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The razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus , in the middle Green River (U.S.A.) has been described as a static population consisting of old individuals that will eventually disappear through attrition. Capture data between 1980 and 1992 indicated a constant length frequency despite a slow but positive growth rate of individual fish. Abundance and survival estimates indicated that the population of razorback sucker in the middle Green River is precariously low but dynamic. Although high variation existed among survival estimates, no significant decrease in the population between 1982 and 1992 could be detected. The low level of recruitment occurring in the razorback sucker population of the middle Green River was related to high-flow years, indicating that floodplain habitats may be necessary for survival of the species.  相似文献   

Cell cultures have been established from 33 individual black rhinoceroses. These were from wild populations from various localities in southern Africa and include representatives from three geographical regions (southwestern, south-central, and eastern) corresponding to currently accepted conservation units, and include individuals previously attributed to one of the four subspecies, Diceros b. minor, D. b. bicornis, D. b. michaeli , and D. b. chobiensis (du Toit et al. 1987). Comparative mitochondrial DNA restriction maps were constructed using 16 restriction enzymes. These showed in each case two site differences between representative individuals from any two of the above geographical regions. Maps were monomorphic within geographical regions and, therefore, have the potential to provide diagnostic markers. The map from a single individual attributed to the D. b. chobiensis subspecies was identical to other individuals (attributed to D. b. minor ) in the south-central geographical region. The low amount of genetic diversity implied by these few differences renders it unlikely that problems with outbreeding depression will arise if, given the continuing decline in numbers of black rhinoceroses, it becomes necessary to supplement wild or captive populations with individuals from a different conservation unit in order to avoid inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Abstract: The silvery gibbon (   Hylobates moloch ), endemic to the island of Java, relies on closed-canopy, lowland evergreen forest for its survival. Because Java has lost over 91% of its original forest, silvery gibbons currently occupy small, isolated forest fragments and are threatened with extinction. To contribute to a comprehensive conservation strategy for this species, we analyzed the mtDNA control region of 31 silvery gibbons representing most remaining populations. Our results suggest the presence of at least two genetically differentiated lineages: a "western" lineage, represented by the largest remaining natural population in Gunung Halimun National Park and a "central" lineage, consisting of smaller, more isolated populations in and around the Gunung Masigit/Simpang/Tilu complex, Gunung Gede/Pangrango, and Gunung Slamet. These two lineages, at a minimum, represent different management units that should, except in the most dire circumstances, be managed separately.  相似文献   

On mainland Australia, the eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii , is confined to a relic wild population numbering less than 100 individuals in the city of Hamilton. Animals derived from this population are being bred in captivity in order to promote their recovery. The species also exists in Tasmania, where tittle is known of its conservation and taxonomic status. Mitochondrial DNA variability was compared within and between populations of P. gunnii using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Genetic variability was found to be high among P. gunnii in Hamilton compared to those in Tasmania (higher diversity index, nucleotide sequence divergence, and greater number of haplotypes), despite the known decline and subdivision of the Hamilton population. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms distinguished animals from the east and the west of Hamilton and from the north and south of Tasmania. Nucleotide sequence divergence was substantial (2.2–2.5%) between Hamilton and Tasmania. Implications are that captive breeding and reintroduction should be designed to genetically represent the structure within Hamilton in order to minimize inbreeding and that the introduction of Tasmanian P. gunnii would not benefit the Hamilton population. It is concluded that mitochondrial DNA markers clearly can provide useful information about the history and current status of endangered marsupial populations, to the benefit of conservation management.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent natural and anthropogenic disturbances have endangered two of the three oriole species endemic to single islands in the Lesser Antilles. The ongoing eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano may have doomed the Montserrat Oriole (   Icterus oberi ), whereas high levels of nest parasitism by a cowbird threaten the Martinique Oriole (   I. bonana ). These orioles and related Antillean and Central American forms have been considered part of the Icterus dominicensis superspecies complex, but the taxonomic status of the different Antillean island populations has been long debated. To investigate levels of evolutionary differentiation among threatened Lesser Antillean orioles, we analyzed 2507 nucleotides of protein-coding mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence from orioles on Martinique, Montserrat, St. Lucia (   I. laudabilis ), Puerto Rico (   I. dominicensis dominicensis ), Mexico (   I. d. prosthemelas ), and three Icterus outgroup species. Phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA data supported the monophyly of Antillean members of the I. dominicensis complex and identified a star-like pattern of relationship among them. Mitochondrial distances between the Antillean populations were large (4.5–5.8% nucleotide divergence) and suggested that the Lesser Antillean orioles have been isolated evolutionarily from one another since the late Pliocene. The oriole taxa on Montserrat, Martinique, and St. Lucia meet species criteria under the phylogenetic species concept and represent evolutionarily significant units. The impending extinction of the phylogenetically unique Montserrat oriole highlights the vulnerability of island endemics to habitat degradation followed by rare and unpredictable natural catastrophes.  相似文献   

