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广东在经济发展中存在的土壤问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了广东在经济发展中出现的土壤问题;其主要问题可概括为耕地面积锐减,后备耕地资源缺乏,人、地、粮矛盾日益加剧;忽视耕地养护,土壤肥力下降;水土流失和土壤污染严重.文章针对这些问题,提出了几点对策.  相似文献   

根据安徽省生态环境现状调查的结果 ,耕地是安徽省主要的土地利用类型。由于经济建设、生态建设、经济利益的驱动和有限的后备资源 ,耕地面积逐年减少 ;肥力不足、土壤退化、水土流失等因素影响了安徽省耕地资源质量 ;低的生态占用表明该省人口数量已给环境造成巨大的生态压力 ,人地矛盾日趋突出。粮食的安全保障依赖于耕地的高强度利用、化肥的大量施用和有效灌溉面积的扩大。加强土地管理 ,严格执法 ,合理规划用地 ,以科学技术来提高粮食的单产水平和土地利用的集约化程度 ,是耕地可持续利用的保证。  相似文献   

安徽省耕地资源利用分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据安徽省生态环境现状调查的结果,耕地是安徽省主要的土地利用类型。由于经济建设、生态建设、经济利益的驱动和有限的后备资源,耕地面积逐年减少;肥力不足、土壤退化、水土流失等因素影响了安徽省耕地资源质量;低的生态占用表明该省人口数量已给环境造成巨大的生态压力,人地矛盾日趋突出。粮食的安全保障依赖于耕地的高强度利用、化肥的大量施用和有效灌溉面积的扩大。加强土地管理,严格执法,合理规划用地,以科学技术来提高粮食的单产水平和土地利用的集约化程度,是耕地可持续利用的保证。  相似文献   

稻秆还田促水稻稳产高产汤华耀(广东蕉岭县农业局,广东514100)蕉岭县地处广东东北部,有耕地面积0.73万多hm2,其中水稻田面积0.60万多hm2,人均水田面积0.04hm2,是一个人多田少的山区县。近年来耕地逐年减少,人口却逐年增加,土地后备资...  相似文献   

持续农业是关于建立资源、生态、地力、经济效益等各个方面均可持续发展的农业制度的一种思想.水土流失、土地退化、耕地锐减、环境污染,制约着广东农业的持续发展.土壤学应围绕持续农业开展研究工作.目前应加强土壤生态环境的保护,防治土地退化,提高土壤肥力,保证耕地生产力的持续发展.应开展土壤资源的动态变化研究,为合理开发和利用土壤资源提供科学依据.  相似文献   

东江流域耕地资源较为丰富,但耕地质量差.土壤肥力的耗竭已严重限制了该地区农业的持续发展.本文以博罗县龙溪镇试验点为例,阐述了东江流域中低产水稻土的有机质状况,并就稻草在水稻上中的分地试验,研究和探讨稻草还田对提高土壤有机质的作用.结果表明,利用稻秆还田是防治地力衰退、更新和提高土壤有机质的有效途径。  相似文献   

在总结广东省耕地资源特征的基础上,分析预测了2010年广东人口的发展趋势和消费水平,广东耕地资源的现实生产力、潜在生产力,以及2010年耕地的发展规模和粮食生产力。分析得出结论:2010年广东人口突破8300万人的可能性较大;届时人均消费水平将有较大的提高;广东粮食自给率为70%时,将会出现耕地承载力严重超载。本文最后提出了提高耕地资源的人口承载力的对策。  相似文献   

以北京南部城市发展新区典型代表———房山、大兴、通州3处作为研究区,运用马尔科夫转移矩阵和景观格局指数的方法,进行土地利用变化和景观格局分析。通过对2001—2006年、2006—2011年两个时段的对比分析,发现2001—2006年研究区存在草地、林地、耕地等非建设用地类型面积下降,建设用地面积上升的趋势,且2006—2011年该趋势更加明显。结果表明研究区自然景观向人文景观变革迅速,并面临着后备土地资源不足等问题,亟需调整土地利用方式并优化景观系统空间格局。  相似文献   

安徽省滁州市耕地数量变化对工业化、城市化响应的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1975-2005年安徽省滁州市统计数据为基础,通过建立向量自回归模型,运用脉冲响应函数和方差分解方法,分析了工业化、城市化对区域耕地数量变动率影响的差异.结果表明,耕地数量变动率、工业化水平和城市化水平呈非平稳变动,工业化对耕地数量变动率产生负效应,城市化产生正效应.同时,城市化对耕地资源数量变化的影响大于工业化,且影响时间更为持久.说明滁州市工业化和城市化快速增长时期,城市化是耕地资源数量变化的首要原因.在当前滁州市工业化与城市化非平衡发展的情况下,合理控制城市化进程,提高城市化综合质量,对于保护耕地具有积极意义.  相似文献   

中国探索实行耕地轮作休耕制度试点问题的战略思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
耕地是粮食生产的根本和载体。近年来,在中国粮食连年增产的同时,耕地资源环境面临着多重挑战,高强度利用和长期高负荷运转使耕地得不到休养生息,耕地地力严重透支,耕地质量退化、耕地污染尤为突出,严重制约了中国农业可持续发展。科学推进耕地轮作休耕制度,提升耕地综合生产能力,是探索藏粮于地、藏粮于技的具体实现途径,对推动中国农业绿色发展和保障国家粮食安全具有重要战略意义。文章在剖析国内外耕地轮作休耕实践与发展的基础上,战略性地提出了探索实行耕地轮作休耕制度试点问题的研究重点和目标,包括调研中国重点关注区域适于轮作休耕的耕地资源现状与区划,探讨重点关注区域耕地实施轮作休耕的技术路径、建立重点区域耕地轮作休耕制度试点体制机制等。为实现"十三五"国家农业转型发展,保障粮食生产能力和国家粮食安全提供重要咨询建议。  相似文献   

