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An Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) forum was recently held that focused on case studies in which bioremediation of dense nonaqueous‐phase liquids (DNAPLs) was performed. This first case study, the Test Area North (TAN) site of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, involves a trichloroethene (TCE) residual source area in a deep, fractured basalt aquifer that has been undergoing enhanced bioremediation since January 1999. Complete dechlorination from TCE to ethene was documented within nine months of operation, and sodium lactate injections were shown to enhance TCE mass transfer from the residual source. Since that time, optimization of injection strategies has maintained efficient dechlorination while demonstrating accelerated cleanup at a lower cost by changing to a whey powder amendment that solubilizes DNAPL. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of chlorinated solvents has been moving from an innovative to mainstream technology for environmental applications. Cometablism of chlorinated solvents by monooxygenase has been demonstrated for trichloroethylene (TCE). Cl‐out microbes combine the dehalogenation of PCE with the monooxygenase destruction of TCE to complete the PCE breakdown pathway. Underthe right conditions, cometabolic bioremediation can be cost effective, fast, and complete. Aerobic bioremediation can augment mass transfer technologies such as pump and treat or sparging/vapor extraction to improve their efficiency.  相似文献   

A field demonstration of an enhanced in-situ bioremediation technology was conducted between March 1998 and August 1999 at the ITT Industries Night Vision (ITTNV) Division plant in Roanoke, Virginia. The bioremediation process was evaluated for its effectiveness in treating both chlorinated and nonchlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater located in fractured bedrock. Chlorinated compounds, such as trichloroethene (TCE), in fractured bedrock pose a challenging remediation problem. Not only are chlorinated compounds resistant to normal biological degradation, but the fractured bedrock presents difficulties to traditional techniques used for recovery of contaminants and for delivery of amendments or reagents for in-situ remediation. The demonstration was conducted under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program. The SITE program was established to promote the development, demonstration, and use of innovative treatment technologies for the cleanup of Superfund and other hazardous waste sites. This article presents selected results of the demonstration and focuses on understanding the data in light of the fractured bedrock formation. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Contaminants from dry‐cleaning sites, primarily tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), cis‐dichloroethene (cis‐DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC), have become a major concern because of the limited funds and regulatory programs to address them. Thus, natural attenuation and its effectiveness for these sites needs to be evaluated as it might provide a less costly alternative to other remediation methods. In this research, data from a site in Texas were analyzed and modeled using the Biochlor analytical model to evaluate remediation times using natural attenuation. It was determined that while biodegradation and source decay were occurring at the site, the resulting attenuation rates were not adequate to achieve cleanup in a reasonable time frame without additional source remediation or control strategies. Cleanup times exceeded 100 years for all constituents at the site boundary and 800 years at the source for PCE, assuming cleanup levels of 0.005 mg/L for PCE and TCE and 0.07 mg/L and 0.002 mg/L for cis‐DCE and VC, respectively. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Biological processes have been used to remediate petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, chlorinated solvents, and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Biological treatment of contaminated soils may involve solid-phase, slurry-phase, or in situ treatment techniques. This article will review the general principle of solid-phase bioremediation and discuss the application of this technique for the cleanup of total petroleum hydrocarbons on two sites. These remedial programs will reduce total petroleum hydrocarbon contamination from the mean concentration of 2,660 ppm to under the 200-ppm cleanup criteria for soil and under the 15-ppm cleanup criteria for groundwater. Over 32,000 yards of soil have been treated by solid-phase treatment to date. The in situ system operation is effectively producing biodegradation in the subsurface. The project is approximately one-third complete.  相似文献   

