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以甘肃河西地区农村居民点为例,结合GIS技术,运用单一动态度、景观格局指数、平均最邻近指数及核密度方法,对近30 a来农村居民点空间格局演变特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)近30 a来河西地区农村居民点用地规模缓慢增大,居民点斑块个体之间的集聚性增强,结构愈发紧凑。(2)农村居民点空间分布在整体上呈集聚模式。敦煌市、肃州区、甘州区、高台绿洲尾闾区、民乐县西部、凉州区和民勤县城周边居民点分布较密集。(3)居民点集中分布在海拔1 200~2 400 m、坡度5°的走廊平原和盆地以及坡度较小的缓坡地,在海拔较高的丘陵、山区以及坡度较大的陡坡地居民点分布则相对较少。居民点集中分布在距离县道及以上级别道路1 km范围内,河流对居民点分布的影响在1~6 km范围内较显著。(4)受政策和经济利益的调控和驱动,人类生产生活方式不断改变并作用于居民点,直接或间接导致农村居民点格局演变。  相似文献   

东南沿海经济发达地区农村居民点景观格局变化研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以我国东南沿海地区农村工业化典型地区晋江市为研究区,利用1985年、1995年、2000年、2005年4期的LandsatTM影像及1997年、2001年的1:5万土地利用现状图作为数据源,通过影像月视解译提取晋江市农村居民点用地空间信息,然后运用景观生态学原理和定量分析方法,对晋江市20 a来农村居民点景观格局动态变化及其驱动因子进行分析.结果表明:(1)从1985到2005年间,晋江市农村居民点用地增加了5 325.93 hm2,年均扩展率为266.30 hm2·a-1;(2)20 a来农村居民点规模不断扩大,平均规模增长了77.74%;在空间形态上,农村居民点边界越来越破碎;在空间分布上,斑块间邻近距离不断缩短,平均最邻近距离缩短了37.44%,呈现出集中连片、密集分布的特点;(3)驱动力分析结果表明,20 a来晋江市农村居民点景观格局动态变化主要受到区域经济发展、农村工业化、农村居住环境、国家政策制度等因素共同影响.  相似文献   

江西省农村居民点时空特征及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2005、2010、2015年江西省农村居民点矢量数据,借助网格统计、样带分析及地理探测器等方法,结合网格和县域2种尺度,刻画了农村居民点数量及规模的时空格局特征;并利用地理探测器定量识别县域层面农村居民点用地面积的影响因素。研究表明,江西省农村居民点数量多、规模小,呈现出在大尺度空间离散而在局部区域集聚的特征,农村居民点数量和面积均具有北多南少的空间分异特征,城市周边、平原地区、中心村镇等是农村居民点高度集聚和扩张的主要区域。在乡村人口持续向城镇转移背景下,农村居民点斑块数量和面积不降反增,细碎化特征更为突出,空间变化上以围绕城镇与交通线的居民点扩张和土地整治及生态移民导致的居民点收缩并存。在农业发展及人口增长、县域经济发展及投资带动、地形制约3类因素综合作用下,形成了江西省农村居民点用地面积格局。  相似文献   

东北典型黑土区农村居民点对水土流失影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人地关系视角探究典型区域农村居民点布局对生态环境的影响,对合理优化农村居民点分布格局、保障粮食安全具有重要战略意义。以东北典型黑土区克山县为例,综合运用分散度统计、核密度估计、空间关联测度模型等空间分析方法,揭示1988—2018年克山县农村居民点时空演变规律;结合修正通用RULSE模型,采用景观指数分析和广义变异系数的灰色关联度量化模型,探讨农村居民点分布特征对水土流失的影响。结果表明:(1)近30 a来,克山县农村居民点数量急剧增加,分散化趋势明显,以高密度多核心集聚、低密度广泛分布为主要空间分布特征,分布重心向东北部迁移。(2)研究区水土流失以微度、轻度和中度侵蚀为主,水土流失强度空间分布格局与农村居民点的空间分布格局呈现一致性。(3)研究区农村居民点分布特征因子与水土流失面积的关系存在差异,农村居民点分布范围与密度对水土流失具有较强作用。  相似文献   

