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In Red Wharf Bay, UK the naticid gastropod, Polinices pulchellus, was more abundant and more highly aggregated during the summer months (June–August 2001) than during the winter (December 2000). Whilst small numbers of juvenile P. pulchellus (4–6 mm shell length) were present throughout the year the population consisted mainly of individuals of 12–14 mm shell length. Juvenile snails grew rapidly in size during the winter and early spring; growth then virtually ceased between May and June, following which there was a further period of rapid growth between August and February. Densities ranged between 57 and 4,073 ha−1 and the largest individual collected during this investigation measured 16.2 mm in shell length. Statoliths from adult P. pulchellus revealed the presence of a settlement ring and two prominent growth rings (rings 1 and 2). A curvilinear relationship exists between statolith diameter and shell length in snails up to 16 mm in length. Settlement rings ranged in diameter from 19.7 to 45.2 μm (mean 29.8 μm; SE=0.41) giving an estimated shell length of the settled juvenile of 1.1 mm. The diameter of ring 1 and ring 2 were significantly correlated indicating that rapid growth during the first year is maintained during year 2. Shell lengths estimated from the diameters of the prominent statolith rings and those obtained from length frequency data analysis (LFDA), were broadly congruent strongly suggesting an annual periodicity to the statolith rings. The largest snails (>15 mm) present within this population were estimated to be between 2 and 3 years old. Von Bertallanfy seasonal growth curves obtained from the LFDA predicted values of L∞, K and t 0 of 14.32 mm, 1.54 and −0.14 years, respectively, suggesting that P. pulchellus rapidly attains its maximum asymptotic size.  相似文献   

The relationship between beaked whales and certain anthropogenic sounds remains poorly understood and of great interest. Although Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) are widely distributed, little is known of their behavior and population structure throughout much of their range. We conducted a series of five combined visual-acoustic marine mammal surveys from 2006 to 2008 in the southern San Nicolas Basin, a site of frequent naval activity off the southern California coast, west of San Clemente Island. The study area was defined by a 1,800 km2 array of 88 bottom-mounted hydrophones at depths up to 1,850 m. The array was used to vector visual observers toward vocalizing marine mammal species. Thirty-seven groups of Cuvier’s beaked whales were encountered during the study period. The overall encounter rate was one group for every 21.0 h of survey effort, and was as high as one group per 10.2 h of effort during the October 2007 survey. Whales were encountered in the deepest portion of the study area, at a mean bottom depth of 1,580 m (SD 138). The average group size was 3.8 individuals (SD 2.4), which was higher than has been reported from other studies of this species. Twenty-four groups were observed over multiple surfacings (median = 4 surfacings, range 2–15). The mean encounter duration of extended sightings was 104 min (SD 98, range 12–466 min) and the mean distance moved over the course of sightings was 1.66 km (SD 1.56, range 0.08–6.65 km). Temporal surfacing patterns during extended encounters were similar to dive behavior described from Cuvier’s beaked whales carrying time-depth recording tags. Seventy-eight photographic identifications were made of 58 unique individuals, for an overall resighting rate of 0.26. Whales were sighted on up to 4 days, with duration from first to last sighting spanning 2–79 days. For those whales sighted on subsequent days, the mean distance between subsequent sightings was 8.6 km (SD 7.9). Individuals resighted over 2–3 days were usually in association with previous group members. Approximately one-third of groups contained more than one adult male, and many of the repeated associations involved adult males. These observations suggest the basin west of San Clemente Island may be an important region for Cuvier’s beaked whales, and also one which affords an unusual opportunity to collect detailed data on this species. Given its status as an active military range, it can also provide the ability to monitor the behavior of individuals in the presence of naval sonar, a critical step in the management of this and other beaked whale populations worldwide.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of genetic variability depends on the spatial patterns of clonal and sexual reproduction, gene flow, genetic drift and natural selection. Species with restricted dispersal may exhibit genetic structuring within populations with immediate neighbours being close relatives, and may show differentiation among populations. Genetic structuring of a species may have important genetic, evolutionary and ecological consequences including distance-dependent mating success. In this study we used microsatellite markers to show that clones of Zostera marina in a population in the Ria Formosa, Portugal, were aggregated and covered distances of up to 3–4 m. Clones within 4 m of each other exhibited significant and positive coancestry values, reflecting the limited seed dispersal of this species. Hand-pollinations between near (0–10.9 m), intermediate (11–32 m) and far (15 km) individuals resulted in similar levels of seed set, although the near pollinations had higher, although not statistically significant, levels of seed abortion during maturation. Seeds from intermediate-distance pollinations had a significantly higher proportion of seeds germinate and shorter germination time than both the near and far seeds. Similarly, the average number of seedlings produced per pollination, used as an overall estimate of fitness, was significantly greater for the intermediate distance when compared to both near and far pollinations. These results suggest that the genetic structuring observed may result in both inbreeding and outbreeding depression, which gives rise to an intermediate optimal outcrossing distance.  相似文献   

