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Conservation planners are called upon to make choices and trade-offs about the preservation of natural areas for the protection of species in the face of development pressures. We addressed the problem of selecting sites for protection over time with the objective of maximizing species representation, with uncertainty about future site development, and with periodic constraints on the number of sites that can be selected. We developed a 0–1, linear optimization model with 2 periods to select the sites that maximize expected species coverage subject to budget constraints. The model is based on the idea that development uncertainty can be characterized by a set of scenarios, each of which is a possible second-period development outcome for the set of sites. We also suggest that our 2-period model can be used in a sequential fashion that is consistent with adaptive planning. Results are presented for the Fox River watershed in Chicago.  相似文献   

Conservation planners are called upon to make choices and trade-offs about the preservation of natural areas for the protection of species in the face of development pressures. We addressed the problem of selecting sites for protection over time with the objective of maximizing species representation, with uncertainty about future site development, and with periodic constraints on the number of sites that can be selected. We developed a 0–1, linear optimization model with 2 periods to select the sites that maximize expected species coverage subject to budget constraints. The model is based on the idea that development uncertainty can be characterized by a set of scenarios, each of which is a possible second-period development outcome for the set of sites. We also suggest that our 2-period model can be used in a sequential fashion that is consistent with adaptive planning. Results are presented for the Fox River watershed in Chicago.  相似文献   

In this research, the improved Terrestrial Ecosystem Regional (TECO-R) model was adapted to steppe ecosystems and then utilized to simulate the soil organic carbon pool in the period from 1989 to 2011 (excluding 1994, 2002, 2009, and 2010) for a typical steppe in Xilingol League of Inner Mongolia in China. The improved TECO-R model is an ecological model in combination of remote sensing data, which allows the spatial scale for the analysis of soil organic carbon which is not limited to vegetation or soil type. The spatial and temporal resolution advantages of remote sensing image can be well utilized in this model. The results indicate that in addition to an accurate simulation of the soil carbon pool of a steppe ecosystem, the vegetation aboveground carbon pool, grazing intensity of herbivores, mowing coefficient, litter carbon pool, root carbon pools of different vegetation layers, root-shoot ratio, actual residence time of different carbon pools, and allocation coefficients of different carbon pools in corresponding years are also available from the TECO-R model. Some of the above data are difficult to obtain through macro-observation but can be simulated with the TECO-R model by combining the model with input data; this is very important for a correct understanding of the feedback relationships between the steppe ecosystem’s carbon cycle and climate change (e.g., global warming) and human activities such as grazing.  相似文献   

有机改性对凹凸棒黏土吸附四环素类抗生素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用OECD guideline 106批量平衡吸附法研究四环素类抗生素在十六烷基三甲基溴化铵改性凹凸棒黏土(CTAB-ATP)上的吸附作用,并考察了溶液pH、吸附剂的投加量、离子强度对吸附过程的影响。结果表明,CTAB-ATP对四环素、土霉素、金霉素3种四环素类抗生素的吸附容量随着溶液pH的增加而增加;随着吸附剂投加量的增大而减小;随着离子强度的增加呈现缓慢减小的趋势。CTAB-ATP对四环素、土霉素、金霉素的吸附过程均符合准二级动力学模型(r0.998),吸附等温线较好地符合Langmuir等温式。有机改性凹凸棒黏土的疏水性增强,提高了对有机污染物的吸附能力,其沉降性能良好,这使其作为一种吸附剂用于实际抗生素废水的处理成为可能。  相似文献   

