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沙漠公路驾驶员心理、生理特性初探   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
针对沙漠公路交通安全现状,采用动体视力、速度估计、复杂(选择)反应、处置判断、血压脉搏检测仪等驾驶适宜性检测仪器,就长期从事沙漠公路运输活动的驾驶员群体进行了包括视觉、速度估计、反应、判断等在内的心理、生理特性的实地测试。检测结果初步表明,沙漠公路特殊的线形布设和修筑技术特征以及沿线的自然环境条件,使得驾驶员表现出有别于一般绿洲公路的驾驶心理和行为特性,其主要表现在在沙漠环境中,驾驶员的动体视力要较静体视力受到更大的影响;急躁心理影响,沙漠公路驾驶员的速度估计和复杂反应时间相应指标值均小于全国平均水平;沙漠公路驾驶员复杂反应错误次数和处置判断错误次数均高于绿洲公路。  相似文献   

采用驾驶适宜性检测仪器,在塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线进行驾驶员心理、生理特性的现场测试。结果表明,沙漠公路特殊的环境条件,使得驾驶员表现出有别于一般绿洲公路的心理和行为特性,其主要表现在:驾驶员动体视力较静体视力的平均降幅为44.75%,最高竟达到93%;速度估计和复杂反应时间均小于全国平均;复杂反应错误次数和处置判断错误次数均高于绿洲公路。灰色关联分析表明,沙漠公路驾驶员的年龄、驾龄、驾车时间以及气温与驾驶员的各项生理、心理特性指标都具有较强的相关性,关联度最高达到0.837,其中驾车时间对各项指标的影响最大。  相似文献   

为分析驾驶员因高原环境影响而表现出的生理和心理特性,采用驾驶适宜性检测仪器,在高原公路沿线选定的测试点,针对过往驾驶员的特性指标进行现场测试。测试结果显示:高原公路驾驶员各项生理心理特性总体处于一般水平,其中,较差的是反应能力和判断能力;随着海拔增高,静视力和动视力显著降低,速度估计时间、反应时间、误反应次数、处置判断错误次数等指标均明显上升。关联分析表明:各特性指标与高原公路海拔、驾驶员年龄、驾驶时间等3个因素均有较强的关联性,关联度依次为海拔年龄驾驶时间。与不同环境地区相比,高原地区公路驾驶员总体表现出反应相对迟钝的特征。  相似文献   

驾驶员反应特性在沙漠环境中的表现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在沙漠等特殊环境下,驾驶员的反应特性水平是衡量驾驶员驾驶适宜性的重要指标.为了探索汽车驾驶员的反应特性在特殊环境中的表现特征,本文利用复杂(选择)反应检测仪对沙漠公路行车途中汽车驾驶员进行了实地测试,测试包括反应时间和误反应次数在内的反应特性,并根据获得的有效样本检测数据进行统计整理,对受测驾驶员反应能力总体情况及与驾驶员年龄、驾龄、持续行车时间、检测时的气温等因素之间的关系进行了重点分析.研究表明,受急躁心理影响,沙漠环境下的驾驶员反应速度明显高于平均水平,而误反应次数增多,沙漠公路受测驾驶员复杂反应时间和误反应次数平均值分别为0.74 s和2.91次.关联度分析表明,沙漠公路驾驶员的年龄、驾龄、驾车时间及测试温度等因素与反应时间和错误次数均具有较强的相关性.相对于其他几项因素,驾车时间对驾驶员反应特性的影响最为明显.  相似文献   

驾驶员感知特性对隧道群交通安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对高速公路隧道群对驾驶员感知特性的影响,以驾驶员的感知特性与高速公路隧道群行车安全的关系为研究对象,采用速度估计测试仪和深度知觉测试仪,在"铜汤高速-安徽段"沿线对高速公路隧道群行车途中的160名驾驶员进行实地测试,所得数据进行t检验和方差分析,用灰色建模软件V2.1进行关联度分析。结果表明:驾驶员的速度估计特性与高速公路隧道群驾驶员的年龄、驾龄以及连续行车时间具有较强的相关性,其中连续驾车时间的影响最大。年龄对驾驶员深度知觉准确性无显著影响;驾龄、连续行车时间对驾驶员的深视力准确性有显著影响。  相似文献   

构建驾驶员心理品质与道路交通事故之间的关联模型,以准确反映机动车驾驶员的心理品质和安全驾驶的关系。依据事故倾向性理论,采用对照研究方法,随机选取253名事故驾驶员和254名优秀驾驶员,用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16PF)进行调查。比较2组驾驶员群体的气质类型和人格特征,通过因子分析计算驾驶员心理品质的综合得分。将所有驾驶员系统聚类,建立参照模型,区分驾驶员的不同类型。结果表明,驾驶员的心理品质直接制约驾驶行为,事故驾驶员和优秀驾驶员之间在心理品质上有显著差异,事故倾向性驾驶员筛查有可操作性。  相似文献   

