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Fatty acid synthase (FAS) had been found overexpress and hyperactive in most cancers. Pharmacological inhibitors of FAS activity preferentially repress cancer cell proliferation and induce cancer cell apoptosis without affecting nonmalignant fibroblasts. These made FAS an excellent drug target for cancer therapy. The activity of FAS in 11 different kinds of cancer cells, including esophageal carcinoma (EC109, EC8712, H5E973), gastric carcinoma (N87, BGC823), lung carcinoma (A549, 95-D), hepatoma (HepG2), uterine cervix cancer (HeLa) and leukaemia (K562, U937) were compared using spectrophotometric method. We selected the cell line with the highest FAS activity as cell model to study the inhibitory effect of the flavonoids extracts on FAS. Four plants including Canavium album Raeuseh leaves, Bombax ceiba Linn, Brassica albograbra Bailey, and Citrus reticulata Blanco were selected for extracting flavonoids. The results showed significantly different FAS activity among different cancer cells. The FAS activity is the lowest in gastric cancer cell N87 (15.91 ± 3.61 U/mg protein) and the highest in lung cancer cell A549 (127.36 ± 10.14 U/mg protein). The cancer cell A549 was used as cell model to test the inhibitory effort of flavonoids extracts on FAS. Results showed that the flavonoids extracts of Citrus reticulata Blanco and Canavium album Raeuseh leaves have higher inhibitory effect on FAS activity compared with the universally used FAS inhibitor C75 and both extracts inhibit cancer cell proliferation when added to cultured cancer cells. These studies provided a good cell model for testing the inhibitory effect on FAS activity and suggested that Citrus reticulata Blanco rind and Canavium album Raeuseh leaves are good biomaterials for separating and purifying natural flavonoids FAS inhibitors and exploring their inhibitory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effect of acid rain on the forest soils in China was discussed on the basis of simulating studies. The soils were collected from five typical areas, including Chongqing in Sichuan Province and Guiyang in Guizhou Province, where there has been heavier acid rain in southwest China, and Huitong in Hunan Province, Zhouzhi in Shaanxi Province, and Xinglong in Hebei Province, all of which were selected as control. Field investigation and sampling were made in the typical forests in all the above five areas. The relationship between pH values in precipitation and rates of soil weathering, the difference between the rates of soil weathering in different areas, and the cause of such a difference, have been worked out. The prediction was also conducted on the supply dynamics of nutrient and toxic elements in various forest ecosystems which were affected by acid deposition in order to understand the long-term effects of acid precipitation on the forest ecosystems studied.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA)is recalcitrant to degrade and mineralize.Here,the effect of temperature on the photolytic decomposition of PFOA was investigated.The decomposition of PFOA was enhanced from 34% to 99% in 60 min of exposure when the temperature was increased from 25 to 85°C under UV light(201–600 nm).The limited degree of decomposition at 25°C was due to low quantum yield,which was increased by a factor of 12 at 85°C.Under the imposed conditions,the defluorination ratio increased from 8% at 25°C to 50% at85°C in 60 min.Production of perfluorinated carboxylic acids(PFCAs,C7–C5),PFCAs(C4–C3)and TFA(trifluoroacetic acid,C2)accelerated and attained a maximum within 30 to 90 min at 85°C.However,these reactions did not occur at 25°C despite extended irradiation to180 min.PFOA was decomposed in a step-wise process by surrendering one CF2unit.In each cyclical process,increased temperature enhanced the quantum yields of irradiation and reactions between water molecules and intermediates radicals.The energy consumption for removing eachμmol of PFOA was reduced from 82.5 k J at 25°C to 10.9 k J at 85°C using photolysis.Photolysis coupled with heat achieved high rates of PFOA degradation and defluorination.  相似文献   

腐殖酸影响剩余污泥厌氧消化过程实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以实验室培养、几乎不含腐殖质和金属离子的剩余污泥作为研究对象,选择与市政污泥中腐殖酸特征相近的市售腐殖酸为外加填充物,实验研究污泥中所含腐殖质对污泥厌氧消化过程的抑制作用.通过设置腐殖酸不同投加比例(0、5%、10%、15%和20%,以VSS计),探究腐殖酸对厌氧消化不同过程的影响.实验结果表明,腐殖酸抑制厌氧消化生物气产气量.填加15%腐殖酸时对厌氧消化产气量抑制作用最为明显,较未添加腐殖酸对照组产气量下降了35%;但并未对生物气中CH_4体积比产生太大影响,说明抑制影响是对生物气整体性的.腐殖酸亦可抑制厌氧水解过程,投加20%腐殖酸实验组实验结束时残留于上清液中的溶解性多糖、蛋白质浓度分别是对照组的2.2和1.6倍.然而,腐殖酸作为外源电子受体,可以在一定程度上促进酸化过程,其程度在填加20%腐殖酸实验组表现最高,较对照组VFAs提高了11.3%.腐殖酸投加未对系统pH产生明显影响,各实验组pH值均在7.09~7.54间变化.  相似文献   

