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正买家具是装修房子的重要项目之一,消费者对家具会有各种要求。但是走进家具市场,怎样识别一件家具到底是什么材料制作的?实木、人造板、聚酯发泡胶、木塑、板木结合……不同的材质,到底该如何分辨?板材类别先来了解一下目前市场上家具使用的板材类别,基本分为以下几种。实木板:实木板材采用完整的木材,材料取自天然树木,无环境污染的担忧。但是价格相对较高,其制作和施工工艺要求高。  相似文献   

俄罗斯新西伯利亚国家建筑科学院利用谷糠、麦新、葵瓜子皮以及其它植物种子的皮壳制造出的板材,其硬度不亚于由木材、刨花制成的板材。其制作工艺为:氨水溶液加工植物种子的皮壳~加温至100℃~150℃~掺入10%~15%的蚁酸(甲酸)和甲醛~加压~冷却~成品。该制造工艺可节约木材资源,加快板材制造过程,提高板材强度并节省化学试剂。(刘振西)绞股蓝饮料是选取绞股蓝新鲜叶子,经清洗~水泡~磨碎~榨取原汁~过滤{消毒制成。配料为:水100份,原汁亚~50份,蜂蜜5~叙份,冰糖1~10份。该饮料不仅提高了绞股蓝原汁的有效成分,且…  相似文献   

随着重化工业的快速发展和各类化学品的大量使用,一些新型污染物对中国居民和生态环境的危害正逐步显现并日趋严重。如何进一步完善中国新型污染物的风险防范体系,是中国生态环境治理面临的重要问题。发达国家新型污染物的风险防范工作启动较早,对中国完善新型污染物风险防范体系具有重要的借鉴意义。本文从制度建设、体制机制、评估监测、科学研究等方面比较国内外新型污染物风险防范实践的异同,立足我国国情,发现国内实践还需加强之处。在此基础上,提出国际新型污染物风险防范实践对中国的启示。  相似文献   

以纸代木新型复合板 一、成果简介 本专利发明的产品是一种加工方便,制作成本低,承载能力强,抗弯曲力强的多层纸芯板材。利用本专利的发明方案,可以生产多种材料复合的,以废纸原料做纸芯的高强度复合板。 本产品经特殊处理后,并有阻燃,抗水等性能。可用做建筑业装饰板、隔墙、天花板、地板、活动房等。也可以做包装箱、家俱、货架、卫生棺、大型展板等。   本产品的创新特点是产品设计合理,充分利用力学原理,发挥原料的使用价值,用低档原料生产高档高附加值产品。生产过程无污染,生产用水封闭循环使用,属环保型产品。开发…  相似文献   

家具环境污染诉讼实践中的常见问题及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活条件的改善和装修观念的变化,家具污染室内环境已经成为继建筑污染,装修污染后的室内环境污染的新问题,成为室内环境的三大污染源之一。2003年度北京市工商局投诉举报中心公布的十大投诉热点中,家具质量问题已经跃居北京市全年消费者投诉量榜首,主要问题是“一些家具使用劣质的板材、涂料,造成有害物质超标、异味刺鼻”。而家具类环境污染纠纷的实际处理,无论是选择行政调解还是司法救济途径,由于相关法律和科技标准的欠缺和不衔接,以及人们对家具类环保问题的重视程度不足等,使得实际操作层面上,  相似文献   

家庭装修与室内环境保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了家庭装修材料污染对人体的危害,较详细地介绍了板材类、石材类、涂料类、水泥等建材类中主要污染物对室内空气的污染,提出了如何防止的措施。  相似文献   

正一、话语权的利益博弈以法律看待"毒地板事件",首先需要确定法律事实。什么叫"毒地板"?其法律后果如何?我国现行的标准(室内装饰装修材料、人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量)规定,地板板材的甲醛限量等级分成三个级  相似文献   

发展园区是新疆走新型工业化道路、实现跨越式发展的有效途径。但目前新疆园区布局中存在一些亟待解决的问题。分析了目前新疆园区布局现状、存在的问题及原因,并提出了促进园区可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

一、成果简介 本专利发明的产品是一种加工方便,制作成本低,承载能力强,抗弯曲力强的多层纸芯板材.利用本专利的发明方案,可以生产多种材料复合的,以废纸原料做纸芯的高强度复合板.  相似文献   