采用心理物理试验分析公路隧道内部视觉环境对驾驶员行车安全的影响,将E-prime 2.0软件与仿真驾驶模拟器相结合,对驾驶员在隧道内长时间行车中的速度判断准确率及反应时间两个指标进行分析,提出了利用标志标线构建公路隧道内韵律型标线系统的改善措施,以改善隧道内视觉环境,并利用数理统计方法及Logistics拟合分析对设计方案进行评价。结果表明:1)公路隧道内韵律型标线系统能提升隧道内驾驶员的速度判断准确率3.33%~11.66%;2)普通公路隧道场景中,被试者反应时间与隧道内行车时间存在显著关系,公路隧道内韵律型标线系统的场景中,反应时间与隧道内的行车时间没有显著关系,能有效缓解视觉疲劳现象;3)被试者反应时间的增加同时受隧道内视觉环境与行车时间的影响。公路隧道内韵律型标线系统能有效提高驾驶员的反应时间,适用于行驶速度为80 km/h、大于1 333 m的隧道。  相似文献   

为分析驾驶员在高原公路环境下的应激反应能力,利用驾驶适应性检测仪器和辅助设备在现场试验中获得高原公路驾驶员的生理心理指标数据,研究其应激反应行为。测试结果表明:驾驶员的血压、心率与高原海拔、年龄、驾龄和连续驾驶时间显著相关。具体地说是,驾驶员的血压随着海拔上升及驾驶时间的延长出现下降,驾驶员的心率与年龄和驾龄成正相关。对驾驶适宜性检测的样本数据进行配对T检验发现,随着海拔升高,高原公路驾驶员的驾驶行为能力表现出选择反应迟缓,选择错误水平上升,应激反应能力减弱等特点。  相似文献   

为研究驾驶员心率与山区公路纵断面坡度及车速间的关系,随机选取26名驾驶员在山区三级公路进行实车试验。利用动态生理仪采集驾驶员行车时的心率数据,GPS采集试验车辆的实时车速数据;通过偏相关分析,确定出影响驾驶员在山区公路纵坡路段行车时心率变化的主要因素,并建立上坡方向行车时驾驶员心率增长率与坡度及速度的关系模型。分析结果表明:上坡方向行车时,驾驶员的心率增长率随坡度增大而增加、随速度的增加而增大;因此,考虑驾驶员的舒适性和安全性,建议山区双车道三级公路上坡方向最大安全坡度不宜超过6.8%。  相似文献   

为了解驾驶员在高原低氧路段的疲劳程度,以寻求缓解驾驶疲劳提高行车安全的途径,利用生物反馈检测仪分别对初次与经常进入高原公路低氧路段的驾驶员进行实地行车试验。通过对比不同海拔高度受测驾驶员脑电(EEG)变化特征,选取脑电8~13频段与14~30频段的平均功率比值R作为评价驾驶员疲劳时脑电特性指标R,定量分析海拔、连续驾驶时间对R的影响,同时建立R与海拔、连续驾驶时间之间的关系模型。研究表明:海拔与连续驾驶时间是影响驾驶员疲劳的主要因素,R随着海拔的升高与连续驾驶时间的增长而逐渐变大。初次在高原低氧路段行车的驾驶员表现出的疲劳感强于经常在高原低氧路段行车的驾驶员。  相似文献   

为研究影响驾驶人风险行为的内在机制,基于知信行(KAP)理论,引入个性特质变量,从社会心理学的角度对驾驶人风险行为进行研究。通过问卷调查方法、探索性因素分析及验证性因素分析,探讨驾驶人风险认知、风险态度及人格特质对驾驶人风险行为的影响,构建驾驶人风险行为模型。结果表明:风险认知、风险态度对风险行为显著正相关,感觉寻求人格特质能直接影响驾驶人的风险行为,也能通过风险认知和风险态度的中介作用对风险行为产生影响。校正驾驶人对风险的认知与态度能够干预并改变驾驶人的风险行为。  相似文献   

为系统地认识女性驾驶人的驾驶特性,分析其驾驶行为,从女性驾驶人交通事故数据统计、致因和心理、生理、“药驾”等因素,梳理国内外女性驾驶人驾驶特性及行为机制的研究成果,总结主流研究角度、方法和内容,并展望其未来研究趋势。对文献的梳理和分析表明:导致女性驾驶人交通事故的因素主要包括人格、认知等心理特征和视觉能力、应激反应等生理特征,同时“药驾”也影响着驾驶特性与行为。剖析了女性驾驶人特性及行为机制研究目前存在的不足之处,对未来的研究提出了建议。并针对女性驾驶人群体在各种道路交通环境中开展有效的模拟驾驶培训和教育,进而全面提升中国女性驾驶人的交通安全水平。  相似文献   

