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采用酸性洗涤塔、生物滤塔和生物曝气池的组合工艺处理NH3、H2S恶臭混合气体,研究表明,该组合工艺对NH3和H2S有很好的去除效果,在进气流量为35 L/min,喷淋量45 L/h时,NH3进气浓度50.15~525.4 mg/m3,H2S进气浓度10.23~110.36 mg/m3时,NH3单一进气去除率稳定在99%以上,H2S单一进气去除率90%以上。混合进气后,NH3去除率几乎为100%,H2S的去除率提高至98%以上。在一定的浓度范围内,NH3和H2S之间的相互作用对两者的去除效果没有明显的影响,而且起到了相互促进降解的作用。同时,进气流量和填料层高度都会影响NH3、H2S的去除率。系统对进气容积负荷变化的缓冲能力强,在偶尔超负荷条件下运行并不能使系统崩溃,并且微生物对高负荷逐渐表现出适应性。大部分溶于水的氨由生物曝气池去除,去除率达到96.9%。  相似文献   

复合生物滤池处理H2S和NH3的挂膜与工艺条件   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用复合生物滤池(生物滴滤池 生物过滤池)处理H2S和NH3组成的混合恶臭气体,填料分别为经表面改性的天然斜发沸石和木屑.实验研究了该工艺的驯化挂膜情况和主要工艺条件,结果表明,天然斜发沸石和木屑改性后,驯化挂膜周期为10~14 d,比文献中颗粒活性炭挂膜缩短14~18 d.复合生物滤池的最佳工艺条件为:高度120 cm,循环液流量4.56 L/h.同时,生物滴滤池处理水溶性好的NH3气体效果较生物过滤池好,而生物过滤池处理水溶性差的H2S气体较生物滴滤池好.因此,复合生物滤池可用于处理不同水溶性的混合恶臭气体.  相似文献   

设计了腐殖土固定床串联缺氧SBR多级反应器对填埋场臭气与渗滤液进行协同处理,以气体表面负荷、水力负荷、污染物负荷为影响因素进行正交实验,探究腐殖土固定床对氨气与硫化氢的处理效能与去除机理,并运用物料衡算的方法对腐殖土固定床去除氨气的机理进行分析。结果表明:腐殖土固定床对氨气与硫化氢的平均去除率分别为95%与98%,各因素对氨气去除率的影响大小的依次顺序为气体表面负荷>污染物负荷>水力负荷,各因素对硫化氢去除率的影响大小的依次顺序为污染物负荷>气体表面负荷=水力负荷,最佳实验条件为气体表面负荷为7 m·h−1,水力负荷为0.12 m·d−1,氨气负荷为10 mg·(m3·h)−1,硫化氢负荷为2 mg·(m3·h)−1。机理分析的结果表明多级串联腐殖土固定床对氨气去除主要是靠气相与液相的分压差 (浓度差) ,传质受进口氨气浓度、即氨气气相分压影响,此过程中气膜阻力远大于液膜阻力,近似于气膜控制过程,且各级液相氨氮等效形成的分压差距较小、气相与液相的分压差 (浓度差) 与气液有效传质面积逐级减。本研究结果可为现有的填埋场臭气处理技术上发展腐殖土固定床协同处理臭气渗滤液工艺提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Airborne emissions from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) have the potential to pose a risk to human health and the environment. Here, we...  相似文献   

硫化氢废气治理研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综合评述了硫化氢废气的各类净化方法及最新的研究进展。硫化氢废气的净化有吸收法、吸附法、氧化法、分解法和生物法。本文对超级克劳斯法和分解法研究进展进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

