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全面介绍了石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺(FGD法)的发展情况及特点,提出了-种提高石灰石-石膏法脱硫效率的方法即托盘塔,通过与常规方法相比较,详细说明了托盘塔技术的特点和优势,为石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺技术改造提供了新思路,开拓了新途径。  相似文献   

Improving the efficiency with which natural resources are utilized is an indispensable for achieving sustainable development and carbon neutrality. By analyzing the utilization efficiency of energy, water, and land, we established a comprehensive natural resource utilization efficiency index (NRUEI). We then calculated the 2016 index for 165 cities in China, and investigated what caused it to vary. We found three main results: (1) the NRUEI varied greatly across China and there were significant positive correlations between urban energy utilization efficiency (EUE), water utilization efficiency (WUE) and land utilization efficiency (LUE); (2) the NRUEI showed a significant positive correlation with a city's population size, economy (Gross Domestic Product (GDP)), and the level of urban social development (GDP per capita); (3) cities in East China have the highest natural resource utilization efficiency, while cities in Northeast China have the lowest. These results indicate that China's increasing urban development is associated with rising natural resource utilization efficiency and that the city's endowment of natural resources is an important factor affecting that efficiency. Further, the results showed that the determinants of a city's NRUEI differed in large and small cities. Lastly, our results suggest that improving EUE is key for improving NRUEI in urban China, and different efficiencies can be improved intertwined. A major takeaway of this study is that there is great potential for improving natural resource utilization efficiency in Chinese cities and we include city-specific suggestions for efficiency improvements.  相似文献   

Positive DC corona discharge is formed with needle-plate electrode configuration, in which the water vapor is ejected though the needle points. The purpose is to increase the numbers of the water-based radicals, ionize the water molecule and improve the desulfuration efficiency of pulsed corona reactor. The water ions were determined by four stages molecular beam mass spectrometer and diagnose the water-based radicals by emission spectrograph. A conclusion on formation of ions and radicals with DC corona discharges can be drawn.  相似文献   

为探究生物炭对厌氧氨氧化工艺中硝酸盐积累的缓解作用,通过批次实验考察了不同热解温度(300,500,700℃)生物炭对厌氧氨氧化系统脱氮性能的影响.结果表明,300,500,700℃生物炭的添加使体系总氮去除率较空白组分别提升了14.6%、7.1%、3.3%,其主要原因是生物炭作为电子介导体促进了硝酸盐的还原,还原产物亚硝酸盐继续进行厌氧氨氧化反应,进一步减少了11.2%、9.1%、5.8%的剩余氨氮.300℃生物炭表面具有丰富的酚类、醛类和酮类等失电子基团,其供电子能力为2.64mmol e-/g,高于500℃(1.92mmol e-/g)和700℃(1.32mmol e-/g)的生物炭,故其更好地强化了体系中的电子转移.微生物群落和功能蛋白分析表明,生物炭的添加增强了Ca.KueneniaPseudomonasThauera等丰度,有利于厌氧氨氧化和反硝化菌的富集,同时,生物炭通过促进NapA(EC:和NarG(EC:等功能基因的表达,强化了反硝化过程的氮代谢水平.  相似文献   

提高一氧化氮(NO)的氧化效率对于提高生物法处理该类废气的净化效率具有重要意义。实验研究了低温等离子体在脉冲电晕条件下氧化废气中NO的过程,考察了不同峰值电压、氧气含量、气体停留时间和添加有机物等因素对提高NO氧化效率的影响。结果表明:低温等离子法可有效地提高NO的氧化效率,主要产物为NO2;室温条件下,当进气NO浓度590mg/m^3、脉冲频率50Hz时,增大峰值电压、气体停留时间和进气中的氧气含量可提高NO的氧化效率;在最适峰值电压15kV,气体停留时间5s时,NO氧化效率为20%;在进气NO中添加甲苯、乙醇后,NO氧化效率可增加至30%以上,甲苯的效果要好于乙醇。  相似文献   

