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The freshwater quality criteria of acetonitrile were studied on the basis of the features of the aquatic biota in China, and with reference to US EPA's guidelines. Acute tests were performed on 13 different species to determine 48h-EC50/96h-EC50 (or 96h-LC50) values for acetonitrile. 2ld survival-reproduction tests with Daphnia magna and growth inhibition tests with Lemna minor were also conducted to estimate lower chronic limit and upper chronic limit values. In the acute tests, Radix plicatula was the most sensitive species to acetonitrile followed by Chironomus sp., Cyprinus carpio and D. magna in turn. The final acute value of acetonitrile was 2290 mg/l. In the chronic tests, reproduction of daphnids was significantly reduced by acetonitrile at 320 mg/l. Acute-to-chronic ratios ranged from 2 to 15.8. A final chronic value of 413.9 mg/l was obtained and a final plant value was 1342 mg/I. A criterion maximum concentration (1145 mg/l) and a criterion continuous concentration (413.9 mg/l) were derived.  相似文献   

Yin D  Hu S  Jin H  Yu L 《Chemosphere》2003,52(1):67-73
Freshwater quality criteria of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) were developed with particular reference to the aquatic biota in China, and based on USEPA's guidelines. Acute toxicity tests were performed on nine different domestic species indigenous to China to determine 48 h LC(50) and 96 h LC(50) values for 2,4,6-TCP. In addition, 21 d survival-reproduction test with Daphnia magna, 30 d embryo-larval test with Carassius auratus, 60 d fry-juvenile test with Ctenopharyngodon idellus, 30 d early life stage test with Bufo bufo gargarizans and 96 h growth inhibition test with Scenedesmus obliqaus were also conducted to estimate lower chronic limit and upper chronic limit values. The final acute value (FAV) was 2.01 mg/l 2,4,6-TCP. Acute-to-chronic ratios ranged from 5.01 to 12.2. The final chronic value (FCV) and the final plant value (FPV) of 2,4,6-TCP were 0.226 and 2.24 mg/l respectively. Based on FAV, FCV and FPV for 2,4,6-TCP, a criteria maximum concentration of 1.01 mg/l and a criterion continuous concentration of 0.226 mg/l were derived. The results of this study provide useful data for deriving national or local water quality criteria for 2,4,6-TCP based on aquatic biota in China.  相似文献   

Freshwater quality criteria for 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) were developed with particular reference to the aquatic biota in China, and based on USEPA's guidelines. Acute toxicity tests were performed on nine different domestic species indigenous to China to determine 48-h LC50 and 96-h LC50 values for 2,4-DCP. In addition, 21 day survival-reproduction tests with Daphnia magna, 30-day embryo-larval tests with Carassius auratus, 60 day fry-juvenile test with Ctenopharyngodon idellus, 30 d early life stage tests with Bufo bufo gargarizans and 96 h growth inhibition tests with Scenedesms obliqaus were conducted, to estimate lower chronic limit (LCL) and upper chronic limit (UCL) values. The final acute value (FAV) was 2.49 mg/l 2,4-DCP. Acute-to-chronic ratios (ACR) ranged from 3.74 to 22.5. The final chronic value (FCV) and the final plant value (FPV) of 2.4-DCP were 0.212 mg/l and 7.07 mg/l respectively. Based on FAV, FCV, and FPV, a criteria maximum concentration (CMC) of 1.25 mg/l and a criterion continuous concentration (CCC) of 0.212 mg/l were derived. The results of this study provide useful data for deriving national or local water quality criteria for 2,4-DCP based on aquatic biota in China.  相似文献   

Freshwater quality criteria for copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), aluminum (Al), and manganese (Mn) were developed with particular reference to aquatic biota in Malaysia, and based on USEPA’s guidelines. Acute toxicity tests were performed on eight different freshwater domestic species in Malaysia, which were Macrobrachium lanchesteri (prawn), two fish – Poecilia reticulata and Rasbora sumatrana, Melanoides tuberculata (snail), Stenocypris major (ostracod), Chironomus javanus (midge larvae), Nais elinguis (annelid), and Duttaphrynus melanostictus (tadpole), to determine 96-h LC50 values for Cu, Cd, Al, and Mn. The final acute values (FAVs) for Cu, Cd, Al, and Mn were 2.5, 3.0, 977.8, and 78.3 μg L?1, respectively. Using an estimated acute-to-chronic ratio (ACR) of 8.3, the value for final chronic value (FCV) was derived. Based on FAV and FCV, a Criterion Maximum Concentration (CMC) and a criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) for Cu, Cd, Al, and Mn of 1.3, 1.5, 488.9, and 39.1 μg L?1 and 0.3, 0.36, 117.8, and 9.4 μg L?1, respectively, were derived. The results of this study provide useful data for deriving national or local water quality criteria for Cu, Cd, Al, and Mn based on aquatic biota in Malaysia. Based on LC50 values, this study indicated that R. sumatrana, M. lanchesteri, C. javanus, and N. elinguis were the most sensitive to Cu, Cd, Al, and Mn, respectively.  相似文献   

