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The article presents the course of meteorological droughts in Vistula subcatchments in years 1981–2010 and their influence on the occurrence of hydrological droughts. Using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) as an indicator of meteorological drought on the one hand and the Standardized Water-level Index (SWI) and Standardized Runoff Index (SRI) as indicators of hydrological drought on the other, the mutual relationships between precipitation conditions and hydrological conditions were evaluated, as well as the relationships between the two drought types. Studies were conducted for three cumulative periods of these indices, of 12, 24, and 48 months. It was determined that meteorological droughts occurred earliest in the north-western and central part of the basin, and latest in areas lying above 300 m a.s.l. and in the south of Poland. Total duration, depending on the cumulative period, for SPI comprised from 38 to 41% of the analyzed period and for SWI (35–47%) and SRI (24–51%). The strongest relationships were identified in the central part of the Vistula (0.8?<?r?<?0.85), while the weakest relationships were recorded in the foothill region (r?<?0.5). There were also indicated non-climate-related factors influencing those relationships (underground reservoirs, diverse Vistula water resource usage for municipal and industrial intake).  相似文献   

Amphipod crustaceans belong to the most successful invaders of aquatic environments. The work provides information concerning the spatial and temporal scales of expansion of four alien gammarid amphipods (three of them of Ponto-Caspian and one of North American origin): Pontogammarus robustoides (G.O. Sars, 1894), Obesogammarus crassus (G.O. Sars, 1894), Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841), and Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 in the Vistula Lagoon (VL) and the Vistula Delta (VD) in 2008–2010. The mean abundance of these gammarids in nearshore zones was 382 ind?m?2 in VL and 89 ind?m?2 in VD. Their mean biomasses were likewise greater in VL (0.91 g?m?2) than in VD (0.49 g?m?2). G. tigrinus was the most dominant species in both nearshore zones of VL and VD and attained the highest frequency in these areas. The study gives evidence of total extinction of native gammarid species.  相似文献   

水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度。文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

跨界河流的水质监测(1)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度、文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical methods, such as cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA) and principal component analysis (PCA), were used to analyze the water quality dataset including 13 parameters at 18 sites of the Daliao River Basin from 2003-2005 (8424 observations) to obtain temporal and spatial variations and to identify potential pollution sources. Using Hierarchical CA it is classified 12 months into three periods (first, second and third period) and the 18 sampling sites into three groups (groups A, B and C). Six significant parameters (temperature, pH, DO, BOD(5), volatile phenol and E. coli) were identified by DA for distinguishing temporal or spatial groups, with close to 84.5% correct assignment for temporal variation analysis, while five parameters (DO, NH(4)(+)-N, Hg, volatile phenol and E. coli) were discovered to correctly assign about 73.61% for the spatial variation analysis. PCA is useful in identifying five latent pollution sources for group B and C (oxygen consuming organic pollution, toxic organic pollution, heavy metal pollution, fecal pollution and oil pollution). During the first period, sites received more oxygen consuming organic pollution, toxic organic pollution and heavy metal pollution than those in the other two periods. For group B, sites were mainly affected by oxygen consuming organic pollution and toxic organic pollution during the first period. The level of pollution in the second period was between the other two periods. For group C, sites were mainly affected by oil pollution during the first period and oxygen consuming organic pollution during the third period. Furthermore, source identification of each period for group B and group C provided useful information about seasonal pollution. Sites were mainly affected by fecal pollution in the third period for group B, indicating the character of non-point source pollution. In addition, all the sites were also affected by physical-chemistry pollution. In the second and third period for group B and second period for group C sites were also affected by natural pollution.  相似文献   

The water quality monitoring data of eight rivers situated in the Finnish Lapland above the Arctic Circle were investigated. These rivers are icebound annually for about 200 days. They belong to the International River Basin District founded according to the European Union Water Framework Directive and shared with Norway. They are part of the European river monitoring network that includes some 3,400 river sites. The water quality monitoring datasets available varied between the rivers, the longest comprising the period 1975–2003 and the shortest 1989–2003. For each river, annual medians of eight water quality variables were calculated. In addition, medians and fifth and 95th percentiles were calculated for the whole observation periods. The medians indicated good river water quality in comparison to other national or foreign rivers. However, the river water quality oscillated widely. Some rivers were in practice in pristine state, whereas some showed slight human impacts, e.g., occasional high values of hygienic indicator bacteria.  相似文献   

