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本文简要描述了一起压力容器爆炸事故的经过和严重后果,并从技术角度对爆炸的原因、爆炸时的压力及爆炸断裂拉力走向进行了理论分析和计算,提出了预防类似事故的对策,对预防压力容器爆炸事故以及调查,分析压力容器爆炸事故原因具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

我国化工企业火灾爆炸事故统计分析及事故表征物探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从事故统计分析的角度,对2001—2006年我国化工企业发生事故的设备、事故介质进行分析;对设备发生事故的规律以及事故介质的分布特征进行总结;对在火灾爆炸事故调查中具有普遍代表性的事故表征物:爆炸抛射物、火灾爆炸容器、喷溅物和烟尘及烟熏痕迹的特征进行分析;从定量、半定量化的角度,对事故原因进行探讨,事故分析结果,对于从理论的角度分析事故原因、有效预防事故都具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

2006年8月中旬,某制药厂发生一起丙酮回收塔爆炸事故,所幸未伤人,只是将回收塔(蒸馏塔)的封头崩出,飞跨4层高厂房,降落在离爆炸地点水平距离约50m的平地上。爆炸事故发生后,该厂停止了生产,立即进行事故调查和分析,查找原因。  相似文献   

一起压力容器爆炸事故的剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要描述了一起压力容器爆炸事故的经过和严重后果,并从技术角度对爆炸的原因、爆炸时的压力及爆炸断裂拉力走向进行了理论分析和计算,提出了预防类似事故的对策,对预防压力容器爆炸事故以及调查、分析压力容器爆炸事故原因具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

2009~2013年我国粉尘爆炸事故统计分析研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
基于2009~2013年我国粉尘爆炸事故统计数据,从事故发生时间、事故发生区域、企业经济类型、事故发生原因等方面对粉尘爆炸事故进行统计分析。结果表明,干燥季节是粉尘爆炸事故的多发期;金属粉尘,尤其是镁铝粉尘是粉尘爆炸事故的主要类别;生产场所环境不良是导致事故发生的重要原因。从落实企业安全生产主体责任、加强安全监管、加强法规建设和安全培训、严格追究责任等方面提出了预防和控制粉尘爆炸事故的对策建议。  相似文献   

对某钢厂康斯迪电炉爆炸事故现场进行了调查,分析了引起电炉爆炸的原因,得出该事故是由于废钢铁中混有爆炸性物质的结论,提出钢厂对回炉熔炼用的废钢铁要严格分类、筛选,防止此类事故再次发生.  相似文献   

通过对货船电气火灾爆炸事故原因的分析研究,阐述了危险温度、电弧以及静电是导致货船火灾爆炸事故的主要因素,提出了预防货船电气火灾爆炸事故的安全防范技术对策。  相似文献   

近期,化工事故频繁发生,使我们不由得将目光投向化工企业。记者从9月17日至9月18日在广西柳州市召开的广西维尼纶集团有限责任公司“8·26”爆炸事故现场会上了解到,由于该起事故摧毁了广维公司整个生产厂区,导致事故调查十分困难,目前事故原因还在进一步调查中。但从目前已经掌握的情况来看,  相似文献   

对1台空压机储气罐爆炸事故进行分析。通过现场调查,材质分析,焊接质量检验,以及对断口的扫描电镜观察,找出事故发生的原因,并提出改进意见供参考。  相似文献   

化工装置爆炸事故模式及预防研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对建国以来我国已经发生的典型化工装置爆炸事故原因进行了统计分析 ,总结了爆炸危险性的影响因素。结合对已经发生的事故案例的剖析 ,提取并建立了装置内爆炸事故模式 ,对各种模式的爆炸机理和发生条件进行了初步的研究分析 ,并提出事故的预防措施 ,以期指导安全生产  相似文献   

Accident investigation manuals are influential documents on various levels in a safety management system, and it is therefore important to appraise them in the light of what we currently know – or assume – about the nature of accidents. Investigation manuals necessarily embody or represent an accident model, i.e., a set of assumptions about how accidents happen and what the important factors are. In this paper we examine three aspects of accident investigation as described in a number of investigation manuals. Firstly, we focus on accident models and in particular the assumptions about how different factors interact to cause – or prevent – accidents, i.e., the accident “mechanisms”. Secondly, we focus on the scope in the sense of the factors (or factor domains) that are considered in the models – for instance (hu)man, technology, and organization (MTO). Thirdly, we focus on the system of investigation or the activities that together constitute an accident investigation project/process. We found that the manuals all used complex linear models. The factors considered were in general (hu)man, technology, organization, and information. The causes found during an investigation reflect the assumptions of the accident model, following the ‘What-You-Look-For-Is-What-You-Find’ or WYLFIWYF principle. The identified causes typically became specific problems to be fixed during an implementation of solutions. This follows what can be called ‘What-You-Find-Is-What-You-Fix’ or WYFIWYF principle.  相似文献   

通过对山西铝厂氧化铝分厂5年的碱烧伤事故分析与研究,指出了发生该类事故的原因,提出了在氧化铝生产中预防的对策,对氧化铝生产企业降低碱烧伤事故具有指导意义。  相似文献   