The adsorption of four volatile organic compounds (1,4-dichloro-benzene, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,2,2-trichloroethane and 1,1,2,2,-tetrachloroethane) on three soil types from a Superfund site (Petroprocessors Inc) in Baton Rouge, LA was studied with the purpose of obtaining an overall correlation for inclusion in a groundwater transport model being developed for site remediation. The soil-water partition constant, Kd was determined using a standard ASTM procedure (E–1195–87). Using the data for different soil types (fraction organic carbon between 0.11% and 1.13%) and different mineral surface areas (7 to 45 m2/g), the organic carbon contribution (Koc) and the mineral matter contribution (Kmin) to the partition constant were determined. The soils obtained were either from the Pleistocene period or recent shallow deposits at the site. Both log Koc and log Kmin were linearly correlated to log Kow, the octanol-water partition constant. This data provided the basis for obtaining a general correlation for Kd on different soil types at the site. The predicted values were in agreement with that for a composite soil from the same site. The desorption of compounds from the high clay soil after the 24 hour adsorption period was observed to show a biphasic behavior, namely, an easily desorbed fraction and a desorption resistant fraction. The easily desorbed fraction was found to be satisfactorily predicted using the conventional Kd as obtained from the adsorption experiment. The slowly desorbing fraction had a time constant of several weeks. The concentration in the desorption resistant compartment was found to be dependant on the initial amount of contaminant available for adsorption. The aqueous phase concentration in equilibrium with the desorption resistant fraction was found to be 8 g/L for dichlorobenzene and 12 g/L for dichloroethane.  相似文献   

采用一步法制备石墨烯(GO)和铋[Bi(Ⅲ)]改性沸石咪唑酯骨架结构(ZIF-8),得到GZIF和Bi@GZIF吸附剂,并用X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)及扫描电镜(SEM)对制备的吸附剂进行表征。结果显示,改性后ZIF-8晶体结构没有被破坏,表面形态及表面基团发生了变化,对碘离子的吸附能力增强,吸附速度加快,尤其是Bi@GZIF在5 min内完成吸附88.3%,最大吸附容量达197.2 mg/g。  相似文献   

A simplified dynamic model for the activated sludge process with high-strength wastewaters is presented. The model is based on activated sludge models and predicts effluent chemical oxygen demand concentration using only four parameters. Experimental data for testing the model were obtained in an activated sludge plant using flax retting wastewater. The proposal of the model is described: mass balance to the system, selection of variables and behaviour of the theoretical values versus experimental results.  相似文献   

针对TH_PKU-300B挥发性有机物快速在线监测系统运行中常见的FID谱图基线不稳定、丙烷峰展宽拖尾、高沸点组分响应下降、GC/MS一直停留在预运行状态、热解析过程中GC进样口压力报警、控制软件温度显示故障、采样体积达不到设定值等故障,分析其产生原因,并提出相应的解决办法和预防措施,同时对TH_PKU-300B系统运维工作提出相关建议。  相似文献   

为弥补海洋环境监测能力不足,利用受潮汐动力控制海湾中的多介质模型,预测突发性污染发生后海洋环境中污染物的浓度变化信息,并对突发性污染物的迁移转化进行了计算.模型中使用逸度方法和质量平衡算法,预测非挥发性有机物在水、沉积物和鱼中的浓度.在象山港的应用结果表明,该模型可较快速地给出污染物在不同介质中的浓度变化信息,为环境监...  相似文献   

Kinetic constants are important design parameters to determine the degradation of a substrate in biological treatment systems. The objective of this study was to develop a regression model using a quantitative structure–activity relationship technique for the prediction of the first-order rate constants (k) of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs). The prediction model showed very good correlations between the measured and calculated rate constants of CAHs. It was likely that the higher-order connectivity indices were important factors for the prediction of the kinetic constants, implying more complicated connectivity indices contributed to the prediction of a biological property. This technique would provide a useful tool to establish the kinetics of other CAHs without costly or time-consuming tests.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition (13C and 15N) and C:N ratio of sediment and particulate were investigated to assess the origin and dynamic of the organic matter in two river basins located in the Parana State, Brazil. The main sources of organic matter, plants, litter and soil, were analyzed in the study. This study was carried out during the dry and wet seasons. Although organic matter contribution for the particulate material has been mixed, the main contribution in the two seasons for both rivers was autochthonous characterized by δ13C and C:N ratio values ranging from −31.0 to −21.8‰ and from 5.1 to 11.4, respectively. The soil with δ13C values ranging from −25.9 to −20.6‰, and C:N ratio from 10.2 to 15.8, was the main carbon source for the river sediment for the two tributaries in the wet and dry seasons. The sediment δ15N values for both the rivers in the wet season showed an 15N enrichment trend in most of studied sites when compared to the dry season values, suggesting major input of nutrients as dissolved organic nitrogen and sewage nitrate. In the dry season, 14N enriched compounds, could have been used by phytoplankton, causing 15N enrichment. The isotope and C:N ratio data clearly showed that the agricultural activity has been influencing the origin and dynamic of organic matter in the two rivers, with potential biochemical consequences for the lower basin of the major Tibagi river.  相似文献   