The gray wolf is a large, highly mobile predator whose original geographic range included most of the Northern Hemisphere. High rates of genetic exchange probably characterized even distantly-separated populations in the past, but recent population declines and habitat fragmentation have isolated previously contiguous populations, especially in the Old World. We examine mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variability among twenty-six populations of wolves from throughout their geographic range. We find eighteen mtDNA genotypes in gray wolves, seven of these are derived from hybridization with coyotes, four are confined to the New World, six are confined to the Old World and one is shared by both areas. Genetic differentiation among wolf populations is significant but small in magnitude. In the Old World, most localities have a single unique genotype, whereas in the New World several genotypes occur at most localities and three of the five genotypes are nearly ubiquitous. The pattern of genetic differentiation in the gray wolf contrasts with that of another large, highly vagile canid, the coyote, in which genetic differentiation among populations is not significant even among widely separated localities. We suggest that the difference between these two species reflects the rapid, recent increase in coyote numbers and expansion of their geographic range, and the coincident decline in gray wolf populations. Apparent genetic differences among extant wolf populations may be a recent phenomenon reflecting population declines and habitat fragmentation rather than a long history of genetic isolation.  相似文献   

Levels of variation in eight large captive populations of D. melanogaster (census sizes ∼ 5000) that had been in captivity for periods from 6 months to 23 years (8 to 365 generations) were estimated from allozyme heterozygosities, lethal frequencies, and inversion heterozygosities and phenotypic variances, additive genetic variances ( V A), and heritabilities ( h 2) for sternopleural bristle numbers. Correlations between all measures of variation except lethal frequencies were high and significant. All measures of genetic variation declined with time in captivity, with those for average heterozygosities, V A, and h 2 being significant. The effective population size ( N e) was estimated to be 185–253 in these populations, only 0.037–0.051 of census size (N). Levels of allozyme heterozygosities declined rapidly in two large captive populations founded from another wild stock, being reduced by 86% and 62% within 2.5 years in spite of being maintained at sizes of approximately 1000 and 3500. Estimates of N e/ N for these populations were only 0.016 and 0.004. Two estimates of N e/ N for captive populations of D. pseudoobscura from data in the literature were also low at 0.036 and 0.012. Consequently, the rate of loss of genetic variation in captive populations and endangered species may be more rapid than hitherto recognized. Merely maintaining captive populations at large census sizes may not be sufficient to maintain essential genetic variation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Italian wolf ( Canis lupus ) population has declined continuously over the last few centuries and become isolated as a result of the extermination of other populations in central Europe and the Alps during the nineteenth century. In the 1970s, approximately 100 wolves survived in 10 isolated areas in the central and southern Italian Apennines. Loss of genetic variability, as suggested by preliminary studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences, hybridization with feral dogs, and the illegal release of captive, non-native wolves are considered potential threats to the viability of the Italian wolf population. We sequenced 546 base pairs of the mtDNA control region in a comprehensive set of Italian wolves and compared them to those of dogs and other wolf populations from Europe and the Near East. Our data confirm the absence of mtDNA variability in Italian wolves: all 101 individuals sampled across their distribution in Italy had the same, unique haplotype, whereas seven haplotypes were found in only 26 wolves from an outbred population in Bulgaria. Most haplotypes were specific either to wolves or dogs, but some east European wolves shared haplotypes with dogs, indicative of hybridization. In contrast, neither hybridization with dogs nor introgression of non-native wolves was detected in the Italian population. These findings exclude the introgression of dog genes via matings between male wolves and female dogs, the most likely direction of hybridization. The observed mtDNA monomorphism is the possible outcome of random drift in the declining and isolated Italian wolf population, which probably existed at low effective population size during the last 100–150 years. Low effective population size and the continued loss of genetic variability might be a major threat to the long-term viability of Italian wolves. A controlled demographic increase, leading to recolonization of the historical wolf range in Italy, should be enforced.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of Batesian mimicry, where a palatable animal gains protection against predation by resembling an unpalatable model, has been a core interest of evolutionary biologists for 150 years. An extensive range of studies has focused on revealing mechanistic aspects of mimicry (shared education and generalization of predators) and the evolutionary dynamics of mimicry systems (co‐operation vs. conflict) and revealed that protective mimicry is widespread and is important for individual fitness. However, according to our knowledge, there are no case studies where mimicry theories have been applied to conservation of mimetic species. Theoretically, mimicry affects, for example, frequency dependency of predator avoidance learning and human induced mortality. We examined the case of the protected, endangered, nonvenomous smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) that mimics the nonprotected venomous adder (Vipera berus), both of which occur in the Åland archipelago, Finland. To quantify the added predation risk on smooth snakes caused by the rarity of vipers, we calculated risk estimates from experimental data. Resemblance of vipers enhances survival of smooth snakes against bird predation because many predators avoid touching venomous vipers. Mimetic resemblance is however disadvantageous against human predators, who kill venomous vipers and accidentally kill endangered, protected smooth snakes. We found that the effective population size of the adders in Åland is very low relative to its smooth snake mimic (28.93 and 41.35, respectively).Because Batesian mimicry is advantageous for the mimic only if model species exist in sufficiently high numbers, it is likely that the conservation program for smooth snakes will fail if adders continue to be destroyed. Understanding the population consequences of mimetic species may be crucial to the success of endangered species conservation. We suggest that when a Batesian mimic requires protection, conservation planners should not ignore the model species (or co‐mimic in Mullerian mimicry rings) even if it is not itself endangered. Implications of mimicry for Conservation of the endangered smooth snake  相似文献   