This study suggested the first Korean site-specific ecological surface water quality criteria for the protection of ecosystems near an artillery range at a Korean military training facility. Surface water quality (SWQ) criteria in Korea address human health protection but do not encompass ecological criteria such as limits for metals and explosives. The first objective of this study was to derive site-specific SWQ criteria for the protection of aquatic ecosystems in Hantan River, Korea. The second objective was to establish discharge criteria for the artillery range to protect the aquatic ecosystems of Hantan River. In this study, we first identified aquatic organisms living in the Hantan River, including fishes, reptiles, invertebrates, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and amphibians. Second, we collected ecotoxicity data for these aquatic organisms and constructed an ecotoxicity database for Cd, Cu, Zn, TNT, and RDX. This study determined the ecological maximum permissible concentrations for metals and explosives based on the ecotoxicity database and suggested ecological surface water quality criteria for the Hantan River by considering analytical detection limits. Discharge limit criteria for the shooting range were determined based on the ecological surface water quality criteria suggested for Hantan River with further consideration of the dilution of the contaminants discharged into the river.  相似文献   

Species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) are increasingly used in both ecological risk assessment and derivation of water quality criteria. However, there has been debate about the choice of an appropriate approach for derivation of water quality criteria based on SSDs because the various methods can generate different values. The objective of this study was to compare the differences among various methods. Data sets of acute toxicities of 12 substances to aquatic organisms, representing a range of classes with different modes of action, were studied. Nine typical statistical approaches, including parametric and nonparametric methods, were used to construct SSDs for 12 chemicals. Water quality criteria, expressed as hazardous concentration for 5 % of species (HC5), were derived by use of several approaches. All approaches produced comparable results, and the data generated by the different approaches were significantly correlated. Variability among estimates of HC5 of all inclusive species decreased with increasing sample size, and variability was similar among the statistical methods applied. Of the statistical methods selected, the bootstrap method represented the best-fitting model for all chemicals, while log-triangle and Weibull were the best models among the parametric methods evaluated. The bootstrap method was the primary choice to derive water quality criteria when data points are sufficient (more than 20). If the available data are few, all other methods should be constructed, and that which best describes the distribution of the data was selected.  相似文献   

Water quality assessment was conducted on the Ruiru River, a tributary of an important tropical river system in Kenya, to determine baseline river conditions for studies on the aquatic fate of N-methyl carbamate (NMC) pesticides. Measurements were taken at the end of the long rainy season in early June 2013. Concentrations of copper (0.21–1.51 ppm), nitrates (2.28–4.89 ppm) and phosphates (0.01–0.50 ppm) were detected at higher values than in uncontaminated waters, and attributed to surface runoff from agricultural activity in the surrounding area. Concentrations of dissolved oxygen (8–10 ppm), ammonia (0.02–0.22 ppm) and phenols (0.19–0.83 ppm) were found to lie within normal ranges. The Ruiru River was found to be slightly basic (pH 7.08–7.70) with a temperature of 17.8–21.2°C. The half-life values for hydrolysis of three NMC pesticides (carbofuran, carbaryl and propoxur) used in the area were measured under laboratory conditions, revealing that rates of decay were influenced by the electronic nature of the NMCs. The hydrolysis half-lives at pH 9 and 18°C decreased in the order carbofuran (57.8 h) > propoxur (38.5 h) > carbaryl (19.3 h). In general, a decrease in the electron density of the NMC aromatic ring increases the acidity of the N-bound proton removed in the rate-limiting step of the hydrolysis mechanism. Our results are consistent with this prediction, and the most electron-poor NMC (carbaryl) hydrolyzed fastest, while the most electron-rich NMC (carbofuran) hydrolyzed slowest. Results from this study should provide baseline data for future studies on NMC pesticide chemical fate in the Ruiru River and similar tropical water systems.  相似文献   

