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Concentrations of 17 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were measured in 96 food composite samples from eight varieties of food groups from the Chinese total diet study (TDS) in 2007. The concentrations of samples, expressed as WHO toxic equivalents (TEQ), ranged from 0.001 pg TEQ g?1 to 0.85 pg TEQ g?1 (fresh weight). Dietary intake of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs of 12 age/gender subgroups of the Chinese population subsequently estimated ranges from 15.4 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1 to 38.7 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1 for average population and from 68.5 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1 to 226.1 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1 for high consumers (the 97.5th percentile). Dietary exposure of children (mean: 32.5 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1) is significantly higher than that of the adults (mean: 21.5 pg TEQ kg?1 bw month?1) (p < 0.01) presumably due to more food consumed by children relative to their body weight compared to adults. There is no difference of dietary exposure, expressed as pg TEQ kg?1 bw, found between different genders. Across various regions in China, there are large differences of dietary exposure of adult population and pattern of contribution of food groups to total exposure due to different contamination level and food habits. Dietary exposures of average population of various subgroups were all below the PTMI recommended by JECFA, but those of higher consumers were found exceeding or comparable to the PTMI.  相似文献   

An intercalibration study on organobromine compounds has been conducted to evaluate the accuracy and reliability in the analysis of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their related compounds like polybrominated and monobromo-polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and -furans (PBDDs/DFs, MoBPCDDs/DFs). This paper reports the results for these compounds in 'Mixed Standard Solutions' and 'Air-Dried Sediment'. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) for PBDEs, PBDDs/DFs and MoBPCDDs/DFs in mixed standard solutions ranged from 9% to 24%, 4% to 20% and 8% to 27%, respectively. The results of this study are better than those reported in earlier international interlaboratory studies due to general improvement in analytical methods and an increasing number of available authentic standards, particularly for PBDEs. In the analysis for higher brominated compounds such as octabromodibenzodioxin, the participants were advised to optimize the calibration curves befitting the range of concentrations found in samples because variation of relative response factors was noted. The results for 'Air-Dried Sediment' were also reasonable with RSDs from 10% to 38% for PBDEs, 8% to 38% for PBDDs/DFs and 17% to 36% for MoBPCDDs/DFs. In the sediment sample, possible errors in the sample pretreatment and/or interference by other compounds/impurities were indicated. The concentrations of pentabromodiphenylether, BDE100, varied more than the other PBDE isomers due to its poor separation in some chromatographic conditions. In addition, interference by PBDEs was observed in the analysis for PBDFs. Potential degradation/secondary formulation of PBDEs and PBDFs during the Soxhlet extraction were suggested when copper powder was added into the sediment samples. Inspite of these observations, the results in this study are better than those reported in other interlaboratory studies due to the advice given to participants for improving the results. Compared with the results for PCDDs/DFs (5-23% RSDs) and Co-PCBs (6-24% RSDs), the RSDs for most of the organobromine compounds were high, indicating an immature QA/QC approach for the analysis of PBDEs and related compounds in comparison to common chlorinated dioxins.  相似文献   

Since the CALUX (Chemically Activated LUciferase gene eXpression) bioassay is a fast, sensitive and inexpensive tool for the analysis of a high number of samples, the use of this technique in routine analysis of atmospheric deposition samples may be a valuable alternative for GC-HRMS. In this study, a validated CALUX method was used for the analysis of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in more than 90 atmospheric deposition samples for different locations in Flanders. The samples were taken in residential and agricultural areas, where a threshold limit of 21 pg WHO-TEQ m−2 d−1 for the sum of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs was set, and in industrial zones and natural reserves, where no official threshold limit is available. The results from the Flemish measurement program showed correlation between CALUX and GC-HRMS for all the samples, originating from the different areas (R2 of 0.81, 0.53 and 0.64 for dl-PCBs, PCDD/Fs and sum of both fractions, respectively). Median CALUX/GC-HRMS ratios of 2.0, 0.9 and 1.3 were reported for the PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs and the sum of both fractions, respectively. The results show that the CALUX bioassay is a valuable alternative tool for the classic GC-HRMS analysis of atmospheric deposition samples in the Flemish measurement network.  相似文献   

