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环境监察工作在环境保护中发挥了越来越重要的作用。全面提升我省环境监察整体执法水平,不断加大环境执法力度,积极探索新形势环境监察体制、机制建设,对有效履行环境保护监督管理职能、推进我省环境保护工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2002年全区的环境保护工作,在自治区党委、政府的正确领导下,全区环保系统深入贯彻落实中央人口资源环境工作座谈会、第五次全国环境保护会议和第四次全区环境保护会议精神,以经济建设为中心,坚决实施可持续发展战略,以贯彻落实环境保护“十五”计划和“433”工程为主线,整体推进环境保护工作。经过全区上下的共同努力,污染防治、生态保护、环境法制、科技、监测、信息、宣教和精神文明建设工作得到进一步加强。  相似文献   

为了推进环境治理体系建设和实现治理能力现代化,加大全国水环境保护工作开展的力度,国务院颁布了水污染防治纲领性文件《水污染防治行动计划》,其中第六条"严格环境执法监管"第十八款"加大执法力度"以十八届四中全会提出的"依法治国"及新《环保法》为基础,针对环境监管、加强执法等提出排污企业的"红黄牌"管理制度、逐级环境监督执法机制建设及严厉打击环境违法行为等具体措施,以铁腕治污,推进环境执法力度,全面打响水污染防治"攻坚战"。  相似文献   

近年来,生态环境部联合有关部门深入推进农村环境综合整治,加强农业面源污染防治,取得积极进展。本文总结了农村环境保护工作的现状和面临的问题。基于此,提出了创新农村环境监管机制,推进农村生态环境保护的政策机制建议:建立环保统一监管、各部门协调统筹推进的工作机制;完善地方政府考核和责任追究机制;采取差别化的污染源监督管理机制;加强农村环境污染防治的统筹推进和分类指导;引导和支持农民履行环保责任;采取差别化的监管模式和多样化的监管手段提升农村环境监管能力。  相似文献   

张全 《环境保护》2008,(3):30-32
环境保护事关经济社会发展全局,上海将按照“历史性转变”的要求,从体制、机制、法制等各方面创新环境管理模式,以更大的力度加强环境保护和生态建设,加快推进环境友好型城市建设,着力解决影响上海长远发展和市民健康的环境问题,促进上海又好又快发展。[编者按]  相似文献   

农村饮用水水源地环境保护工作日益重要,通过分析青岛市农村饮用水水源地现状基本情况、污染源现状及环境管理状况,系统梳理了青岛市农村水源地环境保护方面存在的问题,并针对存在的环境问题重点提出了明确水源地环境保护责任机制、推进水源地规范化建设、加强水质监测保障、优先开展超标水源治理、强化水源地污染防治管理等方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

周生贤 《环境保护》2013,(24):10-12
十八届三中会站在中国特色社会主义事业"五位一体"总体布局的战略高度,对推进生态文明建设做出全面安排和部署,明确将紧紧围绕建设美丽中国深化生态文明体制改革,加快建立生态文明制度,健全国土空间开发、资源节约、生态环境保护的体制机制,并要求改革生态环境保护管理体制,建立统一监管所有污染物排放等一系列环境管理制度。  相似文献   

西部开发环境保护工作的几点思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文就西部大开发中的环境保护工作提出十个方面的想法:认为应当明确环境保护是西部大开发的基本目标之一;弄清“家底,搞好区划,心快进入西部大开发的前沿阵地;编制西部大开发的环境保护规划;建立综合决策机制;重视资源型产业结构的污染问题;完善法规制度,强化环境管理;加强城镇环境建设与管理;研究包括农村环境保护、水环境保护、生态补偿机制环境投入等环境保护政策;重视环境保护宣传教育;加强基层组织建设和能力建设  相似文献   

在长三角区域一体化发展上升为国家战略、大力推进生态文明建设、打好污染防治攻坚战的大背景下,本文基于长三角生态环境保护与治理实际情况,提出建立权、责、利相匹配的区域协作关系,健全自然资源绩效管理及考核机制。同时,为加快构建长三角区域现代化环境治理体系,建议以深化体制改革和健全环境监管体系为重点,进一步提高生态环境保护和治理的整体性和协同性,统筹建立区域联防联控和责任清晰的长三角一体化环境管理与考核机制。  相似文献   

正建立环境管理和监测信息公开制度国务院日前发布《社会信用体系建设规划纲要(2014~2020年)》(以下简称《纲要》),部署加快建设社会信用体系、构筑诚实守信的经济社会环境.在环境保护和能源节约领域信用建设方面,《纲要》指出,要推进国家环境监测、信息与统计能力建设,加强环保信用数据的采集和整理,实现环境保护工作业务协同和信息共享,完善环境信息公开目录.建立环境管理、监测信息公开制度.完善环评文件责任追究机制,建立环评机构及其从业人员、评估专家诚信档案数据库,强化对环评机构  相似文献   

中国和印度几乎同时出现在世界舞台表明国际事务的架构发生了史无前例的变化.这两个占世界人口40%的巨人,其人口相当于位居其后的20个人口最多国家的人口总和.在十九和二十世纪,这两个巨人长期在主宰国际事务的欧洲、日本和美国的阴影之下沉睡.  相似文献   

