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Fossil footprints are important in understanding Cretaceous avian diversity because they constitute evidence of paleodiversity and paleoecology that is not always apparent from skeletal remains. Early Cretaceous bird tracks have demonstrated the existence of wading birds in East Asia, but some pedal morphotypes, such as zygodactyly, common in modern and earlier Cenozoic birds (Neornithes) were unknown in the Cretaceous. We, herein, discuss the implications of a recently reported, Early Cretaceous (120–110 million years old) trackway of a large, zygodactyl bird from China that predates skeletal evidence of this foot morphology by at least 50 million years and includes the only known fossil zygodactyl footprints. The tracks demonstrate the existence of a Cretaceous bird not currently represented in the body fossil record that occupied a roadrunner (Geococcyx)-like niche, indicating a previously unknown degree of Cretaceous avian morphological and behavioral diversity that presaged later Cenozoic patterns. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Masaki MatsukawaEmail:

Deinonychosaurian theropods, the dinosaurian sister group of birds, are characterized by a large raptorial claw borne on a highly modified second digit that was thought to be held in a retracted position during locomotion. In this study, we present new trackway evidence for two coeval deinonychosaurian taxa from the Early Cretaceous of Shandong, China that indicate a hitherto unrecognized body size diversity for this period and continent. These fossil tracks confirm diversity and locomotory patterns implied by phylogeny and biogeography, but not yet manifested in the body fossil record. Multiple parallel and closely spaced trackways generated by the larger track maker provide the best evidence yet discovered for gregarious behavior in deinonychosaurian theropods.  相似文献   

Toothless pterosaurs played a key role in broadening the taxonomic, morphological and ecological diversity of Cretaceous pterosaurs. Here we report a complete, articulated skeleton of a 1.4-m-wingspan pterosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Liaoning Province, China which is identified as a new genus and species, Shenzhoupterus chaoyangensis gen. et sp. nov. The new taxon is edentulous, with a relatively large skull and a remarkably large, tall nasoantorbital fenestra that extends well above the main part of the braincase. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Shenzhoupterus gen. nov. belongs in a distinct clade of azhdarchoid pterosaurs, formally recognised here as a new family, Chaoyangopteridae, that also includes Chaoyangopterus, Jidapterus and Eoazhdarcho from the Jiufotang Formation and Eopteranodon from the Yixian Formation. These new data clarify recent confusion surrounding the systematics of these Lower Cretaceous taxa and provide new insights into the evolutionary history of pterosaurs.  相似文献   

Despite a rapidly improving fossil record, the reproductive biology of Mesozoic birds remains poorly known: only a handful of undisputed, isolated Cretaceous eggs (some containing embryonic remains) are known. We report here the first fossil evidence for a breeding colony of Mesozoic birds, preserved at the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Oarda de Jos (Od) site in the Sebe? area of Transylvania, Romania. A lens of calcareous mudstone with minimum dimensions of 80?cm length, 50?cm width and 20?cm depth contains thousands of tightly packed, morphologically homogenous eggshell fragments, seven near-complete eggs and neonatal and adult avialan skeletal elements. Eggshell forms 70–80?% of the matrix, and other fossils are entirely absent. The bones exhibit clear characters of the Cretaceous avialan clade Enantiornithes, and the eggshell morphology is also consistent with this identification. Both taphonomy and lithology show that the components of this lens were deposited in a single flood event, and we conclude that it represents the drowned remains of a larger enantiornithine breeding colony, swamped by rising water, washed a short distance and deposited in a shallow, low-energy pond. The same fate often befalls modern bird colonies. Such a large concentration of breeding birds suggests aquatic feeding in this species, augments our understanding of enantiornithine biology and shows that colonial nesting was not unique to crown birds.  相似文献   

