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实施船舶污染管理排污收费制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排污收费制度在我国船舶运输中尚未实施。本文分析了船舶造成的环境污染,依据我国排污收费有关制度,论述了实施船舶排污收费的必要性、可行性,并对实施船舶排污收费提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

1重大船舶污染事故 2007年全国沿海发生船舶污染事故107起,其中发生0.1吨以上溢油事故38起,总溢油量748-898吨,50吨以上重大溢油事故5起;化学品泄漏事故3起,总泄漏量约42吨,最大化学品泄漏量36.89吨。主要事故有“金玫瑰”、“惠荣”、“山姆”、“恒冠36”、“HARVEST”、“INDIAPRIDE”轮等重大船舶事故,污染均被有效控制。  相似文献   

关注油污染和大气污染 《国际防止船舶污染公约》日前新增两项修正案,分别在油污染和大气污染方面对船舶提出新规定。关于防止油污染的修正案规定,在南纬60度以南的南极海域,船舶不得燃用或运载超过一定浓度的包括原油、燃油等在内的各种油类物质。另一项修正案确立了北美排放控制区,更加严格地控制船舶硫氧化物、氮氧化物以及颗粒物质的排放。  相似文献   

船舶漏油事故等导致海洋环境污染的案例推动了船舶污染海洋环境应急管理和立法的发展。2011年交通运输部颁布的《船舶污染海洋环境应急防备和应急处置管理规定》及最高人民法院发布的《关于船舶油污损害赔偿纠纷案件若干问题的规定》等确立了以下机制:行政主体依民事侵权程序向责任人请求返还应急费用;应急产业经营者依强制缔约合同请求支付应急处置费用;以责任社会化的方式保障应急费用的资金来源。为应对海洋石油开发等其他类型的海洋环境污染事故,我国应借鉴船舶污染海洋应急管理中的强制清污协议制度、强制保险制度、油污基金制度等,建立环境损害赔偿制度。  相似文献   

海洋运输与环境污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋似乎离我们大多数人太遥远了,她的污染看不见,摸不着。绝大多数人相信海洋的大面积污染一定会影响人类的生活,但究竟到什么时候人类才会受到海洋的惩罚呢?大概当灾难降临时,人们又会觉得突如其来而捶胸顿足了吧。海洋造就了人类,毁灭人类的依然是海洋。与海洋联...  相似文献   

环境保护部近日发布了三个行业的污染防治技术政策指南,包括《饮料酒制造业污染防治技术政策》、《船舶水污染防治技术政策》、《制浆造纸工业污染防治可行技术指南》,以加快环境技术管理体系建设,推动污染防治技术进步,改善环境质量。  相似文献   

正由于我国船舶港口污染防治技术水平相对落后、船用油硫含量水平高,污染防治形势日趋严峻。研究表明,船舶港口排放已成为我国沿海沿江地区大气污染的重要来源之一。为全面提升我国船舶港口污染防治水平,有效降低污染排放,改善区域空气质量,未来我国在船舶港口大气污染防治方面应进一步加严船舶排放控制区要求、加强船舶排放监管、优化港口集疏运结构、加强区域联防联控及国际交流合作等。  相似文献   

易乐  欧阳晔 《四川环境》2004,23(1):70-74,77
海洋容纳和消化污染物是有限的,而我们继续排放污染却是长久的,为了子孙后代和人类的可持续发展,应该从现在就在海洋能够自净的基础上控制污染物的排放。并且要认识到污染物在海洋中会损害和破坏海洋生态环境,也会影响到人类自身的生存安全。大海是人类最后的退路,保护海洋环境就是保护人类自己。大海不是没有被污染,而是正在被加速地污染。  相似文献   

2012年12月13日,延边州环境保护局在全州范围内开展了环境应急拉动演练。演练模拟在运输危险化学品过程中,因交通事故导致泄漏污染海兰江。接到通知后,延吉市环保局立即启动环境污染应急预案,党组书记、局长张武亲自担任总指挥,副局长李成月担任现场指挥,下达指令,要求环境监察大队、环境监测站专  相似文献   

新一批环境试验相关标准即将实施 新一批环境试验相关标准即将实施,其中包含GB/T 2423系列标准、GB/T 5169系列标准,以及船舶行业、机械行业等标准。(如表1)  相似文献   

There have been increasing concerns about the adverse impacts on the environment caused by cargo movement in international trade. Different stakeholders ranging from shippers and carriers to government bodies and international communities have expressed worries about the environmental impacts brought by shipping related activities. The pollution and waste created in the shipping processes have imposed environmental burdens and accelerated resource depletion. The situation is set to worsen in the face of intensifying trade globalization, which has contributed to sustained growth in international shipping activities. To help protect the environment, many shipping firms have taken the initiative to find ways to lessen the environmental damage of their operations while enhancing their performance. The objective of this study is to examine the environmental awareness and the environmental measures taken in the shipping industry. We propose a conceptual framework for evaluating green shipping practices and develop several propositions stating the conditions under which shipping firms would behave in an environmentally responsible manner. We conclude with managerial and policy implications of the conceptual framework to promote green shipping practices in the shipping industry.  相似文献   

