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Highly portable, sensitive, and selective passive air samplers were used to investigate ambient volatile organic compound (VOC) levels at multiple sampling sites in an industrial city, Fuji, Japan. We determined the spatial distributions of 27 species of VOCs in three campaigns: Mar (cold season), May (warm season), and Nov (mild season) of 2004. In all campaigns, toluene (geometric mean concentration, 14.0microg/m3) was the most abundant VOC, followed by acetaldehyde (4.76microg/m3), and formaldehyde (2.58microg/m3). The spatial distributions for certain VOCs showed characteristic patterns: high concentrations of benzene and formaldehyde were typically found along major roads, whereas high concentrations of toluene and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) were usually found near factories. The spatial distribution of PCE observed was extremely consistent with the diffusion pattern calculated from Pollutant Release and Transfer Register data and meteorological data, indicated that passive air samplers are useful for determining the sources and distributions of ambient VOCs.  相似文献   

The associations of personal carbon monoxide (CO) exposures with ambient air CO concentrations measured at fixed monitoring sites, were studied among 194 children aged 3–6 yr in four downtown and four suburban day-care centers in Helsinki, Finland. Each child carried a personal CO exposure monitor between 1 and 4 times for a time period of between 20 and 24 h. CO concentrations at two fixed monitoring sites were measured simultaneously. The CO concentrations measured at the fixed monitoring sites were usually lower (mean maximum 8-h concentration: 0.9 and 2.6 mg m−3) than the personal CO exposure concentrations (mean maximum 8-h concentration: 3.3 mg m−3). The fixed site CO concentrations were poor predictors of the personal CO exposure concentrations. However, the correlations between the personal CO exposure and the fixed monitoring site CO concentrations increased (−0.03–−0.12 to 0.13–0.16) with increasing averaging times from 1 to 8 h. Also, the fixed monitoring site CO concentrations explained the mean daily or weekly personal CO exposures of a group of simultaneously measured children better than individual exposure CO concentrations. This study suggests that the short-term CO personal exposure of children cannot be meaningfully assessed using fixed monitoring sites.  相似文献   

