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Oxygen levels were monitored within the mantle cavities of three barnacle species ( Chthamalus stellatus, Semibalanus balanoides, Elminius modestus), using optode microsensors. Conditions were always hypoxic, even when barnacles were actively using the prosoma and cirri to pump aerated seawater into the mantle cavity. Mantle fluid oxygen concentrations were extremely variable; behaviour and oxygen concentrations were not closely coupled. Ventilation of the mantle cavity depended partially on external water flow, with higher and more stable mantle fluid oxygen concentrations being sustained when the water around barnacles was agitated. During emersion, barnacles initially pumped seawater between the mantle cavity and the cone above the opercular plates to achieve ventilation. As water was lost it was replaced by air bubbles, eventually resulting in an air-filled mantle cavity. In S. balanoides and E. modestus, once the mantle cavity was filled with air, the barnacle usually used up the oxygen within the bubble within 2–3 h and did not regain oxic conditions until the barnacle was reimmersed in seawater. In C. stellatus, the air bubble was repeatedly refreshed for many hours by pneumostome formation. In response to low environmental salinity, all three species closed the opercular plates firmly and rapidly used up oxygen within the mantle fluid.  相似文献   

Tolerance of high temperatures by some intertidal barnacles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The median lethal times of survival of the barnacles Elminius modestus, Balanus crenatus and B. balanoides, when continuously submerged at high temperatures, were determined for individuals collected in the summer and winter. In E. modestus and B. crenatus there was no seasonal change in high temperature tolerance. In B. balanoides, however, the adults were more susceptible in the winter than in the summer to temperatures a little below the upper lethal temperature. Using less comprehensive data for other British species of barnacles, it is concluded that, in general, the order of tolerance to high temperatures corresponds to the order of temperatures within the geographical and the intertidal distributions of the species. From the time-temperature-survival curves, intertidal barnacles are living closer to environmental temperatures than would be supposed on the basis of the measurement of the upper lethal temperature, which has been commonly measured for many species, but is of less ecological significance.  相似文献   

Respiration as a function of oxygen concentration was studied in two species of intertidal barnacles: Balanus amphitrite amphitrite 1 (Darwin) and B. tintinnabulum tintinnabulum (L.). A critical oxygen tension was observed in both species below which the respiratory regulation broke down. In B. amphitrite amphitrite the critical oxygen tension was 2.5 ml O2/l, and in B. tintinnabulum tintinnabulum 3.5 ml O2/l. Species differences and habitat relations were observed in both species in their respiratory adaptation to oxygen concentration. B. amphitrite amphitrite which inhabits oxygen-deficient areas was able to regulate to much lower concentrations than B. tintinnabulum tintinnabulum which inhabits oxygen-rich open intertidal regions.  相似文献   

Desiccation as a factor in the intertidal zonation of barnacles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four species of balanomorph barnacles, Balanus crenatus Brugière, B. balanoides (L.), Elminius modestus Darwin and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli), were studied to assess the susceptibility of intertidal barnacle species to desiccation. Known sized samples of barnacles were exposed to controlled desiccating conditions and subsequent survival and water loss were determined. It is clear that the ability to live high on the shore is dependent on a reduction of the overall permeability to water loss. Because of greater surface area to volume ratios, small stages are particularly prone to desiccation. In normal intertidal emersion periods, small stages of B. crenatus particularly, and also of B. balanoides and E. modestus which are similar in their desiccation resistance, would be susceptible to desiccation at normal temperatures and low humidities. Large barnacles would be more prone to death from high temperatures when the tide is out. The spat of C. stellatus, although surviving much longer than spat of larger dimensions of the other species, must also be prone to prolonged emersion conditions at high shore levels.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification and global warming are occurring concomitantly, yet few studies have investigated how organisms will respond to increases in both temperature and CO2. Intertidal microcosms were used to examine growth, shell mineralogy and survival of two intertidal barnacle post-larvae, Semibalanus balanoides and Elminius modestus, at two temperatures (14 and 19°C) and two CO2 concentrations (380 and 1,000 ppm), fed with a mixed diatom-flagellate diet at 15,000 cells ml−1 with flow rate of 10 ml−1 min−1. Control growth rates, using operculum diameter, were 14 ± 8 μm day−1 and 6 ± 2 μm day−1 for S. balanoides and E. modestus, respectively. Subtle, but significant decreases in E. modestus growth rate were observed in high CO2 but there were no impacts on shell calcium content and survival by either elevated temperature or CO2. S. balanoides exhibited no clear alterations in growth rate but did show a large reduction in shell calcium content and survival under elevated temperature and CO2. These results suggest that a decrease by 0.4 pH(NBS) units alone would not be sufficient to directly impact the survival of barnacles during the first month post-settlement. However, in conjunction with a 4–5°C increase in temperature, it appears that significant changes to the biology of these organisms will ensue.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms are fixed or highly sedentary as adults but the adult population may be strongly dependent on the oceanic transport of planktonic larvae. In order to assess interactions between oceanographic and biological processes that determine the population dynamics of marine organisms with a sessile adult phase restricted to the coastline and a planktonic larval phase, we present a stage-structured finite element model for the barnacle Balanus glandula that inhabits the rocky intertidal zone of central California, USA.  相似文献   

