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我国流域水生态完整性评价方法构建   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5  
流域水生态完整性评价是指通过对水生态系统中不同水生态指标(生物和非生物)的监测以及由数学方法综合形成的综合评价指数,来反映水生态系统完整性状况。近年来,世界各国水环境管理政策发生了变化,开始强调生态保护,重视水体的生态质量。中国现行的常规理化监测指标(如COD、氨氮、BOD5)很难满足水环境管理的需求,难以全面准确地反映水环境质量变化的趋势。因此,在借鉴欧美发达国家流域水生态完整性评价方法的基础上,结合中国目前监测现状以及流域水环境管理需求,构建了包括物理生境指标、理化指标、水生生物指标在内的流域水生态完整性监测与评价方法,以期为中国流域水质目标管理技术体系的业务化运行提供可资借鉴的技术支撑,实现从单一的化学指标监测转向综合的水生态系统监测,实现流域水生态完整性的监测与评价。  相似文献   

于2019年10月,对江苏省(连云港、盐城和南通3市)近岸海域6个站位进行了1个航次的表层海水微塑料采样,监测分析了微塑料的粒径、丰度和组分分布情况.结果表明,江苏省近岸海域表层海水中微塑料污染广泛存在,监测站位检出率100%.微塑料粒径分布为0.02~4.80 mm,微米级微塑料占比最高(总体粒径占比83.4%),6...  相似文献   

水生态完整性评价通过对水生态系统中不同生态组分(非生物和生物)的监测,整合物理栖息地、环境水质和生物特征形成综合评价指数来反映水生态系统健康状况,是流域水环境管理的重要手段。笔者尝试从水生态完整性评价中基准与参照状态的核心要素出发,探讨基准与参照状态的概念框架与具体定义,综述评价参照状态的四大类确定方法(基于分类学的参照位点法、历史数据法,针对特定位点的模型预测法以及提供经验解释与描述的专家判断法),并对参照状态研究的挑战与应用予以展望。  相似文献   

PM2.5 aerosol samples were collected at Gosan in Jeju Island during six intensive measurement periods between November 2001 and August 2003. In order to investigate the chemical composition of fine particles, major ion components, trace elements, and elemental and organic carbon were analyzed. Quite different seasonal characteristic in the chemical composition of fine particles was observed. The concentration of most secondary aerosol components showed a summer minimum and a winter maximum with higher correlation between them at Gosan. This fact clearly reveals the possibility of long-range transport of such pollutants in winter. On the other hand, OC and EC had the highest concentration and good correlation with ion components, such as K+, Ca2+ in fall. It means that biomass burning could significantly influence the ambient fine carbonaceous particulate in fall, which was primarily long-range transported.  相似文献   

Radioactivity, physical and chemical parameters of underground boreholes and surface waters in the region of Qua Iboe River Estuary involved in oil production activities were measured. The physical and chemical parameters measured included pH, temperature, turbidity, and concentrations of total dissolved and suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, oils and grease, salinity, hardness (carbonates and bicarbonates), chlorine, sulphide, and metal ions. The work reveals that the radioactivity, physical and chemical parameters determined for both the underground and surface waters are safely below the international permissible limits except that of carbonate (68.6 mg/d – 228.7 mg/l) and bicarbonate (22.9 mg/l – 76.3mg/l) which renders both sources of water hard. The exceedingly high concentration range of hydrogen sulphide (40 mg/l–440 mg/l) in both sources is also beyond the international limit of 0.05mg/l. The ammonium ion concentration (1.40–2.80mg/l) was determined to be slightly higher in both the underground and surface waters than the international limit of 0.5mg/l.  相似文献   

Quantifying chemical variability in different lake types is important for the assessment of both chemical and biological responses to environmental change. For monitoring programs that emphasize a large number of lakes at the expense of frequent samples, high variability may influence how representative single samples are of the average conditions of individual lakes. Intensive temporal data from long-term research sites provide a unique opportunity to assess chemical variability in lakes with different characteristics. We compared the intra- and inter-annual variability of four acidification related variables (Gran alkalinity, pH, sulphate concentration, and total base cation concentration) in four lakes with different flushing rates and acid deposition histories. Variability was highest in lakes with high flushing rates and was not influenced by historic acid deposition in our study lakes. This has implications for the amount of effort required in monitoring programs. Lakes with high flushing rates will require more frequent sampling intervals than lakes with low flushing rates. Consideration of specific lake types should be included in the design of monitoring programs.  相似文献   