Since the CALUX (Chemically Activated LUciferase gene eXpression) bioassay is a fast, sensitive and inexpensive tool for the analysis of a high number of samples, validation of new methods is urgently needed. In this study, a new method for the analysis of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in atmospheric deposition samples with the CALUX bioassay was developed, optimized and validated. The method consists of 4 steps: filtration, extraction, clean up and bioassay analysis. To avoid the use of large amounts of toxic solvents, new techniques were used for filtration and extraction: a C18 filter was used instead of a liquid/liquid extraction and an Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) was used instead of the traditional soxhlet extraction. After pre-oxidation of the sample extract, clean up was done using a multi-layer silica gel column coupled to a carbon column. The PCDD/F and PCB fractions were finally analyzed with the H1L7.5c1 and/or the H1L6.1c3 mouse hepatoma cell lines. The limit of quantification was 1.4 pg CALUX-BEQ m−2 d−1 for the PCBs and 5.6 pg CALUX-BEQ m−2 d−1 for the PCDD/Fs, when using the new sensitive H1L7.5c1 cell line. The GC-HRMS recovery for all PCDD/F congeners was between 55% and 112%, with a mean recovery of 90%. CALUX recoveries of spiked procedural blanks were between the accepted ranges of 80-120%. Repeatability and reproducibility were satisfactory and no interferences from metals were detected. The first results from the Flemish measurement program showed good correlation between CALUX and GC-HRMS.  相似文献   

Moon HB  Ok G 《Chemosphere》2006,62(7):1142-1152
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) residues were measured in 70 marine organisms (40 species) from Korean coastal waters. The PCDD/Fs residues in the organisms varied from 0.02 to 4.39 pg WHO-TEQ/g wet weight and the DL-PCBs residues varied from 0.008 to 6.0 pg WHO-TEQ/g wet weight. The levels in fish from Korean coastal waters were comparable to those found in other countries. Comparing organism groups, the highest PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs residues were recorded in crustaceans, followed by fish, cephalopods, bivalves and gastropods. Although the congener distributions of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in the organism groups were different, the dominant contributors to the total TEQ concentrations in all groups were 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran (PeCDF), 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) and PCB 126. The dietary intake of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs from the consumption of marine organisms in Korea was estimated to be 0.68 pg WHO-TEQ/kg bodyweight/day. The contribution of DL-PCBs to the total dietary intake from all organisms groups averaged 60%. The relative contribution of each organism group to the total dietary intake was, in descending order: fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, bivalves and gastropods. The current dietary intake was lower than those in countries with a similar dietary pattern to Korea, but higher than those in countries with smaller quantities of seafood consumption.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Urban green space is a special space for urban life and natural contact and has an important impact on human health. However, little information is...  相似文献   

Most contamination of residential property soil with dioxin-like compounds occurs as a result of proximity to industrial activity that produces such compounds and, outside the industrially impacted zone, the soil concentrations are at background levels. However, as part of the University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study, residential properties in the lower peninsula of Michigan, USA, were identified that were located far enough from known sources of these compounds that the soil concentrations should have been at background levels and yet the toxic equivalent (TEQ) of some properties' soil was greater than 2.5 standard deviations above the mean background level. In the three cases presented here from Midland/Saginaw Counties, the anomalously high-TEQ values were primarily due to the presence of polychlorinated dibenzofurans. Based on interviews with the residents and a comparison of soil congener profiles, it was deduced that these values resulted from anthropogenic soil movement from historically contaminated areas. In the cases from Jackson/Calhoun Counties, the unusually high-TEQ values were primarily due to polychlorinated biphenyls. In the case profiled here, it appears that the soil became contaminated through sandblasting to remove paint from the swimming pool. This study identified two mechanisms for soil contamination outside zones of industrial impact; thus, an assumption of background levels of soil contamination outside industrial zones may not be valid.  相似文献   

Field study allows assessment of long-term effects on fatty acid (FA) composition of organisms under chronic exposure to metals. One expected effect of copper is peroxidation of lipids and essentially polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). FA analysis was established for the amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus subjected to different degrees of copper exposure (4–40 μg Cu L−1). A previous study in our team showed that this species regulates its body Cu concentration (106–135 mg Cu kg−1 dry weight). Despite the high capacity of bioaccumulation, the absence of a correlation between copper concentration in D. villosus and water prevents its use as bioindicator of copper pollution. Both sexes from the most polluted site showed the lowest total FA content, but the highest PUFA percent, mainly of the long-chained variety (C20–C22). Mechanisms leading to the prevention of lipid peroxidation in this species were discussed (metallothioneins and intracellular granules) and proposed with support from literature data.  相似文献   