SMT法测定沉积物标准样品有机磷形态分析方法探究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目前水体沉积物中磷的分级提取没有统一的方法,不同的提取方法分析沉积物中的磷形态结果可能会有很大差异。SMT法因操作简单、重复性好而被广泛应用于沉积物磷形态分析,但是在实际操作中连续提取过程比较复杂,尤其是有机磷(OP)提取步骤比较繁琐,中间转移过程较多,分析人员人为操作等因素都会导致实验出现较大误差,通过多次实验研究发现,在此基础上还存在另外一种改进的OP提取方法。为了验证改进法是否具有合理可行性,以水系沉积物标准样品GSD-9和GSD-12为标样,同时以野外采集的沉积物样品为实际样品,采用标准SMT法和改进法重复测定(n=30)沉积物中OP含量。结果表明:标准SMT法提取沉积物标准样品GSD-9和GSD-12测得的OP含量分别占其总磷(TP)含量的9.33%和23.03%;改进法测得的OP含量分别占其TP含量的10.44%和23.13%,两种OP提取方法测得结果有着极高的相似性。结果表明,改进的OP提取方法具有可行性,对于沉积物OP分析提取方法的合理选择具有指导意义。  相似文献   

A comparative evaluation of two Gaussian-based line source models namely, California line source dispersion model version 4 and the general finite line source model, is presented. The concentrations predicted by these models are compared with background-corrected ambient concentrations measured at three different distances from a motorway and performance of both models assessed in the context of integrated transport–environment modelling for regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

火电企业大气污染动态预测是大气污染控制的基础。采用现场实测法,对河北省36家火电企业101台机组锅炉进行现场监测,经统计分析给出不同装机容量吨煤烟气排放量,并与其他方法进行了比较,发现实测结果更为合理。在此基础上,建立吨煤SO2、NOx,烟尘排放量和烟气浓度的关系,为火电企业大气污染动态预测提供新的公式,对定量测定火电企业污染物排放提供参考。  相似文献   

The prediction of the system behavior is of significant interest when evaluating appropriate technologies for wastewater treatment. The robust prediction could be achieved by empirical mathematical modeling techniques, but they do not include steps in degradation of organic pollutants. Mechanistic models (MM) include chemical/physical phenomena, but may also include numerous reactions resulting with the complicated kinetic expressions with large number of parameters. This modeling approach can be challenging for complex system such as advanced oxidation processes. With the goal to reduce the number of reactions involved in developed MM, keeping the high prediction power, sensitivity, and flux analyses was employed. The results showed that MM describing the degradation of organic dye in water matrix by photooxidation processes can be significantly simplified, by reducing the number of reactions included without affecting the predictive power. The calculated root mean square deviation values between data predicted by MM and reduced MMR differ insignificantly (≤1.4 %).  相似文献   

基于2015—2020年洪泽湖底栖动物监测数据,利用生物多样性指数模型方法对洪泽湖底栖动物的种类组成及多样性进行分析,并对水质污染状况进行评价,结合广义线性模型方法对洪泽湖生态变化趋势进行预测。结果表明,“十三五”期间洪泽湖底栖动物种类数总体呈上升趋势,生物多样性有所改善,底栖动物优势种均为河蚬。Goodnight-whitely修正指数(GBI)、生物学污染指数(BPI)、生物指数(BI)以及生物耐污敏感性指标指数(BMWP)4种污染状况评价指数对洪泽湖水质评价结果表明,“十三五”期间洪泽湖生态系统状况基本平稳,水质污染状况介于清洁至轻污染之间,龙集镇北的水质状况应引起重视。模型预测结果显示,“十四五”末洪泽湖生物多样性无明显变化,水质持续保持稳定。研究结论可为水生生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Increasing human impact on stream ecosystems has resulted in a growing need for tools helping managers to develop conservations strategies, and environmental monitoring is crucial for this development. This paper describes the development of models predicting the presence of fish assemblages in lowland streams using solely cost-effective GIS-derived land use variables. Three hundred thirty-five stream sites were separated into two groups based on size. Within each group, fish abundance data and cluster analysis were used to determine the composition of fish assemblages. The occurrence of assemblages was predicted using a dataset containing land use variables at three spatial scales (50 m riparian corridor, 500 m riparian corridor and the entire catchment) supplemented by a dataset on in-stream variables. The overall classification success varied between 66.1–81.1% and was only marginally better when using in-stream variables than when applying only GIS variables. Also, the prediction power of a model combining GIS and in-stream variables was only slightly better than prediction based solely on GIS variables. The possibility of obtaining precise predictions without using costly in-stream variables offers great potential in the design of monitoring programmes as the distribution of monitoring sites along a gradient in ecological quality can be done at a low cost.  相似文献   