地表水中TOC与COD换算关系研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
总有机碳(TOC)相对于化学需氧量(COD) 能够更全面地反映水体中有机物的污染程度,且TOC测定仪操作简单,数据准确。通过18个地表水水质自动监测站对水中有机污染物的COD与TOC监测数据的相关性研究,建立了TOC与COD之间的线性回归方程,为地表水的TOC监测代替COD监测提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommends the use of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci as indicators of enteric pathogens in fresh waters; however, fecal coliform analyses will remain important by virtue of the large amount of historic data collected in prior years. In this study, we attempted, in a real-world situation (i.e., a rural inland watershed in the Piedmont of South Carolina) to compare different bacterial indicators and methods to one another. We compared fecal coliforms, enumerated by membrane filtration with E. coli, enumerated by a commercialized enzyme substrate method and observed E. coli/fecal coliform ratios of 1.63 and 1.2 for two separate tests. In the same watershed, we observed an E. coli/fecal coliform ratio of 0.84 when we used the commercialized enzyme substrate method for both enumerations. Given these results, users of such data should exercise care when they make comparisons between historic membrane filtration data and data acquired through the use of the more modern enzymatic methods. Some sampling and side-by-side testing between methods in a specific watershed may be prudent before any conversion factors between old and new datasets are applied.  相似文献   

Mining activities in Rakha copper mine (Jharkhand, India) were ceased in the year 2001, leaving a huge amount of untreated tailings in the nearby tailings pond. The copper tailings contained high concentrations of heavy metals (total Cu, Ni concentrations 1779, 564 mgkg−1, respectively), and low contents of major nutrient elements and organic matter. Tailings are often very unstable, and a potential vegetation cover may reduce the erosion or immobilize the toxicants to surrounding environment by phytostabilization. However, high shoot concentrations of elements might disperse them and could be harmful to grazing animals. The objective of this study was to find out which of the three properties; low-accumulation, root accumulation or shoot accumulation of elements (Cu, Ni, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cd and Co), occur in the semi aquatic species Ammania baccifera growing on copper tailings. Roots of this species accumulated high levels of Cu, even more than 1000 mg kg−1, DW. Metals accumulated by A. baccifera were mostly distributed in root tissues, suggesting that an exclusion strategy for metal tolerance widely exists in them. Thus, establishment of such plant on copper tailings can be a safe method to stabilize the metals.  相似文献   

This paper presents details of the methodology developed by the United Kingdom's Environmental Change Network for the long-term monitoring of macrophytes in rivers and streams. The methodology is based on techniques first proposed by the Standing Committee of Analysts (1987) and later adapted by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and Environment Agency, but differs in splitting the surveyed 100 m stretch of waterinto sections to provide an objective measure of the frequencyof occurrence of individual species in place of the moresubjective estimation of cover. A pilot study of the ECN methodology took place at five sitesin 1997. The results of this study, including a few practicaldifficulties in the application of the methodology, are presented and discussed. For all but one of the sites strongassociations were found between the number of species observedand the physical characteristics of the watercourse. The most important characteristics were degree of shading, substrate type, depth and clarity. The frequency of occurrence of individual species within sections of the watercourse was foundto be strongly related to the log of the overall estimates of cover. Because the use of sections, rather than a single overall coverestimate, enables variation in the pattern of vegetation over surveyed stretches to be detected and related to watercourse characteristics, the precision with which change can be detected is increased, and the possibility of determining the causes of change is thereby enhanced. Moreover the use of sections allows within-site variation to be calculated and hence the accuracy of estimated changes to be quantified.In general implementation of the ECN methodology was not found to be particularly onerous or difficult. As a result of the pilot study some changes in the ECN methodology have been made, primarily to reduce the workload so that sites can be surveyed comfortably in a single day.  相似文献   

