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Problem: In response to the demands of competitiveness, there has been a proliferation of management delayering in order to move responsibility to those people carrying out the operations and to focus on working as a team. Teams can be managed in different ways: using supervisors, team leaders, or self-managed. The management of health and safety and other business risks is dependent on the way in which the team is managed. Method: This study has assessed, through the use of semistructured interviews, how UK manufacturing companies have addressed a range of health and safety management issues (i.e., the setting, communication, and measurement of company objectives, employee participation and empowerment, and risk assessment) in relation to different styles of group working (i.e., supervised groups, groups with team leaders, and self-managed groups). Discussion: Although the differences are not always significant, it is noticeable that within organizations using supervised work environments, there is a lack of communication of specific health and safety information, little involvement and participation in safety activities, and a greater reliance on the safety function. However, in organizations using team leaders and self-managed groups, there is evidence of greater management involvement, more open communication, and greater employee involvement in health and safety, although empowerment in its true sense was still limited in these organizations. Impact on industry: The results obtained illustrate the impact of different working groups on the management of health and safety in the UK manufacturing sector. 相似文献
煤矿安全管理中的常见组织错误及其防控途径 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
组织错误研究是人误研究的新方向,它是引发事故的根本原因。本文在总结组织错误理论研究现状的基础上,对组织错误理论的定义进行重新梳理,分析了煤矿安全管理中的组织行为,揭示了我国煤矿安全管理中常见的组织错误问题及其危害,提出防控途径和措施,为有效地预防和减少因组织错误而导致的煤矿事故,加强煤矿的组织安全管理提供理论支撑。文中指出了不健全的制度、不规范的培训、不系统的管理、不合理的奖惩等是煤矿存在的主要组织错误,并分别提出了相应的预防措施,从深层次着手,多角度进行管理,力争解决这些问题。本文为研究下一步煤矿安全管理中各种组织错误的发生演化路径及其规律,揭示我国现阶段煤矿安全管理中组织错误发展的规律提供了理论基础。 相似文献
Gheorghe Maria Dragos-Nicolae Stefan 《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2010,23(1):112-126
The safety in operation of a fixed-bed catalytic reactor remains a sensitive issue when a highly exothermic reaction is conducted and various process development elements such as controllability, stability, risk, and economic aspects are considered. Several model-based methods are used to estimate the safe operating region limits. Nominal conditions are set to limit the hot spot in the tubular reactor and avoid excessive thermal sensitivity to variations in the process parameters. When the catalyst or its characteristics are changed, the operating conditions have to be adjusted accordingly. The safety problem becomes more important when the production optimization requires setting the nominal operating point in the vicinity of the safety limits. This paper investigates the advantages as well as the precautions that need to be taken when using a more sophisticated model-based global sensitivity criterion (MV of Morbidelli & Varma) to routinely update the runaway critical conditions when changes in the investigated system frequently occur. A concrete example is provided for the case of an industrial fixed-bed catalytic reactor for nitrobenzene hydrogenation in vapour-phase. The analysis points out the discrepancies in predicting the runaway boundaries for complex processes between precise sensitivity-based MV-method and shortcut methods, and the importance of accounting for parameter uncertainty for both evaluation of the confidence region around the runaway boundaries and for the optimal set-point location. The close connection between the operating risk limits and the process kinetics is also highlighted even if the reactor geometry and the main flow conditions are kept unchanged. 相似文献