Permeable biobarrier systems (PBSs) are being recognized as low‐cost passive bioremediation technologies for chlorinated organic contamination. This innovative technology can play a crucial and effective role in site restorations. Laboratory‐scale experiments were conducted to investigate the biodegradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) to ethylene in shallow groundwater through the use of a PBS enhanced by bioaugmentation at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS). Two composts and two plant amendments, eucalyptus mulch (EM) and corncobs (CC), were examined for their effectiveness at creating and maintaining conditions suitable for TCE anaerobic dechlorination. These materials were evaluated for their (1) nutrient and organic carbon content, (2) TCE sorption characteristics, and (3) longevity of release of nutrients and soluble carbon in groundwater to support TCE dechlorination. Native bacteria in the columns had the ability to convert TCE to dichloroethenes (DCEs); however, the inoculation with the TCE‐degrading culture greatly increased the rate of biodegradation. This caused a significant increase in by‐product concentration, mostly in the form of DCEs and vinyl chloride (VC) followed by a slow degradation to ethylene. Of the tested amendments, eucalyptus mulch was the most effective at supporting the reductive dechlorination of TCE. Corncobs created a very acidic condition in the column that inhibited dechlorination. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a toxic organic compound, which can adversely affect human health. The chemical is one of the most frequently found contaminants in groundwater in the United States and around the world. A landfill in Maryland contaminated with high levels of TCE decades ago was added to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Priority List (NPL) in 1994. A biowall was installed on the site in 2013 to promote the bioremediation of TCE and subsequently of its degradation products. Six-year monitoring data indicated a steady removal of >99% groundwater TCE at the wall since installation. However, a concurrent buildup of intermediate byproducts was observed downgradient of the wall. An examination of the entire system was necessary to find the reason behind the inefficiency of the biowall. In this study, the background of the site, remediation plan, and installation were assessed. Monitoring data, including the concentration of TCE and its degradation byproducts, and geochemical and physical characteristics were evaluated to understand the conditions and challenges facing decision-makers of this project and possible options to improve biowall efficacy.  相似文献   

Remediation of chlorinated solvent DNAPL sites often meets with mixed results. This can be attributed to the diametrically opposed nature of the impacts, where the disparate dissolved‐phase plume is more manageable than the localized, high‐concentration source area. A wide range of technologies are available for downgradient plume management, but the relative mass of contaminants in a DNAPL source area generally requires treatment for such technologies to be effective over the long term. In many cases, the characteristics of DNAPL source zones (e.g., depth, soil heterogeneity, structural limitations) limit the available options. The following describes the successful full‐scale implementation of in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) enhanced bioremediation of a TCE DNAPL source zone. In this demonstration, concentrations of TCE were rapidly reduced to below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in less than six months following implementation. The results described herein suggest that ISCR‐enhanced bioremediation is a viable remedial alternative for chlorinated solvent source zones. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

EOS, or emulsified oil substrate, was used to stimulate anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) at a former Army‐owned manufacturing facility located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Previous use of chlorinated solvents at the facility resulted in soil and groundwater impacts. Ten years of active remediation utilizing soil vacuum extraction and air sparging (SVE/AS) were largely ineffective in reducing the TCE/PCE plume. In 2002, the Army authorized preparation of an amended Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to evaluate in situ bioremediation methods to remediate TCE in groundwater. The RAP evaluated eight groundwater remediation technologies and recommended EOS as the preferred bioremediation alternative for the site. Eight wells were drilled within the 100 × 100 feet area believed to be the primary source area for the TCE plume. In a first injection phase, dilute EOS emulsion was injected into half of the wells. Distribution of the carbon substrate through the treatment zone was enhanced by pumping the four wells that were not injected and recirculating the extracted water through the injection wells. The process was repeated in a second phase that reversed the injection/extraction well pairs. Overall, 18,480 pounds of EOS were injected and 163,000 gallons of water were recirculated through the source area. Anaerobic groundwater conditions were observed shortly after injection with a corresponding decrease in both PCE and TCE concentrations. Dissolved oxygen, oxidation‐reduction potential, and sulfate concentrations also decreased after injection, while TCE‐degradation products, ferrous iron, and methane concentrations increased. The reduction in TCE allowed the Army to meet the groundwater remediation goals for the site. Approximately 18 months after injection, eight wells were innoculated with a commercially prepared dechlorinating culture (KB‐1) in an attempt to address lingering cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) that continued to be observed in some wells. Dehalococcoides populations increased slightly post‐bioaugmentation. Both cis‐DCE and VC continue to slowly decrease. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The demand for processes to clean up contaminated soils without introducing additional contaminants is increasing. One approach to solving this problem is the use of supercritical fluids like carbon dioxide, alone or with cosolvents, to extract contaminants from the soil. Carbon dioxide is readily available, inexpensive, and nonpolluting. Gases exhibit unique properties under supercritical conditions. They retain the ability to diffuse through the interstitial spaces of solid materials, plus they have the solvating power of liquids. Soil cleanup using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is being investigated as an alternative/complementary technology to other cleanup methods such as incineration and bioremediation. The objective of the studies included in this article was to collect and analyze data to support use of the SFE technology and to provide the conceptual design and operational processes needed for building a portable treatment unit.  相似文献   

