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Ruhl HA 《Ecology》2008,89(4):991-1000
Research capable of differentiating resource-related community-level change from random ecological drift in natural systems has been limited. Evidence for nonrandom, resource-driven change is presented here for an epibenthic megafauna community in the abyssal northeast Pacific Ocean from 1989 to 2004. The sinking particulate organic carbon food supply is linked not only to species-specific abundances, but also to species composition and equitability. Shifts in rank abundance distributions (RADs) and evenness, from more to less equitable, correlated to increased food supply during La Ni?a phases of the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation. The results suggest that each taxon exhibited a differential response to a sufficiently low dimension resource, which led to changes in community composition and equitability. Thus the shifts were not likely due to random ecological drift. Although the community can undergo population-level variations of one or more orders of magnitude, and the shape of the RADs was variable, the organization retained a significant consistency, providing evidence of limits for such changes. The growing evidence for limited resource-driven changes in RADs and evenness further emphasizes the potential importance of temporally variable disequilibria in understanding why communities have certain basic attributes.  相似文献   

Bailey DM  Ruhl HA  Smith KL 《Ecology》2006,87(3):549-555
Food web structure, particularly the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control of animal abundances, is poorly known for the Earth's largest habitats: the abyssal plains. A unique 15-yr time series of climate, productivity, particulate flux, and abundance of primary consumers (primarily echinoderms) and secondary consumers (fish) was examined to elucidate the response of trophic levels to temporal variation in one another. Towed camera sled deployments in the abyssal northeast Pacific (4100 m water depth) showed that annual mean numbers of the dominant fish genus (Coryphaenoides spp.) more than doubled over the period 1989-2004. Coryphaenoides spp. abundance was significantly correlated with total abundance of mobile epibenthic megafauna (echinoderms), with changes in fish abundance lagging behind changes in the echinoderms. Direct correlations between surface climate and fish abundances, and particulate organic carbon (POC) flux and fish abundances, were insignificant, which may be related to the varied response of the potential prey taxa to climate and POC flux. This study provides a rare opportunity to study the long-term dynamics of an unexploited marine fish population and suggests a dominant role for bottom-up control in this system.  相似文献   

Fish body size, a key driver of many aspects of fish population biology and ecology, is affected by fisheries that deplete the largest individuals. Rockfish (genus Sebastes) are a diverse group that has been heavily fished on the U.S. West Coast in recent decades. We examined trawl survey data from 1980 to 2001 to determine spatial and temporal trends in body size and density of 16 shelf rockfish species, including six that are considered overfished. Mean individual mass and maximum observed mass declined in the majority of species in one or more zoogeographic regions between central California and Washington. Density changes were far more variable in time and space, but in all regions, density declines were most often associated with large-bodied rockfish. We next estimated the impact of size and density changes on energy consumption and fecundity in a five-species rockfish assemblage that includes bocaccio (S. paucispinis), a large-bodied, overfished species. Indexes of both consumption and fecundity by the assemblage increased in the southern portion of the study area between 1980 and 2001 but decreased in the northern portion. Allocation of energy and reproductive potential within the assemblage shifted dramatically: relative to bocaccio, total energy consumption and fecundity indexes for the other four species increased by orders of magnitude from 1980 to 2001. These changes in community structure may affect the ability of bocaccio and other large rockfish species to recover from overfishing, especially in light of long-term declines in zooplankton production that may also be affecting rockfish size and production. Addressing these issues may require a regional, multispecies management approach.  相似文献   

Specimens of the abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector, 1875), from the western North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Oceans were compared electrophoretically at 27 presumptive gene loci. At 6 of the 7 polymorphic loci there were only minor differences in allelic frequencies but a nearly fixed difference was found at one locus, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Eastern North Pacific grenadiers typically have a narrower interorbital space, a shorter dorsal interspace, more soft rays in the 1st dorsal fin (9–10 versus 8–9) and more pelvic fin rays (21–23 versus 18–21) than grenadiers from the western North Atlantic (as well as grenadiers from the eastern South Pacific, which were included in the biometric analysis). There is an apparent disjunction in the distribution of C. armatus in the eastern Pacific at the Gulf of Panamá which coincides with the change of morphology. It is suggested that North Pacific grenadiers comprise a subspecies, C. armatus variabilis Günther, 1878, which is morphologically distinct from the subspecies C. armatus armatus (Hector, 1875) of the other areas.  相似文献   