Preventing the introduction of nonindigenous species (NIS) is the most efficient way to avoid the costs and impacts of biological invasions. The transport of fouling species on ship hulls is an important vector for the introduction of marine NIS. We use quantitative risk screening techniques to develop a predictive tool of the abundance and variety of organisms being transported by ocean-going yachts. We developed and calibrated an ordinal rank scale of the abundance of fouling assemblages on the hulls of international yacht hulls arriving in New Zealand. Fouling ranks were allocated to 783 international yachts that arrived in New Zealand between 2002 and 2004. Classification tree analysis was used to identify relationships between the fouling ranks and predictor variables that described the maintenance and travel history of the yachts. The fouling ranks provided reliable indications of the actual abundance and variety of fouling assemblages on the yachts and identified most (60%) yachts that had fouling on their hulls. However, classification tree models explained comparatively little of the variation in the distribution of fouling ranks (22.1%), had high misclassification rates (∼43%), and low predictive power. In agreement with other studies, the best model selected the age of the toxic antifouling paint on yacht hulls as the principal risk factor for hull fouling. Our study shows that the transport probability of fouling organisms is the result of a complex suite of interacting factors and that large sample sizes will be needed for calibration of robust risk models.  相似文献   

随着科学技术水平的提高,用于室内装修的各种建筑材料、绝缘材料、室内装饰材料、涂料等越来越多。目前使用的大部分装饰材料不同程度地含有甲醛、苯、氯化烃等有机物,其中甲醛、苯、三氯乙烯等是公认的致癌物质。除此之外,还有其他一部分室内污染物,含有对人类有害的物质。本文对室内污染源、对人体的危害及防治措施进行综述。  相似文献   

农业和农村环境是人类生存、经济发展和社会安定的基础和根本保证。但是,随着经济的发展和人口的增长,各种工业废弃物和农用化学物质不断地涌入农业环境,使得农业环境的污染负荷增加,农业本身产生的污染问题也日益严重,农业环境正面临一系列严重的环境污染和生态破坏的问题。环境各个要素的污染都会影响正常的农业生产,主要介绍了大气污染、水污染、土壤污染的基本特征及其对农业生产的影响。  相似文献   

光污染作为一种新型的环境污染,对环境的危害和人类的影响越来越明显。我国在光污染防治方面的法律法规明显滞后,制定一部符合国情的《光污染防治法》和相应的光污染环境标准势在必行。  相似文献   

天津市农村非点源污染控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了2004年天津市农村非点源污染状况,对其主要污染来源和环境影响进行了分析。在此基础上,提出非点源污染控制目标和对策措施,并以天津市的重要饮用水源地——于桥水库为例,介绍了水库周边村落的畜禽养殖污染控制措施。  相似文献   

The water pollution emissions by 13 of the largest pulp and paper companies, developed on the basis of monthly reports filed with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by these companies, indicate a wide disparity in the amount of pollution discharged by them into the nation's waterways. Furthermore, the net discharge of pollution in waterways by all firms is positive, which indicates that all the firms in the study pollute the nation's waterways to some degree. Information presented in this study will be useful for public issues, such as evaluating the effectiveness of the Clean Water Act, government's water pollution policy and abatement strategy, and management's effectiveness in abating water pollution.  相似文献   

通过对淄博市环境质量变化趋势的分析,指出结构性污染和区域性污染是淄博市环境污染存在的最突出问题,既影响了环境质量状况的持续改善,也制约了环境容量和环境承载能力。提出应科学调整产业结构,加快结构性污染治理,并对加快淄博市工业结构调整提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Environmental fluctuations and biological variability affect the establishment of baseline data in studying the ecotoxic effects of pollutants. Since substantial fluctuations are recorded for various ecological indices, it becomes problematic to establish whether an observed change in some ecological parameters represents a variation caused by presence of a pollutant, or represents 'natural' fluctuations inherent in the ecosystem.Thus, ability to predict ecotoxic effect lies at the base of the diagnosis. Such diagnosis should employ characteristics that reflect the integrated response of component populations to perturbations and as well provide a comprehensive picture of ecosystem 'status'. Measurements become authentic and acceptable only when compared with normal values of the numerical parameter in question.  相似文献   

文中介绍了国外用土壤空气抽取法和堆肥法清除土壤中有机溶剂、芳香烃类和石油污染物的技术及其应用。这两种方法单独使用均可成功地治理有害废弃物。实践证明,将这两种技术串联使用可更有效地处理土壤中污染物及加速生物降解过程。根据现场特点,利用多种治理技术综合治理土壤污染物是治理污染物的发展方向。  相似文献   

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