Hsu MS  Hsu KY  Wang SM  Chou U  Chen SY  Huang NC  Liao CY  Yu TP  Ling YC 《Chemosphere》2007,67(9):S65-S70
Concentrations of 17 dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were measured in total diet study samples of 14 food groups of animal origin from 11 locations in Taiwan, collected in 2003. Pork meat possessed the lowest background concentration level of 0.058 pg WHO-TEQ(PCDD/Fs+dl-PCBs)/g fresh weight. The dl-PCBs contribution were 31%, 59%, 36%, 46%, and 13% for meat and meat products, muscle meat of fish, milk and dairy products, fat and oil, and egg, respectively. The estimated monthly intake (EMI) was 44.7 and 39.5 pg WHO-TEQ(PCDD/Fs+dl-PCBs)/kg b.w./month for a male and female adult weighing 64.8 kg and 56.3 kg, respectively. Muscle meat of fish contributes 46% to the mean EMI. Factors affecting the EMI, in order of increasing importance are analytical method uncertainty, sample compositional difference, and food consumption data. In addition to the continuous efforts to identify and reduce the source of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs releases into the environment and the food-chain, the practice of a healthy dietary habit, i.e., eating foods of lower TEQ levels, was suggested to effectively reduce human exposure to PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs.  相似文献   

The Centre for Environment and Health in Flanders, the Northern part of Belgium, started a biomonitoring program on adolescents in 2003. 1679 adolescents residing in nine areas with different patterns of pollution participated in the study. Possible confounding effects of lifestyle and personal characteristics were taken into account. The geometric mean levels of cadmium and lead in whole blood amounted to 0.36 and 21.7 microg l(-1), those of PCBs, DDE and HCB in serum to 68, 94 and 20.9 ng g(-1) fat, and those of 1-hydroxypyrene and t,t'-muconic acid in urine to 88 ng g(-1) creatinine and 72 microg g(-1) creatinine. Significant regional differences in internal lead, cadmium, PCBs, DDE and HCB exposure were observed in function of area of residence, even after adjustment for age, sex, smoking (and body mass index for the chlorinated compounds). Compared to a reference mean, internal exposure was significantly higher in one or more of the areas: Cd and Pb in the Antwerp agglomeration, Cd in the Antwerp harbour, PCBs in the Ghent agglomeration, PCBs, DDE and HCB in the Ghent harbour, Cd, PCBs, DDE and HCB in the rural area, DDE in Olen and in the Albert canal areas. Adolescents living in an area with intensive fruit cultivation (showing overall the lowest values) and, surprisingly, in areas around household waste incinerators (average of six areas), had no significantly increased internal exposures. Subjects from separate areas around waste incinerators showed significant differences in body load of various environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

Wang  Xing  Wang  Bin  Xiao  Lili  Cui  Xiuqing  Cen  Xingzu  Yang  Shijie  Mu  Ge  Xu  Tao  Zhou  Min  Chen  Weihong 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2021,28(22):27555-27564
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Atmospheric PM2.5-bound metals have been widely addressed, but research on the exposure levels and sources of personal PM2.5-bound metals among urban...  相似文献   

In infant period, human milk and infant formulae are the major sources of exposure to dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Since in many parts of Europe the mothers are increasingly reluctant to breastfeed their babies, the main objective of the present study is to assess the level of exposure of non-breast-fed infants during their early development. Consequently, the concentration levels of PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB were determined in industrial infant formulae including "starting" (aged 0-4months) and "follow-on" (after 4months) products of milk formula, soy formula and hypoallergenic infant formula, available on the EU market. Furthermore, dietary exposure to dioxin of exclusively formula-fed infants was assessed at each month from 0 to 9months. The results suggest that dietary exposure to dioxins via formulae is higher when consuming "starting" than "follow-on" infant formulae on a body-weight basis. Estimated dietary exposure after 4months of age was always below the lowest range of the Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of 1pg WHO-TEQkg(-1)bwd(-1) and Provisional Tolerable Monthly Intake (PTMI) of 70pg WHO-TEQkg(-1)bwmonth(-1). The highest estimated cumulative dietary exposure to PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB was obtained considering infants of 0-1months fed with the "starting" hypoallergenic infant formula (2.8pg WHO-TEQkg(-1)bwd(-1) and 84pg WHO-TQkg(-1)bwmonth(-1)). However, these elevated levels are much lower than those observed in some studies in breast-fed infants. The study can be used for further risk assessments in regard to infant exposure.  相似文献   