Recent paleogeographic scenarios postulate the isolation of continental Africa during the Late Cretaceous. The absence of abelisaurid theropods from Upper Cretaceous African strata was offered as support of hypothesized African isolation with the acknowledgement that the paucity of African abelisaurids may be mostly an issue of sampling. Here we report on a shed theropod tooth from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian, ∼70 Ma) Duwi Formation of Egypt. The tooth was referred to the Malagasy abelisaurid “Megalosauruscrenatissimus (=Majungasaurus crenatissimus) in 1921. A discriminant function analysis was run to test for morphological congruence between the Egyptian tooth and the dentitions of 24 theropod taxa. The analysis correctly classified 96.6% of the teeth in the sample and assigned the tooth to Majungasaurus. As current paleogeographic reconstructions posit Madagascar had attained its current position relative to Africa before the Late Cretaceous, it is unlikely that the Egyptian tooth actually pertains to Majungasaurus. Nevertheless, its classification as an abelisaurid supports its referral to the clade. This tooth thus constitutes defensible evidence of an abelisaurid from the post-Cenomanian Cretaceous of mainland Africa. Combined with recent discoveries of abelisaurids in Niger and Morocco, the result indicates that Abelisauridae was a diverse group in Africa during the Cretaceous, existing in multiple places for at least ∼25 Ma and weakens support for hypotheses of an isolated Africa during the Late Cretaceous.Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available for this article at
Joshua B. Smith (Corresponding author)Email: Phone: +1-314-9357033Fax: +1-314-9357361
Matthew C. LamannaEmail:

The staphylinid subfamily Micropeplinae includes small strongly sclerotized beetles with truncate elytra leaving the most part of abdomen exposed. Fossil micropeplines are rare and confined to Cenozoic representatives of extant genera. Here, we describe the oldest micropepline, Protopeplus cretaceus gen. and sp. n., from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Fluorescence microscope and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) were both used to reveal diagnostic features of Micropeplinae and some primitive traits that place Protopeplus very basally within Micropeplinae.  相似文献   

The earliest species of birch mouse, Sicista primus sp. nov., was recovered from the 17-Ma-old (Early Miocene) Gashunyinadege locality, central Nei Mongol, China. It is ~9 Ma older than the previous first appearance datum of Sicista in Eurasia. This study indicates that North American Macrognathomys is a synonym of Eurasian Sicista, having 12 shared dental characters. As a result, the biogeography of dipodids indicates that Asian Sicista dispersed to North America as opposed to the hypothesis that Sicista originated from the North American clade. Sicista is one of the few extant rodent genera that originated as early as the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

We report on a new Mesozoic bird, Longirostravis hani, from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota of northeastern China. The new taxon has a long, slender rostrum and mandible, and a small number of rostralmost teeth. Postcranial characters such as a furcular ramus wider ventrally than dorsally, a centrally concave proximal margin of the humeral head, and a minor metacarpal that projects distally more than the major metacarpal, support the placement of Longirostravis within euenantiornithine Enantiornithes, the most diverse clade of Mesozoic birds. The morphology of the skull, however, suggests that Longirostravis had a probing feeding behavior, a specialization previously unknown for Enantiornithes. Indeed, this discovery provides the first evidence in support of the existence of such a foraging behavior among basal lineages of Mesozoic birds.  相似文献   

The currently discussed model of magnetoreception in birds proposes that the direction of the magnetic field is perceived by radical-pair processes in specialized photoreceptors, with cryptochromes suggested as potential candidate molecules mediating magnetic compass information. Behavioral studies have shown that magnetic compass orientation takes place in the eye and requires light from the blue-green part of the spectrum. Cryptochromes are known to absorb in the same spectral range. Because of this we searched for cryptochrome (CRY) in the retina of European robins, Erithacus rubecula, passerine birds that migrate at night. Here, we report three individually expressed cryptochromes, eCRY1a, eCRY1b, and eCRY2. While eCRY1a and eCRY2 are similar to the cryptochromes found in the retina of the domestic chicken, eCRY1b has a unique carboxy (C)-terminal. In light of the radical-pair model, our findings support a potential role of cryptochromes as transducers for the perception of magnetic compass information in birds.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the flora of a European region at a historical point in time from historical topographical maps that contain rather precise information about the condition and composition of habitats. The ecological information obtained from these maps can be enriched through the potential of broadly diversified archival information. This study is confined to grassland communities. Considerations in terms of phytosociology make historical lists of plant species a good starting point for the reconstruction of grassland communities. The combination of historical and scientific methods proves suitable for reconstructing specific historical environmental conditions. Taking into account the frequency of relevant historical sources in European archives as well as in archives abroad, this approach claims for far-reaching application to ecosystem restoration matters, especially if ecological information from natural sources is missing.  相似文献   

