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Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss exposed to nutrient enriched media (0.1 mM PO4; 1.0 mM NH 4 + ) by pulse feeding 2 h every third day for a period of 5 wk at 20°C and 25–30 salinity showed significantly higher rates of photosynthesis regardless of photon flux density correlated with increased pigment levels. Algae in nonenriched media showed significantly higher levels of soluble carbohydrates and decreased levels of phycoerythrin and chlorophyll a. Photosynthetic and respiratory responses to temperature 15°, 25°, 30°C and salinity (15, 25, 30 S) combinations indicate broad tolerances by both nutrient enriched and non-nutrient enriched algae. Photosynthetic and respiratory rates were highest at the high temperatures. Pulse-fed algae had significantly higher photosynthetic rates than non-nutrient enriched plants at all temperature and salinity combinations. Non-nutrient enriched algae had significantly higher respiratory rates than nutrient enriched algae at only 30°C and 15. The respiratory rates of both nutrient enriched and non-nutrient algae decreased under combinations of higher temperatures and salinities. G. verrucosa, grown without nutrients, has lower tolerances to environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Cues for detecting and responding to perceived predation risk may be indirect, i.e., correlated with the probability of encountering a predator, or direct, i.e., produced by or related to the actual presence of a predator. Research shows, independently, both types of cues can influence anti-predator and foraging behaviours in prey species. However, since animals naturally encounter indirect and direct cues simultaneously, we were interested in quantifying their cumulative effect. Our aim was to evaluate food intake and behaviours (patch use, feeding (rate and time), vigilance) of a nocturnal mammalian herbivore to indirect (open vs. covered microhabitats; illumination) and direct (fox/owl odours) predator cues. We ran a preference trial with four paired treatments using a covered Safe food patch and an open Risk food patch, with one of four combinations of indirect and direct predator cues. Predation risk had a significant effect on both intake and behaviour (including feeding time, rate, and vigilance), but these effects differed depending on cues. No two combinations of cues produced exactly the same effects, illustrating the complexity of interactions that occur between cues. Covered patches were always perceived as less risky than open patches, but unexpectedly, open patches were perceived as riskier when dark rather than light. The strongest suite of (negative) responses to risk was associated with combined indirect and direct cues. These results highlight the importance of considering jointly, intake from a patch, intake rate, and behaviours, such as the proportion of time spent vigilant, when quantifying predation risk, rather than intake alone.  相似文献   

Recruitment is essential for the maintenance of populations, but far more is typically known about the more easily-observed adult stages than their smaller, often microscopic early life-history counterparts. This discrepancy can be particularly problematic for populations of foundation species that create biogenic habitat for a multitude of other taxa, but are themselves prime candidates for exploitation, fragmentation, and loss, and therefore become the focus of restoration efforts partly or fully dependent on recruitment. The purpose of this study was to improve ecological understanding for early life-history stages of the habitat-forming marine alga Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse) C. Agardh (Fucales: Sargassaceae), member of a genus that has experienced considerable fragmentation and population decline on European coasts. Using experimental manipulations of water temperature, light intensity, and sediment accumulation, we observed that sediment virtually precluded recruitment of C. barbata, and greatly impacted the survival of recently settled germlings (up to ~83% mortality). Stronger intensities of light facilitated the growth of germlings, including the capacity for ~50% of them to outgrow detrimental sediment and survive. Temperature (10 vs. 16°C) had no effect on early recruitment, survival, or growth. This information helps to identify likely causes and locations of recruitment failure, and by extension, the conditions needed (either naturally or through human intervention) to facilitate recruitment and possible habitat restoration. Ultimately, this knowledge can increase our capacity to predict population persistence and the likely success of restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Rhodomela confervoides (Huds.) Silva (Ceramiales: Rhodophyta) infected with the alloparasitic Harveyella mirabilis (Reinsch) Reinke (Cryptonemiales: Rhodophyta) was investigated with particular regard to rates of carbon fixation, patterns of soluble and insoluble assimilates, and transfer of reduced carbon from the photoautotrophic basiphyte to the fully heterotrophic epiphyte by means of 14C-labelling experiments. Gross carbon input by photosynthesis in Rh. confervoides accounted for about 53 g Cd-1 when based on a biological unit (average individual of 200 mg fresh weight). Some 3% of the remaining net carbon gain (equivalent to about 0.7 g Cd-1) was transferred from Rh. confervoides to its alloparasite, H. mirabilis (biological unit 0.5 mg fresh weight). Chromatographic examination showed that soluble 14C was translocated to and stored by H. mirabilis as mannosidoglycerate (=digeneaside) and probably a variety of amino acids. A certain proportion of soluble radiocarbon imported is converted by H. mirabilis to glycerolgalactoside (=floridoside). The bulk of imported 14C was recovered from the polymeric fraction, mainly from floridean starch.  相似文献   