全生命周期下中国煤炭资源能源碳排放效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于生命周期法(LCA)构建了煤炭资源在开发、转换、利用阶段的碳排放估算模型,采用动态网络SBM模型测算了2007~2019年中国25个省(自治区、直辖市)煤炭资源的综合能源碳排放效率、时期能源碳排放效率与阶段能源碳排放效率.结果表明:我国煤炭资源综合能源碳排放效率水平呈“U”字型分布,东部最高、西部次之、中部最低.煤炭资源能源碳排放效率水平存在较大的提升空间,2007~2019年综合能源碳排放效率均值仅为0.4726;我国煤炭资源时期能源碳排放效率区域间差异显著,效率水平较高的地区主要集中在华东与中南地区;从阶段能源碳排放效率分析可以发现仅北京、江苏、青海三省阶段1与阶段3的能源碳排放效率处于有效水平,其余省(自治区、直辖市)及其他阶段均存在效率损失,尤其阶段2效率损失严重.研究期内阶段3的能源碳排放效率整体呈“类峰峦状”的波动上升趋势;DNSBM和NSBM两种模型测算的能源碳排放效率对比发现,NSBM模型会低估煤炭资源综合能源碳排放效率水平.  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance is a cadmium(Cd)/zinc(Zn) hyperaccumulator native to China.However, its relatively low biomass restricted the large-scale application for heavy metal contamination remediation. The chromosome set doubling of S. alfredii in vitro was achieved by 0.1%–0.2%(W/V) colchicine treatment. The plant DNA ploidy was analyzed by flow cytometry and chromosome set doubling plants(CSD) were identified based on the obvious different sharp peak. A tissue culture experiment with different Cd treated levels and a field trial with natural polluted mined soil were conducted to study the effects of chromosome doubling on plant biomass and Cd accumulation in shoots. The results suggested that S.alfredii is a mixoploid. Compared with the wild type plants(WT), CSD exhibited typical"gigas" characteristics in morphology including stem thickness, root hair production,number of leaves and size of stoma guard cell. Fresh weight and dry weight of CSD were increased to 1.62–2.03-fold and 2.26–3.25-fold of WT. And Cd content of CSD showed a17.49%–42.82% increase and 59% increase under tissue culture and field condition,accordingly. In addition, the TF and in BCF of CSD were 2.37-and 1.59-fold of WT,respectively. These results proved that it is feasible to promote phytoextraction efficiency of S. alfredii in Cd contaminated soils through chromosomal engineering, which provides a novel approach for hyperaccumulator application in phytoremediation.  相似文献   

中国城市污水处理厂资源配置效率的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
采用平均生产函数模型、边界生产函数以及数据包络分析(DEA)模型3种方法,对中国81个污水处理厂的样本观测数据,从不同角度进行了比较研究,分别得出上述3种模型对产出弹性、技术效率和规模经济性等主要指标的模拟结果.研究发现,资本对我国城市污水处理厂的产出弹性最大(0.507),其次是运营电耗(0.415),再次为劳动力;我国污水厂普遍处于规模报酬率递增阶段,样本总体的规模报酬率为1.11;根据DEA的分析结果,列出了81个样本污水厂的效率排序清单,这将有助于制定行业绩效标准.  相似文献   

张峰  王晗  薛惠锋 《中国环境科学》2021,40(11):5079-5085
利用成都市2016~2018年O3逐时监测数据以及该时段同时次的地面气象观测资料,通过对O3日变化特征的分析,确定了表征研究区O3逐日污染潜势的四个关键时段,即全天时段(00:00~24:00)、日间时段(05:00~20:00)、O3超标时段(11:00~19:00)以及O3峰值时段(15:00~16:00).基于广义可加模型(Generalized Additive Model,GAM)分别构建了O3日最大8h滑动平均浓度(O3-8h)与上述四个时段气象要素之间的函数关系,分析了时间尺度变化对O3逐日污染潜势的影响.结果表明:GAM模型可以很好地表征O3-8h与不同时段多气象要素之间的非线性关系.O3超标时段气象要素对O3逐日污染潜势具有最佳的指示意义,对应GAM模型的调整判定系数R2和方差解释率IRV分别为0.81和81.4%,模型模拟值与观测值的压轴回归决定系数R2为0.805.太阳辐射、相对湿度和气温是决定O3逐日污染潜势最重要的气象要素,但三者在GAM模型中的重要性排序会因时间尺度的变化而有所差异.  相似文献   

Contaminants cause a decrease in the quality of materials with each recycling step. These quality losses should be minimized to increase the sustainability of resources use. Quality losses cannot be measured using weight-based recovery definitions alone, as the quality degradation cannot be translated by mass measures. Therefore, a better measure of the efficiency of resource use is investigated in the present work. Exergy is a measure of the quality of the energy and of resources in systems. The exergy losses are a thermodynamic measure of exhaustion and thus, of the quality losses in the resource systems. We describe a method to calculate the exergy content and exergy losses of metals during recovery and recycling of a concept car. The exergy losses attributed to recycling (the pollution with other metals) and the consequent need for dilution can be used as indicators of the quality loss of materials and of the efficiency of resource use in product systems.  相似文献   

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