以浙江洞头为例,开展地质灾害易发区农村居民点布局优化研究,选取森林覆盖率、高程、地质岩组、坡度、降雨量、现状地质灾害点密度、人口密度和公路密度8个因子作为评价指标,运用灰色关联分析模型和GIS空间分析方法,划分地质灾害易发性等级,得到研究区不同地质灾害易发区分布状况。结果表明,研究区地质灾害易发性等级分区的中易发区和高易发区面积占研究区陆地面积的42.46%,包含了研究区91.36%的历史地质灾害点;居民点位于地质灾害中、高易发区面积占各居民点总面积比例超过50%的有豆岩村、西浪村和潭头村等45个行政村和居民区,占比超过70%的有潭头村、桐岙村和正岙村等27个行政村和居民区。基于研究区各行政村地质灾害易发性情况和居民点空间分布现状,提出相应的布局优化方向,为优化地质灾害威胁下的农村居民点布局、制定防灾减灾规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

运用超效率松弛变量(SBM)模型探究2008—2017年中国粮食水资源利用综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率的时间变化和空间分布,并采用Tobit模型分析自然环境和生产灌溉措施对用水效率的影响。结果表明,中国粮食水资源利用效率尚有很大的提升空间,综合效率和纯技术效率均呈倒"U"型趋势,而规模效率则呈先上升后稳定的趋势。空间分布方面,规模效率呈现出沿海地区高于内陆地区的特征;北部沿海、东北和长江中游粮食主产区水资源利用综合效率较低主要是由于纯技术效率较低所致,黄河中游和西南主产区综合效率较低主要是由于规模效率较低所致。进一步的影响因素分析表明,有效灌溉比例和育种技术发展均对3种效率产生正向影响,农村水源建设则对3种效率具有负向影响;此外,灾害程度对综合效率和规模效率产生负向影响。基于以上结论,对粮食水资源管理政策的实施提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   

我国自然保护区大多面临生态保护与脱贫攻坚的双重任务。保护区内乡村聚落空间格局则是当地自然环境、社会经济等多重因素作用的结果。开展保护区乡村聚落空间格局研究能够查明保护区内聚落空间特征及分异规律,为今后规范和引导保护区乡村建设,实现生态保护与经济社会协调发展提供决策参考。以安徽鹞落坪国家级自然保护区为例,综合运用GIS技术、景观指数定量分析方法分析鹞落坪自然保护区乡村聚落规模、形态、分布特征,探索地形、水源、区位以及社会等因素对乡村聚落空间格局的影响。结果表明:(1)鹞落坪保护区乡村聚落空间格局呈现出显著的功能区分异特征,核心区、缓冲区聚落规模小、形态复杂、分布稀疏,而实验区聚落规模大、形态规则、分布密集;(2)地形、水系、道路对保护区聚落空间格局有显著影响,区内聚落主要分布在海拔800 m以下,坡度15°以下,距河流、道路200 m以内的区域;(3)保护区聚落空间格局还与人口分布、经济发展、保护政策等社会因素密切相关。  相似文献   

长三角城郊樟溪流域水体氮磷分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城镇化和人类活动导致城郊流域水体营养盐污染和富营养化问题加重,识别氮、磷污染对流域水质的管控具有重要的意义。本研究选取长三角典型城郊地区宁波樟溪流域,在流域内根据土地利用类型、地形特征等布设样点,于2016年连续4个季度进行水样采集,研究樟溪流域河流水体氮、磷的含量及形态,及氮、磷在该流域的时空分布特征,并对其来源和影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明,流域内氮、磷分布具有较大的空间差异性,其中NH+4-N(n.d.~1.375 mg·L~(-1))、TN-N(0.570~11.363 mg·L~(-1))、DIP(n.d.~0.169 mg·L~(-1))、TP(0.010~1.908 mg·L~(-1))。在子流域空间分布上,人类活动频度越高的区域氮、磷的浓度越高,各采样点水体不同形态氮含量和磷含量具有明显的季节变化规律:春季和秋季的含量要高于夏季和冬季。本研究选取采样点距城镇距离、距源头距离以及土地利用类型所占采样点缓冲区的比例来表征人类活动的影响,结果表明,TN和TP含量与距城镇距离呈显著负相关关系,表明城镇化水平对流域氮、磷污染的重要影响。另外,典型城郊流域河流水体氮、磷污染主要受土地利用类型的影响,其含量与农业和城镇用地呈显著正相关关系(P0.01),其含量随人类活动频度的增加而升高。  相似文献   

