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近来,福建省连续发生了一起较大和两起重大事故,冷静分析事故原因,寻找相应对策,以前车之鉴促进渔业安全生产平稳发展是一名渔业管理者应尽的职责。  相似文献   

基于特征源与环境特征的中国煤矿重大事故研究   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
通过对中国煤矿1980—2000年20年间发生的重大事故的分析显示,在中国煤矿重大事故的直接原因中,人因事故(含故意违章、管理失误、设计缺陷)所占比率高达97.67%以上,从而使人们对中国煤矿重大事故的致因有了新的认识。笔者从重大事故发生的特征源与环境特征角度,对中国煤矿重大事故及事故中的不安全行为进行研究,无论在理论层面,还是实践层面,对遏止煤矿重大事故都极具价值,意义重大。  相似文献   

近来,福建省连续发生了一起较大和两起重大事故,给渔民群众的生命财产带来了巨大损失,也给社会和谐稳定带来了极大的负面影响。作为一名渔业管理者,在痛惜渔民群众生命财产的同时,有必要冷静地分析事故发生的各种原因,寻找相应的对策,以“前车之鉴”促进今后渔业防灾减灾工作的平稳发展。  相似文献   

化学工业重大事故的多米诺效应分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
针对化学工业重大事故多米诺效应的严重后果,进行重大事故多米诺效应发生规律的研究。在指出触发重大事故多米诺效应发生条件和发生模式的基础上,设计重大事故多米诺效应的研究程序。借助生成重大火灾爆炸事故场景和其后果分析方法,建立多米诺效应概率分析的数学模型,利用VB开发了多米诺效应计算软件DOMISOFWARE,解决较为复杂的重大事故多米诺效应概率的计算问题。研究表明,爆炸事故总是较火灾事故具有更高触发多米诺效应的可能性,并且火灾和爆炸触发加压设备发生多米诺效应的概率与常压设备相比随间距增大几乎呈线性下降;确定了爆炸和火灾触发多米诺效应的概率和临界距离。研究结果对于化工装置的安全设计和重大事故的预防控制具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设不断地高速发展,电梯越来越多地应用于我们的日常生活,人们对它的需求和依赖也越来越大。然而对于电梯构造、性能以及相关技术知识不是每个使用者都能了解和掌握。大部分使用者在电梯发生故障或事故时总是不知所措,有的人还可能盲目自救,最终导致发生伤亡的重大事故。如何避免这种事故的发生?这是有关方面认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

在我国,一旦发生火灾、中毒等灾害事故,救护工作通常依靠目前极其有限的政府医疗力量.我们大多唯一能做的一件事情就是设法赶紧把危重伤员,尤其是昏迷及停止呼吸者送医院,而没有想过第一时间进行现场急救对挽救危害伤者的生命是多么重要.为此我们都有必要掌握一些紧急救援的基本知识,以便在紧急时刻出手拯救垂危的生命.  相似文献   

在如今这个全球化的时代里,新闻媒体几乎左右着普通大众对世界的看法.媒体对安全问题的关注总是短暂的,他们只有在发生重大事故的时候才对相关的安全问题进行曝光,这就使得大多数人不能认识到安全问题的重要性.  相似文献   

在我国,一旦发生火灾、中毒等灾 害事故,救护工作通常依靠目前极其 有限的政府医疗力量。我们大多唯一 能做的一件事情就是设法赶紧把危重 伤员,尤其是昏迷及停止呼吸者送医 院,而没有想过第一时间进行现场急 救对挽救危害伤者的生命是多么重要。 为此我们都有必要掌握一些紧急救援 的基本知识,以便在紧急时刻出手拯 救垂危的生命。  相似文献   

<正>6起据国家安监总局网站消息,国务院安委会办公室6月20日通报2014年以来6起煤矿重大事故。通报称,全国煤矿事故总量、较大以上事故、重大事故下降,未发生特别重大事故,煤矿安全生产形势总体稳定好转。但3月下旬以来接连发生了6起重大事故,较大、重大事故起数有抬头趋势。2?284人据民政部6月17日印发的《2013年社会服务发展统计公报》显示,2013年,我国各类自然灾害共造成3.9亿人次不同程度受灾,因灾死亡失踪2 284人,紧急转移安置1 215万人次,因灾直接经济损失5 808.4亿元。  相似文献   