作业中的安全要求容易被忽视.人们在做一件事或从事一项作业活动时,重点一般都放在所要达到的目标或目的上而直奔目标或目的. 相似文献
安全是个系统工程,它包括安全管理、安全技术、安全教育等诸多方面.从国家颁布的法规到每个人的衣食住行,无一不与之有密切的关系.各行各业也都需要有一套行之有效的安全管理体制来保证其工作的顺利运行.随着我国经济的快速发展,一些新的事物不断出现,为安全管理工作提出了新的课题.此时,借鉴一些国外的先进经验,分析失误的教训,有重要的意义. 相似文献
García Herrero S Mariscal Saldaña MA Manzanedo del Campo MA Ritzel DO 《Journal of Safety Research》2002,33(1):1-20
This editorial reviews the evolution of the concepts of safety and quality that have been used in the traditional workplace. The traditional programs of safety are explored showing strengths and weaknesses. The concept of quality management is also viewed. Safety management and quality management principles, stages, and measurement are highlighted. The concepts of quality and safety guarantee are assessed. Total Quality Management concepts are reviewed and applied to safety quality. Total safety management principles are discussed. Finally, an analysis of the relationship between quality and safety from data collected from a company in Spain is presented. 相似文献
The Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment provided subsidy over the period 2004–2008 to a number of companies to introduce changes aimed at reducing accidents by changing their safety culture and aspects of their safety management. As part of the programme a scientific evaluation was set up to assess the effectiveness of the interventions in 17 of the projects, covering 29 companies. Before and after studies were made of the companies, documenting the state of their safety management and risk control efforts and their accident rates before the intervention, the changes made over the study period and the resulting changes in a range of measures aimed at assessing the success of the changes. The analysis led to a categorisation of the projects according to their degree of success.This paper describes the patterns of interventions distinguishing between successful and not successful projects and discusses the mechanisms lying behind them. Interventions bringing about constructive dialogue between shop-floor and line management, providing motivation to line managers and strengthening the monitoring and learning loops in the safety management system (SM) appeared more successful. The amount of energy and creativity injected by top managers and, above all, by the coordinator (safety professional) appeared also to be a distinguishing factor. 相似文献
张伟民 《中国安全生产科学技术》2012,(Z1):243-247
上海华谊集团是地处特大型城市中的大型化工企业集团,拥有30家从事危险化学品的生产经营单位。搞好生产过程安全管理,确保一方平安,是集团实现安全发展、科学发展的基础,是重中之重的工作。华谊集团重点强化企业安全责任主体,落实各级安全管理责任制;加强制度建设,统一制订实施集团《安全管理制度》,强化完善制度监管;强化重点危险化学品等的全过程安全监管,推进危化品企业安全标准化;组织开展HSE大检查,消除安全隐患;全员参与,实施全员危险源辨识活动,开展应急预案的修订与演练;加快推进产品结构调整和布局调整,消除安全"孤岛";实施"一个华谊,全国业务"的跨市发展战略。 相似文献
1概况 唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司是一个铁钢双700万吨的特大型钢铁联合企业,拥有矿山、焦化、冶炼、轧钢、机制、建筑安装、设计研究等生产和辅助单位30个.生产板、管、带、棒、线等各种规格的钢材品种.现有职工5万余人,人员分布广泛,不安全因素增多.安全与生产矛盾日益突出,唐钢近年来不断推行安全目标管理、职业健康安全认证等现代化管理方法,使各类事故率有所下降. 相似文献