Summary Werren and Charnov (1978) and Seger (1983) proposed a model to explain a fairly common pattern of alternating sex ratio biases between generations in partially bivoltine insects. When first-generation males overlap and mate with females of the second generation, then females should bias sex ratios in favor of sons for the first generation and daughters for the second generation. In an intensive, 7-year study at four sites in northern Florida, pipe-organ mud-daubing wasps (Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) politum; Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) were found to have strongly male-biased sex ratios in the first or overwintering generation and 1:1 or female-biased sex ratios in the second or summer generation. These differences were not due to differences in mortality of the two sexes but rather resulted from changing female sex-allocation decisions. In some respects the mud dauber results fit Seger's model well: alternating sex ratios in partially bivoltine populations, first-generation males overlapping second-generation females and perhaps most convincingly, northern, univoltine populations do not have a male bias. Despite this qualitative fit, however, our data do not meet the quantitative predictions of the model. This could result from the fact that some assumptions of the model are not met by the life history of T. politum. Alternative explanations for alternating sex ratios include split sex ratios, seasonal differences in cost ratios, facultative maternal investment rules and facultative overwintering decisions by offspring. Despite the position that sex ratios have achieved in the modern study of evolution, it is clear that accurate, quantitative predictions on sex-allocation patterns demand the same detailed understanding of the biology of the organism that is required for the study of other adaptations.  相似文献   

In an effort to distinguish among adaptive models and to improve our understanding of behavioral mechanisms of sex ratio manipulation, this study examines sex ratio responses to other wasps in the solitary parasitoid wasp Spalangia cameroni. Relative to when alone, females produced a greater proportion of sons in the presence of conspecifics, regardless of whether the conspecifics were female or male. In addition, females produced a greater proportion of sons after a day with a conspecific male, and after a day with a conspecific female, but only if the females had been ovipositing. Relative to when alone, females did not produce a greater proportion of sons in the presence of females of the confamilial Muscidifurax raptor or in response to hosts that had already been parasitized by a conspecific. A combination of evolutionary models may explain S. cameroni’s sex ratios. An increased proportion of sons in response to conspecific females is common among parasitoid wasps and is usually explained by local mate competition (LMC) theory. However, such a response is also consistent with the perturbation model, although not with the constrained females model. The response to conspecific males is not consistent with LMC theory or the perturbation model but is consistent with the constrained females model.  相似文献   

The localisation of halogenated furanones, the biologically active secondary metabolites from the red alga Delisea pulchra (Greville), was determined by a combination of fluorescence microscopy, culture studies and quantitative chemical analyses. All types of evidence showed that furanones are localised in the central vesicle of gland cells in D. pulchra. These cells release furanones onto the surface of the plant, where they can be quantified using a newly developed surface extraction-technique. Levels of furanones on the surface of the plant were highest near the apical tips (≃100 ng cm−2), and decreased towards the base of the alga. Variation in furanone levels within the plant and variation in the number of gland cells followed a similar pattern. The localisation of furanones within gland cells in D. pulchra and the presence and concentrations of furanones on the surface of the plant are consistent with furanones functioning as antifoulants and in mediating other ecological interactions at the surface of the alga. Received: 5 March 1998 / Accepted: 10 September 1998  相似文献   