 The parasitic barnacles, Rhizocephala, are unique in Crustacea by having an entirely endo-parasitic phase inserted into their lifecycle. A cypris larva, remarkably similar to the cypris of conventional acorn and goose barnacles (Thoracica), settles on the crustacean host and develops an infective stage, the kentrogon, underneath the exuviae of the cypris. The kentrogon penetrates the integument of the host by a hollow cuticle structure, the stylet, and injects the parasitic material into the hemocoelic fluid of the host. Although advanced stages of the internal development have been found and described several times, the nature of the originally injected parasitic material has remained obscure for decades. Recently, however, it was shown that the parasitic material was injected by the kentrogon in the form of a motile, multi-cellular and vermiform body. The present study demonstrates that the vermiform stage is an instar which forms the only and direct link between the kentrogon and the maturing internal parasite. The vermiform instar, or vermigon, is at all times clothed in a cuticle, contains several types of cells, including epidermis and the anlage of the later ovary, and stays intact while growing into the internal parasites with rootlets. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 November 1999  相似文献   

Abstract:  Whenever population viability analysis (PVA) models are built to help guide decisions about the management of rare and threatened species, an important component of model building is the specification of a habitat model describing how a species is related to landscape or bioclimatic variables. Model-selection uncertainty may arise because there is often a great deal of ambiguity about which habitat model structure best approximates the true underlying biological processes. The standard approach to incorporate habitat models into PVA is to assume the best habitat model is correct, ignoring habitat-model uncertainty and alternative model structures that may lead to quantitatively different conclusions and management recommendations. Here we provide the first detailed examination of the influence of habitat-model uncertainty on the ranking of management scenarios from a PVA model. We evaluated and ranked 6 management scenarios for the endangered southern brown bandicoot ( Isoodon obesulus ) with PVA models, each derived from plausible competing habitat models developed with logistic regression. The ranking of management scenarios was sensitive to the choice of the habitat model used in PVA predictions. Our results demonstrate the need to incorporate methods into PVA that better account for model uncertainty and highlight the sensitivity of PVA to decisions made during model building. We recommend that researchers search for and consider a range of habitat models when undertaking model-based decision making and suggest that routine sensitivity analyses should be expanded to include an analysis of the impact of habitat-model uncertainty and assumptions.  相似文献   