对农村土地利用未来情景和农村聚落用地合理规模的预测分析,是挖掘农村土地整治潜力和优化农村土地利用空间格局的基础。以位于黄淮海平原的山东省禹城市为例,从耕地聚落比值优化的角度探讨未来农户不同兼业化程度情景下农村聚落用地的合理规模。结果表明,种植业收入是影响禹城市农户收入的重要因素,平原农区农村人口和聚落的合理规模测算需要综合考虑区域耕地规模;当前禹城市农村地区耕地聚落比值较低(3.9),绝大部分村庄耕地聚落比值在2~6之间,占村庄总数的75%左右,区域耕地聚落比值亟须优化和提高;在农户兼业化现状情景和深化发展情景下,合理耕地聚落比值分别为9.95和15.99,农村聚落合理用地规模分别为6 638和4 278 hm2,可腾退潜力分别为8 121和10 481 hm2;未来禹城市农村聚落用地整治增地率约为55.02%~71.01%,但现实整治增地潜力很大程度上取决于未来城镇化发展情景与土地制度改革的创新力度。  相似文献   

城市热环境状况是衡量城市生态环境状况的重要指标之一,直接关系到城市人居环境质量、居民健康状况,以及城市的可持续发展。以人口、经济、产业、建筑等为代表的的社会因素是影响城市热环境的主要驱动力因素之一,然而目前相关研究仍主要集中在宏观尺度。以Landsat-8 TIRS为数据源,以深圳市罗湖区为研究区,研究微观尺度多种社会因素对城市热环境的影响机制,揭示城市内部空间热环境的成因。首先,通过计算热岛强度与热岛比例指数分析罗湖区热环境空间分布;然后,应用Pearson相关系数分析微观街区尺度建设用地比率、绿地比率、毛容积率、人口密度等自然、社会因素与城市热环境的相关性;最后,基于统计直方图分析具有不同人文功能属性建设用地对城市地表热环境的影响机制。研究结果表明:由于罗湖全区的生态用地比例较高,热环境状况总体较好,然而由于生态用地分布极不均匀,建成区内的部分区域热岛比例指数较高,城市热岛效应较严重;在微观街区尺度,4种指标与热岛比例指数的相关性由大到小依次为:绿地覆盖率(-0.91)、毛容积率(0.76)、人口密度(0.67)、建设用地比率(0.64);对7种具有人文功能属性的土地利用类型,其对地表热环境的影响由大到小依次为:物流仓储用地、交通设施、工业用地、商业服务业用地、公共管理与服务、居住用地、市政公用设施。研究成果不仅能为快速发展城市土地利用规划提供参考,也对城市热环境管理和城市热岛效应减缓措施的提出与施行具有实践意义。  相似文献   

Although the drivers of deforestation in Brazil are relatively well known, there is still limited understanding of the role of family farm-based rural settlements in land cover changes, particularly in the Brazilian savanna. This research aims to identify land use patterns within rural settlements and examine how they are influenced by regional dynamics. The study is based on GIS techniques and satellite image classification (Landsat 5-TM and RapidEye imagery), combined with geo-referenced fieldwork data in three different regions of the State of Goiás. The results reveal that the deforestation arrangement within the studied rural settlements is very similar to the deforestation found in the surrounding regions. As a positive outcome, the rural settlements have a higher share of remnant vegetation when compared to the surrounding areas, but this is still concentrated within legal reserves. We conclude that the changing patterns of rural settlement land cover are highly influenced by regional dynamics.  相似文献   

The rural atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow was reproduced in a wind tunnel at three different simulation length scales to investigate possible effects of the simulation length scale on flow characteristics. Performance of truncated vortex generators developed for part-depth ABL wind-tunnel simulations was tested in rural terrain exposure against the full-size Counihan vortex generators. A procedure to design the ABL developing above rural type terrain has been described. The 1:395 and 1:236 simulations were created as full-depth simulations, i.e., wind characteristics throughout an entire ABL were reproduced in the wind tunnel. The 1:208 simulation was a part-depth simulation, i.e., only a lower 70% of the ABL was experimentally modelled. The projected scaled-up ABL thicknesses are 395, 354, and 416 m full-scale in the 1:395, 1:236, and 1:208 simulations, respectively. Experimental results show similar trends in all three configurations not depending on the simulation length scale factor. This clearly indicates a possibility to physically, in the wind tunnel, reproduce the same rural atmospheric airflows at different simulation length scales.  相似文献   

