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以FeSO4化学还原法为对照,开展硫酸盐还原菌原位修复铬污染土壤的田间试验研究。试验结果表明:微生物法处理后,土壤中Cr(Ⅵ)含量从6.48 mg/kg降至0.95 mg/kg,下降率为85.33%,修复后的土地质量符合国家一类建设用地的标准;土壤浸出液中Cr(Ⅵ)质量浓度从0.162 mg/L降至0.004 mg/L,下降率为97.53%;土壤中硫酸根浓度略有降低,硫酸盐还原菌的丰度显著增加。微生物原位修复铬污染土壤的效果好于化学还原法。  相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been a significant concern to human health and environmental quality. Remediation of contaminated sites is crucial to prevent plume expansion but can prove challenging due to the persistent nature of PFAS combined with their high aqueous mobility. In this case study, we investigated the potential of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) for soil stabilization at the pilot scale, aiming to entrap PFAS and prevent their leaching from soil into groundwater. Monitoring of the site revealed the presence of two potential sources of PFAS contamination at concentrations up to 23 μg L−1 for ∑11PFAS in groundwater. After CAC application, initial results indicated a 76% reduction of ∑11PFAS and high removal rates for long-chain PFAS, such as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. A spike in concentrations was noticed 6 months after injection of CAC, showing a rebound of the plume and a reduction of treatment effectiveness. Based on long-term monitoring data, the treatment effectiveness for ∑11PFAS dropped to 52%. The rebound of concentrations was attributed to the plume bypass of the barrier due to the presence of high conductivity zones, which likely occurred because of seasonal changes in groundwater flow directions or the CAC application at the site. This demonstrates the need for a detailed and accurate hydrogeological understanding of contaminated sites before designing and applying stabilization techniques, especially at sites with high geologic and hydrologic complexity. The results herein can serve as a guideline for treating similar sites and help avoid potential pitfalls of remedial efforts.  相似文献   

Soils contaminated with wood preserving wastes, including pentachlo-rophenol (PCP) and creosote, are treated at field-scale in an engineered prepared-bed system consisting of two one-acre land treatment units (LTUs). The concentration of selected indicator compounds of treatment performance included PCP, pyrene, and total carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (TCPAHs) was monitored in the soil by taking both composited soil samples at multiple points in time, and discrete soil samples at two points in time. The mean concentration of the indicator compounds and the 95-percent confidence interval (CI) of the composite and discrete samples agreed relatively well, and first-order degradation rate kinetics satisfactorily represented the mean chemical concentration loss of indicator compounds in the LTU. Toxicity of the soil, as measured by MicrotoxTM assay of the soil extracts, indicated that toxicity reduction corresponded with indicator compound disappearance. No toxicity effects were observed with time in treated layers of soil (lifts) buried beneath highly contaminated lifts of newly applied soil. This indicated that vertical migration of soluble contaminants from such lifts had little effect on the microbial activity in the underlying treated soil.  相似文献   

Stress-strain response of plastic waste mixed soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recycling plastic waste from water bottles has become one of the major challenges worldwide. The present study provides an approach for the use plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil. The experimental results in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response are presented. Based on experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. The use of the improvement in strength and compressibility response due to inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in bearing capacity improvement and settlement reduction in the design of shallow foundations.  相似文献   

