱。研究结果对提高道路交通安全水平以及驾驶人应急避险能力具有一定实际指导意义。  相似文献   

Objective: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different speed-control measures on the safety of unsignalized midblock street crossings.

Methods: In China, it is quite difficult to obtain traffic crash and conflict data for pedestrians using such crossings, mainly due to the lack of traffic data management and organizational issues. In light of this, the proposed method did not rely on such data, but considered vehicle speed, which is a leading contributing factor of pedestrian safety at mid blocks. To evaluate the speed reduction effects at different locations, the research team utilized the following methods in this study: (1) testing speed differences—on the basis of the collected data, statistical analysis is conducted to test the speed differences between upstream and crosswalk, upstream and downstream, and downstream and crosswalk; and (2) mean distribution deviation—this value is calculated by taking the difference in cumulative speed distributions for the two different samples just mentioned. In order to better understand the variation of speed reduction effects at different distances from speed-control facilities, data were collected from six types of speed-control measures with a visual range of 60 m.

Results: The results showed that speed humps, transverse rumble strips, and speed bumps were effective in reducing vehicle speeds. Among them speed humps performed the best, with reductions of 21.1% and 20.0% from upstream location (25.01 km/h) and downstream location (24.66 km/h) to pedestrian crosswalk (19.73 km/h), respectively. By contrast, the speed reduction effects were minimal for stop and yield signs, flashing yellow lights, and crossings without treatment.

Conclusions: Consequently, in order to reduce vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian safety at mid blocks, several speed-control measures such as speed humps, speed bumps, and transverse rumble strips are recommended to be deployed in the vicinity of pedestrian crosswalks.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study investigated the pedestrian crossing behavior at midblock crosswalks, in Istanbul. Method: Data were compiled from field studies at four selected crosswalks that were on one-way streets. Three of the crosswalks were located on three-lane streets while the other one was on a two-lane street. By using two-hour video recordings at each crosswalk, information was collected about pedestrian crossing preferences, pedestrian platoons both at curbside and during the crossing, traffic characteristics including volume, crosswalk occupancy and illegal parking, and pedestrian characteristics comprising age, gender and distraction status. These data were stratified with respect to the number of lanes and two multinomial logit models for platooning and individual crossing behavior was estimated for each stratum. Results: The results showed that the likelihood of platooning increases as the traffic volume and platoon size increase. Moreover, pedestrians who waited for little or no at the curbside and started to cross when one or more lanes were occupied generally lost time during the crossing. In terms of policy, the formation of platoons should be prevented by enforcement or demand-responsive traffic signals with push-to-walk buttons, etc. Overall, the study revealed that the presence of midblock crosswalks is questionable.  相似文献   