In previous studies, boron compounds were considered to be of comparatively low toxicity in the aquatic environment, with predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) values ranging around 1 mg B/L (expressed as boron equivalent). In the present study, we describe an evaluation of toxicity data for boron available for the aquatic environment by different methods.For substances with rich datasets, it is often possible to perform a species sensitivity distribution (SSD). The typical outcome of an SSD is the Hazardous Concentration 5% (HC5), the concentration at which 95% of all species are protected with a probability of 95%. The data set currently available on the toxic effects of boron compounds to aquatic organisms is comprehensive, but a careful evaluation of these data revealed that chronic data for aquatic insects and plants are missing. In the present study both the standard assessment factor approach as well as the SSD approach were applied. The standard approach led to a PNEC of 0.18 mg B/L (equivalent to 1.03 mg boric acid/L), while the SSD approach resulted in a PNEC of 0.34 mg B/L (equivalent to 1.94 mg boric acid/L). These evaluations indicate that boron compounds could be hazardous to aquatic organisms at concentrations close to the natural environmental background in some European regions. This suggests a possible high sensitivity of some ecosystems for anthropogenic input of boron compounds. Another concern is that the anthropogenic input of boron could lead to toxic effects in organisms adapted to low boron concentration.  相似文献   

In archived samples from the German environmental specimen bank (ESB) organotin compounds including tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) as well as their potential degradation products were quantified. Muscles of bream (Abramis brama) sampled in the period 1993-2003 from the rivers Rhine, Elbe, Saale, Mulde, Saar, and from Lake Belau (period 1988-2003) were analyzed by gas chromatography/atomic emission detection-coupling after extraction and derivatization. TBT was detected in nearly all samples and a decrease in levels was observed at all sampling sites. At most sites, the reduction seemed to be a result of the ban on the use of TBT-based antifoulants for the application on small boats, which became effective in Germany in 1989. Highest TBT levels were found in fish from the Elbe near Blankenese (470 ng TBT cation per g fresh weight; in 1995) and lowest in bream from Lake Belau (<1 ngg(-1); in 2001 and 2003). Highest TPT levels (253 ngg(-1) in 1993) were also found in bream caught near Blankenese where the occurrence seemed to be correlated to the former use of TPT as co-toxicant in antifoulants. At other sites TPT levels seemed to be correlated to its use as fungicide (e.g. 9 +/- 2 ngg(-1) in bream from Lake Belau in 2001).  相似文献   


This study reports on the occupational inhalation exposure to VOCs of workers in the Kuwaiti printing industry. Using the evacuated canister methodology, we targeted 72 VOCs in three printeries and compared the concentrations to previous reports and relevant occupational exposure levels (OELs). We found that recent efforts in the printing industry to reduce VOC usage had been successful, as concentrations of key hazardous VOCs were substantially lower than anticipated. On the other hand, nearly all target VOCs were found. Non-production areas were sampled along with the offset printing areas, another strength of this study, and revealed exposures to hazardous VOCs among administers and digital printer and CTP operators. Exposure to ototoxic VOCs amounted to 1–3% of the OEL, consisting mostly of ethylbenzene, which was likely in use in two of the study printeries. Exposure to carcinogenic or probably carcinogenic VOCs was 15–20% of the OEL at four locations across the three printeries, consisting mostly of vinyl chloride and benzyl chloride. Vinyl chloride VOC was partially sourced from outdoors, but was also likely used inside the study printeries. Interestingly, concentrations of vinyl chloride were similar in most sampling locations to that of CFC-114, a CFC banned by the Montreal Protocol and not commonly used as a refrigerant. This unexpected finding suggests further study is warranted to identify the use of these VOCs in printeries. Exposure to hazardous VOCs up to nearly 50% of the OEL, consisting largely of bromoform and vinyl chloride. Bromoform was found in all the study printeries, sourced partially from outdoor air. The higher concentrations found inside the study printeries likely resulted from the use of the desalinated water for washing. This finding raises of emissions from sources other than blanket washes, and inks, etc. adding to the total VOC load in printery indoor air.

Implications: Results from this study indicate that efforts to reduce worker exposure to VOCs particularly dangerous to human health in recent years have been successful, but there is still much to be done to protect workers. Exposures to ototoxic and carcinogenic VOCs were identified, among both production and non-production workers. Unexpected findings included the apparent use in printing activities of the carcinogen vinyl chloride and CFC-114, banned under the Montreal Protocol. Observed lapses in safety procedures included failure to utilize ventilation systems and closing doors between work areas, indicating management and worker education should remain a priority.  相似文献   