中国地质科学院尾矿利用中心经过10多年的技术攻关,尾矿微晶玻璃高级建筑装饰板材工业生产工艺已成熟,跟同类技术相比,该技术具有明显优势.该技术的关键是尾矿微晶玻璃的基础配方、控制尾矿微晶玻璃成核和晶体生长的诸因素、形成尾矿微晶玻璃气孔的因素及工业生产消除方法等.技术特点:生产过程和产品无环境污染和有害成分,无放射性;产品质量符合同类天然花岗岩石材国家标准和国际同类产品标准;尾矿占原材料总量的30%以上,加上当地矿物原料可占50%以上,产品成品率达到80%;综合能耗低于同类传统产品的20%以上.南京梅山铁矿2000年10月建成年产1.2万m2板材生产线,预计3年内可回收投资.  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization on stream channels has been investigated in a range of areas; the degree and extent of the channel adjustments have been demonstrated; and for a few areas these characteristics have recently been placed into a spatial context. A method of rapid field survey for depicting the channel network of urban areas in terms of near natural, adjusted, and channelized systems is illustrated for the urban area of Armidale NSW, for which Armidale Dumaresq Council had prepared a stormwater management plan. Such a survey could enable channel characteristics and adjustments, as well as water quantity and quality, to be included in the management plan. Possible options for management to address are suggested for each of the channel categories. A channel classification system of the kind suggested can provide a basic complement for the further development of the stormwater management plan, can afford a basis for specifying management alternatives, and can be helpful in demonstrating the options offered for community consultation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Along a drainage network, there is a systematic variation of average flow parameters (width, depth, and velocity) at flows having the same flow duration. Hydraulic geometry equations mathematically express this interdependent relationship of stream-flow characteristics for a basin for annual flow durations varying from 10 to 90 percent. However, the equations proposed so far have had rather poor predictive performance for low flows. An independent investigation of the variation of discharge with drainage area and annual flow duration demonstrates a consistent relationship between these parameters. The relationship for the high to median-flow range differs, however, from that for the median— to low-flow range. The proposed equations provide a better predictive performance for low flows than previous formulations and a versatile means of estimating flow parameters for streams throughout a basin. The improved basin hydraulic geometry equations have a wide range of applications in areas such as stream habitat assessment, water quality modeling, channel design, and stream restoration projects.  相似文献   

Differences in Evaporation Between a Floating Pan and Class A Pan on Land1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Research was conducted to develop a method for obtaining floating pan evaporation rates in a small (less than 10,000 m2) wetland, lagoon, or pond. Floating pan and land pan evaporation data were collected from March 1 to August 31, 2005, at a small natural wetland located in the alluvium of the Canadian River near Norman, Oklahoma, at the U.S. Geological Survey Norman Landfill Toxic Substances Hydrology Research Site. Floating pan evaporation rates were compared with evaporation rates from a nearby standard Class A evaporation pan on land. Floating pan evaporation rates were significantly less than land pan evaporation rates for the entire period and on a monthly basis. Results indicated that the use of a floating evaporation pan in a small free‐water surface better simulates actual physical conditions on the water surface that control evaporation. Floating pan to land pan ratios were 0.82 for March, 0.87 for April, 0.85 for May, 0.85 for June, 0.79 for July, and 0.69 for August.  相似文献   

It is common to use the results of various solid-phase and aqueous-fraction toxicity tests as part of the decision-making process for selecting disposal options for dredged sediments. The mere presence of toxicity, however, does not provide a logical basis for selecting economical, environmentally protective disposal techniques. To achieve this, it is necessary to be able to identify specific compounds responsible for sediment toxicity. Toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) procedures, originally developed for complex effluents, represent a useful approach for identifying acutely toxic compounds in dredged materials. Herein we present a conceptual overview for TIE use in part of the decision-making framework for selecting dredged material disposal options; included are discussions concerning appropriate test fractions and species for TIE analyses, and specific TIE manipulations useful for ascertaining whether toxicity is due to any of a number of common sediment contaminants including ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, metals, or nonpolar organics.  相似文献   

Vicuña provide an excellent case study for examining the sustainable use of wildlife outside protected areas: the community-based conservation approach. Vicuña populations in the high Andes of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Perú fell to a critically low level, but a Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) ban on trade in their fiber has seen numbers recover dramatically, and now live shearing of vicuña for a high-value international market is being promoted as a mechanism to secure both sustainable vicuña populations and local livelihoods. We used a dynamic optimization model to explore the consequences of legalizing markets, including the consequences for poaching which is critical in vicuña dynamics. Using parameters obtained from the literature and expert knowledge, we explored different scenarios for the Argentine region of Cieneguillas. Our results showed that the role of the international market is ambiguous; live shearing for an international market can provide the very best of outcomes for both vicuña and local people, with large herds generating high revenues. But an international market also creates a market for poached vicuña fiber; as a result, vicuña numbers risk once again falling to critically low levels, resulting also in minimal revenues from sale of fiber. The message for the international community is that if community-based conservation is not implemented carefully then its impact can easily be perverse.  相似文献   

