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城市污水管网中水质变化特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以管网中城市污水为研究对象,通过模拟管道的循环流动研究了水质变化特性。结果表明,在水力流动6 h的条件下,因管道沉积和管内微生物作用,城市污水中的TCOD(总有机物)去除率为10.79%,其中,沉积和生物降解作用对TCOD去除的贡献率分别为68.85%和31.15%。而管道中的氮类污染物的去除率为11.15%,管道沉积与生物降解作用各占约50%,其中生物降解引起的氮类污染物的变化主要是水中有机氮转化为NH3-N(NH3-N由35.51 mg/L升至38.38 mg/L),以及反硝化作用造成的NO3-N转变(NO3-N由2.36 mg/L降至0.84 mg/L)。总磷的变化相对较小,与管道内相对稳定的缺氧环境有关。  相似文献   

为分析水质达标的处理站回注水在注水管线流动的过程中水质逐渐变差的原因,通过现场实际运行过程,分别获取了水处理站、注水站和注水井底各段的水样,进而测定了各水样的相关水质指标,并且分析了水中悬浮物的元素组成。实验结果表明,回注水在注水管线中引起管线腐蚀,腐蚀产生的Fe2+、Fe3+进一步导致溶解性油含量和悬浮固体的增加,最终得出管线的腐蚀是引起水质变差的主要原因。  相似文献   

以北京16个人工湖的水质资料为基础,参考单因子水质标识指数法进行水质评价,分析北京市区人工湖水质的时空变化特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明:(1)位于北京市区北部、西部和中部的人工湖水质可满足一般景观用水水质要求,而东部、南部的人工湖水质状况则尚需进一步改善。(2)不同行政区人工湖水质指数平均值为:海淀西城东城朝阳。(3)蓄水量大的人工湖对污染物的稀释作用更显著,湖体自净能力也相应增加。(4)改善北京市区人工湖水质的途径主要包括避免雨水地表径流直接污染水体、优化驳岸设计、提高污水处理厂出水水质和建立较完善的水生动植物生态系统。  相似文献   

根据固城湖、石臼湖共三个监测点为期1年的水质监测资料,在用水质标准类别法进行综合评价的同时,对水质总体情况及主要污染指标进行不稳定性研究。结果表明:水质的不稳定性研究对于全面、客观地评价地面水环境质量、水源的科学选择及寻找、治理水质污染等工作均有重要意义。  相似文献   

中日合作研究项目:大气沉降物对森林小流域影响的研究,于1995年至198年期间分别在北京郊外和东京郊外进行,本文是该项目在北京郊外昌平县蟒山国家森林公园开展的有关森林小流域大气降水的水质及其变化过程研究的结果,文中包括大气降水、林内雨、树干流、土壤水和径流水的水质变化及其机制  相似文献   

水质总氮测定中的有关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对总氮测定中的一系列影响因素,诸如实验用水,器皿的洗涤,实验室环境试剂的提纯、配制和保存,消解温度、压力和时间的控制,以及高氨氮水样中的总氮测定、总氮、总磷的同时测定和其他有关的问题,作了较为详细的探讨,并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

水环境是一个充满不确定性因素的复杂巨系统,研究这些不确定性的变化有利于提高人们对水环境分析的认识和做出更切合实际的决策.详细、清晰地评述了不确定性水质模型研究的必要性、研究的方法和国内外研究进展等,并针对此类模型研究与应用过程中普遍存在的一些问题、主要表现和成因进行了分析与论述,最后结合目前的研究热点指出了今后不确定性水质模型发展的3个重要方向.  相似文献   

本文从天然河道成为渠化河道后水力条件的改变,提出了渠化河道水质预溯的计算方法,并推导出包括边界反射及其横向扩散在内的数学模型。同时,用实例证明了采用该法计算渠化后河道岸边浓度的合理性,对岸边取水工程的选择和水环境预测都有实际的意义。  相似文献   