Small-scale population densities of tidal creek eastern mudsnails, Ilyanassa obsoleta Say (studied in 1986 and in 1992 at West Meadow Creek, Stony Brook, New York) corresponded more to variation in water flow velocity than to surface sediment chlorophyll a. Higher densities were found at low flow sites. Short-term behavioral responses are likely to be responsible for density variation. Experiments using laboratory flumes and field observations both demonstrated that the snails responded to strong flow by burrowing into the substratum. Burrowing may prevent dislodgment from the sediment surface, but it also appears to be disadvantageous since burrowed mudsnails have smaller amounts of food in their guts. Snails released in sites of periodic high flow conditions moved greater distances and were soon found near the quiet-water periphery of the creek, whereas snails released at the quiet-water periphery moved far less. It is not clear whether movement from the high flow site was through crawling or through hydrodynamic transport. Laboratory flume experiments demonstrated an active crawling movement towards areas of lower current velocity. This evidence suggests that strong bottom flow in the creek center results in a combined response of burial to avoid dislodgment and a net movement towards quiet water, which reduces exposure to the high velocity conditions of the creek center.  相似文献   

Scott A. Eckert 《Marine Biology》2006,149(5):1257-1267
The movements and behavior of nine female leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea (L.) were monitored for up to 370 days from their nesting beaches on the Caribbean island of Trinidad between 1995 and 2004 using satellite-linked time and depth recorders. During the inter-nesting period (typically March–July) turtles ranged widely, but frequented the area around Galera Point on the NE corner of Trinidad. Diving depths were typically <51 m. Upon leaving Trinidad, the three longest tracked turtles moved to higher latitude foraging areas, NE of the Flemish Cap; along the continental shelf of the Iberian peninsula to the Bay of Biscay; and along the N. Atlantic subtropical front, where they remained until the end of November. Dives were initially deep (100–300 m) and long (>26 min) as the turtles left the Caribbean, but became very shallow (>50 m) and short at high latitudes. Between mid-October and mid-November, the turtles left high latitudes for a presumed foraging area in the Mauritania upwelling where they resided until their tracking records ended. Diving remained relatively shallow. It is proposed that movements of these turtles from one foraging area to another are driven by the opportunity to forage in areas of distinct oceanic structure which serve to concentrate their gelatinous prey (e.g., salps, Scyphomedusae, Siphonophora) either at or below the surface.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The edible volutid snail Adelomelon ancilla occurs on the Argentine coast and may have the capacity to serve as source of support for local fisheries. However, knowledge of its reproduction is lacking. Over 3 years (from September 2000 to July 2004) we studied the oviposition at Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia by diving. Monthly collections were performed to examine gonadal stages histologically during 2002–2003. Gamete development stages corresponded with the expected period for oviposition occurring from July to November, a time of increasing day length. Oviposition also took place in March when water temperature attained a maximum of 18°C. Following the spawning period, remaining gametes were resorpted in both sexes. Males contained sperm throughout the year, parasperm and eusperm forms were found within the same acinus. Oogonia/oocytes ranged from 20 to 240 μm in diameter during oogenesis. Females commenced laying egg capsules from a shell length of 114 mm. Reproduction is compared with other fishable volutid snails from the Argentine shelf, and suggests the need to apply certain fishing restrictions if the resource begins to be utilized commercially. The imposex condition was found in snails from some shipping areas. The frequency of this condition declined with distance from the port.  相似文献   