G. D. Parry 《Marine Biology》1982,67(3):267-282
Reproductive effort was measured in 4 species of intertidal limpets: Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) Notoacmea petterdi (Tenison Woods), Patella peroni Blainville and Patelloida alticostata (Angas) from south-eastern Australia. Field studies between 1971 and 1975 enabled indices of reproductive effort to be obtained using both gonad to body weight ratios and energy budgets. The ratio of annual gonad production to somatic tissue energy content is highest for Patella peroni (2.19). The ratios for C. tramoserica and Patelloida alticostata are lower but similar (1.02), and N. petterdi has the lowest ratio (0.78). The percentage of assimilated energy allocated to reproduction is also highest in Patella peroni (26.6%), but this index of reproductive effort is similar for the other three species (10.3 to 12.9%). Consequently, these 4 species are ranked in different orders with respect to reproductive effort, depending upon which index is used. However, the difference between both indices is small, and is less than has usually been anticipated. The difference is interpreted as being the result of the low metabolic rate of N. petterdi rather than as evidence for the inadequacy of one of the indices of reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis and early juvenile development was followed in the laboratory in Balanus amphitrite and B. improvisus (family Balanidae) and in Semibalanus balanoides and Elminius modestus (family Archaeobalanidae) from cyprid settlement until 24 h after ecdysis. Stages of development were studied in vivo and with scanning electron microscopy. Events in metamorphosis and early juvenile development are very similar in all four species and can be interpreted in terms of a highly modified moult. Notably, there was no indication whatsoever of the amorphous decorticated settler previously described from metamorphosis of B. amphitrite. The shape of a juvenile barnacle with cirri and incipient shell plates is apparent immediately after the shedding of the cypris carapace, and rudimentary peduncle can be distinguished below the developing wall plates. A basal row of cuticular hairs encircles the peduncle in all species except S. balanoides. These hairs seem to serve a restraining function during early development, when the juvenile barnacle is only attached by the initially secreted cyprid cement. Similarly situated hairs are also present in very young juveniles of the lepadomorph Scalpellum scalpellum. In Semibalanus balanoides nothing indicates that the rostrum originates from the fusion of two latera as previously claimed, since this plate is single as soon as it can be distinguished.  相似文献   

