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随着产品更新换代的加快,废弃电子信息产品携带的有毒有害金属,造成了越来越突出的环境问题。调查显示,废旧电视机显像管和计算机显示器是易爆炸性的废弃物;彩管玻璃、印刷电路板上的焊锡以及塑料等都含有有毒物质;计算机含有700多种化学原料,其中50%对人体有害。此外,废旧家电、手机、废旧电池等正在污染着环境、危害着人们的健康,而且新的生产又在消耗着有限的资源。为此,我国将建立电子废弃物回收再利用产业试验基地。  相似文献   

目前在高职高专数学教育中存在着只注重数学知识、数学思维、数学思想的研究和教学的现象,而数学教学中应体现的人文精神却常常被忽视了。本文分析了数学教学中蕴涵的人文精神,并提出应坚持自觉性与渗透性的原则,加强数学教学中人文精神培养。  相似文献   

公共课部承担学院英语与数学公共基础教学、商务英语专业教学和经济系、体育系等专业英语、专业数学教学工作。根据学院发展和市场人才的需求,公共课部2009年创办了商务英语专业,现在校生105人。  相似文献   

在教育体系中,多媒体技术的运用已经成为必然的趋势。多媒体技术应用在中文教学过程中具有丰富教学的形式与内容、提高教学效率、促进教师综合素质增长等优点,但同时也存在着忽略学生主体性、重形式而轻内容、“贪多嚼不烂”等误区,针对以上问题,应端正观念、抓好重点、扬长避短。  相似文献   

中国药用植物的数值区划   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文根据药用植物的地理分布,运用计算机以组平均法做聚类分析研究中药区划,将全国为4个区和8个亚区,并探讨了各区和亚区的生态环境条件,植物区系和植被特征,为中药区划和药用植物的引种栽培研究提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

如何进行英语口语的教学已成为教学界一个非常重要的问题。当前口语教学面临着诸多困难和问题。论文中提及了与口语教学有关的教学法一交际教学法,两个影响口语教学的重要因素,即教与学之间的互动作用和课堂气氛对口语教学的影响。  相似文献   

90年代初,美国率先提出建设“信息高速公路”,以此为契机,全世界掀起了以国际互联网(Internet)为代表的信息基础设施建设热潮。这股热潮不断推动计算机网络技术的迅猛发展,形成了网络技术的一场革命,使得国际互联网走出象牙之塔,为全世界社会各阶层人士...  相似文献   

中国环境管理干部学院现代化教学中心成立于2003年9月,是学院负责信息化规划、建设、管理和维护等工作的二级部门,主要为学院的教学科研提供现代化教学技术支持和服务,工作范围涵盖了计算机实训室、多媒体教室、校园主干网络和学院网站等相关管理工作。  相似文献   

本文论述了在化工基础教学中进行环保教育的方法和应注意的问题,认为系统的环境教育与专业环境教育相结合,才能有利于培养良好的环境意识,而今后的化工生产中应大力推广清洁生产。  相似文献   

5月22日是国际生物多样性日,在这个特殊的纪念日里,我们特别为广大教师和读者安排了认识和了解生物多样性基础的部分内容和教学案例。  相似文献   

Summary The growth in the application of computers is one of the major developments of the last half of the 20th Century. There have already been substantial changes in society because of the computer, but even greater changes lie ahead. This paper defines some of the characteristics and applications of computers, as well as some of their limitations. It closes with comments on the implications of the development of ‘a new class of illiterates’—those who are unfamiliar with or even afraid of the computer as an aid in measurement, analysis, record keeping, communication and education. Robert C. Baron has over 25 years experience in the computer industry, as an engineer and as an executive. He was program manager for the Mariner II (Venus) and the Mariner IV (Mars) on board space computers. He was worldwide systems manager for Honeywell's minicomputer business. In 1972, he founded Prime Computer and was its first president. He is currently working as a writer, lecturer and consultant on the development and application of computer and communication technology. Mr. Baron is the author or contributor to six books and has written over 40 papers and speeches.  相似文献   

把信息技术融入高职英语教学已经成为高职院校英语教学的普遍现象。从高职英语教学现状分析入手,结合学习的联结理论和建构主义理论,论述了信息技术是高职英语教学改革的必然性。详细分析了信息技术在高职英语教学中具有的显著特点和优势,以及信息技术与高职英语教学的整合模式,即情景教学模式、学生主体模式和交互学习模式。在此基础上分别从教师、学生两个角度深入探讨了在英语教学中应用信息技术应该注意的一些问题。通过这些深入的探讨应该看到随着更先进的信息技术引入教育领域,高职英语课堂将更具有吸引力,教师的教学空间将更加开放和富有创意,学生的自主学习将更加宽广和富有弹性。  相似文献   