Fungiacyathus marenzelleri (Vaughan, 1906) is a deep-water solitary coral, cosmopolitan in distribution that is found at depths of 300–6,328 m. This study examined gametogenesis, inter-annual variability and reproductive periodicity of F. marenzelleri collected from Station M (34°50′N, 123°00′W) in the northeast Pacific at a depth of 4,100 m. Samples were collected (May, June, October 1996; August 1998; February, June 2001; and June 2002) and histologically processed with spermatogenic stage, oocyte size and fecundity measured. Four stages of spermatogenesis were identified and all males contained multiple stages of sperm development in each seasonal sample. Three stages of oocyte development were identified; previtellogenic (<28–150 μm), vitellogenic (150–300 μm) and late vitellogenic (300–400 μm). Comparison of mean oocyte diameters among sampling dates showed there were no inter-annual variations or seasonal differences. Overall, fecundity was 1,290 (±407) oocytes polyp−1, and with no significant differences between sample months. Fecundity was not polyp-size dependent. This study shows a similar quasi-continuous mode of reproduction to this species examined from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, but the fecundity is reduced by 50%. The reproductive output may fluctuate in relation to the input of organic material at this site, as shown by non-significant trends in the oocyte size-frequency and fecundity data. A quasi-continuous output of gametes would promote successful fertilisation and wide dispersal of the lecithotrophic larvae.  相似文献   

Stages in the life cycle of the rhizostome jellyfish Rhizostoma octopus (L.) were reared in the laboratory from planula to young medusa and are described here. Fertilization of eggs was external, and planulae, 110–150 μm in length, appeared after 2 days. These settled and developed into the scyphistoma stage. Scyphistomae reached a maximum size of 2.3 mm, bore up to 24 tentacles, and had a large manubrium. Polyps reproduced asexually mainly by podocysts. Strobilation was induced by temperature change. Each strobila released up to five ephyrae that measured 2.7–5.8 mm in diameter at liberation. During transformation from newly released ephyra to young medusa, velar lappets appeared and increased in number, the manubrium developed eight branched oral arms with epaulettes, and a marginal gastric network arose. Only one cnidocyst type, the “a”-atrichous haploneme, was present in the planula. In addition to these haplonemes, heterotrichous microbasic euryteles were observed in polyps, ephyrae, and medusae. Statoliths, located in the rhopalia, had a characteristic compact shape. These sensory structures increased in number and size with the growth of ephyrae and medusae.  相似文献   

Successful migration for passerine birds depends largely on the quality of stopover habitats, but we still lack complete knowledge of how migrants search for habitats en route and how they behave when landing at poor quality stopover sites. We compared the distance of exploratory movements and stopover durations of the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, a reedbed habitat specialist, released at suitable (reed bed) and unsuitable (sand dune) stopover sites. Birds tape-lured during nocturnal migration to a sand dune were captured, radio-tagged, released and tracked at two sites of contrasting habitat quality. Lean birds were found to move further in the dunes (max. 300 m) than in reeds (max. 200 m), whereas ‘fat’ individuals at both sites remained stationary. Birds spent just 1 day in the dunes and up to 13 days in the reeds. Our results suggest that some nocturnal migrants with restricted diurnal exploratory movements depend on stopover site selection when ceasing nocturnal flight.  相似文献   