In the past 30?years, the Lis river basin has been subjected to constant ecological disasters mainly due to piggery untreated wastewater discharges. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of existing domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities on the water quality, and to propose a watershed plan to protect and manage surface water resources within the Lis river basin. For this purpose, 16 monitoring stations have been strategically selected along the Lis river stretch and its main tributaries to evaluate the water quality in six different sampling periods (2003–2006). All samples were characterized in terms of organic material, nutrients, chlorophyll, and pathogenic bacteria. Generally, the Lis river presents poor water quality, according to environmental quality standards for surface water, principally in terms of dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, and fecal coliform, which can be associated mainly with the contamination source from pig-breeding farms.  相似文献   

Available water quality indices have some limitations such as incorporating a limited number of water quality variables and providing deterministic outputs. This paper presents a hybrid probabilistic water quality index by utilizing fuzzy inference systems (FIS), Bayesian networks (BNs), and probabilistic neural networks (PNNs). The outputs of two traditional water quality indices, namely the indices proposed by the National Sanitation Foundation and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, are selected as inputs of the FIS. The FIS is trained based on the opinions of several water quality experts. Then the trained FIS is used in a Monte Carlo analysis to provide the required input-output data for training both the BN and PNN. The trained BN and PNN can be used for probabilistic water quality assessment using water quality monitoring data. The efficiency and applicability of the proposed methodology is evaluated using water quality data obtained from water quality monitoring system of the Jajrood River in Iran.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems have experienced rapid expansion and intensification in the last several decades. In Uruguay, since the beginning of 2000, the most common cropping systems have included soybeans. Currently, this crop is expanding towards lowlands traditionally occupied by rice in rotation with pastures. However, the environmental effects of agricultural intensification and diversification are not well known. Thus, some indices have been proposed to quantify the changes in agricultural production systems and assess water quality. The main goal of this study was to develop a water quality index (WQI) to assess the impacts of the diversification of rice production systems in northwest Uruguay. The study was carried out in an agricultural basin where other summer crops have been incorporated in the rice-pasture sequence. Agriculture intensification and crop diversification indices were calculated using information provided by farmers. Water samples were collected downstream of the production area before crop sowing and after crop harvest (2008–2009 to 2010–2011 and 2016–2017 to 2017–2018). Biochemical oxygen demand, nitrates, total phosphorus, fecal coliforms, and total suspended solids were the variables that mainly explained the effects of the agricultural activities on water quality. The proposed water quality index included these unweighted variables, which allowed for the pre-sowing and post-harvest to be differentiated, as well as the degree of diversification. Therefore, the proposed WQI constitutes a tool that can be used to evaluate the water quality in an agricultural basin. Likewise, it can be used to select agricultural sequences that generate the least possible impacts on the associated water resources.  相似文献   

An ordination of the River Cadagua basin has been made using trichopteran taxa as entities. Differences between headwater reaches and lower parts of the main river and its principal tributaries are chiefly based on the downstream substitution of the species of the genus Rhyacophila by species of the genus Hydropsyche. On the plane of the first two axes from a correspondence analysis, the first station of the River Cadagua appears to be separated from the other headwater sites due to the presence of a trichopteran assemblage being only at this place and composed of Rhyacophila tristis, Lype reducta and Tinodes assimilis. Sympatric species of the genera Rhyacophila and Hydropsyche coexisted at several places, although appearing alone at other sites and showing differential preferences for the highest or lowest sites. Thus, Hydropsyche pellucidula coexisted with Hydropsyche siltalai in the middle section of the rivers, but the former was distributed further downstream than the latter which, by contrast, occupied higher reaches.Among sites, differences in trichopteran assemblage structure are a result of both natural and antropogenic changes in the physico-chemical features of the water courses. Thus trichopteran diversity and coexistence of sympatric species increase downstream with increasing nutrient values, if the oxygen content of the water is near saturation level. However, Trichoptera disappear from sites with low oxygen content. Conductivity values do not seem to affect trichopteran distribution in natural waters, as values higher than 700 S cm were found at the headwater of the main river containing an assemblage characteristic of these sites.  相似文献   