Harden FA  Toms LM  Paepke O  Ryan JJ  Müller JF 《Chemosphere》2007,67(9):S318-S324
The results of this study provide a measure of the levels of dioxin-like compounds (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls) in pooled blood serum collected throughout Australia in 2003. De-identified samples selected from surplus pathology samples were stratified on the basis of gender, region and age. In total 9090 samples were collected and analysed as 96 pools. Dioxin-like chemicals were detected in all strata. The mean and median levels expressed as TEQ values for all pooled samples were 10.9+/-1.0 pg TEQ g(-1) lipid and 8.3 pg TEQ g(-1) lipid. For males and females the mean levels were 10.4+/-0.6 pg TEQ g(-1) lipid and 11.5+/-1.5 pg TEQ g(-1) lipid, respectively. A direct relationship of increasing dioxin-like chemical levels with increasing age was observed and could be described by the following equation: Levels in blood expressed as pg TEQ g(-1) lipid = 3.3 exp(0.0251 age) (r2 = 0.87). No significant differences were observed in the levels of dioxin-like chemicals in samples collected from males and females. In addition, the levels of dioxin-like chemicals across the five regions were similar within each age range. In summary, the levels of dioxin-like chemicals in the Australian population are low compared to international levels and are similar across all regions of Australia within each designated age range. The levels of these chemicals increase with age and can be estimated if the age of an individual is known.  相似文献   

Dioxin-like compounds are chronically toxic to most vertebrates. However, dramatic differences in sensitivity to these chemicals exist both within and among vertebrate classes. A recent study found that in birds, critical amino acid residues in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligand binding domain are predictive of sensitivity to dioxin-like compounds in a range of species. It is currently unclear whether similar predictive relationships exist for fishes, a group of animals at risk of exposure to dioxin-like compounds. Effects of dioxin-like compounds are mediated through the AhR in fishes and birds. However, AhR dynamics are more complex among fishes. Fishes possess AhRs that can be grouped within at least three distinct clades (AhR1, AhR2, AhR3) with each clade possibly containing multiple isoforms. AhR2 has been shown to be the active form in most teleosts, with AhR1 not binding dioxin-like compounds. The role of AhR3 in dioxin-like toxicity has not been established to date and this clade is only known to be expressed in some cartilaginous fishes. Furthermore, multiple mechanisms of sensitivity to dioxin-like compounds that are not relevant in birds could exist among fishes. Although, at this time, deficiencies exist for the development of such a predictive relationship for application to fishes, successfully establishing such relationships would offer a substantial improvement in assessment of risks of dioxin-like compounds for this class of vertebrates. Elucidation of such relationships would provide a mechanistic foundation for extrapolation among species to allow the identification of the most sensitive fishes, with the ultimate goal of the prediction of risk posed to endangered species that are not easily studied.  相似文献   

S-concentrations were determined in 9 different sample materials (precipitation (rain and snow), vegetation, O-, E-, B- and C- horizon pf podzols, streams water and ground water) collected in eight small catchments (10-30 km2) at different distances from major SO2 point-source emitters on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Comparison of the results from these materials, representing different compartments of the ecosystems under varying natural conditions leads to a better understanding of sources, cycling and fate of S in the Arctic environment. More than 300,000 t of SO2 emitted annually from the Kola smelters affect the air quality over a large area. Arctic climatic conditions (cold and dry) and the remote location of the emitters results in considerably lower S-deposition values than those observed in central Europe. The pathways of atmospheric S-deposition in the terrestrial environment vary significantly from summer to winter because different compartments of the ecosystems, with a different capability to accumulate S, are active. The actual S-flux is altered by every component of the ecosystem. When estimating the total S-deposition this effect must be considered.  相似文献   

The exposure of humans to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was quantified with emphasis on assessing the relative importance of metabolic transformation of precursor compounds. A Scenario-Based Risk Assessment (SceBRA) approach was used to model the exposure to these compounds from a variety of different pathways, the uptake into the human body and resulting daily doses. To capture the physiological and behavioral differences of age and gender, the exposure and resulting doses for seven consumer groups were calculated. The estimated chronic doses of a general population of an industrialized country range from 3.9 to 520 ng/(kg day) and 0.3 to 140 ng/(kg day) for PFOS and PFOA, respectively. The relative importance of precursor-based doses of PFOS and PFOA was estimated to be 2-5% and 2-8% in an intermediate scenario and 60-80% and 28-55% in a high-exposure scenario. This indicates that sub groups of the population may receive a substantial part of the PFOS and PFOA doses from precursor compounds, even though they are of low importance for the general population. Similar to a preceding study, uptake of perfluorinated acids from contaminated food and drinking water was identified as the most important pathway of exposure for the general population. The biotransformation yields of telomer-based precursors and to a lesser extent perfluorooctanesulfonylfluoride-based precursors were identified as influential parameters in the uncertainty analysis. Fast food consumption and fraction of food packaging paper treated with PFCs were influential parameters for determining the doses of PFOA.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - It has become a great habit for driving to work in people’s daily life in China. In order to understand the concentration of volatile organic...  相似文献   

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