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随着工业的发展,特别是以石油、天然气为主要原料的石油化学工业的发展,在使用、贮存或操作不当时,往往造成某些可燃有毒气体的泄漏,而导致火灾、爆炸、中毒事故的发生,给企业造成巨大的经济损失。因此,对可燃有毒气体的检测与报警已成为企业安全生产的必不可少的手段。为此,哈尔滨通江晶体管厂仪器分厂生产了几种类型检测器和报警器,以杜绝事故的发生。1.携带式可燃有毒气体检测器  相似文献   

贮煤筒仓的安全性能关系着电厂的安全运行,为解决筒仓可燃气体浓度增高而导致爆炸问题,可将惰性气体氮气通入筒仓内稀释和置换可燃气体。分析了电厂筒仓安全惰化保护系统的配置及运行情况,为电厂筒仓安全惰化保护装置设计和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

首先介绍了工业发达国家利用可燃废物作为燃料生产水泥的现状,然后以废轮胎和废机油为例,说明可燃废物在水泥窑中的燃烧应用,最后指出我国这方面工作与国外的差距以及做好这项工作的必要性.  相似文献   

电厂废水、灰渣中痕量元素的测定,对评价环境质量、制订治理方案、开展灰渣综合利用,都有重要的作用。近年来,国内不少科研单位在检测工作中,因地制宜,开展这方面的专题研究,积累了一定的经验。这些测试仪器和方法各有其适用范围,测试精度及操作条件等亦不尽相同,只有在使用实践中反复分析、比较,才能加深认识,逐步完善,不断提高测试水平,使测试方法渐趋统一。本刊今年第二、三期将陆续发表有关的科研报告与论文,供读者参考。  相似文献   

高等学校因为要进行科学研究与大量的学生实验,和许多生产及科研单位一样,经常使用一些有毒的化学药品,如处理不当,必然造成环境的污染和对人体的侵害。本文就“物理化学实验”中存在的毒物对环境污染问题、结合本院及其他单位的经验,粗略探讨其解决途径及根治方法。  相似文献   

张慧明  魏建 《化工环保》1995,15(1):32-36
对炭黑生产尾气中CO,H2及CH4等可燃气态污染物的净化及其余热的回收和利用进行了研究,结果表明,采用直接燃烧法是目前我国炭黑尾气净化和余热回收利用的最佳方法,直接燃烧法,不仅可将黑尾气中可燃气态污染物变为无害的物质CO2和H2O,并可回收和利用热,可使炭黑生产余热利用率提高50%以上,其经济效益和环境效益十分可观。  相似文献   

染料行业环保工作会议在大连召开化工部化工司、中国化工学会染料学会、化工部环保科技情报中心站于1981年11月5日至10日,在大连市联合召开了染料行业环保工作会议。参加这次会议的有:中央及地方的生产和环保主管部门,有关染料生产企业及其主管公司,科研设计院、所和高等学校,学术组织和情报机构,共70个单位,135名代表。  相似文献   

薛东 《化工环保》2003,23(6):370-370
近日 ,用于发动机滤清器过滤介质滤纸的专用环保增强型发动机滤纸浸渍树脂在武汉现代工业技术研究院研制成功。滤纸不但是发动机滤清器不可缺少的重要材料 ,而且对滤清器的性能起着重要的作用。为保证滤纸质量并满足滤清器的使用要求 ,必须采用优质浸渍树脂对其进行处理 ,以提高其结构强度和物理性能。常用的浸渍树脂大多为醇溶性树脂 ,虽能满足滤清器的使用要求 ,但在生产和使用过程中会散发有毒气体 ,严重危害人体健康 ,不符合环保要求。为此 ,武汉现代工业技术研究院组织科研人员与江苏一滤芯企业合作 ,针对该产品的不足进行研究 ,于今年…  相似文献   

正安监总局近日印发《安全生产标准"十三五"发展规划的通知》,在"十三五"期间拟制定标准362项,其中强制性标准231项。《通知》指出,在"十二五"期间,构建了职业健康和工贸标准体系,安全生产标准体系得到了进一步扩展和完善。2006—2015年,国家安全监管总局共组织制定发布470项安全生产标准化,基本涵盖了安全风险较大的行业领域;为加强和规范企业安全生产工作,国家安全监管总局组织制定了《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》,对提高企业本质安全生产水平,强化企业安全生产基础起到重要作用;比对国际先进安全生产标准,修改完善矿山、  相似文献   