The quality of Ogun river in South-West, Nigeria was studied by a field survey for a period of 1 year (covering dry season and rainy season). Water samples were collected from thirteen sites and analysed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters as well as heavy metals using standard methods. Generally, the values obtained for turbidity, phosphate, oil and grease, iron and faecal coliform from all the sites in both seasons were above the maximum acceptable limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water. Also, the manganese content from all the sites in the dry season, lead concentrations from three sites in the dry season and cadmium concentrations from some sites in both seasons were above the WHO limit. The values obtained for total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen and chloride at site M in the dry season and nitrate at site J in the rainy season were also above the WHO limit. Pollution of Ogun river water along its course is evidenced by the high concentrations of pollution indicators, nutrients and trace metals above the acceptable limit. This poses a health risk to several rural communities who rely on the river primarily as their source of domestic water. The study showed a need for continuous pollution monitoring programme of surface waters in Nigeria.  相似文献   

We estimate the nutrient budget in a temporary Mediterranean river basin. We use field monitoring and modelling tools to estimate nutrient sources and transfer in both high and low flow conditions. Inverse modelling by the help of PHREEQC model validated the hypothesis of a losing stream during the dry period. Soil and Water Assessment Tool model captured the water quality of the basin. The ‘total daily maximum load’ approach is used to estimate the nutrient flux status by flow class, indicating that almost 60 % of the river network fails to meet nitrogen criteria and 50 % phosphate criteria. We recommend that existing well-documented remediation measures such as reforestation of the riparian area or composting of food process biosolids should be implemented to achieve load reduction in close conjunction with social needs.  相似文献   

Total mercury (Hg) concentrations were determined by CV-AAS in selected tissues (liver, kidney, and muscle) of the Great Cormorant and some fish species (herring, ruffe, European smelt, tench, roach, Crucian carp, and Prussian carp) from the Vistula Lagoon ecosystem (Poland). Significant correlations between Hg concentrations in the kidneys and muscle of cormorants (U test, p?<?0.05) were found; levels of the metal were highest in the birds?? liver and kidneys. Total Hg concentrations in the fish decreased in the following order: roach > Prussian carp > Crucian carp > tench > European smelt > ruffe > herring. The biomagnification factor of Hg for the cormorant relative to the fish decreased in the following sequence: herring > ruffe > European smelt > tench > Crucian carp > roach = Prussian carp. It was significantly greater than unity, especially for the cormorant?Cherring trophic relationship. This implies that Hg is biomagnified in the cormorant in relation to its prey.  相似文献   

Surface water quality monitoring networks are usually deployed and rarely re-evaluated with regard to their effectiveness. In this sense, this work sought to evaluate and to guide optimization projects for the water quality monitoring network of the Velhas river basin, using multivariate statistical methods. The cluster, principal components, and factorial analyses, associated with non-parametric tests and the analysis of violation to the standards set recommended by legislation, identified the most relevant water quality parameters and monitoring sites, and evaluated the sampling frequency. Thermotolerant coliforms, total arsenic, and total phosphorus were considered the most relevant parameters for characterization of water quality in the river basin. The monitoring sites BV156, BV141, BV142, BV150, BV137, and BV153 were considered priorities for maintenance of the network. The multivariate statistical analysis showed the importance of a monthly sampling frequency, specifically the parameters considered most important.  相似文献   