2013—2014年,逐次采集淮南城市大气降水样品,对其离子化学组分进行分析测试,并利用酸度分析、中和因子和富集系数等方法对其酸碱物质平衡和离子来源进行了分析。化学组分分析结果表明,淮南城市降水pH为6.23~7.03,雨量加权平均值为6.68,整体上降水没有呈现酸化,大部分酸性物质能被碱性物质中和。主要阴离子为SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-,雨量加权平均值分别为147.02、62.16μeq/L,两者分别占阴离子总浓度的60.3%、25.3%;主要阳离子为Ca~(2+)、NH_4~+,雨量加权平均值分别为126.42、96.43μeq/L,分别占阳离子总浓度的44.9%、34.3%。利用富集系数法计算结果表明,SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-主要来源于人为活动排放,Cl~-主要为海洋输入,而Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、K~+则主要来自陆源输入和人为活动。  相似文献   

Chemical Composition of Bottled Water in Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fourteen domestic and seven imported bottled water brands were analysed in Saudi Arabia for various physico-chemical water quality parameters. The results of the analysis were compared with the drinking water standards set by Saudi Arabia and World Health Organization. The levels of different physico-chemical parameters like TDS, Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3, Cl and SO4 of all local and imported bottled water brands met the different drinking water standards. Fluoride was found below the Saudi Arabian Standard Organization recommended limits in two of the local brands whereas fluoride levels in all of the imported brands were below the recommended values. In one imported brand, pH was found not conforming to the recommended standards. The concentrations of trace metals in all brands were within the drinking water standards. Comparison of the study results with the reported label values indicated good agreement with stated pH values but considerable variation for Ca, Mg, and Na in the local brands and comparatively low variation in the imported brands. Low F and SO4 variations were found in the local brands and comparatively high SO4 variation in the imported brands.  相似文献   

广州市大气细粒子的化学组成与来源   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
对广州市四个不同功能区(石井、荔湾、天河和海珠)的夏季大气PM2.5进行了为期一个月的监测,并测试分析了其化学组成(有机碳/元素碳、水溶性离子和元素)。结果表明,广州市夏季PM2.5的平均浓度为97.54μg/m3,其化学组分有机物、SO42-和EC对PM2.5质量浓度贡献最大,分别占PM2.5质量浓度的42%~52%、25%~47%和10%~17%。化学质量平衡模型研究表明,机动车排放和煤燃烧是对广州市大气PM2.5影响最大的污染源,其贡献率分别为54%~75%和32%~52%。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河作为乌鲁木齐市的主要水源地,在生态保护和城市供水中均具有重要的战略意义。为了研究乌鲁木齐河水化学特征及水环境质量,于2016年4—10月逐月对乌鲁木齐河6个采样断面进行地表水样采集,获取水样41个,对主要离子(K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Cl~-、HCO_3~-、SO_4~(2-))浓度及pH、DO、TDS、CODMn、TN、TP、NH3-N进行监测分析,探讨了水化学组成的时空差异及影响因素,研究了乌鲁木齐河的水环境质量状况。结果显示,乌鲁木齐河水域年离子总量平均值为213.27 mg/L,属弱矿化度水,年离子总量在空间上表现出沿主河道由南向北逐步增加的趋势。主要阴离子为HCO_3~-和SO_4~(2-),主要阳离子为Ca~(2+),水质类型为Ca~(2+)-HCO_3~--SO_4~(2-)型。2016年河水年内不同时期TDS平均浓度排序为:9月10月4月5月6月8月7月。对水化学离子含量基于时间序列分析,结果显示除Ca~(2+)、HCO_3~-外,其他离子含量在各月份间均存在显著差异。SO_4~(2-)浓度在年内变化最为明显,呈现先减少后增加的趋势。对主要离子含量基于空间序列进行分析,结果显示,仅Na+含量存在显著差异。现阶段乌鲁木齐河的水环境质量为轻度污染。  相似文献   

应用遥感技术对南通市生态环境进行监测,利用GIS技术对遥感监测结果进行解译与分析,同时对2006-2009年南通市生态环境时空动态变化进行了分析与评价.结果表明,南通市生态环境类型以耕地、水域和城乡、工矿、居民用地为主,未利用土地面积极小.其生态环境动态变化的主要特点是耕地面积普遍有小幅度减少,以城镇建设用地为主的城乡、工矿、居民用地增加较多,林地面积无明显变化;未利用土地面积有所减少,以盐碱地面积减少为主,减少的面积主要用于耕地和建设用地.  相似文献   