鸟粪石结晶沉淀法回收剩余污泥中磷工艺具有良好的应用前景,但污泥中有机物,特别是大量的胞外聚合物(EPS),易吸附到鸟粪石表面对其结晶过程产生一定的影响,而pH是影响其吸附性能的关键因素.由于海藻酸化学性质与EPS相似,以海藻酸作为EPS替代物,在弱碱性条件(7.5≤pH≤11)下开展鸟粪石吸附海藻酸实验.利用自动电位滴定仪对鸟粪石进行表面酸碱滴定,借助恒电容模型计算其表面酸碱平衡常数;同时采用三层模型对吸附数据进行模拟计算,探讨pH影响鸟粪石吸附海藻酸的机制.结果表明,鸟粪石表面吸、脱附质子常数分别为7.6和-10.6,表面位密度为12个·nm~(-2);在离子强度为0.1 mol·L~(-1)NaCl条件下pH的增大抑制鸟粪石对海藻酸的吸附;鸟粪石对海藻酸吸附机理主要通过外层络合及内层络合协同作用,其中外层络合作用始终占主导优势.  相似文献   

磷酸钙沉淀法是从污水中回收磷的最常用的方法之一.本文通过测定溶液浊度的方法研究了钙磷比为2∶1的条件下pH和硅酸对磷酸钙沉淀的影响.结果发现,pH低于6时,短时间内溶液中不能形成磷酸钙沉淀;而pH大于7时,溶液中迅速生成磷酸钙沉淀,且随pH的增加沉淀速度变大.XRD谱图表明,pH=7或8时都生成热力学最稳定的羟基磷酸钙沉淀.7 mg·L-1单硅酸的存在使生成的磷酸钙溶液的初始浊度从10NTU增加到20 NTU,使磷酸钙沉淀速度加倍,说明单硅酸能促进磷酸钙的沉淀速度.而聚硅酸使溶液初始浊度从10 NTU降低到0 NTU,抑制了磷酸钙的沉淀速度,表明不同形态的硅酸对磷酸钙的沉淀速度有不同的影响.XRD谱图表明,硅酸存在时,溶液中除了生成羟基磷酸钙外,还生成其他类型的磷酸钙.  相似文献   

AnaerobicbiodegradabilityofterephthalicacidanditsinhibitoryeffectonanaerobicdigestionKuangXin;WangJusi(ResearchCenterforEco-E...  相似文献   

对比研究了原儿茶酸和龙胆酸对聚合硅酸铁(PSF)多相UV-Fenton体系降解橙Ⅱ的增效能力,分析了两种增效体系中铁离子转化、H2O2分解以及·OH生成之间的关系,探讨了两种增效试剂对PSF多相UV-Fenton体系的增效机制.结果表明:原儿茶酸和龙胆酸均能够有效促进催化剂Fe2+生成与释放,进而提高体系·OH的浓度、...  相似文献   

Competitive and cooperative adsorption of arsenate and citrate on goethite   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The fate of arsenic in natural environments is influenced by adsorption onto metal (hydr)oxides. The extent of arsenic adsorption is strongly a ected by coexisting dissolved natural organic acids. Recently, some studies reported that there existed competitive adsorption between arsenate and citrate on goethite. Humic acid is known to interact strongly with arsenate by forming complexes in aqueous solution, hence it is necessary to undertake a comprehensive study of the adsorption of arsenate/citrate onto goethite in the presence of one another. The results showed that at the arsenate concentrations used in this study (0.006–0.27 mmol/L), citrate decreased arsenate adsorption at acidic pH but no e ect was observed at alkaline pH. In comparison, citrate adsorption was inhibited at acidic pH, but enhanced at alkaline pH by arsenate. This was probably due to the formation of complex between arsenate and citrate like the case of arsenate with humic acid. These results implied that the mechanism of the adsorption of arsenate and citrate onto goethite in the presence of one another involved not only competition for binding sites, but the cooperation between the two species at the watergoethite interface as well.  相似文献   