The effects of salinity and acclimation time on the net photosynthetic responses of 3 estuarine red algae, Bostrychia radicans Mont., Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag., and Polysiphonia subtilissima Mont., from Great Bay Estuary, New Jersey, USA, were investigated. The algae were cultured in a series of synthetic seawater media of 5, 15, 25 and 35% S for acclimation periods of 0, 2, 4, 8, and 16 days prior to determining their photosynthetic responses. All species were euryhaline, and demonstrated photosynthesis at all the above salinities. B. radicans, which was more common towards the mouth of the estuary, had a maximum photosynthetic rate at 25% S, whilst C. leprieurii and P. subtilissima, which were more common towards the head of the estuary, had photosynthetic maxima between 15 and 25%, and at 15%, respectively. The curves relating net photosynthesis to salinity were usually similar within a species at different acclimation periods, although statistically significant differences were sometimes noted. The acclimation periods producing maximal net photosynthesis were 0, 2 and 4 days for B. radicans, and 4 days for C. leprieurii, whilst for P. subtilissima there was no significant difference in response for any acclimation period over the range of salinities studied.  相似文献   

The relative scarcity of studies at the intersection of behavioral and population ecology is surprising given the presumed importance of behavior in density-dependent population regulation. Here we tested whether North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) adjust their behavior in response to local population density and whether they use rates of territorial vocalizations in their local neighborhood to assess density. We examined these relationships using 18?years of live trapping and 20?years of behavioral data that were collected across natural variation in local population density. To disentangle the effects of population density on behavior from those due to changes in per capita food abundance or changes in the frequency of antagonistic interactions with neighbors, we also experimentally manipulated population density with long-term food supplementation as well as perceived population density with long-term playbacks of territorial vocalizations. The frequency with which squirrels emitted territorial vocalizations was positively associated with local population density. In contrast, antagonistic physical interactions observed between squirrels and territorial intrusions were rare and the frequency of intrusions was weakly and negatively, not positively, associated with population density. Squirrels experiencing naturally and experimentally high density conditions spent less time in the nest and feeding but more time being vigilant. Similar density-dependent changes in behavior were observed in response to our manipulations of perceived population density, indicating that vocalization rates and not physical interactions or food abundance were the mechanism by which squirrels assessed and responded behaviorally to changes in local density.  相似文献   

More experimental evidence is needed to understand the role of propagules in macroalgal biology. There are no reports in the literature on the comparative physiology (e.g. photosynthesis) of sporelings and adults. In this paper we report on the␣variation␣in␣photosynthetic parameters (maximum photosynthesis, P max , and efficiency, alpha, and dark respiration (R d ) of cultivated young sporelings of the red alga␣Grateloupia␣doryphora (Montagne) Howe under normal conditions and after a short-term incubation at different salinities and temperatures. The results are compared to those␣for␣adult Stage III thalli obtained in laboratory culture from the same population of sporelings. The pigment composition of sporelings (more chlorophyll a and less phycoerthryn and phycocyanin than adults) promotes a better photosynthetic performance (higher P max and alpha and lower R d ) under chlorophyll a excitation. The younger sporelings were also more tolerant to variations in salinity and temperature than Stage III, in which the highest variation in maximum photosynthesis and dark respiration was observed. Received: 21 October 1996 / Accepted: 5 February 1997  相似文献   