Contamination of soil and sediment by pollutants represents a major environmental challenge. Remediation of soil during the original Superfund years consisted primarily of dig and haul, capping, or containment. The 1986 amendments to CERCLA—SARA—provided the incentive for treatment and permanent remedies during site remediation. Thermal treatment, which routinely achieves the low cleanup criteria required by RCRA land-ban regulations, became one of the major technologies used for cleanup under the concept of ARAR. As the remediation industry matured and recognized specific market niches in soil remediation, a number of new technologies emerged. Thermal desorption, bioremediation, soil vapor extraction, soil washing, and soil extraction are being used on sites at which the technology offers advantages over incineration. In addition, a continuing stream of emerging technologies is being presented that requires careful evaluation relative to existing cleanup methods. Each of these technologies offers a range of options for achieving appropriate cleanup criteria, application to different soil matrices, cost, time of remediation, and public acceptability. Balancing cleanup criteria defined by regulation or risk assessment with technology cost and capability affords the opportunity to solve these problems with appropriate balance of cost and protection of human health and the environment.  相似文献   

Two adjacent automotive component manufacturers in Japan had concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) and perchloroethene (PCE) in soils and groundwater beneath their plants. One of the manufacturers extensively used these solvents in its processes, while the adjacent manufacturer had no documentation of solvent use. The conceptual site model (CSM) initially involved a single source that migrated from one building to under the adjacent building. Further, because low concentrations of daughter products (e.g., cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene; 3.6 to 840 micrograms per liter [μg/L]) were detected in groundwater, the CSM did not consider intrinsic degradation to be a significant fate mechanism. With this interpretation, the initial remedial design involved both source treatment and perimeter groundwater control to prevent offsite migration of the solvents in groundwater. Identifying whether intrinsic degradation was occurring and could be quantified represented a means of eliminating this costly and potentially redundant component. Further, incorporating intrinsic degradation into the remediation design would also allow for a more focused source treatment, resulting in further cost savings. Three rounds of sampling and data interpretation applying compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) were used to refine the CSM. The first sampling round involved three‐dimensional CSIA (13C, 37Cl, and 2H), while the second two rounds involved 13C only, focusing on degradation over time. For the May 2012 sampling, δ13C for PCE ranged from –31‰ to –29.6 ‰ and for TCE ranged from –30.4‰ to –28.3‰; showing similar values. δ2H for TCE ranged from 581‰ to 629‰, indicating a manufactured TCE rather than that resulting from dehalogenation processes from PCE. However, mixing of manufactured TCE with that resulting from degraded PCE cannot be ruled out. Because of the similar δ13C ratios for PCE and TCE, and 37Cl data for PCE and TCE, fractionation and enrichment factors could not be relied upon. Fractionation patterns were evaluated using graphical methods to trace TCE to the source location to better focus the locations for steam injection. Graphical methods were also used to define the degradation mechanism and from this, incorporate intrinsic degradation processes into the remedial design, eliminating the need for a costly perimeter pump and treat system. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, trichloroethene (TCE) was used at what is now designated as Installation Restoration Program Site 32 Cluster at Vandenberg Air Force Base to flush missile engines prior to launch and perhaps for other degreasing activities, resulting in releases of TCE to groundwater. The TCE plume extends approximately 1 kilometer from the previous launch facilities beyond the southwestern end of the site. To limit further migration of TCE and chlorinated degradation by‐products, an in situ, permeable, reactive bioremediation barrier (biobarrier) was designed as a cost‐effective treatment technology to address the TCE plume emanating from the source area. The biobarrier treatment would involve injecting carbon‐based substrate and microbes to achieve reductive dechlorination of volatile organic compounds, such as TCE. Under reducing conditions and in the presence of certain dechlorinating microorganisms, TCE degrades to nontoxic ethene in groundwater. To support the design of the full‐scale biobarrier, a pilot test was conducted to evaluate site conditions and collect pertinent design data. The pilot test results indicated possible substrate delivery difficulties and a smaller radius of influence than had been estimated, which would be used to determine the final biobarrier well spacing. Based on these results, the full‐scale biobarrier design was modified. In January 2010, the biobarrier was implemented at the toe of the source area by adding a fermentable substrate and a dechlorinating microbial culture to the subsurface via an injection well array that spanned the width of the TCE plume. After the injections, the groundwater pH in the injection wells continued to decrease to a level that could be detrimental to the population of Dehalococcoides in the SDC‐9TM culture. In addition, 7 months postinjection, the injection wells could not be sampled due to fouling. Cleaning was required to restore their functions. Bioassay and polymerase chain reaction analyses were conducted, as well as titration tests, to assess the need for biobarrier amendments in response to the fouling issues and low pH. Additionally, slug tests were performed on three wells to evaluate possible localized differences in hydraulic conductivity within the biobarrier. Based on the test results, the biobarrier was amended with sodium carbonate and inoculated a second time with SDC‐9TM. The aquifer pH was restored, and reductive dechlorination resumed in the treatment zone, evidenced by the reduction in TCE and the increase in degradation products, including ethene. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The people who live in the communities where complex groundwater sites are located are as diverse as the country itself, but those who fight for the cleanup of our groundwater recognize that total cleanup may be difficult, if not impossible, in our lifetimes. Still, as explained in a December 2013 joint letter to US EPA, we want those who are responsible for environmental protection, be they polluters, developers, or regulatory agencies, to try harder before admitting defeat. In Mountain View, California, community activists have developed criteria for the adaptive cleanup of the Moffett‐MEW Regional Plume of TCE groundwater contamination that emphasizes areas with high contaminant mass, source areas, locations that reduce the need for long‐term vapor intrusion mitigation, properties where the detectable plume encroaches on residential areas, schools, and other sensitive uses, and areas planned for reuse. In many other communities, trust is the key to developing community support for remedial strategies. Communities that are listened to tend to feel more empowered. Empowered communities tend to offer more constructive advice. Decision makers tend to listen to communities that offer constructive advice. In summary, when the cleanup going gets tough, empowered communities believe that it is time to optimize and adapt, not to give up. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

