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低碳经济与农业发展思考   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
大气中碳浓度的升高是导致全球气候变化的主要原因.以低能耗、低排放、低污染为特征的低碳经济是目前人类应对全球气候变化,减缓温室气体排放的根本出路.农业生产与全球气候变化息息相关,农业是温室气体的第二大重要来源,如何减少农业温室气体排放量并探寻减排方法已经成为当务之急.从低碳经济这一热点问题谈起,论述了农业生产与全球气候变化的关系,以及当前农业面临的问题和挑战,提出了发展低碳农业的对策以及具体措施,旨在为呼应低碳经济,应对全球气候变化提供科学决策,促进现代农业由高碳经济向低碳经济转型,实现农业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The most diverse assemblages of the genus Conus known occur on fringing coral reefs in Thailand and Indonesia. As many as 27 congeneric species of these gastropods inhabit a single reef; in all, we examined 1,350 individuals of 48 species. Several attributes of the populations we observed conform to expectations of a model of ecological characteristics of bench and reef Conus proposed by Kohn (1971a). Number of species (S) averaged 15, and species diversity (H″) averaged 2.3 in the most heterogeneous habitat type — topographically complex, subtidal reef platforms (Type III habitat). Both species richness and evenness of distribution of individuals among species contribute strongly to H″. Fewer congeners and greater numerical dominance by single species characterize more homogeneous habitats. On subtidal reef platforms with large areas of sand substrate and less coral limestone (Type I–III habitat), mean values were S=10, and H″=1.6. In the one intensively studied, truncated reef-limestone platform (Type II–III intermediate habitat), S=13 and H″=1.4. Summed population density of all Conus species in Type III and I–III habitats is similar (0.02 to 0.05 individuals /m2) and comparable to estimates from similar habitats elsewhere in the Indo-West Pacific region. Mean density (0.7/m2) and other population attributes in Type II–III habitat more closely resemble those of Type II than Type III habitats in general. We combined analysis of species diversity and other attributes of assemblages in habitats of different environmental complexity with analysis of microhabitat and food-resource utilization, in order to demonstrate the extent to which specialization on different resources occurs in assemblages differing in diversity and habitat type. In the habitats studied, co-occurring species of Conus specialized to a greater extent on different prey species than on different microhabitat patches, but degree of microhabitat specialization was greater than in similarly complex habitats with assemblages of lower diversity elsewhere in the Indo-West Pacific region. While most Conus species preyed primarily on a different species or higher taxon of polychaetes, diets are not more specialized or dissimilar than in similar habitats elsewhere. Degree of specialization on different prey is not correlated with Conus species diversity in the different types of habitats studied. The data lead to the conclusion that differential predation is as important — and differential microhabitat utilization is more important — in permitting coexistence of potentially competing congeners, compared with conditions in habitats of comparable heterogeneity that support fewer congeners farther from the center of the Indo-West Pacific region. Pairwise comparisons of congeners indicate that many species pairs have low or no overlap in both microhabitat and food utilization. Members of species pairs with high overlap in microhabitat utilization typically eat different prey organisms, and those with similar diets typically occupy different habitats or microhabitats. This applies to molluscivorous as well as vermivorous species. Information on the diets of 11 species is reported here for the first time. Of 48 Indo-West Pacific Conus species whose food is now known, 35 prey on polychaetes, 2 on enteropneusts, 6 on gastropods, and 5 on fishes. Vermivorous Conus prey on relatively few of the polychaete species present in the environments. Species eaten represent only 12% of a total estimated polychaete population density of 27,000 individuals /m2. Certain very abundant polychaetes may be protected from predation by Conus by their small size, others by their long tubes. Two new aspects of size-selective predation by Conus are reported: (1) Although comparisons of predation rate with prey standing-crop suggest that food is plentiful, selective predation on the largest prey individuals present suggests that only small proportions of prey-species populations may have large enough body size to repay foraging effort by the Conus present; (2) composition of the diet changes qualitatively with increase in body size in several vermivorous Conus species; shifting by larger individuals to larger prey species could be documented in C. ebraeus.  相似文献   

