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传统村镇旅游近年来在国内发展非常迅速。以1994—2004年中国期刊网上所收录的公开,出版发行的自然科学类、科学技术类、旅游类等中文期刊为主要范围,对国内近10年来传统村镇旅游发展文献进行了统计分析,分别从作者的研究地域与研究等题、论文发表年度以及研究内容等方面进行了研究,最后提出了国内在传统村镇旅游发展研究中的不足和发展趋势。  相似文献   

记者H前从住房和城乡建设部获悉,我国将开展全国特色景观旅游名镇(村)示范工作。住房和城乡建设部有关负责人说,发展全国特色景观旅游示范镇(村),有利于保护村镇的自然环境、田园景观、传统文化、民族特色、特色产业等资源;有利于促进城乡统筹协调发展,促进城乡交流,增加农民收入,扩大内需,促进农村经济社会的全面发展。此项工作重在以旅游为突破口,带动新农村建设。通过政策扶持等手段,重点支持和引导这些地方发展旅游经济,并从中总结经验教训,为全国的镇(村)经济规范化发展提供样板。发展全国特色景观旅游示范名镇(村),应坚持保护优先、规划优先;充分挖掘利用原有资源,不搞大拆大建;突出农村特色,实现城乡差别化发展;促进农民就地就近就业,保护农民合法开发权和收益权;节地节水节能,实现可持续发展;重管理,重服务,建设安心、安逸、安全的村镇旅游环境。  相似文献   

以"2017最受网民喜爱的十大古村镇"为研究对象,运用质性研究法的扎根理论对我国十大古村镇官方旅游微博文本进行编码分析,构建古村镇旅游地微博营销路径的概念模型。结果发现,十大古村镇主要从形象塑造—营销推广—客户关系管理三个层面进行营销宣传,即:①从物质形象、服务形象、管理形象、社会形象四个维度塑造良好的旅游形象以激发旅游者旅游动机。②利用公关宣传、软文资讯和口碑传播等营销推广活动促进旅游者旅游行为的产生。③实施有效的客户关系管理来维持旅游地与旅游者之间的互动关系,提高旅游者的满意度与忠诚度。  相似文献   

在分析鄂西生态文化旅游产业集群发展的效应和意义的基础上,提出了鄂西生态文化旅游产业集群发展所遵循的市场导向、规划指导、产业互动、择优扶强、注重创新和可持续发展的原则,重点发展以旅游中心城市为依托的旅游服务业集群、以核心吸引物为中心的综合旅游产业集群、以旅游景观廊道为依托的餐饮购物业集群、以特色村镇为依托的旅游文化产业集群、以生产基地为依托的旅游商品产业集群,需要在产业要素整合、龙头企业培育、公共服务提供、重点项目建设、产品结构优化、区域品牌建设等方面推进鄂西生态文化旅游产业集群发展.  相似文献   

国内外康养旅游研究评述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕健康/养生与旅游的关系、康养旅游相关概念辨析、康养旅游供给、康养旅游需求、康养旅游专项研究5个主题,对国内外康养旅游相关研究成果进行了系统梳理。结果发现:国内外学术界在康养旅游研究领域积累了较多学术成果,但整体而言学术研究滞后于实践发展,具体表现在基础概念界定不清、研究内容深度不足、理论体系尚未完全建立等方面。未来研究应围绕厘清康养旅游及相关术语的概念内涵、深化康养旅游供给研究、重视康养旅游需求研究、加强康养旅游专项研究等方面进一步拓展和深化,逐步构建系统的康养旅游研究知识体系。  相似文献   

以贵州省黎平县铜关村村民为研究对象,通过问卷调查和深度访谈,从经济、社会、文化、环境、管理5个方面分析了NGO组织参与下民族村寨村民对旅游扶贫效应的感知,探讨影响村民对效应感知的关键因素。研究表明:铜关村的旅游正处在发展阶段,村民对旅游扶贫的正面效应感知明显,NGO组织参与下的旅游扶贫促进了当地经济水平、个人素质的提高和传统文化的保护,但村民参与旅游的能力和决策权有待提高。  相似文献   