金刚石钻进规程的实验室模拟及参数校核   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金刚石钻进的钻进规程决定了钻进效率和钻头的使用寿命,也决定了钻进的安全性、可靠性和经济效益。因此,选择最佳的钻进规程尤其重要。本文通过智能微钻实验台对金刚石钻进的模拟钻进参数及其变化曲线、参数值,以及对应的钻进速度、进尺变化曲线、参数值进行分析,得到相应岩石条件下的最优钻进规程。  相似文献   

酸雨(水)对地质环境的影响研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸雨沉降对地质环境产生危害.地质体(岩石、矿物)为酸雨敏感性研究不可或缺的组成部分.开展地质环境对酸雨危害降解效应的研究具有重要的理论与现实意义.  相似文献   

乳酸对铜绿微囊藻的抑藻效应及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以铜绿微囊藻为实验对象,研究了乳酸对铜绿微囊藻的抑藻效果及可能的抑藻机理.结果表明乳酸对铜绿微囊藻的生长有很强的抑制作用,72h,除最低浓度实验组对铜绿微囊藻的抑制率为60%外,其余浓度实验组的抑制率均达到了80%以上;在乳酸胁迫下,藻液中核酸和蛋白质含量增加,电导率上升,细胞中丙二醛(MDA)和氧自由基(O2·)含量增加,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性下降;透射电镜图片显示,细胞的超微结构发生了明显改变.推测乳酸可能的抑藻机理是改变了藻细胞膜的通透性及其细胞结构,降低了其抗氧化能力,最终使得藻细胞裂解死亡.  相似文献   

以实验室培养、几乎不含腐殖质和金属离子的剩余污泥为研究对象,选择与市政污泥中腐殖酸特征相近的市售腐殖酸作为外加填充腐殖质,通过投加外源金属离子实验研究屏蔽腐殖质对污泥厌氧消化过程的抑制作用.结果表明,单独投加Ca2+与Al3+可分别获得65.4%和65.7%的屏蔽抑制率;Ca2++Al3+组合投加效果更佳,可获得高达80.1%的屏蔽抑制率,具有"1+12"的屏蔽抑制效果.然而,过高的金属离子含量(或组合含量)不仅无助于进一步提高屏蔽抑制效果,反而会因抑制微生物活性而导致屏蔽抑制率下降.Ca2+通过阳离子交换产生屏蔽抑制作用,而Al3+主要靠静电作用和网捕卷扫作用产生屏蔽效果.在屏蔽腐殖酸抑制方面,三价金属离子好于二价金属离子的原因是两者的静电作用力大小、作用方式、环境效果不尽相同.  相似文献   

在以可溶性淀粉为唯一碳源、进水含有硝态氮的缺氧-好氧SBR脱氮除磷系统中,研究了投配亚硝态氮对该乳酸发酵系统除磷的影响.试验结果显示,初始投加亚硝酸盐的浓度分别为2、5、10 mg·L~(-1)时对系统的缺氧吸磷及好氧吸磷都产生了抑制作用,缺氧阶段的释磷量和释磷速率随进水亚硝酸盐浓度的增大而升高.亚硝酸盐对缺氧期液相中乳酸和污泥中糖原的积累都有明显的影响,当亚硝酸盐浓度由0 mg·L~(-1)升至10 mg·L~(-1)时,乳酸浓度由14.06 mg·L~(-1)下降至1.56 mg·L~(-1),相反污泥中糖原的含量从235.69 mg·g~(-1)上升至272.97 mg·g~(-1)(以VSS计,下同),并且在好氧阶段糖原的消耗量增加,污泥的吸磷量也随之增加.研究表明,亚硝酸盐对淀粉直接发酵成乳酸的过程及糖原转化为乳酸的过程均有抑制作用.  相似文献   

近年来,各类环保评价标准和监督管理技术规范不断推陈出新,其中对环境监测的要求不断明晰。本文结合环境管理要求,围绕着环保评价标准和监督管理技术规范的特点,对其中的环境监测信息进行分析,提出确认思路和程序,并选取实例进行应用效果分析。  相似文献   

以磷钨酸为光催化剂,在紫外灯照射下,对甲基橙溶液进行光催化降解,考察了几种阴阳离子对磷钨酸光催化降解甲基橙溶液的影响。结果表明:Mg^2+、Ca^2+、NO3^-、SO4^2-和CO3^2-均对催化活性有促进作用,其中Mg^2+和Ca^2+仅有微弱的促进作用;NO3^-和SO4^2-随着浓度的增加促进作用也有所增加;CO3^2-则随着浓度的增加促进作用呈下降趋势;Mn^2+、Al^3+和Cl^-对光解反应存在较强的抑制作用,且Al^3+和Cl^-随着其浓度的增加,抑制作用增强。  相似文献   

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