The first survey of persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in air across several Indian agricultural regions was conducted in 2006-2007. Passive samplers comprising polyurethane foam (PUF) disks were deployed on a quarterly basis at seven stations in agricultural regions, one urban site and one background site. The project was conducted as a sub-project of the Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) Network. In addition to revealing new information on air concentrations of several organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the study has demonstrated the feasibility of conducting regional-scale monitoring for POPs in India using PUF disk samplers. The following analytes were detected with relatively high concentrations in air (mean for 2006 and 2007, pg/m3): α- and γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) (292 and 812, respectively); endosulfan I and II (2770 and 902, respectively); p,p′-DDE and p,p′-DDT (247 and 931, respectively); and for the sum of 48 PCBs, 12,100 (including a site with extremely high air concentrations in 2007) and 972 (when excluding data for this site).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE: All across Europe, people live and work in indoor environments. On average, people spend around 90% of their time indoors (homes, workplaces, cars and public transport means, etc.) and are exposed to a complex mixture of pollutants at concentration levels that are often several times higher than outdoors. These pollutants are emitted by different sources indoors and outdoors and include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbonyls (aldehydes and ketones) and other chemical substances often adsorbed on particles. Moreover, legal obligations opposed by legislations, such as the European Union's General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) and Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), increasingly require detailed understanding of where and how chemical substances are used throughout their life-cycle and require better characterisation of their emissions and exposure. This information is essential to be able to control emissions from sources aiming at a reduction of adverse health effects. Scientifically sound human risk assessment procedures based on qualitative and quantitative human exposure information allows a better characterisation of population exposures to chemical substances. In this context, the current paper compares inhalation exposures to three health-based EU priority substances, i.e. benzene, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Distributions of urban population inhalation exposures, indoor and outdoor concentrations were created on the basis of measured AIRMEX data in 12 European cities and compared to results from existing European population exposure studies published within the scientific literature. By pooling all EU city personal exposure, indoor and outdoor concentration means, representative EU city cumulative frequency distributions were created. Population exposures were modelled with a microenvironment model using the time spent and concentrations in four microenvironments, i.e. indoors at home and at work, outdoors at work and in transit, as input parameters. Pooled EU city inhalation exposures were compared to modelled population exposures. The contributions of these microenvironments to the total daily inhalation exposure of formaldehyde, benzene and acetaldehyde were estimated. Inhalation exposures were compared to the EU annual ambient benzene air quality guideline (5 microg/m3-to be met by 2010) and the recommended (based on the INDEX project) 30-min average formaldehyde limit value (30 microg/m3). RESULTS: Indoor inhalation exposure contributions are much higher compared to the outdoor or in-transit microenvironment contributions, accounting for almost 99% in the case of formaldehyde. The highest in-transit exposure contribution was found for benzene; 29.4% of the total inhalation exposure contribution. Comparing the pooled AIRMEX EU city inhalation exposures with the modelled exposures, benzene, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde exposures are 5.1, 17.3 and 11.8 microg/m3 vs. 5.1, 20.1 and 10.2 microg/m3, respectively. Together with the fact that a dominating fraction of time is spent indoors (>90%), the total inhalation exposure is mostly driven by the time spent indoors. DISCUSSION: The approach used in this paper faced three challenges concerning exposure and time-activity data, comparability and scarce or missing in-transit data inducing careful interpretation of the results. The results obtained by AIRMEX underline that many European urban populations are still exposed to elevated levels of benzene and formaldehyde in the inhaled air. It is still likely that the annual ambient benzene air quality guideline of 5 microg/m3 in the EU and recommended formaldehyde 30-min average limit value of 30 microg/m3 are exceeded by a substantial part of populations living in urban areas. Considering multimedia and multi-pathway exposure to acetaldehyde, the biggest exposure contribution was found to be related to dietary behaviour rather than to inhalation. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, inhalation exposures of urban populations were assessed on the basis of novel and existing exposure data. The indoor residential microenvironment contributed most to the total daily urban population inhalation exposure. The results presented in this paper suggest that a significant part of the populations living in European cities exceed the annual ambient benzene air quality guideline of 5 microg/m3 in the EU and recommended (INDEX project) formaldehyde 30-min average limit value of 30 microg/m3. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: To reduce exposures and consequent health effects, adequate measures must be taken to diminish emissions from sources such as materials and products that especially emit benzene and formaldehyde in indoor air. In parallel, measures can be taken aiming at reducing the outdoor pollution contribution indoors. Besides emission reduction, mechanisms to effectively monitor and manage the indoor air quality should be established. These mechanisms could be developed by setting up appropriate EU indoor air guidelines.  相似文献   

Alpine valleys are sensitive to anthropogenic emissions. Local atmospheric dynamics are a key factor that may lead to an accumulation of pollutants in the bottom of the Chamonix and Maurienne valleys. Assessment of 2010 pollutant concentrations variability needs to take these specificities into account. A meteorological data classification is combined with different emission scenarios in order to run an air quality model. Using simulations of representative scenarios rather than complete years allows for a fine spatial and temporal representation of local atmospheric dynamics and gives access to detailed chemical breakdowns. Results demonstrate the variability of primary and secondary species due to emissions and the predominance of local effects on pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

Since 1990s, a systematic program to measure air toxics has been active in New York State with monitors located both in urban and rural areas. In this study we examined the spatial and temporal characteristics of benzene, a known human carcinogen that is emitted by many source categories. The analysis indicates that ambient concentration levels of benzene have decreased by as much as 60% over this period not only in the ozone non-attainment area of New York City that had the reformulated gas (RFG) requirements, but also over the rest of the state as well. Although the rate of decrease appears to have flattened out in recent years, the annual average concentration levels are found to be above the health risk threshold even at the remote location, Whiteface Mountain, suggesting the need for further reductions in benzene emissions.  相似文献   