透明胞外聚合颗粒物(transparent exopolymer particles,TEP)是一类由胞外多糖组成的透明胶状颗粒物质,对海洋生态系统碳循环具有重要意义。本研究以两种海洋硅藻布氏双尾藻(Ditylume brightwelii)和窄隙角毛藻(Chaetoceros affinis)为研究对象,研究了其在不同生长时期的TEP含量、TEP与叶绿素a(Chlorophyll a,Chl a)的关系及TEP的C:N。结果表明:两种硅藻在整个生长时期均产生TEP,且在不同生长时期的TEP含量不同。布氏双尾藻和窄隙角毛藻最大TEP产量分别在指数期、衰亡期。窄隙角毛藻单位细胞体积和单位Chl a所产最大TEP含量分别是184.91±14.03 fg Xeq./μm3、38.06±4.96 μg Xeq./μg Chl a,高出布氏双尾藻相应单位TEP含量的16倍和5倍。对两种硅藻的Chl a与TEP关系分析表明,在指数期会呈现TEP=α(Chl a)β的函数关系(布氏双尾藻:R2=0.98;窄隙角毛藻:R2=0.80)。两种硅藻TEP的C:N均高于Redfield比值(C:N=106:16)。说明TEP的产生具有种间差异性,且生长时期显著影响TEP产生效率。TEP的高含碳量对海洋碳循环有直接贡献。  相似文献   

龙亮军 《自然资源学报》2019,34(6):1259-1272
基于强可持续研究范式,以生态经济学和可持续发展理论为基础,运用两阶段网络Super-EBM模型进行绩效测算和评价,打开生态福利转化过程的“黑箱”,基于综合福利视角将生态文明建设绩效进一步分解为生态经济效率和经济福利效率,实证研究部分选取2006-2015年的时间序列数据对中国“十一五”和“十二五”期间的生态文明建设绩效水平进行纵向分析,与此同时,选取42个国家2014年的截面数据进行横向的国际对比研究。研究表明:(1)“十一五”到“十二五”期间,中国生态文明建设绩效(0.986)整体水平一般,均未实现DEA有效,但“十二五”期间已呈现出逐年改善的利好趋势。国际比较层面,瑞士(1.647)、印度尼西亚(1.365)、爱尔兰(1.039)依次排名前三位,中国(0.297)排名相对靠后,位列倒数第二。各国之间差异较大,总体上呈现出“OECD国家(0.677)最高、G20国家(0.611)次之、金砖国家(0.417)最低”的态势。(2)从分阶段效率来看,无论是纵向分析还是横向对比,均发现第一阶段的生态经济效率明显低于第二阶段的经济福利效率,生态经济效率偏低是导致生态文明建设绩效总体水平偏低的主要原因。(3)与传统的单阶段、径向或非径向DEA模型相比,两阶段网络Super-EBM模型综合考虑了径向和松弛变量问题,测算出来的效率值更为精确,能够更为客观地反映现实。同时,对于其他领域涉及两阶段或多阶段生产系统的效率或绩效评估具有较好的借鉴价值。最后,根据上述结论提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The demands on monitoring systems have gradually increased, and interpretation of the data is often a matter of controversy. As an example of this, we investigated water quality monitoring and the eutrophication issue in Sweden. Our results demonstrate that powerful statistical tools for trend analysis can reveal flaws in the data and lead to new and revised interpretations of environmental data. In particular, we found strong evidence that long-term trends in measured nutrient concentrations can be more extensively influenced by changes in sampling and laboratory practices than by actual changes in the state of the environment. On a more general level, our findings raise important questions regarding the need for new paradigms for environmental monitoring and assessment. Introduction of a system in which conventional quality assurance is complemented with thorough statistical follow-up of reported values would represent a first step towards recognizing that environmental monitoring and assessment should be transformed from being a system for sampling and laboratory analyses into a system for interpreting information to support policy development.  相似文献   

The mode of life of the early Tertiary giant bird Gastornis has long been a matter of controversy. Although it has often been reconstructed as an apex predator feeding on small mammals, according to other interpretations, it was in fact a large herbivore. To determine the diet of this bird, we analyze here the carbon isotope composition of the bone apatite from Gastornis and contemporaneous herbivorous mammals. Based on 13C-enrichment measured between carbonate and diet of carnivorous and herbivorous modern birds, the carbonate δ13C values of Gastornis bone remains, recovered from four Paleocene and Eocene French localities, indicate that this bird fed on plants. This is confirmed by a morphofunctional study showing that the reconstructed jaw musculature of Gastornis was similar to that of living herbivorous birds and unlike that of carnivorous forms. The herbivorous Gastornis was the largest terrestrial tetrapod in the Paleocene biota of Europe, unlike the situation in North America and Asia, where Gastornis is first recorded in the early Eocene, and the largest Paleocene animals were herbivorous mammals. The structure of the Paleocene terrestrial ecosystems of Europe may have been similar to that of some large islands, notably Madagascar, prior to the arrival of humans.  相似文献   

