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高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生思想政治工作第一线的组织者和教育者,在高校学生思想政治教育工作中起着十分重要的作用.本文针对辅导员队伍存在的问题,提出高校要重视和扶持辅导员队伍建设,充分认识到辅导员队伍建设的重要性,明确辅导员队伍的建设目标:采取有效措施切实提升辅导员素质能力水平;走专业化、职业化的发展道路,对辅导员进行专业化、职业化的培养和管理;为辅导员队伍建设建立长效机制,制定科学合理的辅导员考核和激励制度,为辅导员队伍建设提供有力的组织保证和政策支持,保证辅导员队伍建设的可持续发展.参6.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育队伍建设是加强高校思想政治教育的组织保证.文章通过分析高校思想政治教育工作的特点,说明了加强高校思想政治教育队伍建设的必要性.并从加强高校思想政治教育队伍的思想建设、提高思想政治教育队伍的整体素质和加强高校思想政治教育队伍建设的科学研究和管理等三方面阐述了如何建设一支高素质的思想政治教育队伍.  相似文献   

由于"90后"大学生出生和成长在中国改革开放深入发展的特殊时期,因此他们具有自信,但受挫和心理承受能力差、自我,个性张扬,但团队意识相对缺乏、接受和创新能力强,但网络依赖性强,实践能力差、思想主流健康向上,但价值观更倾向现实性和功利化等思想特质和时代特性.正是基于"90后"大学生的思想特点,从创新网络思想政治教育阵地、创新课外思想政治教育形式、创新校园文化活动、创新社会实践形式等方面探讨了"90后"大学生的思想政治教育路径.  相似文献   

大学生的思想政治教育工作是高校永恒的主题.作为大学生思想政治教育工作第一线的组织者和教育者——辅导员,是大学生思想政治教育工作的骨干和主力军.在大学生的思想政治教育管理过程中,辅导员起着至关重要的作用.本文试从四个方面对辅导员如何做好大学生的思想政治教育工作进行了探索.  相似文献   

大学生宿舍是大学生学习、生活和思想交流的基本单位,它是大学生身心健康成长的重要场所,也是高等学校建设社会主义精神文明的窗口,对大学生各方面的发展有直接的影响.因此,加强大学生宿舍管理,是高校思想政治工作的重要组成部分,是加强高校思想政治教育的有效途径.  相似文献   

高校的宗旨是培养“四有”新人.要实现这一目标,必须牢固树立思想政治工作是一切工作的生命线意识,认清形势,抓住重点,务实作出创新、齐抓共管,才能切实和改进新形势下高校的思想政治工作中.  相似文献   

我国高校的思想政治工作在扩招后面临着的新形势,市场经济快速发展带来的新问题,网络时代带来的新挑战以及高校思想政治工作队伍薄弱等多元困境.面对这多元困境,笔者认为只有坚持"以人为本",把握正确的的价值导向;加强思想政治工作队伍建设;积极拓展思想政治工作实施途径才能够抓好当前大学生的思想政治教育.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化,特别是扩大高校包括招生在内的办学自主权以后,出现了同一学校办学层次的多样性、招生类别的多样化,导致了同一学校学生在生理、心理和社会特点方面差异很大.这些特点给高校的学生管理工作和思想政治工作带来了新的问题和机遇,作为施教者应当在教育观念、原则、内容、方法和手段上做出相应的调整和转变,以适应这一变化.参13.  相似文献   

该文以主体性教育在高校思想政治教育工作中的重要性为切入点,阐释分析了主体性教育的可行性,从而探究构建高校主体性思想政治育人工作体系.参2.  相似文献   

中国共产党思想政治教育发展历程大致可分为三大时期、六个阶段,从中可看出中国共产党思想政治教育发展中的四次重大历史性转折和贯穿于其中的一条主线.随着时代的发展,中国共产党思想政治教育发展应注意时代化、生活化、大众化、网络化、人性化.  相似文献   