慕庆国 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1970-1973
能源是经济发展的命脉。经济和能源的协调发展是社会发展的原动力。经济发展离开能源的基础,那将是无源之水,无本之木。所以,经济和能源应该协调发展,社会才能稳步前进。发展低碳经济是利用先进的技术和有效的管理方法与手段,保护资源,保护环境,实现社会和经济的可持续化发展的必由之路;是我国经济发展方式转型,产业结构调整过程中必须完成的紧迫任务之一。世界产业结构的变动,必然影响到开放度不断加大的我国,正是在这样的背景下,我国的煤炭及其他矿产品的出口不断增长。在我国融人经济全球化的过程中,要注意在接受国际产业结构调整对我国经济发展有利影响的同时,要用低碳经济的发展战略模式,避免消极影响危及我国经济的长期、根本利益。应该在这个大前提下,对我国自然资源进行有计划的开发和提高自然资源的有效利用。实现可持续发展已经成为中国社会经济发展的一个重要基本方针,可持续发展不仅要强调对环境的保护,而且应包括如何解决在人口已经高度密集,人均资源相对匮乏,自然生态环境已经十分脆弱的条件下,如何实现经济的长期高速发展,同时又要保护环境的这样一个史无前例的社会实践问题。低碳经济和能源资源的协调发展就成了解决这一问题的必经之路。能源既是重要的必不可少的经济发展和社会生活的物质前提,又是现实的重要污染来源,解决好我国的能源可持续发展战略问题,是实现我国社会经济可持续发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - The Ukraine conflict has put critical pressure on gas supplies and increased the price of fertilisers. As a consequence, biogas has gained remarkable attention as...  相似文献   

生物质能(Biomass energy)是最为广泛的可再生能源,其中多年生芒属C4植物(Miscanthus)由于具有巨大碳固定能力而成为潜力巨大的生物质能植物。中国是芒属植物芒草起源中心,但相对于欧洲国家应对能源危机和温室效应而采取的芒草研究与应用来说,仍处于起步阶段。我国长期以来传统的草地利用模式,决定了在南方草地的研究显著少于北方,近年来芒草在华南地区的运用研究集中于生态修复,对草本植物群落基于生态系统水平的 CO2气体交换能力的研究仍然相当缺乏,在二氧化碳浓度持续增长及全球变暖背景下,生物质能植物及其碳汇功能的相关研究尤显重要。我国南方近6700万hm2退化丘陵草坡急待恢复或处于恢复中,草坡地芒属植物符合生物质能植物标准,施肥少,害虫少,农药输入少,能够有效地利用光、水等自然资源。考虑到C4植物具有比C3植物更强的光合作用能力,高光能利用率C4芒属植物的碳固定能力及能源潜力值得重视,但缺乏科学的碳动态和碳收支评估。综述了国内外芒草生物量特征与生物质能潜力研究现状,重点论述芒属植物生态系统水平的碳动态和收支能力研究,探讨了系统水平更客观评估芒属碳源汇(Carbon sequestration)功能的方法,基于生物量过程的研究结果及华南地区草坡研究历史和现状,为草坡地生物质能的合理开发利用提出了相关对策,强调在我国南方开发和利用芒属植物资源具有重要能源价值和经济、环境效益。  相似文献   

The brown macroalgae Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., L. hyperborea (Gunn.) Foslie, and L. saccharina (L.) Lamour. (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) have been investigated for carbon assimilation and assimilate biosynthesis in different tissues (meristoderm, cortex, medulla) of stipes and blades. Carboxylation via ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC 4.1.32) follows a transversal gradient from the outer to the inner tissues with maximum activity of enzymatic CO2 fixation in the meristoderm. Such transversal profiles are also recorded for photosynthetic and dark carbon assimilation as well as for kinetics of assimilate 14C-labelling in isolated tissues. Differential chemical constitution of the blade and stipe tissues examined and results from assimilate biosynthesis are discussed with regard to a transversal translocation of photosynthates from meristodermal to cortical and medullar cells.  相似文献   

Growth rates of four Nautilus scrobiculatus Lightfoot and three N. pompilius Linnaeus captured in Papua New Guinea in 1985 were measured using a chronology based on the naturally occurring radionuclides 210Pb and 210Po. The age of the las septum in mature specimens of both species was more than one year, whereas the time of septal formation in a submature specimen of N. pompilius was ca 180 d. The 210Po/210Pb method was also used to determine the growth rates of four immature N. pompilius captured in the Philippines in 1983 before and after introduction into an aquarium. Introduction into the aquarium was marked by a dramatic decrease in the activity of 210Pb of the septa, the formation of a black line on the exterior of the shell, and a reduction in the spacing of adjacent septa in two specimens. Based on the number of septa formed in the aquarium, the average time of septal formation ranged from 50 to 80 d. These estimates were consistent with those calculated from the 210Po/210Pb activity ratios of the septa that formed in the aquarium, thus providing a check on the radiometric method. The average time of septal formation just prior to introduction into the aquarium appears, within the uncertainty of the radioactive measurements, to have been similar to that in the aquarium, indicating no dramatic alteration in the growth rate of these specimens.  相似文献   