Waste streams associated with a variety of agricultural runoff sources are major contributors of nutrients, pesticides and enteric microorganisms to surface and ground waters. Water soluble anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) was found to be a highly effective erosion-preventing and infiltration-enhancing polymer, when applied at rates of 1-10 g m(-3) in furrow irrigation water. Water flowing from PAM treated irrigation furrows show large reductions in sediment, nutrients and pesticides. Recently PAM and PAM + CaO and PAM + Al(SO4)3 mixtures have been shown to filter bacteria, fungi and nutrients from animal wastewater. Low concentrations of PAM [175-350 g PAM ha(-1) as PAM or as PAM + CaO and PAM + Al(SO4) mixture] applied to the soil surface, resulted in dramatic decreases (10 fold) of total, coliform and fecal streptococci bacteria in cattle, fish and swine wastewater leachate and surface runoff. PAM treatment also filtered significant amounts of NH4, PO4 and total P in cattle and swine wastewater. This points to the potential of developing PAM as a water quality protection measure in combination with large-scale animal feeding operations. Potential benefits of PAM treatment of animal facility waste streams include: (1) low cost, (2) easy and quick application. (3) suitability for use with other pollution reduction techniques. Research on the efficacy of PAM for removal of protozoan parasites and viruses and more thorough assessment of PAM degradation in different soils is still needed to completely evaluate PAM treatment as an effective waste water treatment. We will present analysis and feasibility of using PAM, PAM + Al(SO4)3, and PAM + CaO application for specific applications. Our results demonstrate their potential efficacy in reducing sediment, nutrients and microorganisms from animal production facility effluents.  相似文献   

Current water quality standards for the protection of human health in Korea include 17 substances found in rivers and streams. Due to increasing concern over the release of hazardous chemicals into the aquatic environment, there has been a demand for additional water quality standards. Therefore, the Korean Ministry of the Environment plans to gradually increase the number of water quality standards to 30 substances, including 22 substances for protection of human health and 8 substances for protection of aquatic ecosystems by 2015. In this study, new water quality standards for protection of human health were established for 1,4-dioxane, formaldehyde, and hexachlorobenzene. We selected candidate hazardous chemicals, conducted a human health risk assessment to determine priority chemicals, established water quality standards based on technical analyses and comparison with domestic and developed countries’ water quality standards, and conducted an expert review. Water quality standards for protection of aquatic ecosystems will be derived in the near future. This study describes how the water quality standards for protection of human health were developed and implemented. Current status, recent expansion, and future plans for water quality standards in Korea are also covered.  相似文献   

The extent of impervious cover in a watershed has been linked to the quality of an urban aquatic environment. The Kyeongan watershed in South Korea was investigated to evaluate the relationship between the total impervious area (TIA) and the aquatic ecosystem of the watershed, including water quality and aquatic life using a relatively high-resolution (0.4 m) image. The TIA was found to be approximately 12% of the watershed, which indicates that the quality of its environment was being adversely affected by it. For water quality, Pearson correlation analyses showed that all water quality parameters studied were found to be positively correlated with TIA at p < 0.01, except for nitrate (NO3-). In addition, the zone with a higher TIA was found to have worse water quality. Some water quality parameters, such as nitrite (NO2-), total phosphorus, and phosphate (PO4(3-)) were highly affected by discharges from wastewater treatment plants. Water quality data suggest that TIA could be used to predict the water quality of streams. For ecological parameters, the diatom index for organic pollution and trophic diatom index were found to be highly correlated with TIA, whereas physical habitat and benthic macroinvertebrates were poorly correlated with TIA. However, the results indicate that the extent of impervious cover can be a useful indicator for predicting the status of specific ecosystem of streams.  相似文献   

以广州市最大补水人工景观湖白云湖水生态系统构建示范区为对象,利用综合污染指数评价了以沉水植被构建为主的修复措施对示范区水体水质改善的影响,并应用因子分析法对各水质指标和生态因子之间的相互关系进行了研究。综合污染分析结果表明,恢复沉水植物后,示范区水体各项污染物浓度大幅降低,水质从V -劣V类提高到Ⅲ-IV类,水体综合污染状态由严重污染改善为轻污染。因子分析显示,10项水质指标可划分为四类主因子来反映水质状况,其中,第一主因子主要反映水体营养盐指数,第二主因子反映水体有机污染指数,第三主因子反映温度变化对水质的影响,第四主因子反映水体的酸碱度;综合评分结果说明了生态系统构建后水质综合评分可大幅降低,且月评分结果呈现温度越高、水质越优的特点,水体特征呈现向草型水体发展的趋势。上述结果表明,水生态系统构建可有效改善示范区水质,是保障城市河道补水水源安全的有效方法。  相似文献   