曹炜  张舒 《中国环境管理》2019,11(1):111-116
绿色技术专利强制许可要求将环境利益明确纳入公共利益范围,而专门的绿色技术专利强制许可制度则进一步要求针对绿色技术构建特殊许可通道。功能主义观念以环境保护目标的必要性来证成绿色技术专利强制许可的正当性,但没有解释绿色技术、环境保护、公共利益之间的具体联系,从而不能证明绿色技术专利强制许可背后的法律逻辑。法治主义视角下,从强制许可事由、审查程序以及许可费三方面来看,该制度会引起一系列的正当性问题。未来需要将专门的绿色技术专利强制许可制度限定在政府实施的范围内,并依据权利人自认来确定绿色技术的范围。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To make a distributed rainfall-runoff model, it is very important to build a model of topographic surface of a basin which takes account of the direction of water flow. In this paper, a geographic information system in hydrologic modeling, the BGIS (Basin Geomorphic Information Systems) are presented for modeling a river basin using a TIN-DEM (Triangulated Irregular Network - Digital Elevation Model) data structure. The BGIS have two core systems, which are the TIN-DEM generating system and the topographic analysis system. In the TIN-DEM generating system, landscapes are modeled as a set of contiguous non-overlapping terangular facets whose vertices are made up of points on a regular grid DEM and on river segments. These triangular facets are subdivided, if needed, so that each of them has only one side through which water flows out. The TIN-DEM generating system is made up of four modules, (1) a module for generating triangles from a grid DEM, (2) a module for getting rid of pits, (3) a module for joining discontinuous valley segments to a channel network, (4) a module for subdividing triangular facets. In the topographic analysis system, using datasets processed with the TIN-DEM generating system, a watershed source area for any segments in a stream network are delineated automatically, and topographic attributes of slopes, aspects, flow path lengths and upslope contributing areas are computed.  相似文献   

A framework for evaluation of flood management strategies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The resulting impact of disasters on society depends on the affected country's economic strength prior to the disaster. The larger the disaster and the smaller the economy, the more significant is the impact. This is clearest seen in developing countries, where weak economies become even weaker afterwards. Deliberate strategies for the sharing of losses from hazardous events may aid a country or a community in efficiently using scarce prevention and mitigation resources, thus being better prepared for the effects of a disaster. Nevertheless, many governments lack an adequate institutional system for applying cost effective and reliable technologies for disaster prevention, early warnings, and mitigation. Modelling by event analyses and strategy models is one way of planning ahead, but these models have so far not been linked together. An approach to this problem was taken during a large study in Hungary, the Tisza case study, where a number of policy strategies for spreading of flood loss were formulated. In these strategies, a set of parameters of particular interest were extracted from interviews with stakeholders in the region. However, the study was focused on emerging economies, and, in particular, on insurance strategies. The scope is now extended to become a functional framework also for developing countries. In general, they have a higher degree of vulnerability. The paper takes northern Vietnam as an example of a developing region. We identify important parameters and discuss their importance for flood strategy formulations. Based on the policy strategies in the Tisza case, we extract data from the strategies and propose a framework for loss spread in developing and emerging economies. The parameter set can straightforwardly be included in a simulation and decision model for policy formulation and evaluation, taking multiple stakeholders into account.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Methods of computing probabilities of extreme events that affect the design of major engineering structures have been developed for most failure causes, but not for design floods such as the probable maximum flood (PMF). Probabilities for PMF estimates would be useful for economic studies and risk assessments. Reasons for the reluctance of some hydrologists to assign a probability to a PMF are discussed, and alternative methods of assigning a probability are reviewed. Currently, the extrapolation of a frequency curve appears to be the most practical alternative. Using 46 stations in the Mid-Atlantic region, the log-gamma, log-normal, and log-Gumbel distributions were used to estimate PMF probabilities. A 600,000-year return period appears to be a reasonable probability to use for PMFs in the Mid-Atlantic region. The coefficient of skew accounts for much of the variation in computed probabilities.  相似文献   

In a climate of limited resources, it is often necessary to prioritize restoration efforts geographically. The synoptic approach is an ecologically based tool for geographic prioritization of wetland protection and restoration efforts. The approach was specifically designed to incorporate best professional judgment in cases where information and resources are otherwise limited. Synoptic assessments calculate indices for functional criteria in subunits (watersheds, counties, etc.) of a region and then rank the subunits. Ranks can be visualized in region-scale maps which enable managers to identify areas where efforts optimize functional performance on a regional scale. In this paper, we develop a conceptual model for prioritizing watersheds whose wetlands can be restored to reduce total sediment yield at the watershed outlet. The conceptual model is designed to rank watersheds but not individual wetlands within a watershed. The synoptic approach is valid for applying the sediment yield reduction model because there is high demand for prioritizing disturbed wetlands for restoration, but there is limited, quantitative, accurate information available with which to make decisions. Furthermore, the cost of creating a comprehensive database is prohibitively high. Finally, because the model will be used for planning purposes, and, specifically, for prioritizing based on multiple decisions rather than optimizing a single decision, the consequence of prioritization errors is low. Model results cannot be treated as scientific findings. The conclusions of an assessment are based on judgement, but this judgement is guided by scientific principles and a general understanding of relevant ecological processes. The conceptual model was developed as the first step towards prioritizing of wetland restoration for sediment yield reduction in US EPA Region 4.  相似文献   

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