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煤矿安全从业人员心理测评研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
人为因素是导致我国各类煤矿安全事故屡禁不止的重要原因 ,为了寻求解决这一难题的有效办法 ,笔者对煤矿作业对人提出的安全心理素质要求进行了探讨 ,对煤矿从业人员的心理因素与安全生产关系进行了工作分析与职务分析 ,建立了以能力与非能力因素为基本内容的心理测试指标体系并对这一体系的科学性进行了验证。应用实践表明 ,该体系为从根本上解决煤矿安全问题提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

试论安全科学研究的特殊矛盾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出安全科学研究的特殊矛盾是安全与事故的矛盾,也就是研究危险。设计出了安全、危险、事故相互转化的示意图。论述了危险的普遍性、特殊性、绝对性、可转化性、可认识性以及认识安全科学研究特殊矛盾的重要意义。  相似文献   

关于安全科学基本概念及相互关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
安全、危险、风险、事故、隐患等是安全科学和安全管理的基本概念。对于这些概念,至今仍有不同认识。本文从国内外研究现状出发,对上述基本概念及相互关系进行了分析探讨。Prof.  相似文献   

安全流变理论及其在煤矿事故中的应用   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
提出了“安全流变理论”,分析了事物“安全流变”的基本特征和理论基础 ,描述了煤矿事故的安全流变特性 ,同时指出煤矿事故的发生和发展可以用“安全流变理论”进行解释 ,进而说明“安全流变理论”是符合事物发展变化规律的。  相似文献   

以人为本的现代工业安全管理   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
现代生产中发生的意外事故 ,80 %以上是由于人的因素造成的。笔者运用人机工程学和行为科学理论 ,对人的不安全行为和因素进行了深入的归类分析 ;阐述了人因事故预测和预防对策 ;指出工业安全管理应该从人的角度出发 ,系统地建立安全管理体系 ;最后 ,运用系统工程的观点 ,提出了构建以人为本的安全管理体系的结构 ,该体系的实行将能够使现代工业安全管理提高到一个新的水平。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Universities and colleges serve to be institutions of education excellence; however, problems in the areas of occupational safety may undermine such goals. Occupational safety must be the concern of every employee in the organization, regardless of job position. Safety climate surveys have been suggested as important tools for measuring the effectiveness and improvement direction of safety programs. Thus, this study aims to investigate the influence of organizational and individual factors on safety climate in university and college laboratories. METHOD: Employees at 100 universities and colleges in Taiwan were mailed a self-administered questionnaire survey; the response rate was 78%. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that organizational category of ownership, the presence of a safety manager and safety committee, gender, age, title, accident experience, and safety training significantly affected the climate. Among them, accident experience and safety training affected the climate with practical significance. RECOMMENDATIONS: The authors recommend that managers should address important factors affecting safety issues and then create a positive climate by enforcing continuous improvements.  相似文献   

为贯彻《矿山安全法》,1993 年,句容市制定了《矿山企业安全生产风险抵押金制度》及其《实施细则》。操作中,按生产规模,制定五种风险金收交档次,每年初,企业将风险金交市安委会,年终实行企业、主管部门和市安委会“三级”考核,并按等级返还,返还额可用于下年风险金按同档加倍缴纳。风险抵押,也可用于内部奖励。发生事故,风险金余款作为全市安全生产活动和奖励资金。经过几年运作,取得了明显效果,矿山事故逐年下降,得到部、省、市的肯定和表彰  相似文献   

定期安全审查 (PSR)是国际原子能机构 (IAEA)近年推广的一种新的核电厂安全审查方式 ,它强调系统性、全面性和关键性。人因安全因素 (HF)、组织机构和行政管理安全因素 (OA)是PSR的重要组成部分 ,也是PSR中审查难度较大的部分之一。其难点主要在于如何用有限的评审指标去刻画出最能表征人因、OA对核电厂安全运行最具影响的特征因子 ,建立起科学的、系统化的审查体系 ,且该体系还需具有较强的可操作性。基于上述认识 ,笔者建立了核电厂人因及组织行政管理安全审查体系 ,它包含安全目标与方针、人员配备与资格、组织机构与管理、配置控制、培训、职业健康、运行经验反馈、质量保证、人 -机接口、遵章守法等 10类 19个要素。同时介绍了其评审指标、审查内容、审查方法和程序等。该体系已应用于秦山核电厂。  相似文献   

安全科学基本理论规律研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
通过对事物发展过程中的安全与危险的矛盾运动过程分析,抽象出一些基本概念和事故从孕育到发生发展及结束和后效阶段的基本特征,并对部分事例进行了分析。提出了安全科学的统一规律——安全流变与突变论,并初步建立了安全流变论的数学模型  相似文献   

我国安全生产的形势和任务   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论述了我国安全生产工作发展概况与安全的关系 ,分析了我国安全生产状况 ;指出了我国安全生产面临的主要难点 ;提出了我国安全生产工作的重任所在 ;笔者认为 ,只要从实际出发 ,坚持改革、标本兼治和技术创新 ,发挥政府、企业、劳动者三方协调机制的作用 ,借鉴和吸收国际成功经验 ,我国安全生产水平是会列于世界先进行列的。  相似文献   

通过对安全投资与事故经济损失的规律性的分析研究,确立安全投资与经济效益的内在关系,进一步探索在我国现有财力和安全水平的基础上,找准安全投资的投向,优化安全投资的合理分配,从而实现最大限度地提高企业安全生产水平和安全投资效益。为政府部门或企业提供一套经过优化、科学合理、操作性又比较强的安全投资方案,供各级领导进行安全决策,实现本部门、本单位的安全投资计划时参考  相似文献   