This paper applies several well-known decision criteria to the climate change problem. The policy process is represented by a simple game against nature with two possible choices: abate or no action. The outcome is considered a compound lottery, with one representing emissions and another representing damages. Assuming that costs exceed benefits of abatement for the participant, the paper analyzes how different decision criteria affect the decision to abate. The role of expert opinion and quality of information in climate change decisions are also considered. The complexity of global warming makes it impossible to completely overlook the consequences of alternative choices. The paper discusses the question of whether the use of less information demanding alternatives to expected utility theory is indicated. It concludes that the choice of criterion is a political question, and that those in favor of abatement policies might be using one of the alternatives as basis for their advice, and suggests that if the possibility of making irreversible mistakes is of great concern, then the minimax regret criterion might have increased relevance.  相似文献   

The interaction of chemicals with biological organisms is as old as life itself. Chemical pollution is usually considered to be human interference with natural chemical cycles and the release of man-made, unnatural compounds. The article traces five areas of chemical pollution and health hazards: air pollution, water pollution, occupational exposure, pollution from agricultural practices and contamination of food. It is suggested that historic perspective can aid in rational and prudent evaluation of present-day pollution problems.  相似文献   

We distinguish three historical and scientific views of matter, spacetime, and the relationship between them: the absolute approach of Newton, the relational approach most often associated with Mach, and a third, geometrical approach which inspired Einstein and continues to drive efforts toward a unified theory of fundamental interactions today. Which is correct? We suggest that this is, to a large extent, an "ill-posed question," reminiscent of the wave/particle debate in earlier times. The boundary between matter and spacetime is no longer easy to draw, and it is likely that they are complementary aspects of the same reality. There is no clearer illustration of this than the modern view of the vacuum. We review the importance of this concept in cosmology, and explore the extent to which the old idea of an "empty" vacuum might still be maintained. If the real cosmological vacuum is far from empty, as observations now suggest, then it may be possible to achieve an even simpler goal: a Universe with a net energy of zero.  相似文献   

——中印合作可以降低生物多样性损失、减轻气候变化并减少森林砍伐。中国和印度这两个新兴的世界经济大国将对21世纪世界环境发挥重要甚至主导作用。在未来几年内,两国的经济增长率预期将维持8%~9%。在世界很多国家出现经济危机情况下,中印两国2009年仍实现了国内生产总值高增长(中国:8.4%,印度:6.2%,世  相似文献   

Sathaye  J.A.  Makundi  W.R.  Andrasko  K.  Boer  R.  Ravindranath  N.H.  Sudha  P.  Rao  S.  Lasco  R.  Pulhin  F.  Masera  O.  Ceron  A.  Ordonez  J.  Deying  X.  Zhang  X.  Zuomin  S. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2001,6(3-4):185-211
This paper summarizes studies of carbon (C) mitigation potential and costs of about 40 forestry options in seven developing countries. Each study uses the same methodological approach – Comprehensive Mitigation Assessment Process (COMAP) – to estimate the above parameters between 2000 and 2030. The approach requires the projection of baseline and mitigation land-use scenarios. Coupled with data on a per ha basis on C sequestration or avoidance, and costs and benefits, it allows the estimation of monetary benefit per Mg C, and the total costs and carbon potential. The results show that about half (3.0 Pg C) the cumulative mitigation potential of 6.2 Petagram (Pg) C between 2000 and 2030 in the seven countries (about 200× 106 Mg C yr-1) could be achieved at a negative cost and the remainder at costs ranging up to $100 Mg C-1. About 5 Pg C could be achieved, at a cost less than $20 per Mg C. Negative cost potential indicates that non-carbon revenue is sufficient to offset direct costs of these options. The achievable potential is likely to be smaller, however, due to market, institutional, and sociocultural barriers that can delay or prevent the implementation of the analyzed options.  相似文献   

Natural surface coating samples (NSCSs) from the surface of shingles and surficial sediments (SSs) in the Songhua River, China were employed to investigate the relationship between NSCSs and SSs in fractions of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) using the modified sequential extraction procedure (MSEP). The results show that the differences between NSCSs and SSs in Fe fi'actions were insignificant and Fe was dominantly present as residual phase (76.22% for NSCSs and 80.88% for SSs) and Fe-oxides phase (20.33% for NSCSs and 16.15% for SSs). Significant variation of Mn distribution patterns between NSCSs and SSs was observed with Mn in NSCSs mainly present in Mn-oxides phase (48.27%) and that in SSs present as residual phase (45.44%). Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were found dominantly in residual fractions (〉48%), and next in solid oxides/hydroxides for Zn, Pb and Cd and in easily oxidizable solids/compounds form for Cu, respectively. The heavy metal distribution patterns implied that Fe/Mn oxides both in NSCSs and SSs were more important sinks for binding and adsorption of Zn, Pb and Cd than organic matter (OM), and inversely, higher affinity of Cu to OM than Fe/Mn oxides in NSCSs and SSs was obtained. Meanwhile, it was found that the distributions of heavy metals in NSCSs and SSs were similar to each other and the pseudo-total concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in NSCSs were greater than those in SSs, highlighting the more importance for NSCSs than SSs in controlling behaviours of heavy metals in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

本文详细论述了生态文明的定史、特征及内涵,简述了我国建设生态文明城市面临的问题。论述了生态文化的定义、内容和特点,建议在生态城市建设中应加强生态文化建设。最后指出绿色消费将成为21世纪的主流。  相似文献   

山水林田湖草生态保护修复试点战略路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王波  何军  王夏晖 《环境保护》2020,48(22):50-54

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