Gains in reducing mortality and morbidity from motor vehicle crashes can be achieved by understanding the behavioral factors that contribute to the elevated risk of motor vehicle-related injury and death. This study investigates the incidence, along with the effect of driver and behavioral factors, on the likelihood of motor vehicle crashes. Seventeen year old newly licensed drivers (n = 1277) in Perth, Western Australia, were recruited and followed over the first 12 months of driving. Using Cox proportional hazard analysis, driver and behavioral factors were assessed to determine whether they predicted the likelihood of a crash in the first 12 months of driving. The crash incidence rate was higher for males (1R = 4.6/10,000 driving days) than females (IR = 3.9/10,000 driving days). Multivariate analysis indicated that drivers who reported to have driven daily prior to obtaining their learners permit (L-plates) were at an increased risk of motor vehicle crash. A twofold increase in motor vehicle crash was apparent among drivers considered to be confident-adventurous drivers compared to low to moderate levels of driver confidence-adventurousness (HR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.29-3.21). The research indicates that a driver's perception of their confidence and adventurousness in the road environment plays a part in the causal pathway leading to a motor vehicle crash. This research points to the need for preventive strategies that focus not only on knowledge and skill acquisition, but also the driver's perception in preparing young people for our roads.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe risk of collision between pedestrians and powered two-wheelers is poorly understood today. The objective of this research is to determine the risk for powered two-wheeler drivers of hitting and injuring a pedestrian per kilometer driven in towns and to compare this risk with that run by four-wheeled vehicle drivers.MethodUsing the bodily injury accidents recorded by the police on nine roads in the city of Marseille in 2011 and a campaign of observations of powered two-wheeler traffic, we estimated the risk per kilometer driven by powered two-wheeler drivers of hitting a pedestrian and compared it with the risk run by four-wheeled vehicle drivers.ResultsThe results show that the risk for powered two-wheeler drivers of hitting and injuring a pedestrian is significantly higher than the risk run by four-wheeled vehicle drivers. On the nine roads studied, it is on average 3.33 times higher (95% CI: 1.63; 6.78). Taking four more years into account made it possible to consolidate these results and to tighten the confidence interval.ConclusionThere does indeed seem to be problems in the interactions between pedestrians and powered two-wheeler users in urban traffic. These interaction problems lead to a higher risk of hitting and injuring a pedestrian for powered two-wheeler drivers than for four-wheeled vehicle drivers. The analysis of the police reports suggests that part of this increased risk comes from filtering maneuvers by powered two-wheelers.Practical applicationsPossible countermeasures deal with the urban street layout. Measures consisting in reducing the width and the number of traffic lanes to a strict minimum and installing medians or pedestrian islands could be an effective way for the prevention of urban accidents between pedestrians and powered two-wheelers.  相似文献   

IntroductionResearch has reported that smiles facilitate social relationships. However, the effect of a smile on driving behavior has received less interest.MethodThis study attempts to evaluate how a pedestrian's smile influences an oncoming driver's behavior. In the first part of our study, male and female research assistants waiting at several pedestrian crossings were asked to smile or not at oncoming drivers.ResultsIt was found that a smile increases the number of drivers who stop. The same effect was observed when the pedestrian tries to cross outside the pedestrian crossing. Finally, this study shows that motorists drive slower after they see a pedestrian smile, suggesting that a smile can induce a positive mood.Practical ApplicationsThis leads to motorists stopping more readily and driving more carefully. These results also suggest that pedestrians may increase their own safety by using appropriate nonverbal signals toward drivers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if precrash vehicle movement is associated with the severity of pedestrian injury. METHODS: We used comprehensive information on pedestrian, vehicle, and injury-related characteristics gathered in the Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS), conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (1994-1998). The odds ratio of severe injuries (injury severity score >/= 15) and crash fatality rate for right- and left-turn collisions at intersection compared with straight vehicle movement were compared using a logistic regression model and taking into consideration the type of vehicle and age of the pedestrians as potential effect modifiers. Later we evaluated the intermediate effect of impact speed on the association by adding it to the logistic regression model. RESULTS: Of 255 collisions eligible for this analysis, the proportion of pedestrian hit during straight movement, right turns, and left turns were 48%, 32%, and 10%, respectively. Sixty percent of the pedestrians in left-turn crashes and 67% of them in right-turn collisions were hit from their left side. For straight movements the pedestrians were equally likely to be struck beginning from the left or right side of the street.After adjustment for pedestrian's age, vehicle movement was a significant predictor of severe injuries (p < 0.0001) and case fatality (p = 0.003). The association between vehicle precrash movement and severe injuries (p = 0.551) and case fatality (p = 0.912) vanished after adjusting for impact speed. This indicated that the observed association was probably the result of the difference in impact speed and not the precrash movement of the vehicle. CONCLUSION: Pedestrian safety interventions that aim at environmental modifications, such as crosswalk repositioning, might be the most efficient means in reducing right- or left-turn collisions at intersection, while pedestrians' behavioral modifications should be the priority for alleviating the magnitude of the collisions that happen in vehicles' straight movements.  相似文献   

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