At hazardous waste sites, a 1 μg/kg (ppb) cleanup level has commonly been used for dioxin in residential soil. This article outlines reasons for the continued use of this value in site remediation. Dioxin, one of the most toxic compounds known, has been a focus of scientific study for many years. However, controversy continues to surround its regulation, with some scientists arguing that new scientific results support decreasing risk estimates for dioxin and others taking the opposite view. Part of this controversy appears to involve a decreasing emphasis on cancer and an increased concern about non-cancer and ecological impacts of dioxin. The 1 ppb soil cleanup level represents a reasonable generic value for dioxin, with higher or lower values required on a case-by-case basis to protect specific populations.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted for the selection of appropriate remedial technologies for a partially anaerobic aquifer contaminated with chlorinated volatile organics (VOCs). Evaluation of in situ bioremediation demonstrated that the addition of electron donors to anaerobic microcosms enhanced biological reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (1,1,1‐TCA) with half‐lives of 20, 22, and 41 days, respectively. Nearly complete reductions of PCE, TCE, 1,1,1‐TCA, and the derivative cis‐dichloroethene were accompanied by a corresponding increase in chloride concentrations. Accumulation of vinyl chloride, ethene, and ethane was not observed; however, elevated levels of 14CO2 (from 14C‐TCE spiked) were recovered, indicating the occurrence of anaerobic oxidation. In contrast, very little degradation of 1,2‐dichloropropane (1,2‐DCP) and 1,1‐dichlorethane (1,1‐DCA) was observed in the anaerobic microcosms, but nutrient addition enhanced their degradation in the aerobic biotic microcosms. The aerobic degradation half‐lives for 1,2‐DCP and 1,1‐DCA were 63 and 56 days, respectively. Evaluation of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) demonstrated that chelate‐modified Fenton's reagent was effective in degrading aqueous‐phase PCE, TCE, 1,1,1‐TCA, 1,2‐DCP, etc.; however, this approach had minimal effects on solid‐phase contaminants. The observed oxidant demand was 16 g‐H2O2/L‐groundwater. The oxidation reaction rates were not highly sensitive to the molar ratio of H2O2:Fe2+:citrate. A ratio of 60:1:1 resulted in slightly faster removal of chemicals of concern (COCs) than those of 12:1:1 and 300:1:1. This treatment resulted in increases in dissolved metals (Ca, Cr, Mg, K, and Mn) and a minor increase of vinyl chloride. Treatment with zero‐valent iron (ZVI) resulted in complete dechlorination of PCE, and TCE to ethene and ethane. ZVI treatment reduced 1,1,1‐TCA only to 1,1‐DCA and chloroethane (CA) but had little effect on reducing the levels of 1,2‐DCP, 1,1‐DCA, and CA. The longevity test showed that one gram of 325‐mesh iron powder was exhausted in reaction with > 22 mL of groundwater. The short life of ZVI may be a barrier to implementation. The ZVI surface reaction rates (ksa) were 1.2 × 10?2 Lm?2h?1, 2 × 10?3 Lm?2h?1, and 1.2 × 10?3 Lm?2h?1 for 1,1,1‐TCA, TCE, and PCE, respectively. Based upon the results of this study, in situ bioremediation appeared to be more suitable than ISCO and ZVI for effectively treating the groundwater contamination at the site. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Experience with bioremediation technology has enabled bioremediation contractors to offer performance-based contracts for many types of bioremediation projects. This development is significant because it alleviates the previous concern with the technology regarding its lack of success at certain sites. Environmental Strategies Corporation, an independent environmental consulting firm with no financial interest in bioremediation technology, conducted an independent survey to identify bioremediation contractors that are willing to enter into performance-based bioremediation contracts. This article discusses the background of treating contaminated soil and groundwater using bioremediation and describes how a performance-based contract can be structured. The survey's format and results are then presented and analyzed. Finally, several case studies of successful bioremediation projects are presented.  相似文献   