1.特别重大事故情况 全国发生特别重大事故7起,死亡484人,同比增加2起、282人。其中:  相似文献   

The study looks into the occupational safety and working conditions among bus drivers in Metro Manila, the Philippines. Quantitative data were collected through survey interviews of 95 bus drivers using the stratified sampling technique. Results showed that bus drivers worked an average of 16?h/day and were engaged in risky driving behaviors such as over-speeding and road racing in order to reach their quota for the day. Fifty-nine percent experienced work-related accidents, with a mean of three accidents. The most common accident was hitting another vehicle followed by side swipe. The accidents were blamed on other drivers, followed by vehicle defect, inattentiveness and tiredness/micro-sleep or sudden involuntary sleep while driving. The most common health symptoms experienced by the bus drivers were fatigue, back pain, and cough and colds. This study underlines the need for an occupational health and safety program for bus drivers in the Philippines.  相似文献   



With baby boomers reaching retirement age, Western countries may need more immigrant workers to ensure productivity. Many studies have suggested a higher occupational injury frequency among immigrant workers, which could considerably reduce their contribution to society. The aim of this study was to examine whether immigrant workers have a higher injury frequency compared to Finnish workers when performing the exact same tasks under the same working conditions.


A total of 176 Finnish and 130 immigrant bus drivers were asked about their occupational injuries during the past 12 months via a questionnaire. In addition, the data contained 134 injuries reported by the transport firm to an insurance company.


There was no significant difference in reporting occupational injuries by self-reporting or by company-records. Because there were more accident-repeaters among Finnish drivers, their injury frequency (114) was higher than that of immigrant drivers (78).


This study showed that immigrant workers did not have a higher injury frequency than other workers when they worked in the exact same conditions. Immigrant workers can work as safely as native-Finnish workers, when their working conditions and job contracts are at the same level as those of the original population. Immigrant workers can compensate for the shortage of workforce caused by an aging population.  相似文献   

Objective: Safety performance at bus stops is generally evaluated by using historical traffic crash data or traffic conflict data. However, in China, it is quite difficult to obtain such data mainly due to the lack of traffic data management and organizational issues. In light of this, the primary objective of this study is to develop a quantitative approach to evaluate bus stop safety performance.

Methods: The concept of level-of-safety for bus stops is introduced and corresponding models are proposed to quantify safety levels, which consider conflict points, traffic factors, geometric characteristics, traffic signs and markings, pavement conditions, and lighting conditions. Principal component analysis and k-means clustering methods were used to model and quantify safety levels for bus stops.

Results: A case study was conducted to show the applicability of the proposed model with data collected from 46 samples for the 7 most common types of bus stops in China, using 32 of the samples for modeling and 14 samples for illustration. Based on the case study, 6 levels of safety for bus stops were defined. Finally, a linear regression analysis between safety levels and the number of traffic conflicts showed that they had a strong relationship (R2 value of 0.908).

Conclusions: The results indicated that the method was well validated and could be practically used for the analysis and evaluation of bus stop safety in China. The proposed model was relatively easy to implement without the requirement of traffic crash data and/or traffic conflict data. In addition, with the proposed method, it was feasible to evaluate countermeasures to improve bus stop safety (e.g., exclusive bus lanes).  相似文献   

计算了福州市公交的生态足迹,并进行了定量对比分析.结果表明,福州市1989-2009年公交总生态足迹呈直线上升的趋势,从1989年的233.22 hm2增加至2009年的19 160.07 hm2,增加了81倍,其中,化石能源生态足迹所占比重相当大,从1989年的68%增加至2009年的89%.伴随着城市化的进程,公交出行率不断增加,每人次公交出行的生态足迹呈现抛物线的关系.1989-2004年呈上升趋势,2004-2009年呈下降趋势,2009年每人次生态足迹为0.24 m2.同时,对比福州市的几种主要出行工具,综合出行时间和环境压力,公交是最值得推荐的一种出行方式.  相似文献   

Objective: Though public transport vehicles are rarely involved in mass casualty accidents, when they are, the number of injuries and fatalities is usually high due to the high passenger capacity. Of the few studies that have been conducted on bus safety, the majority focused on vehicle safety features, road environmental factors, as well as driver characteristics. Nevertheless, few studies have attempted to investigate the underlying risk factors related to bus occupants. This article presents an investigation aimed at identifying the risk factors affecting injury severity of bus passengers with different movements.

Method: Three different passenger movement types including standing, seated, and boarding/alighting were analyzed individually using classification and regression tree (CART) method based on publicly available accident database of Great Britain.