The rates of desorption of trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,3-dichlorobenzene (DCB) from a silty soil at a Superfund site and a silty-clayey soil from an uncontaminated bottomland hardwoodswamp in Baton Rouge, Louisiana were studied in laboratory batchsystems. The effect of the age of soil contamination was studiedusing a laboratory-spiked soil incubated for 3 days, 3 months and5 months. An empirical non-linear model was used to describe thebi-phasic nature of desorption with one fraction (labile) beingreleased in relatively short periods of time (typically 24–100 hr) and a second fraction (non-labile or irreversible) beingresistant to desorption. The non-linear model parameters, viz.,the fraction of the chemical released rapidly (F), and the firstorder desorption rate coefficients, k 1 and k 2respectively for the labile and slowly released fractions weredetermined by fitting the experimental data to the model. Thedata fit the model well as indicated by the high r 2 values.The estimate of k 1 was good. However, the values of k 2are known with less precision due to the limited duration of theexperiment and number of samples taken at long times. In addition, desorption kinetics of 3 and 5-month old contaminatedsoils showed that progressively less amount of contaminant was available for facile desorption (lower F) compared to freshly contaminated soil. The labile fraction had desorption rate constants of the order of 10-1 h-1, whereas the slowlyreleased fraction had rate constants of the order of 10-4 h-1 in accord with literature reported values for a varietyof other compounds and soils. Possible mechanisms describing these rates and implications for the site clean up are discussed.  相似文献   

A mathematical model which represents the transport processes of heavy metals and fine sediments in a fluvial stream was developed. The model consists of a three-equation system: the first one for total chromium concentration in the water column, C Tw, the second one for total suspended sediment concentration, S w, and the third one for chromium concentration in bed sediments, r. The third equation represents the chromium exchange between the water column and bed sediments by two processes: diffusion of soluble chromium and erosion/deposition of chromium sorbed to sediments. The basic assumption of the model is the instantaneous equilibrium. The main parameters are the partition coefficients in the water column and bed sediments, the depth of the active bed sediment layer, and the mass transfer coefficient between the water column and sediment pore water. The numerical model approximates the equations of advection–dispersion for chromium in water and suspended sediments by using a Eulerian third-order scheme. Numerical vs. analytical solutions were considered satisfactory for different initial, boundary, and sedimentological conditions. In order to estimate the impact of a chromium side discharge, the model was implemented for the Salado River in a reach of 65.6-km long (Santa Fe, Argentina). The results showed the effect of chromium discharge on almost the whole reach, then the vulnerability of the water quality in the Salado River when the flow was low was evidenced. When comparing the computed and measured results, the former showed a reasonable representation of the presence of chromium in water and bed sediments.  相似文献   

建立了直接进样-热脱附-GC-MS快速测定细颗粒物中甾烷类和藿烷类有机示踪物的方法。经实验条件优化,13种目标化合物的线性回归方程的相关系数均在0.990以上,空白加标回收率为81.4%~102.3%,实际样品加标回收率为79.1%~112.9%,相对标准偏差小于13.2%。当采样体积为24 m~3时,各目标化合物的检出限为0.008~0.084 ng/m~3,方法灵敏度高。利用该方法测定了北京城区采暖季和非采暖季PM2.5实际样品,结果表明:各目标物均有检出,且采暖季的甾烷类和藿烷类化合物的总量均明显高于非采暖季。该方法无需复杂的前处理和有机溶剂,操作简便快捷,在颗粒物中非极性化合物的快速检测方面具有很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

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