在油库燃爆研究的基础上,利用FSA方法的理念,对油库安全管理过程中的客观危险因素进行识别,即对油库燃爆事故的基本原因进行综合分析,然后对识别出的各危险因素采取定性分析的方法进行风险评估,以基本事件的结构重要度系数表示。根据事故树的最小径集,得出防止油库燃爆的各种风险控制方案,然后对各方案进行成本与效益评估,从而对各风险控制方案进行比较,从中选择出科学合理的油库安全管理方案。 相似文献
我国现已探明的天然气田中近一半为高含硫气田.硫化氢特殊的物理和化学性质,对人和设备具有高危害性,容易引起重大事故.因此,高含硫气田开采在技术、安全管理等方面有着更高甚至特殊的要求.本文以重庆市开县"12·23"井喷事故分析为基础,针对我国目前高含硫气田安全管理工作存在的一些问题,分别就完善HSE管理体系、落实规章制度、加强工艺安全管理以及严格培训制度等方面,提出具有针对性的改善高含硫气田开采安全管理工作的建议.本文的研究成果,可以为高含硫气田的安全管理工作提供参考. 相似文献
根据国际标准化组织颁布的两个系列标准的特点,分析了如何运用管理循环于安全管理和环境管理实践中,提出了制约因素管理循环,并且阐述了管理职能循环、PDCA循环和制约因素管理循环运用于管理工作实践中三者的关系. 相似文献
作为城镇供水行业,市政工程建设是不可缺少的部分,目前总公司国债工程--管网二期工程已全面展开.该工程是我公司乃至全市的重点工程之一,其任务量之大,工期之紧,对工程承建单位工程公司是一次严峻的考验.施工过程中存在地下障碍多,交叉作业多,又时逢雨季等诸多不利因素将直接或间接影响着安全施工.为此,笔者对河北省2002年度建设工程安全生产情况进行了调查. 相似文献
电力企业安全生产形势及问题探讨 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
电力企业的安全管理关系着国家能源安全可靠、经济持续发展,和人民生活起居。本文介绍了电力企业中安全问题的重要性及其表现,阐述了近年来电力企业在安全方面存在的主要问题,及对安全管理造成的影响,提出了提高电力企业安全管理水平四个方面的措施:领导重视、加强监控力度;完善法规制度、主抓安全技术措施落实;防范电力市场改革中的安全风险;提升安全管理信息化建设等。体现了“以人为本、安全第一、和谐发展”的理念。 相似文献
加强高含硫气田开采安全管理工作的建议 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1
我国现已探明的天然气田中近一半为高含硫气田。硫化氢特殊的物理和化学性质,对人和设备具有高危害性,容易引起重大事故。因此,高含硫气田开采在技术、安全管理等方面有着更高甚至特殊的要求。本文以重庆市开县“12·23”井喷事故分析为基础,针对我国目前高含硫气田安全管理工作存在的一些问题,分别就完善HSE管理体系、落实规章制度、加强工艺安全管理以及严格培训制度等方面,提出具有针对性的改善高含硫气田开采安全管理工作的建议。本文的研究成果,可以为高含硫气田的安全管理工作提供参考。 相似文献
《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2002,15(2):77-95
Traditionally, both academe and practitioners have tended to address fire safety by focusing on technical aspects and looking for the immediate causes of fire incidents or accidents after they have taken place. More recently, organisations have focused on assessing the consequences of the fire risk inherent in their operations pro-actively. However, fire safety still tends to be addressed in isolation, though fire loss is an emergent property. An organisation's emergent property results from the interrelated activities of people who design it, manage it and operate it. There is still a need for a systemic approach to understand the systemic nature of fire safety. This paper describes a fire safety management system (FSMS) model that aims to maintain fire risk within an acceptable range in an organisation's operations in a coherent way. This systemic approach can be used as a diagnostic tool to assess the effectiveness of existing safety management systems (SMS). It is hoped that this approach will lead not only to more effective management of fire safety, but also to more effective management of safety, health and the environment for any organisation. 相似文献
介绍了激励的定义,激励在安全管理中的作用,以及激励的形成过程.分析了激励理论中的马斯洛需求层次论,并将该理论应用于安全管理.同时描述了激励在安全管理中的常用方式:工作激励、成果激励、批评激励以及培训教育激励. 相似文献
The articles presented in this Special Issue on Road Safety Management represent an illustration of the growing interest in policy-related research in the area of road safety. The complex nature of this type of research combined with the observation that scientific journals pay limited attention to this type of research was the background for SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research in the Netherlands to organise a workshop on Scientific Research on Road Safety Management. This workshop generated a lot of attention in the road safety research community as well in the policy making community, and it was decided – in addition to the nine articles based on the presentations at the workshop – to include another seven articles which are considered of relevance for the chosen topic of this special issue. 相似文献