The distribution and structure of heterotrophic protist communities and size-fractionated chlorophyll a were studied during the Korea Deep Ocean Study 98 (KODOS 98) research expedition (July 1998) in the northeast equatorial Pacific Ocean (5–11°N). Areas of convergence and divergence formed at the boundaries of the South Equatorial Current (SEC), North Equatorial Current (NEC), and North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) during the expedition. Water column physicochemical characteristics significantly influenced the size structure of heterotrophic protist communities. Intense vertical mixing and high nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations characterized SEC and NECC areas, which were affected by converging and diverging water masses, respectively. Nanophytoplankton dominated in SEC and NECC areas; both areas also had relatively high heterotrophic protist biomasses (average 743 µg C m–2). NEC areas were characterized by a stratified vertical structure, low nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations, and picophytoplankton dominance. The heterotrophic protist biomass in NEC areas averaged 414 µg C m–2; nanoprotists (<20 µm) dominated the community. The nanoprotist biomass comprised 49–54% of the total heterotrophic protist biomass in SEC/NECC areas and 67–72% in NEC areas. The biomass of heterotrophic protists was higher in SEC/NECC areas than in NEC areas, but the relative importance of nanoprotists was greater in NEC areas than in SEC/NECC areas. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates were dominant components of the <20 µm and >20 µm size classes in both water columns. The biomass of heterotrophic protists significantly correlated with the net-, nano-, and picophytoplankton biomass in SEC/NECC areas and with the nano- and picophytoplankton biomass in NEC areas. Heterotrophic protists and phytoplankton also showed strong positive correlation in the study area. The size structure of the phytoplankton biomass coincided with that of heterotrophic protists; the heterotrophic protist biomass positively correlated with the protists prey source. These relationships suggest that the community structure of heterotrophic protists and the microbial food web depended on size classes within the phytoplankton biomass. Microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth rates were higher in SEC/NECC areas than in NEC areas. In contrast, the potential primary production grazed by microzooplankton was relatively high in NEC areas (127.3%) compared with SEC/NECC areas (94.6%). Our results indicate that the relative importance and size structure of heterotrophic protists might vary according to two distinct water column structures.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

东北森林土壤动物同功能种团及其生态分布   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
对位于小兴安岭的东北林业大学凉水自然保护区和位于张广才岭的东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场的土壤动物进行了研究。结果表明,该地区土壤动物可划分为腐食性、植食性,捕食性动物三个同功能种团,土壤动物各同功能种团在组成、个体数量、生物量等方面均具有相对稳定性,群落土壤动物同功能种团的数量分布状况能在很大程度上反映群落环境的相似与差异程度;群落中各土壤动物同功能种团的个体数量间无明显的相关性,但腐食性动物与捕食性动物两个同功能种团的生物量之间具有的相关性。图1表2参13  相似文献   

The annual cycle of abundance and distribution of the scyphozoan medusae Aurelia aurita, Cyanea lamarckii, C. capillata and Chrysaora hysoscella were studied in the southern North Sea in 2004 and 2005. Three different patterns of seasonal occurrence of medusae were distinguished: (1) the early occurring C. lamarckii (February–August), (2) C. capillata and A. aurita (April–August) and (3) the late appearing C. hysoscella (July/August–September). Cyanea lamarckii was the most frequently encountered species in this study; its highest mean abundance was 1.8 ± 2.7 ind. 100 m−3. The prey spectra of C. lamarckii, C. capillata and C. hysoscella contained several copepod and other crustacean species and thus make them potential competitors with fish larvae. Medusae in this study also consumed fish eggs and larvae, including clupeids, in all months analysed. Although peak spawning of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) coincides with the maximum abundance of medusae (May–June) the relative low abundance of all medusae species in this study makes jellyfish predation unlikely to be a factor controlling sprat recruitment in the time frame investigated.  相似文献   