植物根圈污染生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了植物根圈的概念 ,根圈三大结构主成份是 (1)植物根系 ,(2 )微生物 ,(3)土壤或水等 ,并从它们的相互关系出发讨论了国内外有关根圈污染生态的研究情况 ,同时提出了根圈污染生态的研究前景和意义。  相似文献   

In situ measurements of seagrass photosynthesis in relation to inorganic carbon (Ci) availability, increased pH and an inhibitor of extracellular carbonic anhydrase were made using an underwater pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. By combining the instrument with a specially designed Perspex chamber, we were able to alter the water surrounding a leaf without removing it from the growing plant. Responses to Ci within the chamber showed that subtidal plants of the seagrasses Cymodocea serrulata and Halophila ovalis had photosynthetic rates that were limited by the ambient Ci concentration depending on the irradiance that was available during short-term photosynthesis–irradiance trials. Relative electron transport rates (RETRs) at light saturation (up to 500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1) increased by 66–100% when the Ci concentration was increased from ca. 2.2 to 6.2 mM. On the other hand, intertidal plants of the same species exhibited a much lesser limitation of photosynthesis by Ci at any irradiance (up to 1500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1). Both species were able to use HCO 3 efficiently, and there was stronger evidence for direct uptake of HCO 3 rather than extracellular dehydration of HCO 3 to CO2 prior to Ci uptake. Subtidally, H. ovalis and C. serrulata grew to 10 and 12 m, respectively, where ambient irradiances were approximately 16 and 11% of those at the surface. Maximum RETRs (at light saturation) were lower for these deep-growing plants than for the intertidally growing ones. For both species, the onset of light saturation of photosynthesis (E k) occurred at approximately 100 μ mol photons m−2 s−1 for the deep water populations, which was four and two times lower than for the shallow populations of C. serrulata and H. ovalis, respectively. This, and the differences in maximal photosynthetic rates (RETR max), reflects an acclimation of the deep-growing populations to the lower light environment. The results presented here show that photosynthesis, as measured in situ, was limited by the availability of Ci for the deeper growing plants in Zanzibar, while the intertidally growing plants photosynthesised at close to Ci saturation. The latter result is contrary to previous conclusions regarding Ci limitations for these intertidal plants, and, in general, our findings highlight the need for performing similar experiments in situ rather than under laboratory conditions. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

界面化学与水力学作用下的生物炭在砂柱中的迁移特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李星燃  高鹏  祝妍华  梁媛 《环境化学》2020,39(5):1410-1419
通过柱淋溶实验,分别研究不同离子强度或不同流速作用下,生物炭在石英砂柱中的迁移特征及驱动机制.结果表明,淋溶结束时,在高离子强度条件下,生物炭从生物炭层向石英砂柱中迁移的总质量最大,与1号柱(CK)相比,迁移质量提高了62%;主要驱动力为界面化学作用,高离子强度抑制了生物炭内部碱性物质的释放,颗粒表面双电层被压缩,降低了ζ电位,更多生物炭颗粒滞留在不稳定的第二极小势能处,易迁移出炭层.在高流速条件下,生物炭在石英砂柱中径向迁移深度最大,最大迁移深度为3.5—4 cm.主要驱动力为水力学作用,流速的增加,产生的水动力剪切力促使生物炭大聚体分散成小聚体,有利于生物炭随水流向径向深处迁移.  相似文献   

基于西藏高寒草原生态系统以水分为主要驱动力的东西样带和以温度为主要驱动力的南北样带内采集土样的实测数据,分析了表层(0~20 cm)土壤活性有机碳的分布特征及其与气候因子之间的关系.结果表明,在280°46'-31°40'N的南北样带内,表层土壤活性有机碳含量随着纬度的增加而增加,当纬度增加到一定程度后,则随着纬度的增加而减少,呈现出南北低、中间高的分布特征.在80°02'-91°50'E的东西样带内,表层土壤活性有机碳含量随着经度的增加而增加,当经度增加到一定程度后,则随着经度的增加而减少,呈现出东西低、中间高的分布特征.影响南北样带内表层土壤活性有机碳分布的关键气候因子是年均气温,而影响东西样带内表层土壤活性有机碳分布的关键气候因子则是年均降水量.  相似文献   