Auto-pollution is the by-product of our mechanized mobility, which adversely affects both plant and human life. However, plants growing in the urban locations provide a great respite to us from the brunt of auto-pollution by absorbing the pollutants at their foliar surface. Foliar surface configuration and biochemical changes in two selected plant species, namely Ficus religiosa L. and Thevetia nerifolia L., growing at IT crossing (highly polluted sites), Picup bhawan crossing (moderately polluted site) and Kukrail Forest Picnic Spot (Low polluted site) were investigated. It was observed that auto-exhaust pollution showed marked alterations in photosynthetic pigments, protein and cysteine contents and also in leaf area and foliar surface architecture of plants growing at HP site as compared to LP site. The changes in the foliar configuration reveal that these plants can be used as biomarkers of auto-pollution.  相似文献   

通过分析降水化学成分,探讨黄山景观区域降雨的微量元素化学组成特征及其来源。结果表明,降雨中微量元素含量呈现明显的季节性变化,主要受到降雨量、pH值、风向及溶解有机质等因素影响。来源分析和贡献估算结果表明,降雨中Mn、Cu、Pb、Cd、Ni、Co等元素受燃煤和交通污染排放的影响显著,贡献率均在98%以上;土壤源和人为源对Fe的贡献率分别为76. 9%、23. 1%,对Ti的贡献率为22. 8%、77. 2%; Sr主要受海洋源(28. 3%)和人为源(70. 5%)双重影响。  相似文献   

采用顺序提取的方法对南京市典型河流和湖泊水域的沉积物进行重金属化学形态研究,分析了Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni、Cr 6种重金属元素在不同水体沉积物中各个形态赋存的含量分布特征。结果表明,6种元素生物有效性排序为:Cd PbZn Cu Ni Cr,其中Cd和Pb以弱酸提取态和可还原态为主要存在形态,其不仅会对上覆水体产生二次污染,对水生动植物也具有较强的危害性。另外,通过结果间接反映出受人类生产生活影响大的水体,受污染的程度更高,各种金属元素赋存的形态也更易迁移转化,在环境治理方面更应受到重视。  相似文献   

金华市大气降水的化学组成特征及来源解析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
对2004年大气降水样品监测资料的综合分析和研究表明,金华市降水样品pH值的分布范围在3.64~6.76之间,降水的酸雨率为79.3%。SO24-和NO-3是降水中主要的阴离子,分别占降水中阴离子总量的66.1%和21.7%。NH 4和Ca2 是降水中含量最高的阳离子,分别占阴离子总量的56.6%和33.4%。降水中这些离子的浓度水平一般比世界上其它地方高,但大大低于国内的北方地区。由于降水中缺乏足够的中和物质,大约76%的降水酸度被NH 4、Ca2 和K 等碱性成分中和。陆源型离子Ca2 、Mg2 和K 以及海盐性离子Na 和Cl-之间存在明显的相关关系,另外Ca2 和SO24-、Mg2 和SO24-、Mg2 和NO-3以及Mg2 和Cl-之间也可以观察到比较好的相关关系。土壤和海水的富集系数表明,研究区域的Ca2 和K 主要来源于岩石/土壤风化,SO24-和NO-3主要归因于人为活动的影响。  相似文献   

广州地区秋冬季细颗粒物PM2.5化学组分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了广州地区2009年-2010年秋冬季节大气中PM2.5样品的水溶性离子、重金属元素、有机碳/元素碳(OC/EC)、多环芳烃质量浓度和粒径分布。初步掌握了广州地区秋冬季节大气中PM2.5的化学组分和特点,有机质(OM)是广州地区秋冬季PM2.5中最主要的成分,其次是硫酸根离子、硝酸根离子和铵根;PM2.5中有机碳和元素碳的空间分布特征相似,并受一次源排放影响;PM2.5中的重金属含量以铝、锌、铅相对较高,且城区高于城郊;PM2.5中17种多环芳烃、苯并( a)芘( BaP)的浓度均为城郊高于市区。  相似文献   

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