冯志武  赵志英 《化工环保》1999,19(4):247-247
在光气生产及使用过程中,由于受生产技术发展水平的限制,很难将尾气中所含的光气彻底清除,往往需要经烟囱高空排放,通过在大气中的扩散和稀释,降低光气在环境中的浓度,消除光气对环境的危害。我国劳动部于1992年3月4日发布了中华人民共和国劳动及劳动安全行业...  相似文献   

Hanford tanks contain more than 60 million gallons of high-level wastes produced by decades of extracting plutonium from irradiated uranium fuel. The wastes were concentrated to a thick slurry consistency by evaporation prior to storage to minimize space. The resulting concentrated waste properties introduced unanticipated, detrimental conditions affecting workers' and the public's health and safety and involving the release of potentially flammable gases. The released gases consist primarily of hydrogen, nitrous oxide, and ammonia. Dilution and sluicing were initially proposed to mitigate the flammable gas safety conditions. As a result of evaluations, the mechanisms and conditions that are thought to control the accumulation and spontaneous release of flammable gases were identified and confirmed. The technical rationale was established for developing operational approaches to mitigate the periodic generation of flammable gases in existing tanks and to avoid any reoccurrence of this serious safety problem during future waste management activities. The chemistry of the two highest risk tanks was examined to test the potential for reversing the conditions causing gas buildup and the consequences of sluicing without appropriate chemical conditioning. The identified mechanisms apply equally to the remaining flammable gas tanks at Hanford as well as to other waste tanks in the DOE complex, particularly those at Savannah River. Passive means of mitigating the flammable gas condition require less than 1:1 dilution, and sluicing wastes from tank 106-C can be accomplished without creating a flammable gas condition. Carbonate equilibria reactions and their effect on aluminum speciation are largely overlooked and provided the key for explaining the episodic release of flammable gases from tank wastes. The reaction of atmospheric carbon dioxide with a sodium hydroxide-rich waste solution produces carbonate precipitates. More importantly, this reaction lowers the pH of the waste and precipitates aluminum hydroxide as a gel. The wastes contain substantial amounts of complexing agents such as ethylene diamine tetraacidicacid (EDTA), hydroxy ethylene diamine triacidic acid (HEDTA), and their degradation products. These complexing agents stabilize the aluminum hydroxide gel together with chromium, manganese and iron hydroxides, and oxybydroxides under the resulting pH conditions. These complex species may coprecipitate and accumulate as a metastable layer in the middle and lower levels of th tank. The complexed aluminum hydroxide acts as a binding agent trapping other particulates in a microcrystalline mat. Microcrystalline particles such as sodium nitrite provide the structural strength for the mat. Once the gas accumulation below the gel layer achieves a critical buoyancy sufficient to rupture the microcrystalline mat, a gas release event occurs. The cycle of gas buildup and release continues each time the buoyancy of the trapped gas exceeds the hydrostatic pressure and the gels' plasticity modulus. Stokes Law predicts a particle settling rate in the tank of less than 50 days, well within the bistorical periodicity of GREs. Laboratory tests, forming the basis of a recent patent application, verify that large quantities of complexed aluminum hydroxide gel are produced by passing carbon dioxide through simulated waste solutions (Hobl, 1993) equivalent to those found in tank 101-SY. It was confirmed that a simple adjustment of pH witll redissolve the gel, thereby reducing viscosity and safely facilitating continuous flammable gas release. Additional experiments were undertaken to provide a basis for understanding the role of complexed aluminum hydroxides in the CO2/NaOH/Al(OH)3 (complexing agents)/NaAlO2 system. This article examines a plausible mechanism for the periodic release of flammable gas and considerations for: (1) remediating existing flammable gas tanks through a combination of chemical treatment and mixer pumps; (2) diluting, combining, retrieving, and storing wastes; (3) preventing clogging of transfer lines; (4) sludge and soil washing; and (5) cribs, ponds, basins, and ground-water cleanup. This study provides a singificant breakthrough for tank waste management by explaining key mechanisms controlling episodic release of flammable gases. The breakthrough provides the bases for removing the tanks classified as flammable gas from the wathclist and has broad operational applications with a potential for billions of dollars in cost savings.  相似文献   

中国石油化工集团公司烟气脱硫装置的现状分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国石油化工集团公司已经投入运行的部分动力站烟气脱硫装置进行了现场调研,通过调研了解了企业脱硫设施的建设状况和运行状况,总结了取得的成绩,分析了存在的主要问题,为确保今后烟气脱硫装置长周期、稳定、经济运行,提出了严格生产运行管理和加强技术开发等一系列的建议,并对今后烟气脱硝提出了设想。  相似文献   