Low-carbon development is an essential measure to combat climate change, and the establishment of low-carbon standards is an important means to achieve low-carbon development. Due to the differences in size and development level among counties of China, the applicability and fairness of county-level low-carbon standards are very important in this country. This study analyzed the trends of county-level carbon emissions in China, defined the peak value of carbon emissions per capita, summarized the characteristics of existing low-carbon standards, and proposed a fair county-level low-carbon standard based on carbon emissions per capita. The results of our analysis suggest that, under the constraints of carbon emissions reduction policies, China’s carbon emissions per capita will tend towards a stable range. Additionally, by referring to predictions results of the peak value of China’s carbon emissions per capita, it was determined that, in low-carbon development targets, China’s county-level carbon emissions per capita should be set within the range of 2–4 tons. Besides setting low-carbon standards, the Chinese government and private enterprises should develop low-carbon technologies as soon as possible and innovate management models to achieve the win–win situation of simultaneous economic growth and carbon emissions reduction.  相似文献   

Patterns of allozyme variation at the GPI (glucose phosphate isomerase) locus showed that the recently described or clarified Pseudocalanus newmani, P. acuspes, P. moultoni and P. minutus are genetically isolated from each other even though morphologically they are very similar, and in places sympatric. This genetic isolation was inferred from the presence of private alleles in some species, and from differences in their degrees of observed heterozygosity and in the observed frequencies of shared alleles in all the species examined. Temporal variations were not detected in P. newmani, P. acuspes and P. minutus. Populations of P. newmani and P. moultoni from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America have apparently diverged. No such divergence was detected among samples of P. acuspes from Nova Scotia, the Canadian Arctic and the Baltic sea, and of P. minutus from Nova Scotia and Hudson Bay. P. elongatus collected in the English Channel differed from P. acuspes from the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

We introduce a methodology to infer zones of high potential for the habitat of a species, useful for management of biodiversity, conservation, biogeography, ecology, or sustainable use. Inference is based on a set of sites where the presence of the species has been reported. Each site is associated with covariate values, measured on discrete scales. We compute the predictive probability that the species is present at each node of a regular grid. Possible spatial bias for sites of presence is accounted for. Since the resulting posterior distribution does not have a closed form, a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is implemented. However, we also describe an approximation to the posterior distribution, which avoids MCMC. Relevant features of the approach are that specific notions of data acquisition such as sampling intensity and detectability are accounted for, and that available a priori information regarding areas of distribution of the species is incorporated in a clear-cut way. These concepts, arising in the presence-only context, are not addressed in alternative methods. We also consider an uncertainty map, which measures the variability for the predictive probability at each node on the grid. A simulation study is carried out to test and compare our approach with other standard methods. Two case studies are also presented.  相似文献   

The European Union's Natura 2000 (N2000) is among the largest international networks of protected areas. One of its aims is to secure the status of a predetermined set of (targeted) bird and butterfly species. However, nontarget species may also benefit from N2000. We evaluated how the terrestrial component of this network affects the abundance of nontargeted, more common bird and butterfly species based on data from long-term volunteer-based monitoring programs in 9602 sites for birds and 2001 sites for butterflies. In almost half of the 155 bird species assessed, and particularly among woodland specialists, abundance increased (slope estimates ranged from 0.101 [SD 0.042] to 3.51 [SD 1.30]) as the proportion of landscape covered by N2000 sites increased. This positive relationship existed for 27 of the 104 butterfly species (estimates ranged from 0.382 [SD 0.163] to 4.28 [SD 0.768]), although most butterflies were generalists. For most species, when land-cover covariates were accounted for these positive relationships were not evident, meaning land cover may be a determinant of positive effects of the N2000 network. The increase in abundance as N2000 coverage increased correlated with the specialization index for birds, but not for butterflies. Although the N2000 network supports high abundance of a large spectrum of species, the low number of specialist butterflies with a positive association with the N2000 network shows the need to improve the habitat quality of N2000 sites that could harbor open-land butterfly specialists. For a better understanding of the processes involved, we advocate for standardized collection of data at N2000 sites.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope discrimination (CID) has been proposed in estimating transpiration efficiency (TE) in plants indirectly To identify variations for TE and specific leaf area (SLA) and their association with CID, a glasshouse experiment was conducted using six prominent species of Cenchrus. A significant increase in TE (3.50 to 3.87 g kg(-1)) and decrease in SLA (219.50 to 207.99 cm2 g(-1)) and CID (13.72 to 13.23% per hundred) was observed from well watered to stress condition. Results indicated a direct relationship of SLA with CID (r = 0.511* and 0.544*) and inverse relationship between TE and CID (r = -0.229 and -0.270) However the relationship of TE with CID was insignificant. A positive and significant relationship was visualized between TE and dry matter production in both control (r = 0.917**) and stress (0.718**) treatments. Relationships of total dry matter with SLA and CID were monitored insignificant and negative in control and positive in stress treatment indicated difference in dry matter production under two treatments. It seems that, in Cenchrus species, CID was influenced more by the photosynthetic capacity than by stomatal conductance, as indicated by its positive relationship with SLAin both control (r = 0.511) and stress (r = 0.544) conditions and negative relationship with root dry matter production under control (r = -0.921**) and stress (r = -0.919***) condition. Results showed good correspondence between CID and SLA, indicating that lines having high TE and biomass production can be exploited for their genetic improvement for drought.  相似文献   