研究了pH对生物滤池处理含H2S和NH3混合恶臭气体的影响,以及不同pH下的物质转化情况和去除机制。结果表明,不同pH下,生物滤池对H2S和NH3的去除率是不同的。在强酸性(pH为2左右)和中性(pH为7左右)条件下,H2S均有较好的去除效果,这分别归于嗜酸性硫细菌和非嗜酸性硫细菌的生物降解作用。低pH下,NH3的去除归于化学中和作用;中性(pH为7左右)条件下,NH3有较高的去除率,主要依靠生物硝化作用。通过考察pH对生物滤池处理效果的影响,确定了生物滤池处理含H2S和NH3混合恶臭气体的pH控制条件和去除机制,为恶臭气体生物处理工艺的选择提供依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the efficiency of a polymer biocover for the abatement of H2S and NH3 emissions from an east-central Missouri swine lagoon with a total surface area of 7800 m2. The flux rate of NH3, H2S, and CH4 was monitored continuously from two adjacent, circular (d = 66 m) control and treatment plots using a nonintrusive, micrometeorological method during three independent sampling periods that ranged between 52 and 149 hr. Abatement rates were observed to undergo a temporal acclimation event in which NH3 abatement efficiency improved from 17 to 54% (p = < 0.0001 to 0.0005) and H2S abatement efficiency improved from 23 to 58% (p < 0.0001) over a 3-month period. The increase in abatement efficiency for NH3 and H2S over the sampling period was correlated with the development of a stable anaerobic floc layer on the bottom surface of the biocover that reduced mass transfer of NH3 and H2S across the surface. Analysis of methanogenesis activity showed that the biocover enhanced the rate of anaerobic digestion by 25% when compared with the control. The biocover-enhanced anaerobic digestion process was shown to represent an effective mechanism to counteract the accumulation of methanogenic substrates in the biocovered lagoon.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is one of the main contaminants found in biogas, which is one of the end products of the anaerobic biodegradation of proteins...  相似文献   

生物接触氧化结合气浮法处理卷烟综合废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某卷烟厂采用生物接触氧化结合气浮法处理卷烟综合废水,经过3年的运行实践表明,工艺运行稳定可靠,在进水COD为300~1 500 mg/L、SS为100~600 mg/L、BOD5为100~900 mg/L、NH3-N为10~20 mg/L、水温为20~30 ℃时,出水COD《70 mg/L、BOD5《20 mg/L、SS《30 mg/L、NH3-N《3 mg/L,完全实现达标排放.  相似文献   

Controlled bench-scale laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the recovery of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from dynamic isolation flux chambers. H2S (80-4000 ppb) and NH3 (5000-40,000 ppb) samples were diffused through the flux chamber to simulate ground level area source emissions while measuring the inlet and outlet flux chamber concentrations simultaneously. Results showed that the recovery of H2S during a 30-min sampling time was almost complete for concentrations >2000 ppb. At the lowest concentration of 80 ppb, 92.55% of the H2S could be recovered during the given sampling period. NH3 emissions exhibited similar behavior between concentrations of 5000-40,000 ppb. Within the 30-min sampling period, 92.62% of the 5000-ppb NH3 sample could be recovered. Complete recovery was achieved for concentrations >40,000 ppb. Predictive equations were developed for gas adsorption. From these equations, the maximum difference between chamber inlet and outlet concentrations of NH3 or H2S was predicted to be 7.5% at the lowest concentration used for either gas. In the calculation of emission factors for NH3 and H2S, no adsorption correction factor is recommended for concentrations >37,500 ppb and 2100 ppb for NH3 and H2S, respectively. The reported differences in outlet and inlet concentration above these ranges are outside the fullscale sensitivity of the gas sensing equipment. The use of 46-90 m of Teflon tubing with the flux chambers has apparently no effect on gas adsorption, because recovery was completed almost instantaneously at the beginning of the tests.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和环保要求的日益严格,铜冶炼制酸尾气中二氧化硫的有效治理和资源化利用变得十分必要。某铜业公司最初使用氨法脱除铜冶炼制酸尾气中的二氧化硫,但存在脱硫不稳定、设备腐蚀、氨逃逸等问题,为更有效地治理制酸尾气中的二氧化硫,将原氨法脱硫改造为双氧水法脱硫工艺,改进后脱硫效果显著,同时结合该公司的脱硫改造工艺比较了氨法脱硫和双氧水法脱硫技术。结果表明:氨法脱硫中的氨水腐蚀性强,脱硫效率为90%~93%,改进后的双氧水法的脱硫效率可达97%~98%;相较于氨法脱硫,双氧水脱硫具有流程简易、脱硫效率高、投资小、无二次污染、不结晶堵塞等优势,是一种典型的清洁生产工艺。以上结果可为其他行业及企业尾气脱硫提供一定的技术参考。  相似文献   