To allow testing of microbial destruction in medical waste incinerators, methods were developed to determine indicator microorganisms (Bacillus Stearothermophilus spores) in incinerator air emissions and residue. The emission trapping train consisted of a water cooled glass probe and impingers containing a neutral phosphate buffer. In field tests, spores were injected directly into the probe, and results showed that approximately 60 percent of the spores were recovered. Spores were analyzed with adequate precision using a microbial membrane filter unit. Lab experiments indicated that spores were stable in neutral pH phosphate buffer for up to 20 days, and heat shocking samples (heating to 80 degrees C for 20 minutes) reduced spore numbers in acidic or basic buffer. Laboratory tests also showed that 60 to 70 percent of spores initially added to ash were recovered up to 22 days after addition of the spores. In addition, lab tests showed that spores can be effectively recovered from residue test pipes spiked with indicator spores.  相似文献   

The carbonaceous components of Particulate Matter samples form a substantial fraction of their total mass, but their quantification depends strongly on the instruments and methods used. United Kingdom monitoring networks have provided many relevant data sets that are already in the public domain. Specifically, hourly organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were determined at four sites between 2003 and 2007 using Rupprecht and Pattashnik (R & P) 5400 automatic instruments. Since 2007, daily OC/EC measurements have been made by manual thermo-optical analysis of filter samples using a Sunset Laboratory Carbon Aerosol Analysis instrument. In parallel, long term daily measurements of Black Smoke, a quantity directly linked to black carbon (measured by aethalometers) and indirectly related to elemental carbon, have been made at many sites. The measurement issues associated with these techniques are evaluated in the context of UK measurements, making use of several sets of parallel data, with the aim of aiding the interpretation of network results. From the results available, the main conclusions are that the R & P 5400 instruments greatly under-read EC and total carbon (TC = OC + EC) at kerbside sites, probably due to the fact that the smaller particles are not sampled by the instrument; the R & P 5400 instrument is inherently difficult to characterise, so that all quantitative results need to be treated with caution; both aethalometer and Black Smoke (converted to black carbon) measurements can show reasonable agreement with elemental carbon results; and manual thermo-optical OC/EC results may under-read EC (and hence over-read OC), whether either transmittance or reflectance is used for the pyrolysis correction, and this effect is significant at rural sites.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in soil and XAD-based passive air samples taken from a total of 22 sites along three transects (Revelstoke, Yoho, and Observation, 6-8 sites for each transect) in the mountains of Western Canada in 2003-2004. Median concentrations in air (4-ring PAHs: 33 pg/m3) were very low and comparable to those in global background regions such as the Arctic. Low median soil concentrations (16 EPA PAHs: 16 ng/g dry weight) and compositional profiles dominated by naphthalene and phenanthrene are similar to those of tropical soils, indicative of remote regions influenced mostly by PAHs from traffic and small settlements. Comparing levels and composition of PAHs in soils between and along transects indeed suggests a clear relationship with proximity to local sources. Sampling sites that are closer to major traffic arteries and local settlements have higher soil concentrations and a higher relative abundance of heavier PAHs than truly remote sites at higher elevations. This remains the case when the variability in soil organic carbon content between sites is taken into account. Both air/soil concentration ratios and fugacity fractions suggest atmospheric net deposition of four-ring PAHs to soils.  相似文献   

The occurrence of particle associated PAH and other mutagenic PAC was determined in 1996 in the street air of Copenhagen. In addition, particle extracts were tested for mutagenicity. The measurements were compared with previous measurements in 1992/1993. The levels had decreased in this period. The decrease was caused by an implementation of light diesel fuels for buses and the exchange of older petrol-driven passenger cars with catalystequipped new ones. About 65% of the reduction was caused by the application of the light diesel fuels. Under special conditions, chemical processes in the atmosphere produced many more mutagens than the direct emissions. The concentrations of S-PAC and N-PAC were 10 times lower than those of PAH, while the levels of oxy-PAH were in the same order of magnitude as those of PAH. Benzanthrone, an oxy-PAH, is proposed to be formed in the atmosphere in addition to direct emissions. Benzo(a)pyrene, often applied as an air quality criteria indicator, was photochemically degraded in the atmosphere. A strong increase in the mutagenic activities was observed to coincide with a depletion of benzo(a)pyrene.  相似文献   

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