Sea stars of the Leptasterias hexactis complex are important members of the rocky intertidal community of the temperate and subarctic North American Pacific coasts. Recent attempts to determine the genetic structure and taxonomic relationships of these sea stars have not been completely successful, due to the combination of extreme morphological variability and relative scarcity of taxonomically-informative genetic (allozyme) polymorphisms. The present study used mitochondrial DNA restriction-site polymorphisms for PCR (polymerase chain-reaction)-amplified products to provide additional information about this complex. Five restriction-site haplotypes were identified in southern Alaska and in the Puget Sound region that were allozymically distinct. Because the allozymic differences (Nei's unbiased genetic differences >0.08) are maintained in sympatry, the haplotypes behave evolutionarily as conventional species. Although most haplotypes show deficiencies of heterozygotes for polymorphic allozyme loci, there is no evidence for the existence of cryptic species within any of the haplotypes. Rather than consisting of a few polytypic and cosmopolitan species, the L. hexactis complex is apparently composed of numerous species with more restricted ranges. Determining the exact ranges and taxonomic relationships of the various species will require additional study.  相似文献   

King mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla Cuvier) collected in 1992 and 1993 from 13 localities along the Atlantic coast of the southeastern USA and in the northern Gulf of Mexico were surveyed for variation in mitochondrial (mt)DNA and a nuclear-encoded dipeptidase locus (PEPA-2). Both polymorphic and fixed mtDNA restriction sites were identified and mapped using conventional and polymerase chain-reaction (PCR)-based methods. Heterogeneity in mtDNA haplotype frequencies was found only in comparisons of pooled haplotypes from Atlantic localities versus pooled haplotypes from Gulf localities. This finding indicates weak genetic divergence between king mackerel from the Atlantic and those from the Gulf. Frequencies of two PEPA-2 alleles essentially paralleled previous findings: one allele (PEPA-2a) was common among samples from western Gulf localities, whereas the other allele (PEPA-2b) was common among samples from Atlantic and eastern Gulf localities. There was considerable variation in PEPA-2 allele frequencies within broadly-defined regions. Variation in mtDNA haplotypes and PEPA-2 genotypes was independent, as was variation in mtDNA haplotypes with sex or age of individuals. Variation in PEPA-2 genotypes was not independent of sex or age of individuals. The latter result suggests that frequencies of PEPA-2 alleles in samples of king mackerel may stem, in part, from sex and age distributions of individuals within samples, and indicates that caution should be exercised in using allelic variation at PEPA-2 as a measure of population (stock) structure in king mackerel. The discordance in spatial patterning of mtDNA haplotypes versus PEPA-2 alleles across the Gulf (i.e. homogeneity in mtDNA haplotype frequencies versus heterogeneity in PEPA-2 allele frequencies) may be due to either female excess at several localities, sex-biased migration, or both. Observed patterns of genetic variation also are consistent with the hypothesis that king mackerel in the western Atlantic may have been subdivided during Pleistocene glaciation, and that the current distribution of PEPA-2 alleles may be a historical artefact. Received: 17 December 1996 / Accepted: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

The Keratoisidinae are a poorly known, but phenotypically diverse group of deepwater corals. Recent developments in deepwater trawling in the southwest Pacific have provided many more specimens of bamboo corals. Two sub-regions of the mitochondrial genome were sequenced to test genetic relationships among specimens collected over a wide geographical range (27–50° S): a sub-region of the large-subunit rRNA (16S rRNA), characterized by a highly variable insertion/deletion (INDEL#2) region; and a non-coding region between COII and COI. Based on DNA haplotypes, 14 species of Keratoisidinae were recognized among 88 specimens from deep water in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The common haplotypes also appeared in specimens collected in the northwest Pacific Ocean and may indicate that some bamboo coral species are widespread in the Pacific, or that the mitochondrial markers are insensitive to recent speciation events. Many specimens were taken from flat bottom areas and, contrary to assumptions, the bamboo corals are not endemic to seamounts. The closure of some seamounts to trawling will protect bamboo corals from extinction, but not from local depletion.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