居民感知视角下的旅游影响研究一直备受关注,但对少数民族地区的旅游影响研究尤其是基于居民感知视角下的研究相对较少。通过问卷调查法和深度访谈法对甘南藏族自治州进行了调研,运用因子分析、方差分析等方法研究了居民的感知与感知差异。从民族、职业、工作性质、教育程度四个角度分析了当地居民对旅游影响的感知差异,提出当前甘南州旅游属发展初期,当地主客关系处于较融洽阶段等结论。  相似文献   

西藏传统旅游地日喀则地区富含众多极品旅游资源,但是由于主客观因素制约,旅游资源尚未得到深度开发,市场影响力小.从构建产业发展动力机制、形成良性化产业发展形态为着眼点,提出系列开发对策,冀望为日喀则地区旅游业的跨越式发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

南水北调水利工程是我国最大的调水工程,其中焦作城区段是南水北调中线工程中唯一穿城而过的城市。从生态文化旅游角度开发南水北调焦作段,不仅符合国家对南水北调中线工程生态文化旅游产业带规划发展的政策需要,更有利于促进推动"郑—焦融合",加快焦作城市旅游及城乡一体化发展。通过调研南水北调焦作渠段沿线旅游资源,分析其生态文化旅游开发的必要性与可行性,提出依托水域景观开发水生态观光旅游、协同景观廊道促进旅游产品业态创新、利用沿线产业资源打造旅游特色村镇等发展建议。  相似文献   

合肥市乡村旅游市场研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以合肥市民为研究对象,用问卷调查的方法收集基础数据,采用EXCEL软件进行统计。分析认为,合肥市乡村旅游市场存在着市民出游意愿强烈、出游动机凸显休闲度假、出游频率高、旅游消费能力强、乡村旅游节庆市场知名度高等特征,指出了合肥市乡村旅游发展中存在特色不明显、淡旺季明显、旅游产业综合效益差、旅游产品缺乏深度等问题,提出了可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

历史文化旅游资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川是旅游资源大省,但不是旅游经济强省.要真正把旅游业树立为四川省的支柱产业,就必须彻底扭转当前对旅游文化资源的粗放式经营管理局面.只有实现内涵式旅游开发,把未来旅游吸引力放在自然与文化有机结合的方向上,四川旅游业才能实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

把世界遗产地旅游开发与新农村建设有机结合,研究世界遗产地旅游开发和新农村建设的互动发展,对促进旅游产业结构优化升级,推动新农村建设具有较强的现实意义。遗产地农民对世界遗产要有深入了解,树立保护重于开发的意识,改善遗产地旅游生态环境,发展生态旅游,建立合理的利益分配与协调机制。  相似文献   

In this paper the function of protected nature in rural living environments is discussed in relation to residential choice, appreciation of the residential environment and rural development policy. In five case studies a comparison is made between the situation of protected natural areas in the Netherlands, England and Spain. The research results show that protected natural areas are an increasingly popular endogenous quality of rural regions as they have the ability to influence the residential choice and satisfaction of households. Therefore, they have not only become an important driving factor in the attraction of residential and other consumption-orientated activities towards rural areas but also need to be considered in policy formulation. After all, choices have to be made when different functions need to be combined in rural areas. Different activities may have both positive and negative effects on each other and regulatory measures are needed to tune their co-existence. For a sustainable and balanced development of rural areas it is therefore very important to create basic conditions that will make the combination of activities possible within the specific national and regional contexts.  相似文献   

本文以江苏省常熟东南开发区为研究对象,在开发区的环境影响评价和环境保护规划中引入土地利用生态适宜度评价的方法,建立开发区生态适宜度评价指标体系,并借助GIS技术将数值计算和图形叠置有机结合,实现了对经济开发区土地利用进行生态适宜度评价的定量化研究方法,为经济开发区的合理规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   

This study has as its aim to help to clarify the relationship between environmental management and economic performance by integrating it into a wider framework that includes the relationship between environmental strategy and firm performance, the latter being understood as the combination of environmental performance, competitive advantage and economic performance. A case study of the COATO farming cooperative showed us that its environmental management, focused on prevention logic, has had a positive net effect on its environmental performance. Besides, the order in which these practices were adopted favoured the development of new organisational capabilities that have contributed to the appearance of advantages derived from the greater accumulated experience of employees in creating new projects that are designed to reduce residues and pollution. COATO has also obtained a competitive advantage in differentiation thanks to an improved brand image and to its increased credibility in business relationships. Finally, a positive correlation exists between the pioneering proactive strategy adopted by this cooperative and the improvement of its firm performance with respect to the other firms in its sector.  相似文献   