Three populations of Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting shallow-water (<4 m) seagrass habitats in the Grenadines (West Indies, Caribbean Sea) were associated predominantly with beds of Halodule wrightii. Occupation of fringing inshore areas of bare sand was inversely related to wave action; even where sandy patches occurred offshore, the preferred substratum was H. wrightii. The association of O. reticulatus with H. wrightii is related to the asteroid's microphagous feeding habit and the availability of food resources associated with the seagrass. O. reticulatus rarely occurred on dense beds of Thalassia testudinum, but was moderately abundant in areas of sparse cover. Differences in the occurrence of O. reticulatus among seagrass types may be related to factors afdecting foraging effort, such as the tractability of the substratum and mobility upon it. Populations of O. reticulatus exhibited an aggregated dispersion within beds of H. wrightii, possibly attributable to local substratum heterogeneity and/or reproductive behavior. Increased turbulence induced migration to deeper water and markedly increased aggregation along offshore boundaries. The populations were primarily adults, with some late juvenile stages. The paucity of juveniles and their cryptic behavior and coloration suggest that settlement and early postmetamorphic development occurs in alternate habitats, such as dense beds of T. testudinum. Interpopulation differences in size structure may be associated with differences in the quality and availability of food sources.  相似文献   

Spawning behaviors observed from May 1981 through August 1983 in the laboratory and field are described and compared for twelve species of northeast Pacific holothuroids collected from waters of the San Juan Archipelago, Washington. For many species, elevation of the anterior end, stretching of the introvert, tentacle waving, and swaying are behaviors commonly associated with gamete release. Less common activities include waving of introvert podia, waves of body wall contractions, errant males, aggregations, and pseudocopulation. Positively buoyant eggs of four species [Psolus chitonoides Clark, Cucumaria miniata (Brandt), C. piperata (Stimpson), and C. fallax (Ludwig)] were packaged in pellets, ropes, or strands and released passively; a female Molpadia intermedia (Ludwig) discharged negatively buoyant eggs in a single explosive burst. Two externally brooding sea cucumbers [C. lubrica (Clark) and C. pseudocurata Deichmann] produced strands of dilution-resistant sperm that were carried by currents to nearby females. Three species commonly sympatric [P. chitonoides, C. miniata, and Eupentacta quinquesemita (Selenka)] in high-current rocky habitats have overlapping spring breeding seasons, but spawn at different hours of the day.Please address all requests for reprints to Dr. McEuen at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution  相似文献   

The bathymetric distribution of chaetognath fauna observed at planktonic stations in the South Eastern Pacific Ocean during three different expeditions, is presented quantitatively. The material from the cruises IFOP-01 (October–December, 1964) and IFOP-04 (November–December, 1965) was collected by vertical closing net, at regular intervals, from 2000 and 1000 m depth, respectively; the R.V. A. Bruun Cruise 13 data include vertical samples at usual depth intervals from 3000 m (see Table 12), Isaac-Kidd Midwater Trawl (IKMT) and surface collections. They allowed us to identify, for the first time, the meso and bathypelagic species of this region and to extend the longitudinal distribution of the epipelagic species, which had been previously limited to the coastal areas. Among the epiplanktonic species, it was shown that two, Sagitta serratodentata and S. bipunctata, do not penetrate into the Peru Coastal Current region, where the endemic S. bierri is to be found extending westwards to the west boundary of the Peru Coastal Current, and that both mesopelagic species, previously reported for the epipelagic level of this area, S. decipiens and Eukrohnia hamata, inhabit the upper mesopelagic level in the oceanic region, but also rise to the epipelagic level near the coast, where upwellings do occur. The lower mesopelagic levels (500 to 1000 m) are occupied by E. fowleri and S. macrocephala, this latter species being reported for the first time in the South Eastern Pacific Ocean. The other mesopelagic species, S. zetesios and S. bathypelagica, also found for the first time in this region, were not found in large enough numbers to obtain a correct view of their stratification. Eukrohnia bathyantarctica, described for the Southern Ocean and previously reported only in the bathypelagic levels of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, was found at only bathypelagic levels. The faunistic data from the R.V. A. Bruun Cruise 13, were compared with the corresponding hydrographical profiles.  相似文献   