安全生产是中国可持续发展的重要组成部分   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
安全生产往往被认为仅是企业和政府主管部门的工作 ,人们论及可持续发展 ,只提到资源、环境、人口 ,却忽略了安全生产。笔者强调了安全生产是可持续发展的重要组成部分 ,要使社会各界都重视安全生产工作 ,才能保障生产活动中人的安全 ;同时提出了如下观点 :同一切事物一样 ,可持续发展本身也是一个发展的过程 ,这个过程是有阶段性的 ,每个阶段都有具体的发展目标 ,不同时期、不同国家和地区发展的内容和重点也是有差别的。鉴于现阶段我国严峻的安全生产形势 ,安全生产应作为我国可持续发展的重点内容。笔者还探讨了可持续发展观的起源和内涵 ;用人的需求层次理论 ,论述了安全生产与可持续发展的关系 ;从中国安全生产形势严峻的角度 ,分析了安全生产对中国可持续发展的影响 ;从坚持以人为本 ,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观出发 ,对做好安全生产工作提出了 7个方面的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper developed a risk-based modelling approach to enhance the execution process of shipping accident investigation (SAI). Specifically, the paper addressed a fuzzy extended fault tree analysis (FFTA) that combines the effects of organizational faults and shipboard technical system failures under a unique risk assessment scheme. The case study illustrates that a novel idea behind the proposed methodology allows relevant accident investigators to clarify the probability of technical failures, operational misapplications, and legislative shortages leading to the shipping accident. The current SAI reports can be extended with an integrated risk assessment section to formulate integrated strategies along with risk control measures onboard ships. Since the consequences of shipping accidents are still a global concern, the paper addresses integration of a FFTA into SAI reports to ensure a consistent database and subsequent decision aid to accident analysis and prevention efforts in the maritime transportation industry.  相似文献   

关于人机系统安全分析中人的因素的一些探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对人机系统安全分析中,重点对人的因素进行探讨,并提出了新的见解。在人机系统中,人的生理特性和心理特性不是恒定不变的,特别在人机系统安全分析与设计时,关于人的因素必须从动态特性变化来认识  相似文献   

This paper introduces the process for, and the result of, the selection of performance influencing factors (PIFs) for the use in human reliability analysis (HRA) of emergency tasks in nuclear power plants. The approach taken in this study largely consists of three steps. First, a full-set PIF system is constructed from the collection and review of existing PIF taxonomies. Secondly, PIF candidates are selected from the full-set PIF system, considering the major characteristics of emergency situations and the basic criteria of PIF for use in HRA. Finally, a set of PIFs is established by structuring representative PIFs and their detailed subitems from the candidates. As a result, a set of PIFs comprised of the 11 representative PIFs and 39 subitems was developed.  相似文献   

Introduction: Motor-vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death in adolescence and young adults. A multitude of factors, including skill level, inexperience, and risk taking behaviors are associated with young drivers’ crashes. This research investigated whether combinations of factors underlie crashes involving young drivers. Method: A retrospective longitudinal study was conducted on population-wide one- and two-car crashes in Great Britain during years 2005–2012 per driver age (17–20, 21–29, 30–39, 40–49) and sex. Reporting officers provided their assessment of the factors contributing to crashes. Principal components analysis was conducted to identify combinations of factors underlying young drivers’ crashes. Factor combinations, including challenging driving conditions, risk taking behaviors, and inexperience were implicated in young drivers’ crashes. Results: Combinations of factors reveal new insights into underlying causes of crashes involving young drivers. One combination revealed that slippery roads due to poor weather pose greater risk to young drivers who are inexperienced and likely to exceed the appropriate speed. The findings motivate new policy recommendations, such as educating young drivers about the importance of adjusting their speed to the road conditions.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Accidents involving temporary access systems, particularly temporary scaffolds, account for a large proportion of injuries in the construction industry worldwide. METHOD: This paper outlines the development of a prototype decision aid (SCAFPASS, an abbreviation for Scaffold Planning Aid for System Safety) to promote access scaffold safety. It was guided by an examination of the root-causes and management deficiencies apparent in: (a) paper-based files of 186 access-related incidents held by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK; and (b) computer-based files of 2,910 incidents appearing in the HSE database between 1997 to 2000. RESULTS: The more frequent root-causes included the fitting of defective components, unauthorized modification of the structure, omission of barriers, and errors resulting in simple, readily detectable structural faults. Common managerial deficiencies included failure to control risk, unsafe methods and procedures, and inadequate training and supervision. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: SCAFPASS aims to avoid these root-causes by improving safety management from the outset and throughout all phases of a project.  相似文献   

Evacuation from underground coal mine in emergency as soon as possible makes the difference between life and death. Human factors have an important impact on a successful evacuation, but literature review shows that there is a lack of consideration of human error risk during coal mine emergency evacuation in China. To address the above problems, in this paper, we established a framework for human error risk analysis of coal mine emergency evacuation, consisting of scenario and task analysis, risk assessment and risk reduction. A general evacuation procedure which is applicable for different causes is detailed through the scenario and task analysis. A new method based on expert judgment, named OGI-Model, is proposed to evaluate the reliability of human safety barrier. In this new approach, human safety barrier is divided into three sub-barriers, i.e., organization safety sub-barrier (OSSB), group safety sub-barrier (GSSB), and individual safety sub-barrier (ISSB). Each sub-barrier consists of a series of concrete measures against specific evacuation actions. An example is provided in this paper to demonstrate the use of this framework and its effectiveness.  相似文献   

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