英国职业技术教育的特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
职业技术教育资格证书体系分为普通教育证书(OCE)、国家职业资格证书和国家普通职业资格证书,三者之间具有相互联系的等价关系.英国高等教育由双重制走向于单一制,这反映了世界高等教育发展的三大主要趋势,即强化市场意识,加强与社会的联系,重视提高质量.继续教育是指学生在16岁后所接受的教育和培训,包括普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程、普通中等教育证书考试补充高级水平课程、国家通用职业资格和预科课程(亦称为基础课程).多科技术学院主要承担高等职业教育任务,由中央政府委托组合社团(或协会)作为学校的社会管理机构,普遍实行“三明治”教育模式.职业技术教育理念是以学生为中心,提倡个性化教育.1944年颁布的《教育法》是教育改革的基本法,对英国的职业教育具有划时代的意义;1976年制定的《综合中学设置促进法》促进综合中学迅速发展;1988年《教育法》确定职业教育必须为当地工商企业培养应用型技术人才,办学模式、管理方式、课程设置均注重与企业的结合,突出技术教育,成为英国职业技术教育的新型类型.  相似文献   

借鉴生物种群间存在的竞争与共生理论,对我国成人高等教育的办学主体之间的两种主要关系进行了深入的探讨,认为竞争和共生都是有效改善和提高成人高等教育发展与管理的重要思路,对规范当前竞争市场环境中存在的不良竞争具有重要作用,对建立办学主体之间全新的关系具有启发意义,在良好的运行机制下,互利共生应当成为今后成人高教的发展方向,对促进成人高等教育的健康发展具有体制创新价值.  相似文献   

试论肥料对农业与环境的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑超  廖宗文  刘可星  毛小云 《生态环境》2004,13(1):132-134,150
以肥料的发展先后,将肥料的发展历史分为有机时代、无机时代和有机无机复合时代;论述肥料对农业和环境的影响,并对未来肥料的发展提出预测和展望。从长远的发展来看,生物肥料不仅可以节省自然资源,而且还可在有机无机复合肥和控释肥料的基础上,以有机复合肥作为基质,利用控释肥料的包膜剂、粘着剂等进行生物肥料优化组合;可以说生物复合肥料将是未来肥料发展的主流。可以预料,未来肥料是实现清洁生产、物质循环、持续发展的中心环节。它不仅可以消纳转化上农业生产和现代生活所产生的废物,而且它所投入的有机复合肥,也是一种对环境友好的绿色肥料。  相似文献   

21世纪经济正向着知识经济时代迈进.知识经济不仅对人类的生产方式和生活方式产生着深远影响,而且对企业的经营方式和管理模式也将产生深远的影响.我国企业在知识经济时代下,如何转变和调整经营与管理方式己成为新世纪的重大课题.  相似文献   

台湾职业技术教育的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
台湾普通教育体系与职业技术教育体系衔接紧密,职业技术教育与终身教育相结合,定位准确,培养目标清晰,坚持职业证书制度,建立了多元文凭价值体系,政策优惠,课程开发时考虑配合整体经济发展并兼顾地区发展及学生未来适应生活的需求,力求职业技术课程体系的完整与连贯性,学校本位课程具有机动弹性,人才培养途径是加强建教合作、充实实践教学环节,师资队伍建设采取直接从企业聘请教师或者聘请资深的企业界技术人员到校兼职教授,强调师资的高学历和实务导向并鼓励在职实务进修,运用行业分析编制组织结构严谨教材.当然,台湾教育界同样存在重学轻术、招生困难、投资捉襟见肘、师资设备仍显不足、与全球经济一体化不相适应、就业难等问题.  相似文献   