化工型科研单位的实验室在科研活动时会产生废水、废气和固废等污染,实验室污染具有种类复杂、量小、危害大、控制难度大等特点。介绍了上海石油化工研究院的环保管理体系、污染的种类、来源和处理措施。指出应通过健全的管理制度、针对性的对策措施和有效的落实执行,来构建环境保护管理体系,确保科研单位实验室废水、废气和固废的达标排放、总量控制和妥善处理。  相似文献   

This work reviews strategies for the management of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) residues, particularly solid particles collected from flue gases. These tiny particles may be retained by different equipment, with or without additives (lime, activated carbon, etc.), and depending on the different possible combinations, their properties may vary. In industrial plants, the most commonly used equipment for heat recovery and the cleaning of gas emissions are: heat recovery devices (boiler, superheater and economiser); dry, semidry or wet scrubbers; electrostatic precipitators; bag filters; fabric filters, and cyclones. In accordance with the stringent regulations in force in developed countries, these residues are considered hazardous, and therefore must be treated before being disposed of in landfills. Nowadays, research is being conducted into specific applications for these residues in order to prevent landfill practices. There are basically two possible ways of handling these residues: landfill after adequate treatment or recycling as a secondary material. The different types of treatment may be grouped into three categories: separation processes, solidification/stabilization, and thermal methods. These residues generally have limited applications, mainly due to the fact that they tend to contain large quantities of soluble salts (NaCl, KCl, calcium compounds), significant amounts of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Cd) in forms that may easily leach out, and trace quantities of very toxic organic compounds (dioxin, furans). The most promising materials for recycling this residue are ceramics and glass-ceramic materials. The main purpose of the present paper is to review the published literature in this field. A range of studies have been summarized in a series of tables focusing upon management strategies used in various countries, waste composition, treatment processes and possible applications.  相似文献   

Electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fastest-growing pollution problems worldwide given the presence if a variety of toxic substances which can contaminate the environment and threaten human health, if disposal protocols are not meticulously managed. This paper presents an overview of toxic substances present in e-waste, their potential environmental and human health impacts together with management strategies currently being used in certain countries. Several tools including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Material Flow Analysis (MFA), Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) have been developed to manage e-wastes especially in developed countries. The key to success in terms of e-waste management is to develop eco-design devices, properly collect e-waste, recover and recycle material by safe methods, dispose of e-waste by suitable techniques, forbid the transfer of used electronic devices to developing countries, and raise awareness of the impact of e-waste. No single tool is adequate but together they can complement each other to solve this issue. A national scheme such as EPR is a good policy in solving the growing e-waste problems.  相似文献   

Incineration of municipal solid waste is a debated waste management technology. In some countries it is the main waste management option whereas in other countries it has been disregarded. The main discussion point on waste incineration is the release of air emissions from the combustion of the waste, but also the energy recovery efficiency has a large importance.The historical development of air pollution control in waste incineration was studied through life-cycle-assessment modelling of eight different air pollution control technologies. The results showed a drastic reduction in the release of air emissions and consequently a significant reduction in the potential environmental impacts of waste incineration. Improvements of a factor 0.85–174 were obtained in the different impact potentials as technology developed from no emission control at all, to the best available emission control technologies of today (2010).The importance of efficient energy recovery was studied through seven different combinations of heat and electricity recovery, which were modelled to substitute energy produced from either coal or natural gas. The best air pollution control technology was used at the incinerator. It was found that when substituting coal based energy production total net savings were obtained in both the standard and toxic impact categories. However, if the substituted energy production was based on natural gas, only the most efficient recovery options yielded net savings with respect to the standard impacts. With regards to the toxic impact categories, emissions from the waste incineration process were always larger than those from the avoided energy production based on natural gas. The results shows that the potential environmental impacts from air emissions have decreased drastically during the last 35 years and that these impacts can be partly or fully offset by recovering energy which otherwise should have been produced from fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.  相似文献   

