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近壁面猝发湍流对颗粒物起尘机理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用象限分析对在环境风洞中模拟的平坦近壁面湍流进行了研究,探讨了近壁面湍流的间歇性结构与猝发现象,观察了颗粒物起动的过程,探讨了猝发湍流对颗粒物的作用机理.结果表明,比平均雷诺切应力高1 个量级的瞬时雷诺切应力,时间分担率小于 20%,而对平均雷诺切应力的贡献率却达到 50%.近壁面层湍流猝发行为中抛射和外交换对颗粒物的飞起有支配作用,导致的瞬时雷诺切应力足以使颗粒物脱离地表进入空中.以 10 倍平均雷诺应力来估计抛射行为导致的瞬时雷诺切应力,考察瞬时雷诺切应力对颗粒物起动的作用,得到了与经验公式一致的起尘临界摩擦速度公式.在颗粒物起动研究中,对于可表征湍流在空间和时间上间歇性猝发特点的瞬时雷诺切应力,应引起足够的重视.  相似文献   

卫星遥感监测近地表细颗粒物多元回归方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对地基监测PM2.5和气象数据、MODISAOD卫星数据与NCEP FNL数据进行了处理分析,在与一元简单线性模型(模型1)进行对比的基础上,建立了适应于北京及其附近地区遥感监测近地面颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度的多元线性(模型2)和非线性(模型3)回归模型,并对模型进行了评价验证和遥感监测初步应用.结果表明:模型1,2,3分别能够解释PM2.5 32.5%,56.1%,62.7%的变异.反演的PM2.5浓度与站点监测值相关性分别为0.5488(R2=0.3012),0.7449(R2=0.5549),0.7431(R2=0.5523).对于站点监测PM2.5浓度63.1652μg/m3的均值,反演均方根误差RMSE分别为43.5562,35.3321,36.8450μg/m3.模型2和3中气象因子分别能够解释PM2.5 23.6%和12.6%的变异,说明了气象因子影响北京地区春季PM2.5-AOD关系的显著性.3种模型整体上都不同程度地存在着低值高估和高值低估的现象.  相似文献   

卫星遥感监测近地表细颗粒物多元回归方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对地基监测PM2.5和气象数据、MODISAOD卫星数据与NCEP FNL数据进行了处理分析,在与一元简单线性模型(模型1)进行对比的基础上,建立了适应于北京及其附近地区遥感监测近地面颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度的多元线性(模型2)和非线性(模型3)回归模型,并对模型进行了评价验证和遥感监测初步应用.结果表明:模型1,2,3分别能够解释PM2.5 32.5%,56.1%,62.7%的变异.反演的PM2.5浓度与站点监测值相关性分别为0.5488(R2=0.3012), 0.7449(R2=0.5549), 0.7431(R2=0.5523).对于站点监测PM2.5浓度63.1652μg/m3的均值,反演均方根误差RMSE分别为43.5562, 35.3321, 36.8450μg/m3.模型2和3中气象因子分别能够解释PM2.5 23.6%和12.6%的变异,说明了气象因子影响北京地区春季PM2.5-AOD关系的显著性.3种模型整体上都不同程度地存在着低值高估和高值低估的现象.  相似文献   

2018年11月22日-12月1日,兰州市经历了一次远距离传输的沙尘天气过程,为了解此次沙尘天气过程时段细颗粒物污染特征及其污染来源变化特征,本研究基于单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪(SPAMS)细颗粒物自动采集数据,并结合常规污染物自动监测数据和气象因子数据对沙尘天气前后及其过境期间细颗粒物化学组分及污染来源变化情况进行了分析,同时利用后向轨迹模型(HYSPLIT)研究了沙尘气溶胶的输送路径.研究结果表明:受沙尘天气过境影响,兰州市PM10浓度大幅升高,PM2.5/PM10最小值仅为0.13,SO2、NO2、CO质量浓度出现明显降低,而O3质量浓度在沙尘过境时有所升高;细颗粒物质量浓度与MASS数浓度变化趋势基本一致,细颗粒物的变化趋势可一定程度上反映大气细颗粒物的污染状况;利用自适应共振神经网络法分类后经人工合并将所采集到的细颗粒分为9类:OC、EC、HOC、OCEC、MD、HM、K、Na、LEV;所选时间段内SPAMS采集到的OC(24.8%)类颗粒物数量最多,沙尘过境时MD、LEV、Na类颗粒物占比不同程度增大,其余颗粒物占比减小;沙尘过境时扬尘源、生物质燃烧源、工业工艺源、餐饮及其它源贡献率增加,其中扬尘源增幅最大,而其余源贡献占比减小;后向轨迹HYSPLIT模型输送路径结果显示沙尘天气过程的起源地为塔克拉玛干沙漠,传输方向为经新疆的塔里木盆地塔克拉玛干沙漠进入青海中部,最后影响兰州地区.  相似文献   