An incineration test program was conducted at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Incineration Research Facility to evaluate the potential of incineration as a treatment option for contaminated soils at the Baird and McGuire Superfund site in Holbrook, Massachusetts. The purpose of these tests was to evaluate the incinerability of these soils in terms of the fate of arsenic and lead and the destruction of organic contaminants during the incineration process. The test program consisted of a series of bench-scale experiments with a muffle furnace and a series of incineration tests in a pilot-scale rotary kiln incinerator system. The study reported in this paper was funded by the Environmental Protection Agency under Contract 68–C9–0038 to Acurex Corporation. It has been subjected to the Agency's review and has been approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the prospective costs of RCRA corrective action for private, nonfederal facilities. Two data bases developed by Research Triangle Institute and a remedial action cost model developed by CH2M Hill provide the foundation for this work. The methodology has two components, a remedial action knowledge base and a discrete-state Monte Carlo analysis. Under base case assumptions, it is estimated that the total costs of RCRA corrective action will be $240 billion, with a 5 percent chance the costs will be less than $170 billion and a 5 percent chance the costs will be more than $377 billion.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the evolution of the physico-chemical characteristics of the leachate from the Central Landfill of Asturias (Spain), which has been operating since 1986, as well as different treatment options. The organic pollutant load of the leachate, expressed as chemical oxygen demand (COD), reached maximum values during the first year of operation of the landfill (around 80,000 mg/L), gradually decreasing over subsequent years to less than 5000 mg/L. The concentration of ammonium, however, has not decreased, presenting values of up to 2000 mg/L. When feasible, recirculation can greatly decrease the organic matter content of the leachate to values of 1500–1600 mg COD/L. Applying anaerobic treatment to leachates with a COD between 11,000 and 16,000 mg/L, removal efficiencies of 80–88% were obtained for organic loading rates of 7 kg COD/m3 d. For leachates with lower COD (4000–6000 mg/L), the efficiency decreased to around 60% for organic loading rates of 1 kg COD/m3 d.Applying coagulation–flocculation with iron trichloride or with aluminium polychloride, it was possible to reduce the non-biodegradable organic matter by 73–62% when treating old landfill leachate (COD: 4800 mg/L, BOD5: 670 mg/L), also reducing turbidity and colour by more than 97%. It is likewise possible to reduce the non-biodegradable organic matter that remains after biological treatment by adsorption with activated carbon, although adsorption capacities are usually low (from 15 to 150 mg COD/g adsorbent). As regards ammonium nitrogen, this can be reduced to final effluent values of 5 mg/L by means of nitrification/denitrification and to values of 126 mg/L by stripping at pH 12 and 48 h of stirring.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first pilot project on mechanical biological waste treatment (MBWT) in South Africa. The study has shown that biological waste treatment in windrows using a passive aeration system that utilises thermal convection to drive the aeration process within a windrow of waste is appropriate for South Africa, in relation to low capital costs, low energy inputs, limited plant requirements and potential for labour-intensive operations. The influence of climate, waste composition and operational facilities was evaluated to optimise the treatment technique to local conditions. The maximum temperatures reached during the intensive thermophilic stage were effectively equivalent to the German experience. The lower CO2 production experienced in the South African trials was attributed to a different waste stream (high presence of plastics) due to the absence of a proper source separated waste collection system. An accurate adjustment of the input material (structural matter in particular) to the specific ambient conditions and irrigation during composting should result in higher organic carbon degradation efficiency in equivalent timeframes. This preliminary experience suggests that the applicability of MBWT in emerging countries, such as South Africa, is directly dependant on the mechanical treatment steps, available operational facilities and nature of the input material.  相似文献   

介绍了曝气生物滤池(BAF)在大港油田港东污水处理厂的应用,分析了污水处理系统试运中水质不稳的原因。通过调整运行参数。使污水处理系统出水水质达到COD〈55mg/l,氧氯〈10mg/l,浊度〈40NTU,满足超滤系统进水水质标准。  相似文献   

This work presents an analysis on the suitability of mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste in South America, based on two previous experimental investigations carried out in two different countries. The first experiment was performed for determining the mass and volume reduction of MSW in the province of Concepción (Chile). The implemented bench-scale process consisted of a manual classification and separation stage, followed by an in-vessel biological degradation process. The second experiment consisted of a full-scale experiment performed in the city of Estrela (Brazil), where the existing municipal waste management facility was adapted to enhance the materials sorting and separation. Expressed in wet weight composition, 85.5% of the material input in the first experiment was separated for biological degradation. After 27 days of processing, 60% of the initial mass was reduced through degradation and water evaporation. The final fraction destined for landfilling equals 59% of the total input mass, corresponding to about 50% of the initial volume. In the second experiment, the fraction destined to landfill reaches 46.6% of the total input waste mass, whilst also significantly reducing the total volume to be disposed. These results, and the possible recovery of material streams suitable for recycling or for preparing solid recovered fuels, are the main advantages of the studied process.  相似文献   

One of the most difficult tasks in oil spill response modeling is to provide accurate estimates of the currents and winds during the spill event. This is typically done in an ad-hoc, subjective manner combining very limited field observations with simplified hydrodynamic and meteorological models. As an alternative an integrated environmental monitoring and modeling system, called COASTMAP, is presented. COASTMAP allows the user to collect, manipulate, display, and archive real-time environmental data through an embedded geographic information system and environmental data management tools; to perform simulations with a suite of environmental models (e.g. hydrodynamics, meteorological) in order to predict dynamics in the operational area and to assimilate real-time data into the models to allow hindcasting, nowcasting and forecasting. COASTMAP, operational on a personal computer, is controlled by mouse/keyboard through a series of menus and uses color graphics to present model predictions (plots, graphs, animations) and the results of data analyses. The software is designed using a shell based architecture making application to any geographic location simple and straightforward.In the present paper, COASTMAP is linked with OILMAP to provide a fully operational, real-time system that allows prediction of circulation, winds and oil spill trajectory and fate for estuarine and coastal sea areas. System performance is illustrated by the simulation of the trajectory of oil tracking buoys during two experiments performed in the lower west passage of Narragansett Bay. Simulation results using several forecast procedures, with/without real-time data, are presented.  相似文献   