曹云生  杨新兵  张伟  宋庆丰  张建华 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2840-2844
通过野外调查取样,应用Menhinick丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数研究了冀北山区12种典型森林群落内的草本植物多样性规律,并采用典范对应分析(CCA)方法研究其分布与地形的关系。结果表明:不同的群落类型草本植物的组成和多样性指数不同,山杨(Populus davidiana)纯林的种数最多为34种,黑桦(Betula dahurica Pall)纯林的种数最少为19种,其Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数最高,分别为0.927 3和2.879 6;在1 200~1 700 m之间,随海拔升高物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数呈正相关性,但没有线性上升的趋势关系;选取的地形因子对样点草本的影响程度大小为:坡向〉海拔〉坡度〉坡位〉坡形,坡向是样点草本植物空间差异的最主要地形制约因子,环境解释率为98.7%,证明排序可信。  相似文献   

Environmental risk of high sulfur gas field exploitation has become one of the hot spots of environmental management studies. Severe gas H2S blowout accidents in recent years have shown that poor understanding and estimates of the poisonous gas movement could lead to dangerous evacuation delays. It is important to evaluate the real concentration of H2S, especially in complex terrain. Traditional experiential models are not valid in the case of rough terrain, especially in low-lying areas where the gas accumulates. This study, using high sulfur content gas field of Sichuan “Pu Guang gas field” as study object and adopting objective diagnosis of wind field of land following coordinate three dimensions, applied Lagrangian Puff Model and breaking up technique of puffs to simulate the H2S diffusion condition of blowout accidents produced in the high sulfur content gas field of complex terrain area. The results showed that the H2S distribution did not occur mainly in low wind direction, and due to the obstruction of the mountain’s body, it accumulated in front of mountain on produced turn over, flowed around submitted jumping type distribution. The mountain waist near the hilltop and low hollow river valley site rapture points simulating contrast showed that the higher the rapture point, the better the diffusing condition of pollutant, the distribution of risk sensitive point decided piping rupture environmental risk size combining the H2S diffusion result and residential area dispersing in the study area, synthetic judge located in the high rapture point environmental risk was smaller than the low hollow point, thus it was suggested to carryout laying of lining build of equal high line of higher terrain. According to simulation results, the environmental risk management measures aimed at putting down adverse effects were worked out.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of plants are affected by human activities such as creation, destruction or modification of habitats. However, another important question is to what extent humans shape plant distributions by acting as dispersal vectors. In order to answer this question we developed a simulation model for the spread of plant species between human settlements. This was done on the basis of extensive sociological and ecological data on a regional scale. With regard to the sociological data, human movement behaviour defined the amount of exchange between the settlements. Gardening types represented the potential habitat in our model. The ecological data was derived from a vegetation survey carried out in 2003, which was a repeat of a survey between 1974 and 1981 along the same transects. From these surveys, we studied the distributions of 13 species in 67 settlements. In our model, the earlier survey provided the data for the initial distribution. The simulated pattern was consequently compared with the distribution pattern in 2003. In the model, dispersal kernels based on patterns of human movement between settlements led to a better match with the distribution patterns than a null model simulating pure distance dependent dispersal for all species. This was statistically significant for seven of the thirteen species. A striking result was that alien species seem to benefit more from human dispersal than native species. We emphasize the importance of the sociological data on human movement behaviour in parameterizing our regional scale model. This study provides quantitative evidence on the impact of human movement behaviour on the distribution of plant species in suburban areas.  相似文献   