C. Espoz  J. C. Castilla 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):887-892
The Chilean intertidal Lottiidae limpet fauna consists of at least nine species, grouped into the monophyletic taxon Scurria and a single taxon preliminarily designated as `Lottia' orbignyi (Dall). Within the Scurria clade, the most basal species are Scurria variabilis (Sowerby), S. viridula (Lamarck), and S.zebrina (Lesson), and among the most crown groups are S. ceciliana (Orbigny) and S. araucana (Orbigny). This phylogenetic information, obtained by the analysis of molecular characters (16S mtDNA), provides a framework for a comparative study of behavioral characters. In this study, we analyze the escape responses of two basal limpet species (`L.' orbignyi and S. viridula) and two derived limpet species (S. araucana and S. ceciliana) in the presence of the limpet predatory seastar Heliaster helianthus (Lamarck) and the limpet non-predatory seastars Stichaster striatus Muller and Troschel and Patiria chilensis Lutken. Neither P.chilensis nor Stichaster striatus induced escape responses such as those observed with the predatory H. helianthus. Moreover, in the presence of H. helianthus, basal and derived limpet species differed significantly in the percentage of individuals responding, reaction time, and duration of the response. The basal species `L.' orbignyi and Scurriaviridula exhibited instantaneous and vigorous locomotor responses, whereas the derived species S.araucana and S. ceciliana displayed no locomotor responses. The same pattern was found in responses to H. helianthus homogenates. The results strongly suggest a correlation between phylogeny and anti-predator escape responses to the seastar H. helianthus. Alternative escape responses have evolved for basal and derived species within the Chilean clade. Received: 27 April 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

We studied the spatial distribution of intertidal macrozoobenthos, microphytobenthos (diatom algae) and sediments at scales from decimeters to kilometers using an index of spatial homogeneity, D I. Sediments were found to be randomly distributed, making up a mosaic of silty and sandy sites. On the contrary, the estimated spatial variability of macrofauna within all the scales up to 5500 m depended upon neither extent (total area covered) nor grain (finest spatial resolution) but only their ratio. We treat this as evidence of statistical self-similarity (fractal property) of the pattern. For diatoms, spatial heterogeneity of community structure was also self-similar in the range from 0.25 to 75 m (within a single bight). At larger scales, microalgae showed a combination of patchy structure with pronounced gradient along the shoreline from brackish-water to marine flora. Thus, fractal properties of both groups became manifested at scales corresponding to their mean body size. The ranges of fractal patterns were approximately equal to 103–105 if measured in body size units. We suggest that fractal-like spatial structures may be a general feature of communities, and speculate on the nature of such patterns. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation correlograms based on Moran's coefficient were constructed for common polychaetes (Goniada emerita, Heteromastus filiformis, Macroclymenella stewartensis, Boccardia spp. and Magelona? dakini)_and bivalves (Nucula hartvigiana, Soletellina siliqua and Tellina liliana) collected from intertidal sandflats of Manukau Harbour (New Zealand) during October, 1987. Patterns of heterogeneity on a scale smaller than inter-sample distance, homogenous density patches (5 to 30 m radius) and gradients in abundance running through sample sites (9 000 m2) were identified. Patterns could be defined even for species with distributions which, based on the variance: mean ratio test, were not significantly different from random. The possible influence on two of the study sites of sediment disturbances generated by feeding rays is discussed. Identification of spatial patterns is considered an important aspect of the design of surveys and manipulative field experiments.  相似文献   

For the majority of animals, the ability to orient in familiar locations is a fundamental part of life, and spatial memory allows individuals to remember key locations such as food patches, shelter, mating sites or areas regularly occupied by predators. This study determined if gobies collected from rocky platforms and sandy beaches differ in their ability to learn and memorise the locations of tide pools in a simulated rocky intertidal zone. Intertidal rock pool gobies show acute homing abilities and, therefore, should be expected to display superior learning and memory capabilities. In contrast, it is unlikely that natural selection would favour similar learning skills in sandy shore fishes because they simply shift back and forth with the tides. The learning abilities of gobies were tested using small replica rock platforms, containing four tide pools that retained varying depths of water at simulated low tide. Gobies were categorised as having learnt the task if they were able to consistently locate the tide pool that retained the most water at simulated low tide as the pool with the most favourable conditions. Rock pool species were able to locate the deepest pool to wait out low tide for ~95 % of the trials, while species from sandy shores were found in the deepest pool ~10 % of trials. Despite repeated stranding, sandy shore fish continued to follow the tide out. We propose that rock pool species memorised the location of rock pools during simulated high tide enabling them to relocate the best refuge for low tide.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a guild of micrograzing harpacticoid copepods (dominated by two species of Paradactylopodia sp. nov. and one species of Scutellidium sp. nov.) and a mesograzing periwinkle, Afrolittorina praetermissa, on the early recruitment of intertidal macroalgae on a wave-exposed, rocky shore. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to examine the effects of micrograzers (<500 μm) on intertidal macroalgal recruitment. Data showed that microscopic harpacticoid copepods altered the assemblages and reduced the densities of several macroalgal taxa, while A. praetermissa changed the assemblages and reduced both the density and number of macroalgal taxa. Recruitment of encrusting coralline algae was actually higher in copepod inclusions than exclusions, suggesting that copepods may be beneficial to the recruitment of this algal group. These results contribute to the understanding of grazing as a factor causing high mortality of algal recruits, but also highlight the need for more studies that examine the effects of micro- and mesograzers on the distribution and abundance of macroalgae.  相似文献   