污染生态学的研究前沿与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据污染生态学国内外研究现状与发展趋势 ,对该领域的最新研究前沿进行了较为系统的分析和归纳。与此同时 ,从生态学发展战略的角度 ,对今后的研究重点进行了阐述。认为污染生态过程是污染生态学研究的中心议题 ,污染生态修复与污染生态工程是污染生态学应用研究的重点。通过研究 ,将会推动污染生态化学和污染生态毒理学等学科新的生长点和新的分支学科的形成和发展。  相似文献   

Individual-based and state variable-based adaptive agents (AA) are discussed regarding their relevance to different types of ecosystems. Individual-based AA proved applicable to a spatially explicit simulation of highly simplified terrestrial food webs. State variable-based AA with evolutionary computation (EC) embodied are suggested for the simulation of aquatic food webs and plankton species interactions. Embodiment of EC in AA can be achieved by evolving predictive rules (ER), differential equations (EDE) or artificial neural networks (ANN) derived from a diverse lake database. In order to provide ecosystem simulation with resilience to environmental change, agent banks can be created containing alternative agents for same species or functional groups from different lakes. State variable-based AA are currently tested for aquatic ecosytem simulation by means of a diverse lake database. It promises to overcome constraints by the rigidity of traditional lake ecosystem models.  相似文献   

郭月峰  姚云峰  秦富仓  祁伟 《生态环境》2013,(10):1665-1670
选择燕山典型流域6个林龄序列的小叶杨(Populus simonii)和5个林龄序列的山杏(Prunus sibirica)主要造林树种为研究对象,利用时间替代空间样地测量法量化退牧还林后生物量碳储量、凋落物碳储量和土壤碳储量及生态系统碳储量的变化规律,同时以各组成碳库-林龄序列中的最大碳储量之和作为生态系统饱和碳储量,以未退牧的天然草地生态系统碳储量作为初始植被类型的碳储量,分析总结了退牧还林对生态系统碳储量和碳循环的影响。结果表明,退牧还林后生态系统的生物量碳储量、凋落物碳储量基本随退牧年限的增加而增加,土壤碳储量随退牧年限的增加呈现先减小后增加的趋势。在没有人为干扰的情况下,9、15、18、22及29 a生小叶杨林的生态系统碳储量分别为7147.45、7461.67、7509.895、8468.375及8247.85 g·m^-2,9、15、18、22及26 a生山杏林的生态系统碳储量分别为6695.44、6700.82、8011.86、8001.92及7981.92 g·m^-2;9、15、18、22、29及36 a生小叶杨林的生态系统固碳潜力分别为757.08、1071.3、1119.53、2078.01、1857.48及1312.21 g·m^-2,9、15、18、22及26 a生山杏林的生态系统固碳潜力分别为310.45、1621.49、1611.55、1591.55及757.08 g·m^-2。长期来看,研究区退牧还林对提高生态系统碳汇能力是可观的、积极的。研究结果对提高造林对碳汇影响的估测能力提供数据支持,也为政府参与国际全球气候变化的谈判提供一个很好的案例研究和科学根据。  相似文献   

Over 1 million species around the world are at risk of extinction, and conservation organizations have to decide where to invest their limited resources. Cost-effectiveness can be increased by leveraging funding opportunities and increasing collaborative partnerships to achieve shared conservation goals. We devised a structured decision-making framework to prioritize species’ conservation programs based on a cost–benefit analysis that takes collaborative opportunities into account in an examination of national and global conservation return on investment. Conservation benefit is determined by modifying the novel International Union for the Conservation of Nature Green Status for Species to provide an efficient, high-level measure that is comparable among species, even with limited information and time constraints. We applied this prioritization approach to the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo, Canada, a nonprofit organization seeking to increase the number of species it assists with conservation translocations. We sought to identify and prioritize additional species’ programs for which conservation translocation expertise and actions could make the most impact. Estimating the likelihood of cost-sharing potential enabled total program cost to be distinguished from costs specific to the organization. Comparing a benefit-to-cost ratio on different geographic scales allowed decision makers to weigh alternative options for investing in new species’ programs in a transparent and effective manner. Our innovative analysis aligns with general conservation planning frameworks and can be adapted for any organization.  相似文献   

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