香港特区是典型的经济发达地区,电梯安全管理水平达到世界先进。通过学习香港电梯安全管理和事故管理经验,研究电梯的安全条例、守则中电梯各相关方的职责、电梯事故的管理机制,分析香港特区电梯典型的事故技术调查报告和历年的事故统计数据,有利于加强内地与香港特区之间的技术和管理方面的深入交流,有助于给出进一步提升国家电梯安全和应急管理水平的有效措施和建议。  相似文献   

The 27th of March 2003, an explosion caused the death of four employees in a Nitrochimie pyrotechnic plant, at Billy Berclau, in the north of France. Following the accident, the ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development appointed INERIS to perform an investigation. According to the terms of reference, the investigation would cover technical (origins of the explosion, extent of damages) as well as organisational issues, as defined by SEVESO II safety management system requirements. This paper has a threefold purpose. It intends first to illustrate with an empirical case the current trend in safety auditing and accident investigation, targeting organisational factors, alongside human factors. There are not so many published cases of accidents analysed with an organisational perspective. Secondly, it shows that it is possible to investigate organisational dimensions (through articulation of safety engineering, safety management and human and social sciences) within reasonable time frames and a reasonable amount of resources. By focusing on key actors and asking appropriate questions related to key dimensions, investigating organisational accidents might not necessarily imply spending much more resources than other steps such as damage assessment, chronological construction or identification of technical scenarios, although there are also some prerequisite conditions needed to achieve this. Finally this paper should be seen as a technical communication beyond the pyrotechnic industry.  相似文献   

事故发生的三种模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
事故就是违背人的主观愿望而发生的意外事件 ,其结果是导致社会和人类经济上的巨大损失和伤害。然而各种事故的发生的形式似乎永远伴随着人类社会的发展而有所变化。笔者通过对事故数据的分析 ,从广义上将事故分为自然事故即自然灾害、随机事故和人为事故 3类。根据 3类事故的特点采用简单的数学方程进行描述 ,为事故发生可承受度 (即既最大风险值 )奠定理论基础。从科学的角度论述事故发生的必然性、随机性和可预防性以及不安全的绝对性和安全的相对性的辩证关系。同时提出了环境因子新概念 ,初步定义了高危行业的定量含义 ,为各类事故的预防提出了基本的相应对策。  相似文献   

本文对一起“矿井动力现象”事故,从发生这起事故的条件和可能性及其事故后的特征等多方面进行了分析论证,认为该次事故不是一起“矿井动力现象”——煤与瓦斯突出,而是一次因放炮引起的瓦斯爆炸事故。指出了发生这次事故的原因,总结了该次事故的经验及教训,同时也提出了防止这类事故的预防措施。  相似文献   

从熵增加的观点描述了事故的本质,剖析了人机系统的实质与特性,提出了风险熵与事故势的概念,给出了计算机风险熵与事故势的方法。结果表明,系统具有二重性。在系统运行期间,系统具有封闭体系的特性;在休整期间,系统具有开放体系的特性。事故是运行系统的必然发展趋势,是运行系统的固有属性,是一种自发过程。由于在系统熵增加的过程中信息及能量的交换,可以把事故定义为系统熵增加的结果。避免事故发生的原理是不断地向系统输入信息或负熵以抵消系统内部的熵增加。  相似文献   

中国煤矿工人体能负荷、疲劳与工伤事故   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
煤矿井下事故对矿工威胁很大,体力负荷过重而导致疲劳是引起事故不可忽视的原因。测定不同工种井下矿工的体能负荷情况,并根据FIX疲劳指数的测定,分析矿工劳动负荷与工伤事故发生之间的关系。研究表明,在疲劳状态下事故发生的危险性增加;劳动负荷越重,疲劳越重相对的事故发生率也越高。减轻疲劳对预防事故发生与保证工作安全具有很重要的意义  相似文献   

In their regulations, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) states that the companies responsible for oil and gas exploration and production activities in Norway shall record and investigate accidents and serious incidents. This paper introduces a general model for the accident investigation process in the Norwegian petroleum industry, and presents some results derived from a comparative study of causal factors identified in offshore accident investigation reports from 2002 to 2006. The paper also offers a discussion of the improvement potential in the use of investigation methods. Finally, a discussion of future challenges in accident investigations is provided.  相似文献   

Nowadays, ‘investigation’ is a very commonly advocated approach and consequently is becoming an umbrella concept. ‘Investigation’ includes many types of approaches on different system levels. Originating from transport accidents and crime scenes, ‘investigation’ ranges from genocide, natural disasters, via discrimination, health care to crime fighting, economic fraud and ethical questions in engineering and management. In such a changing operating environment and widespread applications, accident investigation must reassess its distinctive role, purposes and operating conditions. It must clarify and communicate its specific aims and functions and performance to such an extent that it maintains its credibility, capability and quality in the eye of professionals, politicians as well as the public. Based on an assessment of the past performance of leading investigation agencies, practical experiences during major ad hoc accident investigations and changes in the operating environment, a SWOT analysis identified several issues as internal and external challenges in the future conduct of major investigations. Finally, the article proposes several priorities, challenging each stakeholder and expert in the investigation community to contribute from its own perspective to improve accident investigation theory and practices.  相似文献   

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