Introduction: This study aims to explore the influence of Big Five personality traits in combination with various socio-demographic factors and experiences of accident involvement on aberrant driving behaviors. The study also compares the effects of the level of development (i.e., developed or developing) of three countries on the personality traits and driving behaviors. Method: The four-factor Driver Behavior Questionnaire was used to collect data on aberrant driving behaviors, while a short version of the 10-item Big Five Inventory was used to collect data on personality traits. Responses were collected from Japan (1,250 responses), China (1,250), and Vietnam (1,000). A latent variable model was applied after controlling data in each category (e.g., age). Results: This study revealed that respondents who experienced accidents in the past and scored higher on Agreeableness were less likely to commit aggressive violations in Japan, China, and Vietnam. Further, Japanese and Vietnamese female drivers who scored high on Conscientiousness were found to be less likely to commit ordinary violations. Neuroticism was positively correlated with aggressive violations only in the case of Vietnamese drivers, irrespective of the history of accident involvement. Conclusions: Drivers with particular personality types that are linked with aberrant driving behavior may need to receive additional training on behavior management. Practical Applications: This study may help road traffic policymakers predict future driving behaviors of Vietnamese and Chinese drivers based on those of Chinese and Japanese drivers, respectively, and act accordingly.  相似文献   

Recent development of systems for assisted driving has raised questions about what features of the stimuli perceived by a driver may improve driving behaviour and road safety. The present study aimed to uncover whether emotional auditory stimuli can affect risky behaviour in hazardous situations. Forty-nine volunteers rode a motorcycle in a virtual environment and went through a number of preset risky scenarios, some of which were cued by a sound (a beep, a positive emotional sound or a negative sound). Results showed that hearing the beep reduced the frequency of accidents in the upcoming risky situation, while the emotional cues did not. Likewise, the beep induced the drivers to decrease their speed and focus their gaze on relevant areas of the visual field, while the emotional sounds did not. These results suggest that auditory warning systems for vehicles should avoid using emotion-laden sounds, as their affective content might diminish their utility to increase driving alertness. These findings could provide important information for the development of new advanced driver assistance systems and in general for the specification of future Human–Machine-Interaction design guidelines.  相似文献   

Introduction: Driver distraction has become a significant problem in transportation safety. As more portable wireless devices and driver assistance and entertainment systems become available to drivers, the sources of distraction are increasing. Method: Based on the results of different studies in the literature review, this paper categorizes different distraction enablers into six subcategories according to their fundamental characteristics and how they would affect a driver's likelihood of engaging in non-driving related activities. The review also discusses the characteristics and influence of external and internal distractions. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of different distraction sources in fatal crashes with the consideration of a driver's age and sex. Tukey test, chi-square test of independence, Nemenyi post-hoc test, and Marascuilo procedure have been used to investigate the top distraction sources, the trend of distraction-affected fatal crashes, the effect of different distractions on drives in different age groups, and their influence on female and male drivers. Results: It was found that inner cognitive inferences accounted for the greatest proportion of driver engagement in distractions. Young drivers show a larger probability of being distracted by in-vehicle technology-related devices/objects. Within the group of young drivers, female drivers showed a higher probability than their male counterparts of engaging in distracted driving caused by in-vehicle technology-related devices. Among six subcategories of distractions, drivers older than 80 years old were found to be most likely affected by inner cognitive interferences.  相似文献   

IntroductionBased on the Federal Railway Administration (FRA) database, there were 25,945 highway-rail crossing accidents in the United States between 2002 and 2011. With an extensive database of highway-rail grade crossing accidents in the United States from 2002 to 2011, estimation results showed that there were substantial differences across age/gender groups for driver's injury severity.MethodThe study applied an ordered probit model to explore the determinants of driver injury severity for motor vehicle drivers at highway-rail grade crossings.ResultsThe analysis found that there are important behavioral and physical differences between male and female drivers given a highway-rail grade crossing accident happened.Practical applicationsOlder drivers have higher fatality probabilities when driving in open space under passive control especially during bad weather condition. Younger male drivers are found to be more likely to have severe injuries at rush hour with high vehicle speed passing unpaved highway-rail grade crossings under passive control. Synthesizing these results led to the conclusion that the primary problem with young is risk-taking and lack of vehicle handling skills. The strength of older drivers lies in their aversion to risk, but physical degradation issues which result in longer reaction/perception times and degradation in vision and hearing often counterbalance this attribute.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the effects of different road environments and their changes on driving behaviors and cognitive task performance of fatigued drivers. Twenty-four participants volunteered in a 2 (road environment) × 3 (fatigue level) within-subjects factorial design simulated driving experiment. Participants were asked to perform basic numerical calculation and distance estimation of traffic signs when driving normally, and provide answers to a questionnaire on fatigue rating. Results show that fatigued drivers faced greater attention demand, were less alert, and tended to overestimate the distance to roadside traffic signs. Fatigue caused by driving in complex road environment had the greatest negative impact on driving behavior and visual distance estimation, and the fatigue transfer effect worsened significantly but differently on both driving behavior and performance of fatigued drivers when switching from a complex to a monotonous road environment and vice versa. Notably, this study shows that fatigued drivers performed relatively better in arithmetic tasks than non-fatigued ones. In addition, when switching from a monotonous to a complex road environment, drivers’ performance in visual distance estimation and arithmetic tasks improved though their driving behavior deteriorated, revealing that the fatigue effect upon drivers might be explained to some extent by their alertness and arousal levels.  相似文献   

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