45Ca washout data of living thalli of Amphiroa foliacea Lamouroux in the light and dark show that there are three kinetically distinct Ca2+-exchanging compartments with approximate half-times (t 1/2) of 300, 20 and 3 min. The two slower compartments appear to be exchange from organic Ca2+-binding components of the cell wall, while the fast compartment probably represents exchange on the CaCO3 crystal surface. Killed and decalcified thalli have a fourth compartment, with a t 1/2 of 20 to 35 min (other compartment half-times are 300, 40, 3 min), which has been identified as the greatly increased intercellular space produced during drying and decalcification. The 45Ca and 14C uptake data show that a large proportion of the label initially taken up is into compartments other than the CaCO3. As a result of this uptake, binding, and exchange of radioisotope, significant errors occur during the measurement of calcification rates, unless a kinetic analysis is carried out. Using such a technique, CaCO3 calcification rates of A. folicea were measured with 45Ca or 14C as tracers. Light stimulates calcification by up to 2.6 times, depending upon the age of the plant. Young segments have a markedly higher rate of calcification and photosythesis than do the older segments.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the growth of the agarophyte Gelidium sesquipedale Clemente (Thuret) were studied in sublittoral populations of the Basque coast (northern Spain) from 1981 to 1986. The standing stock of the populations varied greatly with season. During two consecutive years, 60 to 70% of summer biomass had been lost by the end of the unfavourable period of year to growth (autumn and winter). The decline in biomass was mainly due to partial losses of branches, with more branches being lost from larger fronds. Yearly variations in the standing stock were also recorded. Production estimates obtained by a destructive sampling method were not satisfactory because of the spatial heterogeneity of the populations at the three locations studied. Indirect estimation of production by measuring the growth of marked fronds in a control quadrat gave more reliable estimates. Production values of 622±124, 735±147 and 615±123 g dry wt m-2 yr-1 were obtained at the three locations, respectively. Frond elongation rates of 7.5, 6.1, 7.5 and 7.9 cm yr-1, respectively, were recorded during four consecutive years. In winter elongation rates of fronds were rather low. Elongation did not seem to be affected by frond length, the self-shading effect of the canopy, or changes in depth. Cuts resulting from grazing were frequent on fronds through the year, decreasing significantly with increasing depth. Sheared fronds regenerated promptly, independent of season or height at which the cut was made. For commercial purposes the best season for harvesting is summer, which is the period of maximum standing stock, infertility, and calm warm waters that provide easier working conditions for divers.  相似文献   

Various constituents of spring water (calcium, bicarbonate, nitrate, phosphate, total organic material) influence the response of photosynthetic rate of Bostrychia binderi Harvey to changes in salinity. The rate of photosynthesis increased with a decrease in salinity. The rate of photosynthesis in low salinities was greater in seawater diluted with spring water than in sewater diluted with distilled water. Elevation of photosynthetic rates in the lower salinities (0 and 5 ppt) was partially due to increased levels of bicarbonate and various nutrients present in natural spring water. The higher calcium levels in spring water resulted in higher photosynthetic rates in plants held for 3 to 7 d in the lower salinities (0 to 5 ppt). Increased levels of calcium in salinities of 5 ppt or higher increased the photosynthetic rate only during the first 7 d of exposure, since acclimation occurred equally in individuals held for 2 to 8 wk in sewater diluted with distilled or spring water. This study suggests that the diverse algal floras, characteristic of estuaries on the west coast of Florida are in part the result of natural spring water mixing with seawater, sustaining the algae over short periods of low salinities.  相似文献   

In the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius more offspring and a greater proportion of daughters were oviposited in, and emerged from 0-day-old versus 3-day-old hosts. Offspring that developed on the younger hosts (1) were larger at adulthood, (2) developed more quickly, (3) had higher survivorship to adulthood, and (4) were more often able to chew their way out of the host. Sons and daughters did not differ in how host age affected their size, development rate, or survivorship. The greater proportion of daughters from the younger hosts may be adaptive, as described by the host quality model (a variant of the Trivers and Willard hypothesis). It is adaptive if greater size or more rapid development has a more positive effect on a daughter’s than a son’s fitness and the positive effect is large enough to compensate for sons being trapped disproportionately to daughters in the older hosts. Despite greater success at drilling the younger hosts, mothers did not try to drill them sooner or more often. Having previously oviposited on the older rather than the younger hosts had no detrimental effect on the mother’s subsequent longevity or offspring production. Received: 8 March 2000 / Revised: 9 June 2000 / Accepted: 24 June 2000  相似文献   