The behaviour of heavy metals was studied by carrying out a series of experiments with an activated sludge biological reactor (with pure oxygen), fed with different types of landfill leachate. The leachates used had been previously treated by the wet oxidation process and also by ammonia stripping. The experimentation aims were to evaluate both BOD and COD removal rates and the distribution of heavy metals concentrations between the liquid and solid phases. This latter data was used to confirm a mathematical model which predicts the distribution of heavy metals between the liquid and solid phases of a biological process.  相似文献   

An industry faced with escalating off-site waste disposal costs will often consider increasing on-site waste treatment capacity or the implementation of a waste reduction program. Waste reduction program options include input and process changes that decrease waste quantity and waste toxicity. Tradeoffs between capital investment and economy-of-scale in development are required, and will depend on the industry and the current level of waste reduction. A dynamic programming model is developed that allows the investigation of waste reduction and treatment strategies for industries in a changing regulatory and economic environment. The applicability of the optimization approach to industrial waste generators is illustrated through a hypothetical but representative industrial waste management example.  相似文献   

UASB+生物接触氧化工艺处理洗毛废水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对皮毛生产企业洗毛废水的水质特点,介绍了利用UASB+生物接触氧化工艺处理该类废水的工程应用。运行结果表明:采用厌氧+好氧技术后,设施运行稳定,其出水BOD5、SS、COD都可以达到国家污水综合排放一级标准,工程投资和运行费用低。  相似文献   

陈勇  王清森  张浩凡 《化工环保》2017,37(3):335-339
采用FeSO_4和Na_2S作为还原剂处理铬污染紫色土壤,研究了还原过程中铬的含量及形态的变化。实验结果表明:当FeSO_4加入量为1.5%(w,下同)时,浸出Cr(Ⅵ)含量由(1 745.13±27.93)mg/kg降至(17.65±2.28)mg/kg,浸出总铬含量由(1 768.83±57.24)mg/kg降至(69.79±8.61)mg/kg,铬形态由水溶+碳酸盐结合态转变到较稳定的铁锰结合态;当Na_2S加入量为0.4%时,浸出Cr(Ⅵ)含量由(1 745.13±27.93)mg/kg降至(25.50±0.12)mg/kg,浸出总铬含量由(1 768.83±57.24)mg/kg降至(410.87±12.83)mg/kg,铬形态由水溶+碳酸盐结合态转变到铁锰结合态和有机结合态。  相似文献   

The waste-LCA model EASEWASTE quantifies potential environmental effects from biological treatment of organic waste, based on mass and energy flows, emissions to air, water, soil and groundwater as well as effects from upstream and downstream processes. Default technologies for composting, anaerobic digestion and combinations hereof are available in the model, but the user can change all key parameters in the biological treatment module so that specific local plants and processes can be modelled. EASEWASTE is one of the newest waste LCA models and the biological treatment module was built partly on features of earlier waste-LCA models, but offers additional facilities, more flexibility, transparency and user-friendliness. The paper presents the main features of the module and provides some examples illustrating the capability of the model in environmentally assessing and discriminating the environmental performance of alternative biological treatment technologies in relation to their mass flows, energy consumption, gaseous emissions, biogas recovery and compost/digestate utilization.  相似文献   

包伟  黄勇  张宁博  王飞 《化工环保》2016,(5):537-542
采用三级厌氧柱串联形成的递进式强化厌氧处理工艺协同Fenton氧化工艺处理某印染厂的印染废水(COD 1 418 mg/L、色度400倍)。三级厌氧柱的运行参数为:以陶粒为填料,进水p H为7.0,3个厌氧柱的HRT均为16 h,柱温(33±2)℃。厌氧柱2的强化条件为投加280 mg/L钙离子和30 mg/L PAM,厌氧柱3的强化条件为投加350 mg/L煤质活性炭。三级厌氧柱强化前后的COD去除率分别为70.38%和84.13%,色度去除率分别为50.00%和62.50%。Fenton氧化处理的最佳条件为H2O2投加量450 mg/L、Fe SO4投加量450 mg/L、反应p H 3.5、反应时间0.5 h。整个工艺的总COD去除率达96.12%、总色度去除率达78.75%,处理后出水的COD为55 mg/L、色度为85倍,满足GB 4287—2012《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》中的直排标准。  相似文献   

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