Microscale genetic differentiation of sessile organisms can arise from restricted dispersal of sexual propagules, leading to isolation by distance, or from localised cloning. Cyclostome bryozoans offer a possible combination of both: the localised transfer of spermatozoa between mates with limited dispersal of the resulting larvae, in association with the splitting of each sexually produced embryo into many clonal copies (polyembryony). We spatially sampled 157 colonies of Crisia denticulata from subtidal rock overhangs from one shore in Devon, England at a geographic scale of ca. 0.05 to 130 m plus a further 21 colonies from Pembrokeshire, Wales as an outgroup. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that the majority (67%) of genetic variation was distributed among individuals within single rock overhangs, with only 16% of variation among different overhangs within each shore and 17% of variation between the ingroup and outgroup shores. Despite local genetic variation, pairwise genetic similarity analysed by spatial autocorrelation was greatest at the smallest inter-individual distance we tested (5 cm) and remained significant and positive across generally within-overhang comparisons (<4 m). Spatial autocorrelation and AMOVA analyses both indicated that patches of C. denticulata located on different rock overhangs tended to be genetically distinct, with the switch from positive to negative autocorrelation, which is often considered to be the distance within which individuals reproduce with their close relatives or the radius of a patch, occurring at the 4–8 m distance class. Rerunning analyses with twenty data sets that only included one individual of each multilocus genotype (n = 97) or the single data set that contained just the unique genotypes (n = 67) revealed that the presence of repeat genotypes had an impact on genetic structuring (PhiPT values were reduced when shared genotypes were removed from the dataset) but that it was not great and only statistically evident at distances between individuals of 1–2 m. Comparisons to a further 20 randomisations of the data set that were performed irrespective of genotype (n = 97) suggested that this conclusion is not an artefact of reduced sample size. A resampling procedure using kinship coefficients, implemented by the software package GENCLONE gave broadly similar results but the greater statistical power allowed small but significant impacts of repeat genotypes on genetic structure to be also detected at 0.125–0.5 and 4–16 m. Although we predict that a proportion of the repeat multilocus genotypes are shared by chance, such generally within-overhang distances may represent a common distance of cloned larval dispersal. These results suggests that closely situated potential mates include a significant proportion of the available genetic diversity within a population, making it unlikely that, as previously hypothesised, the potential disadvantage of producing clonal broods through polyembryony is offset by genetic uniformity within the mating neighbourhood. We also report an error in the published primer note of Craig et al. (Mol Ecol Notes 1:281–282, 2001): loci Cd5 and Cd6 appear to be the same microsatellite. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The distribution of Littorina irrorata Say on a low-energy barrier beach on the northern Gulf of Mexico is described, and correlated with the presence of Spartina alterniflora and other plants in the upper intertidal zone. The movements of 66 individually tagged snails were followed in the S. alterniflora zone for an average of 226 days, during which time an average of 10.6 positions were recorded per snail. The snails travelled an average total path distance of at least 995 cm, but due to contorted paths, ended up an average resultant distance of only 399 cm away from their original positions. They moved an estimated resultant distance of approximately 20 to 25 cm per activity period. Despite a slight offshore movement during the fall and winter, the snails moved more parallel to the shoreline than perpendicular to it.  相似文献   

The diel vertical distribution patterns of Japanese common squid, Todarodes pacificus, paralarvae were examined using a Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) in the southwest Sea of Japan near the Oki Islands (Japan) during five late-autumn surveys in 1998–2002. A total of 1,511 paralarvae ranging in mantle length (ML) from 0.7 to 7.3 mm were collected at 63 of the 68 stations surveyed. Most (84%) were collected above 75 m depth and in the mixed layer. The vertical distribution patterns varied little between day and night. Hatchling-sized (<1.0 mm ML) paralarvae were abundant at 0–25 m depth, and paralarval ML increased with increasing sampling depth. Our results suggest that T. pacificus paralarvae do not exhibit large diel vertical migration patterns, but as they increase in size, paralarvae gradually descend in the water column and the variability in depth increases with ontogeny.  相似文献   

We compared natal dispersals of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) against the prediction of male dispersal bias for a polygynous mating system. The crocodiles inhabited a linear series of pools and we calculated the net distances from natal pools to recapture locations some 12–18 years later, at maturity. Philopatry was assessed in terms of adult social distances. A female social distance was 0.46 pools and a male social distance was 1.0 pool. By these criteria, both sexes showed low levels of philopatry (7–12%). However, individuals of both sexes dispersed from the natal site long before they were sexually mature. Divergence in dispersal patterns by sex occurred after the maturity threshold, as males dispersed two to three times farther than females. Intrasexual competition by males is resolved by a size-based hierarchy. The displacement of small males from local mating access is a probable cause of the longer dispersals undertaken by males. Competition, rather than inbreeding avoidance, is driving dispersal in this population of freshwater crocodiles. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