The continuous dependence on electronic equipment at home and in the workplace has given rise to a new environmental challenge: electronic waste. Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to electronic products that no longer satisfy the needs of the initial purchaser. These can include a wide variety of goods, such as computers, cellular phones, TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and video cameras. These pieces of equipment contain hazardous materials such as lead, beryllium, mercury, cadmium, and chromium that pose both an occupational and environmental health threat. Although electronic equipment is considered safe during use, the potential for release of the toxic constituents increases during storage or disposal. Because of the growing number of discarded electronic devices resulting from rapid product obsolescence, this type of waste is an emerging concern among developing countries. This study estimates the current and future quantity of e-waste in the Philippines, with a focus on televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and radios. Data from the National Statistics Office (NSO) serve as the input to a simple end-of-life model for each type of electronic device. Mathematical equations are derived incorporating other factors, such as the number of electronic devices in use, current end-of-life management practices, serviceable years of the product, and disposal behavior of consumers. An accurate estimation of e-waste generation would be useful in policy making as well as in designing an effective management scheme to avoid the potential threats of health impacts or environmental pollution. Preliminary estimates show that at the end of 2005, approximately 2.7 million units became obsolete and about 1.8 million units required landfilling. Over a 10-year period from 1995 to 2005, approximately 25 million units became obsolete. An additional 14 million units are projected to become obsolete in the next 5 years.  相似文献   

Infectious industrial waste management in Taiwan is based on the specific waste production unit. In other countries, management is based simply on whether the producer may lead to infectious disease. Thus, Taiwan has a more detailed classification of infectious waste. The advantage of this classification is that it is easy to identify the sources, while the disadvantage lies in the fact that it is not flexible and hence increases cost. This study presents an overview of current management practices for handling infectious industrial waste in Taiwan, and addresses the current waste disposal methods. The number of small clinics in Taiwan increased from 18,183 to 18,877 between 2003 and 2005. Analysis of the data between 2003 and 2005 showed that the majority of medical waste was general industrial waste, which accounted for 76.9%-79.4% of total medical waste. Infectious industrial waste accounted for 19.3%-21.9% of total medical waste. After the SARS event in Taiwan, the amount of infectious waste reached 19,350 tons in 2004, an increase over the previous year of 4000 tons. Waste minimization was a common consideration for all types of waste treatment. In this study, we summarize the percentage of plastic waste in flammable infectious industrial waste generated by medical units, which, in Taiwan was about 30%. The EPA and Taiwan Department of Health have actively promoted different recycling and waste reduction measures. However, the wide adoption of disposable materials made recycling and waste reduction difficult for some hospitals. It has been suggested that enhancing the education of and promoting communication between medical units and recycling industries must be implemented to prevent recyclable waste from entering the incinerator.  相似文献   

Considering the enormous production of waste personal computers nowadays, it is obvious that the study of their composition is necessary in order to regulate their management and prevent any environmental contamination caused by their inappropriate disposal. This study aimed at determining the toxic metals content of motherboards (printed circuit boards), monitor glass and monitor plastic housing of two Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors, three Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors, one LCD touch screen monitor and six motherboards, all of which were discarded. In addition, concentrations of chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) were compared with the respective limits set by the RoHS 2002/95/EC Directive, that was recently renewed by the 2012/19/EU recast, in order to verify manufacturers’ compliance with the regulation. The research included disassembly, pulverization, digestion and chemical analyses of all the aforementioned devices. The toxic metals content of all samples was determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results demonstrated that concentrations of Pb in motherboards and funnel glass of devices with release dates before 2006, that is when the RoHS Directive came into force, exceeded the permissible limit. In general, except from Pb, higher metal concentrations were detected in motherboards in comparison with plastic housing and glass samples. Finally, the results of this work were encouraging, since concentrations of metals referred in the RoHS Directive were found in lower levels than the legislative limits.  相似文献   

China has ranked first in the coal fly ash emission in the world. The multipurpose use of the fly ash from power plant waste is always an important topic for the Chinese environmental protection, which has drawn the concern of the government, scientific research departments, manufacturing enterprises and industry experts. This paper introduces an experimental research on how to recycle fly ash effectively, a kind of new technology of making bricks by which fly ash content could be amounted to 50–80 %. The article introduces raw materials of fly ash brick, production process and key control points. It introduces how to change the technical parameters of the existing brick-making mechanical device, optimize the parameters combination and improve the device performance. High-content fly ash bricks are manufactured, which selects wet fly ash from power plants, adding aggregate with reasonable ratio and additives with reasonable dosage, and do the experimental research on manufactured products for properties, production technology and selection about technology parameters of production equipment. All indexes of strength grade, freezing-thawing resisting, and other standards of the studied bricks reached the national standards for building materials industry.  相似文献   

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