Results: According to the results of exploratory analyses, passenger age and vehicle maneuver are associated with passenger injury severity in all 3 types of accidents. Moreover, the variable “skidding and overturning” is associated with injury severity of seated passengers and driver age is correlated with injury severity of standing and boarding/alighting passengers.

Conclusions: The CART method shows its ability to identify and easily explain the complicated patterns affecting passenger injury severity. Several countermeasures to reduce bus passenger injury severity are recommended.  相似文献   

为提高校车乘员约束系统在正面碰撞中对儿童乘员的保护效果,提出一种新型主动式校车儿童安全气囊。运用多刚体动力学分析软件MADYMO建立包括地板、前后排座椅、安全带与第5百分位女性假人在内的校车乘员正面碰撞仿真模型,通过台车试验结果验证模型的准确性。在此基础上,建立主动式安全气囊模型,研究其对12岁和6岁乘员的保护效果。用正交试验方法,分析气囊设计参数,针对12岁乘员进行气囊优化。结果表明:头部气囊的厚度及排气孔大小对乘员伤害影响最大。与原始约束系统相比,经优化后的气囊使12岁乘员的头部、胸部和颈部伤害分别下降84.5%,19%和84.3%,同时加装气囊对6岁儿童也有一定的保护效果。  相似文献   



Various indicators of health have been shown to be associated with traffic crash involvement. As general health is also related to absence from work, the latter variable may be more strongly related to crashes, especially for professional drivers.


Bus driver absence from work was analyzed in association with their crash records. Two British samples and one Swedish sample were used.


One of the British samples yielded fair correlations between crash record and absence, while for the other the effect was restricted to the first three months of driving. The Swedish data had effects in the expected direction but these were not significant.


The use of an indirect, overall measurement of health, may be a viable method for predicting the traffic crash involvement for professional drivers, although replications are needed in larger samples and other populations.

Impact on industry

The use of absence records for the identification of at risk drivers would seem to be a simple and useful method for companies with major fleets, and it also shows the importance of promoting employee health and well being at work as a potential method of reducing the cost, not only of absenteeism, but also of crashes in company vehicles.  相似文献   

We examine in detail trends from 1966 to 1990 and the fitting of statistical models to assess whether significant changes have taken place in casualty rates since local bus deregulation in 1986.The major source of data is the ‘Stats 19’ collated from police reports by the Department of Transport.The evidence indicates that no significant change in casualty rates for bus and coach occupants (defined as those killed or seriously injured) has occurred since local bus deregulation, although the previous trend of reduction in fatality rates has not been maintained.International comparisons have been made between Britain and a sample of other West European countries. Britain appears to have a higher occupant fatality rate. However, other countries′ data do not always include casualties to bus and coach occupants other than those in which vehicular collisions occur. Better comparative data is available for accidents involving buses and coaches with other road users, notably for Britain and Germany. These suggest that such accidents tend to reflect the national pattern of road casualty rates — for example, Germany has a higher level of collisions between buses and coaches, and other road vehicles, while Britain has a relatively high incidence of casualties involving pedestrians.Differences in accident rates between Britain and other European countries and the extent to which they reflect real differences, as distinct from those due to differences in recording of data, are evaluated, along with policy implications.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Driver celeration (speed change) behavior of bus drivers has previously been found to predict their traffic incident involvement, but it has also been ascertained that the level of celeration is influenced by the number of passengers carried as well as other traffic density variables. This means that the individual level of celeration is not as well estimated as could be the case. Another hypothesized influence of the number of passengers is that of differential quality of measurements, where high passenger density circumstances are supposed to yield better estimates of the individual driver component of celeration behavior. METHOD: Comparisons were made between different variants of the celeration as predictor of traffic incidents of bus drivers. The number of bus passengers was held constant, and cases identified by their number of passengers per kilometer during measurement were excluded (in 12 samples of repeated measurements). RESULTS: After holding passengers constant, the correlations between celeration behavior and incident record increased very slightly. Also, the selective prediction of incident record of those drivers who had had many passengers when measured increased the correlations even more. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of traffic density variables like the number of passengers have little direct influence on the predictive power of celeration behavior, despite the impact upon absolute celeration level. Selective prediction on the other hand increased correlations substantially. This unusual effect was probably due to how the individual propensity for high or low celeration driving was affected by the number of stops made and general traffic density; differences between drivers in this respect were probably enhanced by the denser traffic, thus creating a better estimate of the theoretical celeration behavior parameter C. The new concept of selective prediction was discussed in terms of making estimates of the systematic differences in quality of the individual driver data.  相似文献   

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