Abstract: Graduate education in conservation biology has been assailed as ineffective and inadequate to train the professionals needed to solve conservation problems. To identify how graduate education might better fit the needs of the conservation workplace, we surveyed practitioners and academics about the importance of particular skills on the job and the perceived importance of teaching those same skills in graduate school. All survey participants (n = 189) were alumni from the University of California Davis Graduate Group in Ecology and received thesis‐based degrees from 1973 to 2008. Academic and practitioner respondents clearly differed in workplace skills, although there was considerably more agreement in training recommendations. On the basis of participant responses, skill sets particularly at risk of underemphasis in graduate programs are decision making and implementation of policy, whereas research skills may be overemphasized. Practitioners in different job positions, however, require a variety of skill sets, and we suggest that ever‐increasing calls to broaden training to fit this multitude of jobs will lead to a trade‐off in the teaching of other skills. Some skills, such as program management, may be best developed in on‐the‐job training or collaborative projects. We argue that the problem of graduate education in conservation will not be solved by restructuring academia alone. Conservation employers need to communicate their specific needs to educators, universities need to be more flexible with their opportunities, and students need to be better consumers of the skills offered by universities and other institutions.  相似文献   

在以工业化生产方式为主导的今天,传统民间工艺处于新的发展阶段.市场对于手工艺产品的需求仍然存在,结合不同类型的工艺形式及其所处的具体情况,应采取相应的传承模式.在文化产业环境日益改善的大背景下,针对不同消费层次进行工艺创新与产品开发具有重要意义.参2.  相似文献   

The Chinese leadership in recent years has clearly indicated that priority will be given to the development of the western provinces. In view of its under-developed economy, the relative poor education of the population and the extensive mode of development, environmental pollution and ecological damage in western China are more serious than in the east. In China's industrialization process in the modern era, the blind imitation of the initial stage of industrialization in the advanced countries and the total rejection of traditional Chinese cultural values have been particularly striking. Hence, the western provinces should adopt a mode of sustainable development based on establishment of an ecological culture. Environmentalists in China would like to concentrate on reforming the modes of production and the people's lifestyles through changing their views and values. They perceive this as the major commitment for building an ecological culture and promoting sustainable development. But large-scale and concentrated damage to the environment are very often the result of neglect and mistakes by government authorities and corporations. Pessimists worry that this millennium will signal the terminal stage for natural values; but there may be an alternative: a millennium of coordinated development, respecting the environment and based on adoption of a new ecological culture.  相似文献   

The high demand for conservation work is creating a need for conservation‐focused training of scientists. Although many people with postsecondary degrees in biology are finding careers outside academia, many programs and mentors continue to prepare students to follow‐in‐the‐footsteps of their professors. Unfortunately, information regarding how to prepare for today's conservation‐based job market is limited in detail and scope. This problem is complicated by the differing needs of conservation organizations in both economically developed and developing regions worldwide. To help scientists identify the tools needed for conservation positions worldwide, we reviewed the current global conservation job market and identified skills required for success in careers in academia, government, nonprofit, and for‐profit organizations. We also interviewed conservation professionals across all conservation sectors. Positions in nonprofit organizations were the most abundant, whereas academic jobs were only 10% of the current job market. The most common skills required across sectors were a strong disciplinary background, followed by analytical and technical skills. Academic positions differed the most from other types of positions in that they emphasized teaching as a top skill. Nonacademic jobs emphasized the need for excellent written and oral communication, as well as project‐management experience. Furthermore, we found distinct differences across job locations. Positions in developing countries emphasized language and interpersonal skills, whereas positions in countries with advanced economies focused on publication history and technical skills. Our results were corroborated by the conservation professionals we interviewed. Based on our results, we compiled a nondefinitive list of conservation‐based training programs that are likely to provide training for the current job market. Using the results of this study, scientists may be better able to tailor their training to maximize success in the conservation job market. Similarly, institutions can apply this information to create educational programs that produce graduates primed for long‐term success.  相似文献   

Human society actually faces many environmental challenges such as environmental pollution, climate changes and loss of biodiversity. These issues induce major risks for ecosystems and are a serious threat for further life on Earth. Anthropogenic pressure may continue to exacerbate the present-day problems. Prevention and mitigation of environmental issues demands sound science and dedicated political support. For that, environmental chemistry is a central and multidisciplinary science that will provide new concepts and applied methods to solve actual environmental issues. Here, we outline the scope of environmental chemistry. The Anthropocene era and major chemical disasters are discussed. We present also the challenges of atmospheric chemistry, analytical chemistry, statistics and chemometrics, and education in environmental chemistry.  相似文献   

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