A survey of monthly average concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) at rural locations in western Canada (provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan) was conducted in 2001-2002, as part of an epidemiological study of the effects of oil and gas industry emissions on the health of cattle. Repeated measurements were obtained at some months and locations. We aimed to develop statistical models of the effect of oil and gas infrastructure on air concentrations. The regulatory authorities supplied the information on location of the different oil and gas facilities during the study period and, for Alberta, provided data on H2S content of wells and flaring volumes. Linear mixed effects models were used to relate observed concentrations to proximity and type of oil and gas infrastructure. Low concentrations were recorded; the monthly geometric mean was 0.1-0.2 ppb for H2S, and 0.3-1.3 ppb for SO2. Substantial variability between repeated measurements was observed. The precision of the measurement method was 0.005 ppb for both contaminants. There were seasonal trends in the concentrations, but the spatial variability was greater. This was explained, in part, by proximity to oil/gas/bitumen wells and (for SO2) gas plants. Wells within 2 km of monitoring stations had the greatest impact on measured concentrations. For H2S, 8% of between-location variability was explained by proximity to industrial sources of emissions; for SO2 this proportion was 18%. In Alberta, proximity to sour gas wells and flares was associated with elevated H2S concentrations; however, the estimate of the effect of sour gas wells in the immediate vicinity of monitoring stations was unstable. Our study was unable to control for all possible sources of the contaminants. However, the results suggest that oil and gas extraction activities contribute to air pollution in rural areas of western Canada.  相似文献   

Adsorption of hydrogen sulfide on montmorillonites modified with iron   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sodium-rich montmorillonite was modified with iron in order to introduce active centers for hydrogen sulfide adsorption. In the first modification, interlayer sodium cations were exchanged with iron. In another modification, iron oxocations were introduced to the clay surface. The most elaborated modification was based on doping of iron within the interlayer space of aluminum-pillared clay. The modified clay samples were tested as hydrogen sulfide adsorbents. Iron-doped samples showed a significant improvement in the capacity for H2S removal, despite of a noticeable decrease in microporosity compared to the initial pillared clay. The smallest capacity was obtained for the clay modified with iron oxocations. Variations in adsorption capacity are likely due to differences in the chemistry of iron species, degree of their dispersion on the surface, and accessibility of small pores for H2S molecule. The results suggest that on the surface of iron-modified clay hydrogen sulfide reacts with Fe(+3) forming sulfides or it is catalytically oxidized to SO2 on iron (hydro)oxides. Subsequent oxidation may lead to sulfate formation.  相似文献   

在完全混合式产酸脱硫生物系统中,利用负压抽提法强化H2S的气液分离,以NaOH溶液吸收H2S气体。抽提装置实现对H2S自动、连续抽提与吸收,在60mmH2O柱负压力范围分离出H2S的量与抽提压力呈线性正相关。抽提作用可促进SRB对碳源底物的转化,显著提高硫化物的气/液比例,增加系统中硫化物的转化率。抽提后硫化物的气/液比例(摩尔比)由0044上升到061、分离出的H2S在硫化物总生成量中的比例由42%增加到356%,硫化物转化率由平均494%提高至610%。抽提作用可以提高系统的硫酸盐去除率和酸碱缓冲能力,同时可以纯化和浓缩H2S。  相似文献   

Simultaneous removal of H2S and CS2 was studied with a peat biofilter inoculated with a Thiobacillus strain that oxidizes both compounds in an acidic environment. Both sulfurous gases at concentrations below 600 mg S/m3 were efficiently removed, and the removal efficiencies were similar, 99%, with an empty bed retention time (EBRT) of more than 60 sec. Concentrations greater than 1300-5000 mg S/m3 caused overloading of the filter material, resulting in high H2SO4 production, accumulation of elemental sulfur, and reduced removal efficiency. The highest sulfur removal rate achieved was 4500 g-S/day/m3 filter material. These results indicate that peat is suitable as a biofilter material for the removal of a mixture of H2S and CS2 when concentrations of gases to be purified are low (less than 600 mg/m3), but it is still odorous and toxic to the environment and humans.  相似文献   