结合高职教育的特点和计算机应用专业的教学,提出了"一线、二体、三层、五框架、多考核"的动态教学模型,并从多角度分析了实际教学中应该采取的改革措施,阐明了各个环节的具体做法。  相似文献   

The accelerating pace of waste generation from used electrical and electronic equipment is of growing global concern. Within this waste stream, computer hardware is quite significant in terms of both volume and risk to the environment because of the hazardous materials within it. The waste management hierarchy of prevention, reuse, recycle, treatment and disposal in landfill is accepted as a universal guideline for waste management. The contemporary concept of integrated solid waste management is very complex comprising of not only the environmental aspects or the technical aspects of the waste management hierarchy, but also incorporating economic, institutional, perceived risk and social issues in the context of complete life cycle of waste. Moreover, when to shift from one stage of hierarchy to another, is an involved decision warranting inclusion of several case specific issues. This paper presents a life cycle based multi-objective model that can help decision makers in integrated waste management. The proposed model has been applied to a case study of computer waste scenario in Delhi, India, which apart from having computer waste from its native population receives large quantities of imported second hand computers. The model has been used to evaluate management cost and reuse time span or life cycle of various streams of computer waste for different objectives of economy, perceived risk and environmental impact. The model results for different scenarios of waste generation have been analyzed to understand the tradeoffs between cost, perceived risk and environmental impact. The optimum life cycle of a computer desktop was observed to be shorter by 25% while optimizing cost than while optimizing impact to the environment or risk perceived by public. Proposed integrated approach can be useful for determining the optimum life cycle of computer waste, as well as optimum configuration of waste management facilities, for urban centers where computer waste related issues are of growing concern.  相似文献   

The accelerating pace of waste generation from used electrical and electronic equipment is of growing global concern. Within this waste stream, computer hardware is quite significant in terms of both volume and risk to the environment because of the hazardous materials within it. The waste management hierarchy of prevention, reuse, recycle, treatment and disposal in landfill is accepted as a universal guideline for waste management. The contemporary concept of integrated solid waste management is very complex comprising of not only the environmental aspects or the technical aspects of the waste management hierarchy, but also incorporating economic, institutional, perceived risk and social issues in the context of complete life cycle of waste. Moreover, when to shift from one stage of hierarchy to another, is an involved decision warranting inclusion of several case specific issues. This paper presents a life cycle based multi-objective model that can help decision makers in integrated waste management. The proposed model has been applied to a case study of computer waste scenario in Delhi, India, which apart from having computer waste from its native population receives large quantities of imported second hand computers. The model has been used to evaluate management cost and reuse time span or life cycle of various streams of computer waste for different objectives of economy, perceived risk and environmental impact. The model results for different scenarios of waste generation have been analyzed to understand the tradeoffs between cost, perceived risk and environmental impact. The optimum life cycle of a computer desktop was observed to be shorter by 25% while optimizing cost than while optimizing impact to the environment or risk perceived by public. Proposed integrated approach can be useful for determining the optimum life cycle of computer waste, as well as optimum configuration of waste management facilities, for urban centers where computer waste related issues are of growing concern.  相似文献   

探索高等职业院校管理上的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高职院校和普通高等院校之间存在着很多差异,指出管理者应认真分析高职院校的特点,有针对地进行管理。目前高职院校在行政与教学管理方面还存在着一些问题。只有解决了这些问题,高职院校才能真正发挥其培养实用型人才的作用。  相似文献   

运用访谈法、实地考察法和文献资料法,通过对秦皇岛市部分高校体育课武术教学现状进行调查,发现目前高校体育课武术教学在教材内容、教学时数的设置、教法及手段等方面存在问题,提出了调整教学内容与教学方法、加强理论教学和增加课程总学时等武术教学改革的建议。  相似文献   

瑜伽应用于高校健美操教学中的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瑜伽具有独特的健身手段,其减压手段也为世人公认,但目前主要流行于各种健身俱乐部中。本文通过对比瑜伽健身法与高校大学生健美操健身法的异同,以及瑜伽应用于健美操教学中的实际效果来论证瑜伽应用于健美操教学中的可行性,从而为提高高校健美操教学质量和培养大学生的终身体育能力提供参考。  相似文献   

关于高职园林专业职业素质培养的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职园林专业职业素质培养中存在认识不足、形式落后、评价体系不科学等问题,应该通过明确认识,使教学内容多样化,增强师资力量,提高评价体系的科学性等来对园林专业及高职院校相关专业进行教学改革。  相似文献   

选取47名高职商务英语专业的学生为研究对象,采用教学前后对比的方式,考察内容依托教学对学生英语能力、学习兴趣及时代意识的影响。研究表明,除写作能力外,通过内容依托教学学生的英语能力有很大提高,尤其是阅读能力。此外,内容依托教学还提升了学生的学习兴趣,以及跨时代、跨学科的学习意识。  相似文献   

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