大气沉降对土壤重金属累积的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张乃明 《生态环境》2001,10(2):91-93
选择大气污染严重的太原市为研究区,通过定点监测,分析了不同类型区大气TSP和降尘的污染状况及周年内的月变化趋势,测定了大气干湿沉降中Hg、Cd、Pb三种重金属元素的含量,并计算出大气干湿沉降对土壤系统重金属的年输入量分别为Hg4.48g/(hm2×a),Cd6.34g/(hm2×a),Pb349.4g/(hm2×a);不同类型区大气污染状况与大气沉降输入土壤中重金属累积顺序一致均为工矿区>城区和近郊区>风景区>远郊区。  相似文献   

Genetic population structures along the Japanese coast, analyzed by sequence data from the mitochondrial DNA COI region, were determined for four intertidal brachyuran species in the superfamily Thoracotremata (Ocypode ceratophthalma, Gaetice depressus, Chiromantes dehaani and Deiratonotus japonicus), which were characterized by different habitat requirements. O. ceratophthalma (seashore; supratidal sand) and C. dehaani (estuarine; supratidal marsh) showed no significant genetic differentiation among Japanese populations. The Japanese populations of O. ceratophthalma, however, were found to genetically differentiated from the Philippine population. G. depressus (seashore; intertidal cobbles) exhibited significant genetic differentiation between the Amami-Ohshima population and other local populations. D. japonicus (estuarine; intertidal cobbles) showed significant genetic differentiation among many local populations separated by about 30–1,200 km. The different patterns of genetic population structure recorded for the four species, thus, do not simply correspond to habitat type. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Genetic population structures along the Japanese coast, analyzed by sequence data from the mitochondrial DNA COI region, were determined for four intertidal brachyuran species in the superfamily Thoracotremata (Ocypode ceratophthalma, Gaetice depressus, Chiromantes dehaani and Deiratonotus japonicus), which were characterized by different habitat requirements. O. ceratophthalma (seashore; supratidal sand) and C. dehaani (estuarine; supratidal marsh) showed no significant genetic differentiation among Japanese populations. The Japanese populations of O. ceratophthalma, however, were found to genetically differentiated from the Philippine population. G. depressus (seashore; intertidal cobbles) exhibited significant genetic differentiation between the Amami-Ohshima population and other local populations. D. japonicus (estuarine; intertidal cobbles) showed significant genetic differentiation among many local populations separated by about 30–1,200 km. The different patterns of genetic population structure recorded for the four species, thus, do not simply correspond to habitat type.  相似文献   