ThecharactersfortheboundarylayerandmechanismofacidrainformationintheQingdaoarea,ChinaLiuBaozhang,LiJinlongenterofEnvironmenta...  相似文献   

WRF模式对污染天气下边界层高度的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气边界层高度是影响大气污染物浓度的重要因素之一,但数值模式中选择不同边界层参数化方案模拟的边界层高度有很大差异.利用WRF模式中5种边界层参数化方案及2006~2007年春、秋、冬3季河北香河地区激光雷达观测资料,对比分析了污染天气下,不同边界层方案对边界层高度的模拟效果,并分析了误差产生的可能原因.结果表明:5种参数化方案均能模拟出3季污染天气下边界层高度的变化特征,但各方案模拟的边界层高度与观测之间均存在较大误差.模拟的最大边界层高度月变化特征显示,秋冬季的模拟结果与观测值匹配较好,春季偏差较大;模拟的边界层高度日变化显示,均方根误差:春季 > 秋季 > 冬季,且误差在午后(14:00~18:00)更加明显;对该地区而言,非局地YSU方案能较好地模拟污染天气下的边界层高度;各参数化方案中边界层高度计算方法的不同及对大气廓线、湍流动能的模拟差异,可能是造成模拟边界层高度产生误差的主要原因.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrostatic numerical model using level-two turbulence closure was employed to simulate typical local wind phenomena in subtropical Hong Kong. Simulations for light wind, strong wind, sea breeze and stable flows were made and the model results compare favourably with observations.  相似文献   

吴蒙  罗云  吴兑  范绍佳 《环境科学学报》2017,37(12):4458-4466
利用佛山地区2013年12月大气边界层观测试验得到的垂直风温资料和相应逐日AQI资料、逐时PM_(2.5)浓度资料,研究了佛山地区大气边界层垂直风温结构对空气质量的影响.结果表明:佛山地区干季持续存在的逆温结构是导致PM_(2.5)污染较重的重要原因.干季污染日近60%的最低逆温层高度低于1000 m,而非污染日低于1000 m的最低逆温层仅占36%,污染日佛山贴地逆温频率高达31.2%.逆温层出现高度较低,将污染物压缩积累在贴地层大气中导致污染较重.在大陆冷高压控制下,佛山地区的边界层结构演化非常典型,最大边界层高度和最大边界层通风量表现出了显著相关,污染日日平均边界层高度始终维持在较低的水平,多数时候不足500 m,最大边界层高度则大部分小于1000 m,日平均边界层通风量主要分布在500~1500 m~2·s~(-1)之间,在极端情况下甚至不足300 m~2·s~(-1),最大边界层通风量大部分处于1500~5000 m~2·s~(-1)之间,导致污染物始终聚集在较低的大气边界层内,使得PM_(2.5)浓度长时间维持在较高的污染水平.佛山地区风场存在显著的3层结构,较小的底层风速意味着大气的输送和扩散能力较弱,高度较低的中层使得污染物进一步被压缩累积在大气底层,垂直风场的不稳定性使得污染日佛山地区局地回流活跃,回流(RF)指数极小值多分布在0.2~0.4之间,污染日RF指数普遍小于非污染日,垂直风场的有效输送能力被显著削弱.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) is used to study the dispersion of a passive scalar downwind of a localized source in a convective boundary layer. The LES turbulent velocity statistics are compared with laboratory data and other LES studies. Two scalar source heights at 0.25 zi and 0.50 zi are considered, where zi is the inversion height, and the mean concentration fields are compared with the experimental data of Willis and Deardorf (1978, Atmospheric Environment12, 1305–1312; 1981, Atmospheric Environment15, 109–117). Emphasis is placed on the fluctuating component of the concentration field due to the random turbulent velocity fluctuations, and amplitudes, temporal and spatial scales, and probability distributions are examined. Concentration fluctuation intensity continually decreases downstream, suggesting zero intensity as the asymptotic limit. Vertical profiles of both mean concentration and fluctuation variance become well mixed downstream. Dissipation and correlation scales increase nearly in proportion to the plume width, so that time- and space-averaging the concentration is less effective in reducing the fluctuations further downstream. Concentration probability distributions show intermittency near the source but become nearly normal as the plume moves downstream. Results are compared and contrasted with the neutral flow study of Sykes and Henn (1992a, Atmospheric Environment26A, 3127–3144).  相似文献   