多层生物滤塔净化硫化氢废气研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以木屑为填料,采用多层生物滤塔净化H2S气体,研究其适宜的工艺条件及生物降解宏观动力学.结果表明,填料分层可提高H2S去除率,当进气容积负荷<153.2 g H2S/(m3·d)时,H2S的去除率保持在90%以上;进气浓度低于70 mg/m3,下层200mm填料对H2S总去除率的贡献在50%以上;填料含水率为50%~6...  相似文献   

Coal bottom ashes produced from three thermal power plants were used in column and batch experiments to investigate the adsorption capacity of the coal ash. Hydrogen sulfide and leachates collected from three sanitary landfill sites were used as adsorbate gas and solutions, respectively. Experimental results showed that coal bottom ash could remove H2S from waste gas or reduce the concentrations of various pollutants in the leachate. Each gram of bottom ash could remove up to 10.5 mg of H2S. In treating the landfill leachate, increasing ash dosage increased the removal efficiency but decreased the adsorption amount per unit mass of ash. For these tested ashes, the removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH3-N, total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), P, Fe3+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ were 36.4-50, 24.2-39.4, 27.0-31.1, 82.2-92.9, 93.8-96.5, 93.7-95.4, and 80.5-82.2%, respectively; the highest adsorption capacities for those parameters were 3.5-5.6, 0.22-0.63, 0.36-0.45, 0.027-0.034, 0.050-0.053, 0.029-0.032, and 0.006 mg/g of bottom ash, respectively. The adsorption of pollutants in the leachate conformed to Freundlich's adsorption model.  相似文献   

Wang C  Pei Y 《Chemosphere》2012,88(10):1178-1183
This work investigated the characteristics and mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide adsorption by ferric and alum water treatment residuals (FARs) in solution. The results indicated that FARs had a high hydrogen sulfide adsorption capacity. pH 7 rather than higher pH (e.g. pH 8-10) was favorable for hydrogen sulfide removal. The Yan model fitted the breakthrough curves better than the Thomas model under varied pH values and concentrations. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area and the total pore volume of the FARs decreased after the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide. In particular, the volume of pores with a radius of 3-5 nm decreased, while the volume of pores with a radius of 2 nm increased. Therefore, it was inferred that new adsorption sites were generated during the adsorption process. The pH of the FARs increased greatly after adsorption. Moreover, differential scanning calorimetry analysis indicated that elemental sulfur was present in the FARs, while the derivative thermal gravimetry curves indicated the presence of sulfuric acid and sulfurous acid. These results indicated that both oxidization and ligand exchange contribute to the removal of hydrogen sulfide by FARs. Under anaerobic conditions, the maximum amount of hydrogen sulfide released was approximately 0.026 mg g(-1), which was less than 0.19% of the total amount adsorbed by the FARs. The hydrogen sulfide that was released may be re-adsorbed by the FARs and transformed into more stable mineral forms. Therefore, FARs are an excellent adsorbent for hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

氨氮浓度对活性炭深度处理工艺选择的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在广东省北江水源佛山段水质深度处理实验中,采用活性炭(GAC)和臭氧(O3)-生物活性炭(BAC)深度处理工艺,比较了两者对不同进水浓度下氨氮的去除效果,并对前加氯预处理工艺于氨氮的活性炭深度处理效果的影响进行了分析.结果表明:GAC和O3-BAC工艺对突发性氨氮污染具备耐冲击负荷能力.低氨氮浓度下,GAC和O3-BAC对氨氮的去除率接近(约40%),并随着进水氨氮浓度的增大而增加.两者出水中CHCl3浓度均未超标,但O3-BAC处理后的浓度更低.基于GAC工艺处理成本低于O3-BAC,建议优先采用GAC工艺.高氨氮浓度下,O3-BAC工艺除氨氮效果显著优于GAC,消毒后出水中CHCl3浓度也低于GAC的情况,建议优先采用O3-BAC工艺.若使氨氮去除率达最佳,则合适的氨氮浓度范围是:对O3-BAC工艺:0.57~0.62 mg/L,去除率高于93%.在0.43~0.62 mg/L时,去除率高于70%;对GAC工艺:0.5~0.57 mg/L,去除率介于70%~76.3%.O3-BAC工艺的适用范围宽.在合适浓度的沉淀池出水余氯下,可以在O3-BAC工艺前采用前加氯预处理工艺.  相似文献   

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