Increasing threats to deep-sea corals highlight the need to expand knowledge of these taxa so that conservation measures can be developed. The present study focused on the reproductive patterns of the deep-sea solitary coral Flabellum angulare. A series of samples (n = 398) collected in 2006–2008 in the northwest Atlantic at depths of 925–1,430 m revealed that gametogenesis was synchronous among males and females and fluctuated seasonally. Initiation of gamete synthesis was estimated to be in August–September and spawning in June. Further analysis and daily monitoring of 30–60 individuals maintained in a flow-through mesocosm showed that gamete release occurred in March–June with a peak in May. Release of oocytes coincided with rising seawater temperatures and high deposition rates indicative of elevated water column productivity. Oocytes (900–1,200 μm diameter) were released through the oral cavity, generally in bundles of 3–5 surrounded by mesenterial filaments and attached to a thread (30–50 mm long). As oocytes became free in the water column, ovulation occurred followed by fertilization. Eggs/embryos initially remained on the tentacles of the spawner before either falling onto the substratum or floating to the surface. The embryos developed into planula larvae measuring 2–3 mm in length within about 24 h. Together, these findings shed new light on the strategies used by deep-sea corals to maximize their reproductive success.  相似文献   

The extent to which the American lobster, Homarus americanus (H. Milne-Edwards), utilizes estuarine habitats is poorly understood. From 1989 to 1991 we examined lobster movements in and around the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire using tag/recapture and ultrasonic telemetry. A total of 1212 lobsters were tagged and recaptured at sites ranging from the middle of Great Bay, 23.0 km from the coast, to Isles of Shoals, 11.2 km offshore. Twenty-six lobsters equipped with ultrasonic transmitters were tracked for periods ranging from 2 weeks to >1 year. Most lobsters moved <5 km toward the coast, with those furthest inland moving the greatest distance. Lobsters with transmitters moved in a sporadic fashion, with residency in one area for 2 to 4 weeks alternating with rapid movement to a new location (mean velocity = 0.3 km d−1, 1.8 km d−1 max.). Site of release influenced distance moved, but there was no significant relationship between lobster size and distance traveled, days at large, or rate of movement. Most movement into the estuary occurred in the spring, while during the remainder of the year there was a strong tendency to move downriver, toward the coast. These seasonal migrations of estuarine lobsters may enhance their growth and survival by enabling them to avoid low salinity events in the spring and fall, and to accelerate their growth in warmer estuarine waters during the summer. Received: 26 January 1996 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

Assignment of individuals to populations based upon genetic data is an important ecological problem that requires many polymorphic markers, often more than are available using single locus techniques. To demonstrate the utility of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) in studying larval dispersal and recruitment in coral populations, two sets of AFLP primers were used to genotype colonies of the coral Agaricia agaricites Linnaeus from three widely separated geographic locations: the Bahamas (23°28′N, 75°42′W) and Key Largo, Florida (24°55′N, 80°31′W—two sites separated by 12 km) in 1995, and the Flower Garden Banks (FGB) in the Gulf of Mexico (27°55′N,93°36′W) in 1997. In addition to adult samples from each site, recruits were collected from settling plates placed on the East FGB for 1 year (1997–1998). The AFLP technique yielded 45 polymorphic markers. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant genetic differences among the four adult populations, even between the two Key Largo sites. The recruits were significantly different from all adult populations except those from the FGB. Discriminant function analysis and the program AFLPOP were used to assign individuals to populations. Using the adult AFLP-banding patterns to build the statistical models, both procedures correctly assigned the majority of adults to their respective populations in simulations and assigned all but one of the recruits to the Flower Garden population from where they were collected . The AFLP technique provides a simple and adaptable population assignment method for studying recruitment processes in A. agaricites and other coral species. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Coralliophila abbreviata (Lamarck) is a corallivorous gastropod that lives and feeds on several species of scleractinian coral in the Western Atlantic and Caribbean. Previous studies of C. abbreviata have revealed that snails on branching acroporid corals are larger and consume more tissue than those on massive and plating corals. To ascertain whether snail life-history and fitness are differentially affected by the coral host, an analysis of the age structure and female reproductive output of snail populations on three coral host taxa (Acropora palmata, Diploria spp., and Montastraea spp.) was conducted at four shallow (2–7 m depth) reef sites off Key Largo, Florida in June through August, 2004. Snails were, on average, almost twice as large on A. palmata than on Diploria spp. and Montastraea spp., averaging 30.3 mm shell length, compared to 17.2 and 17.6 mm, respectively. Brood size increased as a power function with female shell length. Females on A. palmata were significantly larger than females on the other two hosts and, therefore, produced more offspring per female. The number of growth striae on the inner surface of the operculum was used to estimate snail age. Estimates of growth rate were obtained by fitting the Gompertz growth function to size-at-age plots and mortality was estimated using growth parameters and size-frequency data. The data suggest that C. abbreviata inhabiting A. palmata are larger than on alternative hosts due to a combination of a faster growth rate and longer life-span. The species is believed to be a protandrous hermaphrodite. The timing of sex change varied among hosts; snails on A. palmata changed sex later at larger sizes relative to those on the other two hosts. Based on these results, it seems probable that C. abbreviata has developed reaction norms for life-history traits, allowing snails to adjust and maximize fitness in the different environments associated with various coral hosts.  相似文献   