Population subdivision was examined in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) through sequencing of the control region of the mitochondrial genome. A total of 178 samples from the spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and Mediterranean Sea were analyzed. Among the samples from these locations were 36 electronically tagged bluefin tuna that were tagged in the North Atlantic and subsequently traveled to one of these known spawning grounds during the spawning season. Bluefin tuna populations from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea were found to be genetically distinct based on Φst, and sequence nearest neighbor analyses, showing that these two major spawning areas support independent stocks. Sequence nearest neighbor analysis indicated significant population subdivision among the Gulf of Mexico, western Mediterranean and eastern Mediterranean Sea. However, it was not possible to find significant pairwise differences between any sampling areas when using all samples. If only samples that had a high likelihood of assignment to a specific spawning site were used (young of the year, spawning adults), the differentiation increased among all sampling areas and the Western Mediterranean Sea was distinct from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. It was not possible to distinguish samples from the Bahamas from those collected at any of the other sampling sites. These data support tagging results that suggested distinctness of the Gulf of Mexico, Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea spawning areas. This level of stock differentiation is only possible if Atlantic bluefin tuna show strong natal homing to individual spawning grounds.  相似文献   

The hamadryas baboon, Papio hamadryas hamadryas, represents a rare exception from the pattern of female philopatry and male-biased dispersal predominant in mammals including primates. To elucidate the possible consequences of the dispersal pattern on the population genetic structure of hamadryas baboons, we sequenced the maternally transmitted mitochondrial hypervariable region I of 74 individuals from ten sampling locations in different ecogeographic zones of Eritrea. To this end, individual fecal samples were collected at sleeping cliffs. Upon comparing the individual sequences by means of phylogenetic tree reconstructions and AMOVA, we could not detect a population genetic structure corresponding to a geographic pattern. Tree reconstructions revealed the existence of two profoundly different lineages both present at most of the sampling locations. These findings and Mantel correlations of genetic distances and the frequency of shared haplotypes to geographic distances point to the presence of female dispersal. Female-mediated gene flow is detectable over geographic distances exceeding those between neighboring subpopulations. Our study therefore corroborates local behavioral observations on a broad geographic scale. After inclusion of geographically closely situated olive baboons, P. h. anubis, in the analyses, all anubis sequences fell within one hamadryas clade. Possible scenarios leading to this situation including long-term hybridization processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in mitochondrial (mt)DNA was examined among 473 red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) sampled in 1988 and 1989 from nearshore localities in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States (Atlantic). Data were combined with those from a previous study to generate a total of 871 individuals sampled from 11 localities in the Gulf and 5 localities in the Atlantic. Individuals assayed were from the 1986 and 1987 year-classes. A total of 118 composite mtDNA genotypes (haplotypes) was found. The percentage nucleotide sequence divergence among the 118 haplotypes ranged from 0.184 to 1.913, with a mean (±SE) of 0.878±0.004. MtDNA nucleon diversities and intrapopulational nucleotide-sequence divergence values were similar over all Gulf and Atlantic localities, and were high relative to most fish species surveyed to date. These data indicate that the perceived decline in red drum abundance appears not to have affected the genetic variability base of the species. Significant heterogeneity in the frequencies of at least four haplotypes was detected between pooled samples from the Gulf vs pooled samples from the Atlantic. No heterogeneity was found among localities from the Gulf or localities from the Atlantic. High levels of gene flow among all localities were inferred from F ST values (a measure of the variance in mtDNA haplotype frequencies) and from Slatkin's qualitative and quantitative analyses. Parsimony and phenetic analyses revealed no strong evidence for phylogeographic cohesion of localities, although there was weak support for cohesion of four of five localities from the Atlantic. These data indicate that the red drum population is subdivided, with weakly differentiated subpopulations (stocks) occurring in the northern Gulf and along the Atlantic coast of southeastern USA. Spatial autocor-relation analysis and heterogeneity tests of haplotype frequencies among regions within the Gulf supported the hypothesis of increased gene flow among neighboring localities; i.e., migration of individuals within the Gulf may be inversely related to geographic distance from an estuary or bay of natal origin. Estimates of evolutionary effective female-population size indicate that the red drum subpopulations may be large.  相似文献   

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