A coupled boundary-layer model and Lagrangian particle model are used to investigate the role of boundary-layer shear especially that produced by inertial oscillations in affecting the horizontal dispersion of pollutants on time-scales of 24–36 h. The coupled models show that the amplitude and the effective periods of the inertial oscillations are the main cause of nocturnal accelerating dispersion. The effective width of the plume in the morning is determined by whether the morning daytime mixing coincides with the phase of the inertial oscillation being at a maximum or minimum value. The phase of the oscillation is determined by latitude. Thus, latitude is shown to be an extremely important parameter in determining horizontal dispersion. An analytical model is introduced to investigate the role of external parameters such as latitude in influencing the horizontal dispersion. The analytical model is based on a simple Ekman-type model for the daytime and nighttime boundary layer. The Ekman model is used to provide initial conditions to an inertial oscillation regime between the nighttime boundary layer and the old daytime boundary layer. The analytical model was able to reproduce the magnitude and phase of the inertial oscillations reasonably well. However, the Ekman model overestimates the shear in the boundary layer causing the inertial oscillation to be too large. A semi-empirical method was used to provide more reasonable estimates of the daytime boundary-layer structure. This semi-empirical approach gave rates of the horizontal dispersion which were in general agreement with the numerical results.  相似文献   

Accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the atmospheric environment and its evolution within the coastal ocean boundary layer are necessary for understanding the sources, chemical mechanisms, and transport processes of air pollution in land, sea, and atmosphere. We present an overview of coastal ocean boundary layer detection technology and equipment in China and summarize the progress and main achievements in recent years. China has developed a series of coastal ocean boundary layer detection t...  相似文献   

利用差分吸收臭氧激光雷达、多普勒风廓线激光雷达,研究了2019年11月在广东珠海出现的一次典型臭氧污染过程前后期的时空分布特征,以及水平风向风速及垂直风速对近地面与边界层上部臭氧浓度变化的影响.结果表明:2019年11月13日的臭氧污染以低风速条件下 臭氧局地生成为主;2019年11月14日的臭氧污染以夜间残留悬空臭氧向下输送叠加地面生成为主.入夜后若近地面水平风速较小,则不利于近地面臭氧清除,地面臭氧浓度下降缓慢.若夜间边界层内存在上升气流,则有利于悬空臭氧残留的维持;若日间边界层内出现下沉气流, 则会导致残留悬空臭氧沉降,进而与新生成的臭氧叠加,加剧地面臭氧污染.污染过程中,若水平风速上升,边界层上部臭氧浓度下降不如 低层明显;若水平风速下降,边界层上部臭氧浓度上升响应也较为迟缓.  相似文献   

The turbulence properties of the nocturnal urban boundary layer (UBL) and its transition to the convective mixed layer have been observed over the urban center of Sapporo, Japan. The nocturnal UBL was characterized by an elevated inversion layer and a near-neutral mixed layer below it. The inversion layer varied with time and showed a wavy pattern. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (billow) was observed within the elevated inversion layer, the horizontal and vertical scales of this billow being evaluated to be of the order of the vertical scale of the elevated inversion layer. The transition from the nocturnal UBL to the convective mixed layer occured rapidly, within 1–1.5 h over the center of the urban area. At this time, the downward transport of sensible heat below the inversion base became important. The normalized turbulence intensities in the convective mixed layer were also examined.  相似文献   

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