On the Atlantic coast of Canada, Semibalanus balanoides (L.) is widely distributed in the mid-intertidal zone, whereas in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this species is mostly limited to crevices. We tested the hypothesis of regional differences in microhabitat selection by barnacle larvae at settlement in 1984 and 1985 at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. Since larvae settle in microhabitats already colonized by adults, the relative influence of settled barnacle density and of different scales of substratum heterogeneity on settlement were evaluated experimentally at Capucins, Québec, (Gulf of St. Lawrence) and at St. Andrews, New Brunswick (Atlantic coast). On a large scale (>10 cm deep crevices) of heterogeneity, results show that, in the Gulf, cypris larvae settled nearly exclusively (93%) in natural crevices rather than on adjacent horizontal surfaces. On the Atlantic coast, settlement was more important outside than inside of crevices, when the substrata were either natural or artificial. This result is unique and contrasts sharply with all known reports on barnacle settlement in relation to surface contour. The influence of barnacle density on settlement was greater than that of large scale heterogeneity. On a small scale (<1.5 cm deep cracks), the presence of conspecifics had a stronger effect on settlement than heterogeneity in both regions. Field observations showed a relationship between larval settlement density and percentage of adult cover. Settlement increased up to 22 or 30% (Gulf and Atlantic coast) of adult cover and decreased afterwards. The results confirm the hypothesis of larval selection for cryptic habitats in the Gulf and the opposite behaviour (preferences for horizontal surfaces) on the Atlantic coast. This microhabitat selection is apparent at large scales of heterogeneity, whereas at small scales, the presence of conspecifics is the predominant factor.Contribution to the programme of GIROQ (Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches océanographiques du Québec)  相似文献   

Salinity levels vary spatially in coastal areas, depending on proximity to freshwater sources, and may also be slowly decreasing as a result of anthropogenic climatic changes. The impact of salinity on host–parasite interactions is potentially a key regulator of transmission processes in intertidal areas, where trematodes are extremely common parasites of invertebrates and vertebrates. We investigated experimentally the effects of long-term exposure to decreased salinity levels on output of infective stages (cercariae) and their transmission success in the trematode Philophthalmus sp. This parasite uses the snail Zeacumantus subcarinatus as intermediate host, in which it asexually produces cercariae. After leaving the snail, cercariae encyst externally on hard substrates to await accidental ingestion by shorebirds, which serve as definitive hosts. We found that at reduced salinities (25 or 30 psu), the cercarial output of the parasite was lower, the time taken by cercariae to encyst was longer, fewer cercariae successfully encysted and encysted parasites had lower long-term survival than at normal seawater salinity (35 psu). The strong effect of salinity on the replication and transmission of this parasite suggests that there may be sources and sinks of transmission to birds along coastal areas, depending on local salinity conditions. Also, unless it evolves to adapt to changing conditions, the predicted reduction in salinity as a consequence of climate change may have negative impact on the parasite’s abundance.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of feeding on zooplankton often involve the use of non-evasive Artemia spp. to represent zooplanktonic prey. Some zooplankton, however, such as copepods, are potentially evasive due to possession of effective predator-avoidance mechanisms such as high-speed escape swimming. In the present study, we compared the efficiencies with which non-evasive (A. salina) and evasive (copepods) zooplankton were captured by a sessile, suspension feeder, the coral-inhabiting barnacle Nobia grandis (Crustacea, Cirripedia). N. grandis specimens and zooplankton used in the present study were collected near Eilat, Israel in 1993. The effect of different flow speeds (from 0 to 14 cm s-1) on captures of the two preys was also investigated. Additionally, we examined the effect of a flow-induced barnacle behavioral switch from active to passive suspension feeding, on zooplankton capture. Two video cameras were used to make close-up, three dimensional recordings of predator-prey encounters in a computer-controlled flow tank. Frame-by-frame video analysis revealed a highly significant difference (P< 0.001) in the efficiency with which A. salina and copepods were caught (A. salina being much more readily captured than copepods). After an encounter with cirri of feeding barnacles, copepods were usually able to swim out of the barnacles capture zone within one video frame (40 ms), by accelerating from a slow swimming speed (approximately 1.85 cm s-1) to a mean escape swimming speed of 18.11 cm s-1 (ca. 360 body lengths s-1). This was not the case for A. salina nauplii, which usually remained in contact with cirri before being transferred to the mouth and ingested. Thus, experimental studies addressing the methodology of organisms feeding on zooplankton should consider that slow-swimming prey like Artemia sp. nauplii may only represent the non-evasive fraction of natural mesozooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

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