Deciding upon a cost effective and sustainable method to address soil pollution is a challenge for many remedial project managers. High pressure to quickly achieve cleanup goals pushes for energy‐intensive remedies that rapidly address the contaminants of concern with established technologies, often leaving little room for research and development especially for slower treatment technologies, such as bioremediation, for the more heavily polluted sites. In this case study, new genomic approaches have been leveraged to assess fungal biostimulation potential in soils polluted with particularly persistent hydrophobic contaminants. This new approach provides insights into the genetic functions available at a given site in a way never before possible. In particular, this article presents a case study where next‐generation sequencing has been used to categorize fungi in soils from the Atlantic Wood Industries Superfund site in Portsmouth, Virginia. Data suggest that original attempts to harness fungi for bioremediation may have focused on fungal genera poorly suited to survive under heavily polluted site conditions, and that more targeted approaches relying on native indigenous fungi which are better equipped to survive under site‐specific conditions may be more appropriate. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

房彬  张建  李玉庆  刘范嘉  马劲 《化工环保》2016,36(4):375-380
综述了植物修复、微生物修复和生物联合修复等土壤氰化物污染生物修复技术的降解机理、降解途径及降解影响因素的研究进展,探讨了氰化物生物修复技术的发展趋势和应用前景。指出基于提高修复时效和针对土壤复合污染类型的多技术融合研究、基于提高微生物耐受性和降解效率的菌株固定化及菌根真菌-植物联合技术研究以及基于工程化应用为导向的现场试验研究是未来研究的重点领域,为土壤氰化物污染的综合治理和修复提出了新思路。  相似文献   

In 1981, the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) discovered groundwater contamination by solvents and chromium at the Phoenix Goodyear Airport (PGA), just outside the city of Phoenix. ADHS and the U.S. EPA sampled the site for the next two years, finding that eighteen of their wells were contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE), six exceeding ADHS's action level of five micrograms per liter (μg/l). In 1983, the PGA site was added to the National Priorities List, and, in 1984, EPA began a $3 million remedial investigation, focusing on soils and groundwater. This article discusses how that investigation inspired the authors to develop a stream-lined evaluation method for PGA's volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the process for establishing VOC cleanup levels, and the $26 million of remediation work needed to be done at the site. The heart of this effort is a computer program called VLEACH, loosely standing for VOC-LEACHing, which anticipates the influence of VOCs on PGA's groundwater, even as remediation proceeds.  相似文献   

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