为探究义乌市分质供水系统中水质及有机物的变化特征,分季度调研了3个水厂沿程水质的变化,并采用光谱技术与高分辨率质谱分析了处理工艺对溶解性有机质的去除效果。水质调研结果表明,传统工艺(混凝沉淀-砂滤)对总磷和氨氮的去除率分别达到80%与50%以上,但对水体中的总氮与总溶解性有机碳的去除效果差。双膜法(超滤-反渗透)全面优于传统工艺,可以将营养盐和有机物的浓度降至极低的水平(去除率>90%)。三维荧光结合平行因子分析结果表明,混凝沉淀仅对地表水中陆源腐殖质组分有明显的去除,对类蛋白质组分的去除效果较差。高分辨率质谱的检测结果表明,混凝对木质素、单宁及稠环芳烃等物质有较好的去除效果。在混凝前增设曝气生物滤池并在混凝过程中添加粉末活性炭,能强化工艺对类蛋白质组分和腐殖质组分的去除效果。本研究结果可为水处理工艺优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

洞庭湖水质指标及其时空分布特征的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对洞庭湖5个大面积水域多年来的监测资料,通过微机处理,进行了数理统计分析,研究了洞庭湖污染指标的分布特征,并定量地分析了污染指标的变化趋势,最后提出洞庭湖未受到严重污染,水质是良好的。  相似文献   

Yang H  Xue B  Jin L  Zhou S  Liu W 《Chemosphere》2011,83(2):137-143
The spatial distribution and source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 30 surface sediments of Yueqing Bay, Xiangshan Bay, and Sanmen Bay in Eastern China were analysed. Total concentrations of PCBs ranged from 9.33 to 19.60 ng g−1 dry weight for all the sampling stations. The observed PCB levels were lower than those in areas of high urbanisation or contamination in the bay. Low-chlorinated PCBs, dominated by tri-PCB, were identified as the prevalent contaminate of surface sediments, and the top three PCB congeners were lighter chlorinated congeners (PCB 8, PCB 18 and PCB 28). These results were in agreement with the fact that tri-PCB compounds are the dominant contaminants in China. The result of the principal component analysis revealed that all samples were similar in composition to Aroclor 1242, suggesting they might originate from electrical capacitors and transformers. The levels of PCBs were significantly correlated with the total organic carbon in the sediments.  相似文献   

选取废水、挥发酚、氰化物、COD、石油类和氨氮为中国工业水污染指标,利用分解分析方法将2004—2010年间的污染变化分解为规模效应、结构效应、污染治理效应、清洁技术效应和广义技术效应。结果显示,这5类效应的平均作用强度分别为2.08%、3.04%、15.61%、17.37%和32.88%,其中规模效应和广义技术效应是影响工业水污染的主导效应。各类效应对不同污染物的作用方向并不完全一致,规模效应促进污染物排放量的增加;结构效应以加重污染为主,污染治理效应和清洁技术效应以减轻污染为主;广义技术效应的平均作用强度和负向作用概率均最大,是现阶段中国工业水污染控制最为有效的手段。  相似文献   

吕杨  王立宁  黄俊  王泰 《环境污染与防治》2007,29(9):652-655,660
从海河、渤海湾水域内采集了沉积物和鱼体(鲫鱼)样品.采用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)方法测定了样品中的多溴联苯醚(PBDEs).结果表明,沉积物(以干重计)和鱼体(以干重计)中PBDEs的检出水平分别为0.35~5.53、6.81~35.50 ng/g,其中相对含量较高的PBDEs单体为BDE-28和BDE-47.鱼体内脏组织中PBDEs的检出水平较肌肉组织中的PBDEs要高,表明其更容易富集PBDEs.  相似文献   

Early adolescence (12–13 years old) is a critical but under-researched demographic for the formation of attitudes related to climate change. We address this important area by exploring adolescent views about climate change. This paper presents opinions collected from surveys of 463 1st-year secondary school students (12–13 years old) in public secondary schools in inner-urban centres in Austria and Australia on whether climate change is (1) something about which to worry, (2) caused by humans and (3) happening now. Eligible respondents in both countries showed similar levels of agreement that climate change was probably or definitely something we should (1) worry about (84.6% Austria, 89.1% Australia), which is significantly higher than either country’s adult population. Eligible respondents agreed that climate change probably or definitely is (2) caused by humans (75.6% Austria, 83.6% Australia) and that climate change is probably or definitely something that is (3) happening now (73.1% Austria, 87.5% Australia). Their response differed from the respective adult populations, but in opposite directions. Our results suggest that socio-cultural worldview may not have as much influence on this age group as it does on the respective adult populations and suggests that this age group would be receptive and ready for climate science education and engagement initiatives.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01356-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been investigated in Daya Bay, China. The total concentration of the 16 USEPA priority PAHs in surface sediments ranged from 42.5 to 158.2 ng/g dry weight with a mean concentration of 126.2 ng/g. The spatial distribution of PAHs was site-specific and combustion processes were the main source of PAHs in the surface sediments. Total 16 priority PAH concentration in the cores 8 and 10 ranged from 77.4 to 305.7 ng/g and from 118.1 to 319.9 ng/g respectively. The variation of the 16 PAH concentrations in both cores followed the economic development in China very well and was also influenced by input pathways. Some of the PAHs were petrogenic in core 8 while pyrolytic source was dominant in core 10. In addition, pyrolytic PAHs in both cores were mainly from the coal and/or grass and wood combustion.  相似文献   