This article continues a Forum series on recent trends in mining contracts between host countries and foreign investors begun in the April 1977 issue. Based on intensive research carried out for the preparation of a book on Mining Ventures in Developing Countries , published recently in the Federal Republic of Germany, the authors discuss sources of finance, institutions, exchange controls and special accounts, royalties, income taxation, and equity participation. They conclude that taxation is most likely to remain the principal source of income; equity participation should be evaluated carefully as it does not automatically guarantee maximum benefits. The combination of taxes and royalties provide a steady flow of income. An increase of the total tax burden beyond a certain percentage may be counterproductive for the host country, as it encourages the investor to look for less controllable means of shifting profits or discourages investment for exploration and development.  相似文献   

This article examines what tools can be used to analyze and improve the environmental performance of a product. It discusses how companies can upgrade the environmental performance of products in a cost-effective way and enhance their competitive position in the market through product innovation. Based on current examples, it is concluded that a complete toolbox is available to assist companies in developing more eco-efficient products. Which combination of practices can best be applied depends on various factors, particularly the type of external demand(s) the company is facing, its available resources, its time horizon, and its environmental strategy. Experience shows that it is better for companies to be ahead of external criticism and act more proactively. This article shows how companies can follow four main strategies in which eco-efficient product development goes hand in hand with a better competitive position in the market: (1) an efficiency improvement strategy; (2) a market share improvement strategy; (3) a market development strategy; and (4) a product diversification strategy. Finally, the importance of product innovation is stressed in order to implement the eco-efficiency strategies mentioned above.  相似文献   

通过实验室水培试验研究不同浓度处理水平下Cu、Cd、Hg单一及其复合污染对少根紫萍叶绿素及脯氨酸浓度的影响。经观察分析,培养4天后,各处理组均呈现出不同程度的受害症状。同一浓度处理水平下,单一重金属污染对少根紫萍叶绿素的生态毒性效应为Cd>Cu>Hg。复合污染中Cu+Cd和Hg+Cu+Cd对叶绿素的影响则表现为协同作用;Cd+Hg复合浓度≤6.0+4.0mg/L时表现为拮抗作用,复合浓度>6.0+4.0mg/L时表现为协同作用;Cu+Hg复合浓度≤0.4+4.0mg/L时表现为协同作用;复合浓度>0.4+4.0mg/L时表现为拮抗作用。随处理浓度的递增,脯氨酸含量均表现出一显著抗性峰,而后下降。  相似文献   

Land use planning is an important element of the integrated watershed management approach. It not only influences the environmental processes such as soil and stream bed erosion, sediment and nutrient concentrations in streams, quality of surface and ground waters in a watershed, but also affects social and economic development in that region. Although its importance in achieving sustainable development has long been recognized, a land use planning methodology based on a systems approach involving realistic computational modeling and meta-heuristic optimization is still lacking in the current practice of integrated watershed management. The present study proposes a new approach which attempts to combine computational modeling of upland watershed processes, fluvial processes and modern heuristic optimization techniques to address the water-land use interrelationship in its full complexity. The best land use allocation is decided by a multi-objective function that minimizes sediment yields and nutrient concentrations as well as the total operation/implementation cost, while the water quality and the production benefits from agricultural exploitation are maximized. The proposed optimization strategy considers also the preferences of land owners. The runoff model AnnAGNPS (developed by USDA), and the channel network model CCHE1D (developed by NCCHE), are linked together to simulate sediment/pollutant transport process at watershed scale based on any assigned land use combination. The greedy randomized adaptive Tabu search heuristic is used to flip the land use options for finding an optimum combination of land use allocations. The approach is demonstrated by applying it to a demonstrative case study involving USDA Goodwin Creek experimental watershed located in northern Mississippi. The results show the improvement of the tradeoff between benefits and costs for the watershed, after implementing the proposed optimal land use planning.  相似文献   

在分析昌黎县社会经济和环境现状的基础上,指出了昌黎发展循环经济的必要性.结合昌黎县经济发展的特点,提出了该地区发展循环经济的结构体系,以及实现经济循环发展的具体对策.  相似文献   

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