The estuarine polychaete, Hediste diadroma (Nereididae), of eastern Asia was found at all six sites sampled in October 2009 in northeast Pacific estuaries, including the Columbia River, along a 300-km stretch of coastline in Washington and Oregon, USA. The immature worms were returned to the laboratory in Japan where 13 of them were cultured to sexual maturity after 5–7 months. These worms had the diagnostic, epitoke-specific spinigers that distinguish H. diadroma from all other Hediste species. Their egg sizes (140–170 μm), paragnath numbers on the proboscis, and chromosome number (2n = 28) were also consistent with those previously reported for the Japanese population of H. diadroma. The widespread distribution of H. diadroma indicates that it is a successful invader of the North American Pacific and it may have long escaped detection because of its morphological similarity to the native species, H. limnicola. The long pelagic life of H. diadroma larvae could have facilitated its successful trans-ocean dispersal with ballast water of ships.  相似文献   

To better understand the feeding and reproductive ecology of euphausiids (krill) in different ocean environments, lipid classes and individual lipid components of four different species of euphausiids from Northeast Pacific (temperate species) and Southern Ocean (Antarctic species) were analyzed in animals from multiple life stages and seasons. The dominant krill species in the Northeast Pacific Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera, were compared to the two major Antarctic species, Euphausia superba and E. crystallorophias. Analysis comprised total lipid and lipid classes together with individual fatty acid and sterol composition in adults, juveniles, and larvae. Antarctic krill had much higher lipid content than their temperate relatives (10–50 and 5–20% of dry mass for Antarctic and temperate species, respectively) with significant seasonal variations observed. Phospholipids were the dominant lipid class in both temperate krill species, while neutral storage lipids (wax esters and triacylglycerols for E. crystallorophias and E. superba, respectively) were the major lipid class in Antarctic krill and accounted for up to 40% of the total lipid content. Important fatty acids, specifically 16:0, 18:1ω9, 20:5ω3, and 22:6ω3, were detected in all four krill species, with minor differences between species and seasons. Detailed lipid profiles suggest that krill alter their lipid composition with life stage and season. In particular, larval Antarctic krill appear to utilize alternate food resources (i.e., sea-ice associated organisms) during austral winter in contrast to juveniles and adults (i.e., seston and copepods). Lipid dynamics in krill among krill in both systems appear closely linked to their life cycle and environmental conditions including food availability, and can provide a more complete comparative ecology of euphausiids in these environmentally distinct systems.  相似文献   

We studied the behavior of 13 radiotagged cranes dispersing from a communal roost over days when they changed their main daily foraging area between consecutive days during two winter seasons. Individuals went to a new foraging zone when on the previous day their morning food intake had fallen below their mean morning food intake measured over the whole winter. Food intake on the day before a change in foraging area was positively correlated with dominance rank. Dominant cranes changed to new zones with higher numbers of birds and food density, while subordinate cranes went to new zones with lower numbers of birds. As a result, all birds increased their food intake over that of the previous day. Dominant cranes remained more faithful to their most preferred foraging zone, where they spent 69% of the mornings, while subordinate birds were more mobile, switching among zones frequently. Dominant birds left the roost later than subordinate birds on the days they changed to a new zone, which could be used to track the main departing flows. The results suggest that the dynamics that led to a truncated phenotype-limited distribution were determined by social dominance and food abundance, with dominant cranes shifting to a new zone to maintain their high intake levels and subordinates changing more frequently whenever their daily intake did not reach the minimum metabolic requirements. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted after revision: 22 February 1997  相似文献   