Summary. The ability to perceive and respond to phytochemicals that reliably indicate poor suitability of a potential host plant confers a selective advantage to ovipositing female swallowtail butterflies. Papilio glaucus females are generalists that nonetheless do not oviposit on red bay (Persea borbonia: Lauraceae). Red bay is toxic to P. glaucus neonates but is commonly found in habitats alongside their principal host plant, Magnolia virginiana, in central Florida. The hypothesis that deterrent compounds present in the leaves of red bay mediate its rejection by P. glaucus was evaluated in our study. Florida populations of P. glaucus did not oviposit on host leaves sprayed with the methanol extract of red bay foliage, although they accepted solvent-treated and untreated tulip tree leaves in 3 choice bioassays. Additionally, tulip tree leaves sprayed with methanolic extracts of red bay also deterred oviposition by P. glaucus females from Ohio, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, although these populations do not naturally encounter red bay. Clearly, deterrent compounds found within this non-host are the basis of its rejection by populations of P. glaucus and such recognition is fundamental to the species, not just a reflection of local adaptations. Received 2 April 1999; accepted 11 June 1999.  相似文献   

Summary. Many studies investigating effects of plant chemicals on herbivore performance have reported contradictory results, perhaps because of possible interaction between different chemicals. Also, a herbivore’s performance is not necessarily consistent with its food or oviposition preference. Our aim was to investigate simultaneously antibiosis (larval growth and survival) and antixenosis (oviposition and feeding preferences) responses in herbivore to three plant chemicals, of which one is expected to have positive and two are expected to have negative effects. Antibiosis was measured by correlating the nitrogen and glycoalkaloid levels in host plants to the survival and adult size of Leptinotarsa decemlineata, by rearing larvae on whole plants of three potato varieties. Although host plants differed in their glycoalkaloid levels, survival rate and adult body size did not differ among beetles reared on different potato varieties. This suggests that beetles are quite robust for differences in both foliar α-chaconine and foliar α-solanine content. However, differences in antixenosis were found although they could not be directly predicted from the leaf chemistry. Females preferred to lay their eggs on the variety with high α-solanine content (Nevsky) towards which males showed a tendency to feeding preference. Overall, our results confirm that beetles are well adapted to the chemical defences of potato plants as potato varieties did not significantly affect beetle performance, but differences in oviposition preference may still result in major differences in the amount of damage inflicted on plants in the fields.  相似文献   

Summary Measurement of tropane alkaloid content in leaves ofAtropa acuminata after mechanical damage showed a maximum increase to 153% of the control 8 days later. There were no changes in the root or stem after similar damage. The plant responded to repeated mechanical damage by doubling its alkaloid content at 11 days after the initial wounding. But on further treatments, there was a slight decrease in alkaloid content with time. Mollusc feeding produced an increase of 164% in alkaloid content after 4 days. These results indicate that induced defence systems in angiosperms can vary considerably from plant species to plant species and that the effects of mechanical damage may differ in different parts of the same plant.  相似文献   

The green alga Cladophora glomerata (L.) is a common macrophyte in the northern Baltic Sea, where it forms drifting mats during summer. We studied the effect of its stage of decomposition on the density, diversity, and resource usage of associated meio- and macrofauna. We hypothesised that mobile species would show small variation in food preferences among decomposition stages, while high variation was expected in stationary species, as reflected in their stable isotope signatures. The assemblage structure of the fauna differed between the 3 studied algal degradation stages, Green (attached, healthy), Degraded (attached, but starting to decay), and Drift (detached, decaying). C/N ratios were highest in green algae and decreased in decaying algal stages. Variation in stable isotope ratios of stationary and mobile species supported our resource use hypothesis. The decomposition stage of C. glomerata significantly affected the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of both the alga and its main grazer species. Higher invertebrate diversity in the more decaying stages was probably facilitated by decomposer microbes adding resource types and by the proximity of the detached algal mats to the sediment.  相似文献   

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