Distribution of arsenic (As) and its compound and related toxicology are serious concerns nowadays. Millions of individuals worldwide are suffering from arsenic toxic effect due to drinking of As-contaminated groundwater. The Bengal delta plain, which is formed by the Ganga?CPadma?CMeghna?CBrahmaputra river basin, covering several districts of West Bengal, India, and Bangladesh is considered as the worst As-affected alluvial basin. The present study was carried out to examine As contamination in the state of Assam, an adjoining region of the West Bengal and Bangladesh borders. Two hundred twenty-two groundwater samples were collected from shallow and deep tubewells of six blocks of Golaghat district (Assam). Along with total As, examination of concentration levels of other key parameters, viz., Fe, Mn, Ca, Na, K, and Mg with pH, total hardness, and SO $_{4}^{2-}$ , was also carried out. In respect to the permissible limit formulated by the World Health Organization (WHO; As 0.01 ppm, Fe 1.0 ppm, and Mn 0.3 ppm for potable water), the present study showed that out of the 222 groundwater samples, 67%, 76.4%, and 28.5% were found contaminated with higher metal contents (for total As, Fe, and Mn, respectively). The most badly affected area was the Gamariguri block, where 100% of the samples had As and Fe concentrations above the WHO drinking water guideline values. In this block, the highest As and Fe concentrations were recorded 0.128 and 5.9 ppm, respectively. Tubewell water of depth 180 ± 10 ft found to be more contaminated by As and Fe with 78% and 83% of the samples were tainted with higher concentration of such toxic metals, respectively. A strong significant correlation was observed between As and Fe (0.697 at p < 0.01), suggesting a possible reductive dissolution of As?CFe-bearing minerals for the mobilization of As in the groundwater of the region.  相似文献   

Rapid urban development has led to a critical negative impact on water bodies flowing in and around urban areas. In the present study, 25 physiochemical and biological parameters have been studied on water samples collected from the entire section of a small river originating and ending within an urban area. This study envisaged to assess the water quality status of river body and explore probable sources of pollution in the river. Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) was employed to evaluate the water quality status of the river. Multivariate statistical techniques namely cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to differentiate the sources of variation in water quality and to determine the cause of pollution in the river. WQI values indicated high pollution levels in the studied water body, rendering it unsuitable for any practical purpose. Cluster analysis results showed that the river samples can be divided into four groups. Use of PCA identified four important factors describing the types of pollution in the river, namely (1) mineral and nutrient pollution, (2) heavy metal pollution, (3) organic pollution, and (4) fecal contamination. The deteriorating water quality of the river was demonstrated to originate from wide sources of anthropogenic activities, especially municipal sewage discharge from unplanned housing areas, wastewater discharge from small industrial units, livestock activities, and indiscriminate dumping of solid wastes in the river. Thus, the present study effectively demonstrates the use of WQI and multivariate statistical techniques for gaining simpler and meaningful information about the water quality of a lotic water body as well as to identify of the pollution sources.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the water quality of one of the most polluted urban river in Malaysia, the Penchala River, performance of eight biotic indices, Biomonitoring Working Party (BMWP), BMWPThai, BMWPViet, Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT), ASPTThai, BMWPViet, Family Biotic Index (FBI), and Singapore Biotic Index (SingScore), was compared. The water quality categorization based on these biotic indices was then compared with the categorization of Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI) derived from measurements of six water physicochemical parameters (pH, BOD, COD, NH3-N, DO, and TSS). The river was divided into four sections: upstream section (recreational area), middle stream 1 (residential area), middle stream 2 (commercial area), and downstream. Abundance and diversity of the macroinvertebrates were the highest in the upstream section (407 individual and H′?=?1.56, respectively), followed by the middle stream 1 (356 individual and H′?=?0.82). The least abundance was recorded in the downstream section (214 individual). Among all biotic indices, BMWP was the most reliable in evaluating the water quality of this urban river as their classifications were comparable to the WQI. BMWPs in this study have strong relationships with dissolved oxygen (DO) content. Our results demonstrated that the biotic indices were more sensitive towards organic pollution than the WQI. BMWP indices especially BMWPViet were the most reliable and could be adopted along with the WQI for assessment of water quality in urban rivers.  相似文献   

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