We report observations on spawning and early development in bone-eating worms of the genus Osedax. Individual females of Osedax rubiplumus were observed at 1820 m depth freely spawning hundreds of oocytes, and females of an undescribed species, Osedax “orange collar”, were observed spawning in laboratory aquaria. Cytological and molecular analysis of the spawned oocytes of two Osedax species revealed no evidence for the bacterial endosymbionts that the female worms require for their nutrition, suggesting that the bacteria must be acquired later from the environment, as they are in other siboglinids. Individual O. “orange collar” females released an average of 335 (±130) eggs per day, but the number of oocytes spawned per day varied greatly, suggesting that not all the females spawned daily. Fertilization rates of the spawned oocytes varied from 0 to 100%, though most females showed nearly 100% fertilization rates. Oocytes spawned in the laboratory at 4–6°C were negatively buoyant. If fertilized, these oocytes extruded polar bodies and then after at least four hours cleaved unequally. Subsequent cleavages occurred in a spiral pattern at roughly 2-h intervals, resulting in free-swimming trochophore larvae after 24 h. These lecithotrophic trochophores swam for 9–16 days before settling with several hooked chaetae, similar to those of dwarf Osedax males. The larval life span of the Osedax species studied in the laboratory appears to be shorter than in closely related Vestimentifera. Osedax rubiplumus, on the other hand, has much larger oocytes and so may have greater dispersal potential than these other Osedax species. The high fecundity and apparently continuous reproduction of Osedax boneworms permits the opportunistic exploitation of sunken vertebrate bones. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 The long-term survival and growth of Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), were examined in relation to light-induced retina breakdown. The incidence of eye damage was first assessed in tagged N. norvegicus released in Loch Torridon, on the west coast of Scotland between 1978 and 1983. Of 34 recaptures examined, all but four showed evidence of eye damage, varying in extent from 1 to 63% of the retina. Additional tagged N. norvegicus were released in Loch Torridon in 1984 and 1985 in order to compare recapture and growth rates in lobsters with and without eye damage. Three groups of N. norvegicus were released; normal sighted, partially sighted (median retina damage = 68%) and fully blinded (retina damage = 100%). From 1217 lobsters released, 235 were recovered by September 1992, when the experiment was concluded. The final proportions of N. norvegicus recaptured were found to be independent of eye-damage condition, and there was no evidence that growth rate was affected by eye damage. Combining all categories of releases, the overall proportion of females recaptured (0.244) was significantly greater than the proportion of males (0.145), suggesting better long-term survival in females than in males. At the time of release, ∼80% of the females were carrying recently spawned eggs. Although the proportion of berried females in the recaptures was slightly reduced in the two eye-damaged groups compared with the normal sighted group, the difference was not statistically significant. It is concluded that light-induced eye damage in N. norvegicus is irreversible, but such damage does not seem to influence their long-term survival, growth or reproduction. Received: 21 October 1998 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

 In a Kenyan mangrove, we studied the interactions between the gastropod Terebralia palustris and the crab Neosarmatium smithi when foraging on decaying mangrove leaves. Interactions are considerable on account of their wide overlap in zonation (Rhizophora mucronata belt), food items (mangrove leaves) and activity window (diurnal low water). The snails find a leaf by a systematic transecting of the platform and eat the leaf after crawling on to it, usually en masse. The crabs rarely venture beyond 80 cm from their burrows, and once they find a leaf they quickly drag it back into their burrow, probably to reduce the strong intra-specific competition. A crab is able to drag a leaf away even if a number of snails are already feeding on it, by strongly pulling the leaf away or by pushing the snails off the leaf. The success of the “thief ” depends on both the crab's size and the number of snails on the leaf. Received: 25 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 2000  相似文献   

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