As low oxygen and high ultraviolet (UV) exposure might significantly affect the microbial existence in plateau, it could lead to a specialized microbial community. To determine the abundance and distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in agricultural soil of plateau, seven soil samples were collected respectively from farmlands in Tibet and Yunnan cultivating the wheat, highland-barley, and colza, which are located at altitudes of 3200-3800 m above sea level. Quantitative PCR (q-PCR) and clone library targeting on amoA gene were used to quantify the abundances of AOA and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and characterize the community structures of AOA in the samples. The number of AOA cells (9.34 × 10^7-2.32× 10^8 g^-1 soil) was 3.86-21.84 times greater than that of AOB cells (6.91 × 10^6-1.24 × 10^8 g^-1 soil) in most of the samples, except a soil sample cultivating highland- barley with an AOA/AOB ratio of 0.90. Based Kendall's correlation coefficient, no remarkable correlation between AOA abundance and the environmental factor was observed. Additionally, the diversities of AOA community were affected by total nitrogen and organic matter concentration in soils, suggesting that AOA was probably sensitive to several environmental factors, and could adjust its community structure to adapt to the environmental variation while maintaining its abundance.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research on microplastics (MP) in marine environments, little is known about MP abundance and transport in terrestrial systems. There is, therefore, still little understanding of the main mechanisms driving the substantial transport of MP across different environmental compartments. Storm events can transport MP beyond boundaries, such as from the land to groundwater or the ocean, as has already been discovered for organic carbon transport. Urban stormwater detention ponds are suitable environments to study the impact of stormwater on the environmental fate and transport of MP. Herein, we investigate the longitudinal and vertical distribution of MP within two detention ponds with different physical characteristics. Soil samples were collected at various locations and from multiple depths (surface and subsurface layers) for measuring MP concentrations using fluorescence microscopy. Our findings show that MP are retained more near the inlet of the ponds, and MP of larger sizes were found more abundantly near inlets than outlets. We also found that MP mass and sizes decrease from surface soil to subsurface soil. In the pond, where vegetation (grass root network) was more considerable, MP were found more evenly distributed along the depth. In terms of shape, the fragments were the most abundant MP shape.  相似文献   

Between March 23 and April 4, 1981, samples were taken in the eastern tropical Pacific. The day/night vertical distribution of euphausiid species and biomass are described and contrasted in detail on two eastern tropical Pacific stations, the DOME station, in a region of continuous upwelling and the BIOSTAT station, in a nonupwelling area. The effects of various biological parameters, such as temperature, salinity and oxygen concentrations on the distributions of the species are examined. The numbers of euphausiids m-2 on both stations were highest during the day, indicating that avoidance of the sampler was not a problem. During the day the largest concentration of adult euphausiids was between 300 and 350 m whereas the juveniles were concentrated between 170 and 80 m on both stations. Very few individuals were found within the oxygen minimum layer, but low concentrations of some species were found below the oxygen minimum down to 1 000 m. At night the euphausiid concentration migrated upward into the mixed layer (20 to 30 m) at BIOSTAT and to the base of the mixed layer at the DOME. Significant differences in the night depths of the species were found on both stations. The oxygen minimum layer appeared to act as a barrier to the vertical distribution of all species. Only two species were found in water with an oxygen concentration of <0.1 ml O2 l-1. Twentyone species of euphausiids were found on the two stations but the adult population was dominated by only two or three species on both stations. The reproductive state of the species suggested that some species reproduced earlier on the DOME than on BIOSTAT. Analysis of the depth distribution by cluster analysis showed that the most abundant species occupied different depths during the night and day at BIOSTAT but the two most abundant species were concentrated at the same depth at the DOME station although portions of each species population occupied different pelagic zones.  相似文献   

Abundance and production rates were measured on freefloating mats composed of the diatoms Rhizosolenia castracanei and R. imbricata var. shrubsolei in the California Current and boundary waters of the central North Pacific during October, 1980. Mats ranged from 3.0 to 10.6 cm in maximum length and had a mean volume of 6.4 ml. Production rates of the diatom mats averaged 4.0 g C colony-1 h-1, more than 103 times higher than that of an equal volume of surrounding water. However, because of their low density at these sites, about 1 mat m-3, diatom mats contributed only about 1% of the total primary production. The two large Rhizosolenia species comprised almost all of the phytoplankton biomass within the mats. Rhizosolenia species rarely occurred in seawater between mats, where the phytoplankton community was dominated by a diverse array of nannoplankton. The Rhizosolenia species in the mats appeared to be in healthy condition and contained intracellular bacteria. The very high production rates of the colonies indicate high nutrient demand and, since these particular diatoms lack the symbiotic cyanobacterium Richelia intracellularis, which is implicated in N-fixation in other species of Rhizosolenia, our results indicate that other nutrient sources must be present. We discuss the potential role of the intracellular bacteria in nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

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