胶州湾表层沉积物重金属污染分布特征及其生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年对胶州湾东岸表层沉积物中重金属调查结果,对重金属含量分布及富集特征进行分析,并采用潜在生态危害指数(RI)法对其生态危害程度进行评价。结果表明,胶州湾东岸表层沉积物中的重金属含量,除7月的Cu、Cr平均含量略低于12月外,其他重金属(Cd、Zn、Pb、As)平均含量7月均高于12月。在表层沉积物中Cd的污染程度最高,7月平均污染指数达1.68。单个重金属潜在生态危害系数(Eir)表明,Cd的Eir大于其他重金属的Eir,其他重金属的Eir均小于轻微危害程度的划分标准,表明对胶州湾东岸生态环境具有潜在影响的重金属主要是Cd,从多个重金属的RI均值看,均小于150,属于轻微生态危害。  相似文献   


The Parati River contributes to the Babitonga Bay water complex, but the contents of the bay also influence the river during periods of inverted currents. In this study, the water quality along four stretches of the Parati River and Babitonga Bay was evaluated using chemical (physico-chemical and chromatographic analysis), microbiological (fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis) and ecotoxicological (Lumistox) methods to assess the reciprocal influence of the waters of this river-bay system. In addition, the most appropriate type of analysis for the monitoring of the estuarine region of the Parati River was identified. The results of six sampling campaigns showed that the type of contaminants and their levels varied temporally and spatially and thus the water quality also changed. Anthropogenic activity, such as banana cultivation and the release of sewage into the water system, is the primary cause of the contamination that affects the quality of the water in the Parati River estuary, which is a crucial ecological niche for the reproduction of various marine species. The ecotoxicity tests with Aliivibrio fischeri conducted to evaluate the water quality showed an integrative response, and the ecotoxicity data indicated that the Parati River does not have a significant influence on the water quality of Babitonga Bay.  相似文献   

湖南省酸性降水现状、成因及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对湖南省近十年的降水监测数据进行综合分析的基础上 ,研究了本省酸性降水的污染特征和变化趋势 ,分析了酸雨的成因 ,并提出了防治酸雨污染的对策和建议。  相似文献   

PCN congeners were analyzed in marine and riverine sediments of the Laizhou Bay area, North China. Concentrations of PCNs ranged from 0.12 to 5.1 ng g1 dry weight (dw) with a mean value of 1.1 ng g1 dw. The levels of PCNs varied largely, with industrial group approximately ten folds higher than those of the rural in riverine sediment. A strong impact by direct discharge from local factories was suggested. Similar compositional profiles were found within groups. High resemblance of compositional profiles between industrial samples and Halowax 1014 was observed. It was indicated that PCNs in riverine sediments were mainly from release of industrial usage, with additional contributions from industrial thermal process at certain sites. In marine sediments, it was suggested that PCNs along the coast of Laizhou Bay were mainly controlled by riverine input. While in the central bay, PCN distributions were possibly impacted by combined multiple factors.  相似文献   

The presence of 21 antibiotics in six different groups was investigated in coastal water of the Bohai Bay. Meantime, to illuminate the potential effects caused by the river discharge and aquaculture activities, wastewater from three breeding plants and surface water from six rivers flowing into the Bohai Bay were also analyzed for the selected antibiotics. The result revealed that measured antibiotics in the North Bobai Bay were generally higher than those in the South, highlighting the remarkable effects of high density of human activities on the exposure of antibiotics in environment. The antibiotics found in the six rivers were generally higher than those in the Bohai Bay reflecting the important antibiotics source of river discharge. This study reveals that the high consumption of some antibiotics in aquaculture activities may pose high ecological risk to the bay.  相似文献   

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