The interactions among industrial development, land use/cover change (LUCC), and environmental effects in Changshu in the eastern coastal China were analyzed using high-resolution Landsat TM data in 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2006, socio-economic data and water environmental quality monitoring data from research institutes and governmental departments. Three phases of industrial development in Changshu were examined (i.e., the three periods of 1990 to 1995, 1995 to 2000, and 2000 to 2006). Besides industrial development and rapid urbanization, land use/cover in Changshu had changed drastically from 1990 to 2006. This change was characterized by major replacements of farmland by urban and rural settlements, artificial ponds, forested and constructed land. Industrialization, urbanization, agricultural structure adjustment, and rural housing construction were the major socio-economic driving forces of LUCC in Changshu. In addition, the annual value of ecosystem services in Changshu decreased slightly during 1990–2000, but increased significantly during 2000–2006. Nevertheless, the local environmental quality in Changshu, especially in rural areas, has not yet been improved significantly. Thus, this paper suggests an increased attention to fully realize the role of land supply in adjustment of environment-friendly industrial structure and urban-rural spatial restructuring, and translating the land management and environmental protection policies into an optimized industrial distribution and land-use pattern.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,200(1-2):217-224
A physics-based stream temperature model [Tung, C.P., Lee, T.Y., Yang, Y.C., 2006. Modelling climate-change impacts on stream temperature of Formosan Landlocked Salmon habitat. Hydrol. Process. 20, 1629–1649] was improved by incorporating shading effects caused by both cliff terrain and riverbank dense vegetation to simulate hourly stream temperature variations in 1 day. Daily maximal stream temperature is a critical factor to the habit distribution of the Formosan Landlocked Salmon, an important and endangered species. Currently, it only can be found in ChiChiaWan Creek and GaoShan Creek in Taiwan. The former stream temperature model only considers the shading effects of cliff terrain and works well for ChiChiaWan Creek, but overestimates stream temperatures of GaoShan Creek having dense riverbank vegetative covers. The model was modified with the Beer's law and a parameterization scheme to describe the diminishing of the incident solar radiation to take vegetative shading effects into account. Simulation results of GaoShan Creek show the success of this improvement. The shading effects induced by both terrain and vegetation can significantly affect stream temperature distributions. Simulation experiments were conducted to indicate shading effects are varied in different watersheds and seasons.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of concentration values for harmful elements was determined in the Campania region, Italy. The study area consists of the drainage basin of the River Calore, a tributary of the river Volturno, the largest Southern Italian river. The results provide reliable analytical data allowing a quantitative assessment of the trace element pollution threat to the ecosystem and human health. Altogether 562 stream sediment samples were collected at a sampling density of 1 site per 5 km2. All samples were air-dried, sieved to <100 mesh fraction and analyzed for 37 elements after an aqua regia extraction by a combination of ICP-AES and ICP-MS. In addition to elemental analysis, gamma-ray spectrometry data were collected (a total of 562 measurements) using a hand-held Scintrex GRS-500 spectrometer. Statistical analyses were performed to show the single-element distribution and the distribution of elemental association factor scores resulting from R-mode factor analyses. Maps showing element distributions were made using GeoDAS and ArcGIS software. Our study showed that, despite evidence from concentrations of many elements for enrichment over natural background values, the spatial distribution of major and trace elements in Calore River basin is determined mostly by geogenic factors. The southwestern area of the basin highlighted an enrichment of many elements potentially harmful for human health and other living organisms (Al, Fe, K, Na, As, Cd, La, Pb, Th, Tl, U); however, these anomalies are due to the presence of pyroclastic and alkaline volcanic lithologies. Even where sedimentary lithologies occur, many harmful elements (Co, Cr, Mn, Ni) showed high concentration levels due to natural origins. Conversely, a strong heavy metal contamination (Pb, Zn, Cu, Sb, Ag, Au, Hg), due to an anthropogenic contribution, is highlighted in many areas characterized by the presence of road junctions, urban settlements and industrial areas. The enrichment factor of these elements is 3–4 times higher than the background values. The southwestern area of the basin is characterized by a moderate/high degree of contamination, just where the two busiest roads of the area run and the highest concentration of industries occurs.  相似文献   

闫东锋  杨喜田 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2826-2831
研究选取14个分别代表植被群落、地形因子、土壤因子的指标,利用宝天曼自然保护区32块样地资料,研究了物种分布与环境之间关系。采用DCCA法可将该地区木本植物群落划分为3个类型;物种与9个环境因子之间存在显著的相关关系,前4轴可解释物种总变异的94.1%;海拔、坡度、土壤含水量、坡向是影响该地区物种分布的主要因子,其中海拔是指示物种分布变化的最敏感因子。不同指标集团的典型相关分析结果表明:地形与植被因子之间、土壤因子与植被因子之间第1对典范相关系数分别为0.712和0.783,存在着显著的相关关系,影响植被特征的最重要地形因子是海拔和坡度,土壤因子为土壤厚度和土壤含水量,而对地形和土壤反应最敏感的植被指标分别为林分密度和平均树高,群落分布状态是由地形和土壤因子共同作用所控制的。  相似文献   


A cross-section survey of five states in Nigeria was derived through a stratified random sampling technique in 1999–2000 to assess the contribution of traditional knowledge in environmental conservation. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaire survey and discussions with stakeholders, with field assessment of herb gardens. Interviews were held with 1953 respondents composed of women, men and youths drawn from 20 settlements in 10 local government areas in the savanna and rainforest ecological zones.

The results derived from data analysis indicated that: (i) the rural communities were willing to accept integrated rural land-use practices that would conserve species and habitats, sustain the rural economy and the socio-cultural lifestyles of the people; (ii) the people at the local level had some basic knowledge about species and habitats, and have been conserving the forests with traditional land tenure rights; and (iii) environmental projects acceptable to the rural communities must be beneficial to the people, participatory, integrated with traditional knowledge and based on local needs.  相似文献   

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