大量未经处理的污水排入水体时 ,会导致地面水体严重污染。受污染水体的水质恢复方法有物理法、化学法和生物法 ,它们能控制水体外源性和内源性污染物的排入量、人工强化水体自身的净化能力 ,以降低水体中污染物的浓度、提高溶解氧浓度 ,恢复水生生物的多样性  相似文献   

基于未确知数学理论,考虑河流环境系统信息的未确知性,定义二维水质模型主要参数为未确知参数,建立未确知二维水质模型,递推计算出保护区划分的合理长度及对应的污染物浓度取值区间及可信度分布,并对未确知二维水质模型中各参数的影响做了比较分析。结果表明,利用未确知二维水质模型,以COD为污染物计算的晋江干流水源二级保护区水域长度为6 220m,该长度能在0.934 0的主观可信度上保证水质安全,而基于确定性水质模型,利用各参数均值计算的保护区长度5 350 m存在95.22%的水质超标风险率。未确知二维水质模型各参数影响分析表明,模型应用的未确知参数及各参数变异性对模型计算结果有较大关系,未确知参数考虑越多,保护区划分长度越长;参数变异系数越小,其对计算结果影响越小。  相似文献   

Fluoxetine is a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, generally used as an antidepressant. It is suspected to provoke substantial effects in the aquatic environment. This study reports the effects of fluoxetine on the life cycle of four invertebrate species, Daphnia magna, Hyalella azteca and the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum exposed to fluoxetine spiked-water and the midge Chironomus riparius exposed to fluoxetine-spiked sediments. For D. magna, a multi-generational study was performed with exposition of newborns from exposed organisms. Effects of fluoxetine could be found at low measured concentrations (around 10mugl(-1)), especially for parthenogenetic reproduction of D. magna and P. antipodarum. For daphnids, newborns length was impacted by fluoxetine and the second generation of exposed individuals showed much more pronounced effects than the first one, with a NOEC of 8.9mugl(-1). For P. antipodarum, significant decrease of reproduction was found for concentrations around 10mugl(-1). In contrast, we found no effect on the reproduction of H. azteca but a significant effect on growth, which resulted in a NOEC of 33mugl(-1), expressed in nominal concentration. No effect on C. riparius could be found for measured concentrations up to 59.5mgkg(-1). General mechanistic energy-based models showed poor relevance for data analysis, which suggests that fluoxetine targets specific mechanisms of reproduction.  相似文献   

While more developed countries have a well-established systems to develop water quality criteria (WQC), little research has been done on the adequacy of the current WQC to protect endemic species of China. In order to maintain the health of aquatic ecosystems in China, a series of projects to establish national WQC based on regional characteristics has recently been initiated. However, the establishment of a completely novel methodology would be costly and time consuming. Also, due to the similarities in physiologies and natural histories of classes of aquatic organisms, there is no reason to believe that WQC would not be sufficient to protect unique species in China. This review was undertaken to identify key outstanding issues regarding establishment of aquatic life criteria (ALC) to be applied in China, including prioritization of chemicals, test species, mode of action, field/semi-field data, and methods of aggregating the information and calculating the ALC. This was used to identify the principle issues that need to be addressed in order to better understand the methods for development of criteria for the protection of aquatic life and provide a reference to China and other developing countries committed to the establishment of their own WQC system.  相似文献   

为解析再生水补水对城市内河水质的影响,以合肥市塘西河为例,采用一维水动力水质模型,结合模糊模式识别方法,研究再生水补水位置、水质和补水量对塘西河水质的影响。模拟结果表明:再生水补水改变了河流水动力特征、污染物负荷及其扩散降解过程,影响河流水质空间分布,且对补给点附近的河流水质影响最为显著;通过模糊模式识别分析发现,补给点越靠近上游对河流水质的改善作用越大,提高补水水质或增大补水水量均可进一步改善河流水质。  相似文献   

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