海洋生态资产属性与价值特征的浅析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对生态资产的定义与内涵分析,从收益性、稀缺性、权属性等方面分析了海洋生态系统的资产属性.与一般的资产相比较,系统探讨了海洋生态资产的价值特征.本文认为,海洋生态资产价值具有动态性、持续产出性、人类活动影响的敏感性、整体性、难以计量性等特点.指出海洋生态资产的价值度量与管理必须充分考虑这些特征,才能实现理论的深化与技术的改进.  相似文献   

2006—2015年中国电力碳足迹及其生态压力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王烨  顾圣平 《环境科学学报》2018,38(12):4873-4878
电力行业是我国节能减排的主力军.本文根据电力来源多样性特征,采用IPCC计算方法,结合净初级生产力模型,定量分析了中国2006-2015年电力消费碳足迹及其生态压力的变化,并将电力碳足迹生态压力与人均GDP进行脱钩分析.结果表明,2006-2015年,电力消费碳排放量经历了先升后降两个阶段,其中,2006-2013年,碳排放量稳步上升,2013年后开始逐渐下降,电力碳足迹生态压力与人均GDP之间主要呈弱脱钩关系,但在2013-2015年,开始出现强脱钩状态.可见在国家″十二五″政策引导下,推动经济结构转型调整,促进电力产业节能减排,已获得显著成效,但仍需继续努力,缓解电力消费过程给生态环境带来的压力.  相似文献   

对采自西沙赵述岛和北岛的沉积剖面ZS2、BD1进行分析,两个剖面具有十分相似的物源组成和岩性变化。通过测定剖面中海鸟残体的~(14)C年龄,运用传统方法以及Clam和Bacon程序建立了ZS2和BD1沉积剖面的年龄-深度模型。对比年龄-深度模型发现,Bacon程序运用MCMC作为迭代算法,排除异常数据影响,拟合得到的曲线单调相比较于Clam年龄模型显得更为合理。所建立的年代学模型为后期的气候环境演变研究提供了基础。根据Bacon程序所构建的年龄-深度模型结果,我们发现近千年来ZS2和BD1剖面处的平均沉积速率分别为0.86 mm?a~(-1)和1.26 mm?a~(-1)。采样点的沉积速率在一定程度上代表了岛屿的垂向生长速率,均低于当前海平面的平均上升速率。同时,鸟骨的~(14)C年龄也揭示了赵述岛海鸟活动时间应不晚于AD 1172—1290,而海鸟开始在北岛活动的时间则不晚于AD 984—1140。  相似文献   

The Hull Acid Rain Model (HARM) is extensively used in the UK to help in formulating strategies for reducing the emissions of acidifying pollutants. Here we describe the development of a 10 km version of HARM, which incorporates both software development and a new representation of the dry deposition of reduced N. Output from the new model for the UK is compared with S and N deposition data available from the UK's monitoring networks for 1992–1994 using linear regression. The model is able to reproduce the overall patterns of deposition for S, oxidised and reduced N. Although improved from earlier model versions, HARM still appears to underestimate dry deposition of reduced N. We describe the implications of the changes to HARM for assessing current policy commitments to reduce emissions of acidifying pollutants through changes in critical loads (CL) exceedance.  相似文献   

Despite the concerted efforts by the researchers, government and NGOs to arrest land degradation problems, most agricultural lands of developing countries are still suffering from massive degradation. This study introduces a new strategy, called differential land taxation (DLT), where rural lands are subject to different taxation rates. DLT is determined by rating the magnitude of accord or discord between the recommended and the implemented land management practices. To appraise DLT, opinion of stakeholders, drawn from sample localities of central Ethiopia, were assessed. Most respondents proved that DLT could bring about sustainable land management practices through encouraging conservation-minded peasants while systematically discouraging land abusers.  相似文献   

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