甘肃省耕地资源转变为建设用地的价值损失评估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据耕地资源具有的社会保障功能、生态系统服务功能和经济产出功能,初步建立耕地资源的价值评估体系,综合运用市场价值法、替代法、机会成本法和影子价格法等评价方法,估算了甘肃省12个市(州)2007年耕地转变为建设用地所导致的正面效应价值损失。结果表明,由于建设用地占用耕地造成的价值损失相当巨大,2007年全省建设所占用耕地的总面积为1 564.66 hm2,造成的价值损失多达95 904.09万元,各市(州)1 hm2土地的损失都超过了45万元。从价值损失的构成来看,损失的直接使用价值为45 712.77万元,间接使用价值达50 191.32万元。可以看出,耕地资源除为社会提供直接产品价值外,还有巨大的间接使用价值,而且这种价值对人类的贡献比农产品的产出价值更为显著。  相似文献   

我国是一个土地资源紧缺的国家,文章首先指出目前耕地占用严重;占用好地的状况是:东部占用比西部严重,城郊占用比农村严重,平原占用比山区严重,占高补低造成耕地隐性流失。另外,土壤退化也吞噬了一部分耕地。认为问题的症结在于地方政府眼前经济利益的驱动。指出根本的出路在于完善土地法规,规范监督机制、科学制订规划并依法执行,依靠科技加强土地监测,而最重要的是提高全民保护耕地的意识。  相似文献   

从惠州市土地资源及其利用现状入手,分析其在土地资源利用上存在的耕地面积锐减、土地资源承载力下降、耕地土壤肥力下降、水土流失严重以及土壤和农作物被污染等问题,提出相应的土地资源利用和保护措施。  相似文献   

The Ecological Footprint (EF), a physical indicator to measure the extent of humanity’s use of natural resources, has gained much attention since it was first used by Wackernagel and Rees in 1996. In order to appraise land area types with different levels of productivity, they introduced the concept of an equivalence factor. This relates to the average primary biomass productivities of different types of land (i.e. arable land, pasture, forest, water/fishery, built-up land and fossil energy land) to the regional average primary biomass productivity of all land types in a given year. Hence, the equivalence factor is an important parameter in the EF model and it directly affects the reliability of all results. Thus, this article calculates equivalence factors on the national and provincial levels in China based on Net Primary Production (NPP) from MODIS 1 km data in 2008. Firstly, based on the Light Utility Efficiency and CASA model, the NPP of different biologically productive lands of China and of different provinces was calculated. Secondly, China’s equivalence factor for 6 land area types was calculated based on NPP: arable land and built-up land has an equivalence factor of 1.71, forest and fossil energy land has a factor of 1.41, pasture has a factor of 0.44 and water/fishery 0.35; Finally, the equivalence factor of 6 land area types in different provinces was also calculated. The NPP of each ecosystem type varies along with the equivalence factor in different provinces. However, the ranking of the equivalence factors in different provinces remain the same, with that of arable land being the largest, and the water/fishery being the smallest.  相似文献   

对三峡库首地区秭归、兴山、巴东等县人口、耕地资源和农业生产力状况进行了统计,并选择库区典型乡镇移民户作为调查对象,点面结合地分析了移民安置对三峡库首地区人口、耕地资源和生态环境状况的影响。结果表明,移民搬迁过程中,库首地区各县乡镇总人口降低,蓄水影响到的移民户基本都得到了妥善安置,农村劳动力资源未明显下降;三峡工程蓄水后,库首地区低海拔区域的耕地被淹没,农村可用耕地总量减少,人地资源矛盾比较突出;在耕地总量和人均耕地面积降低情况下,秭归县粮食、柑橘和蔬菜种植面积和产量仍稳步提高,库区农业生产保持稳步发展;移民搬迁以后,库首地区农村的居住环境、住宅条件、生活条件和交通条件均较移民前有明显改善,农户普遍评价较好,淹水对农村生态环境状况有一定影响,存在自然灾害和病虫害增多、农村废弃物处理设施不足等问题,库区生态环境问题应引起政府的足够重视。  相似文献   

It is important to determine the distribution of anthropogenic heavy metals in arable land soils. Using Hainan Island as a study area, the background concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) in arable land soils from different types of parent materials were estimated and then anthropogenic input distribution was determined by subtracting background concentrations from existing spatial distributions of Cd and As using ArcGIS spatial analysis tools. There were areas where the content of soil Cd and As did not show a change due to anthropogenic inputs, 8.4% As and 24.3% Cd content were below background concentrations, respectively. Soils with higher anthropogenic inputs were found around urban areas and the western part of Hainan Island. Data indicated that inputs were primarily produced by rapid urbanization and uncontrolled mining exploration. Anthropogenic Cd and As increases were also caused by excessive application of fertilizers.  相似文献   

Since the reform and opening-up, China’s economy has achieved remarkable development and so does the urbanization. However, there is an unavoidable contradiction between urban sprawl and the protection of arable land and the environment. By redefining the urban sprawl boundary, this paper is to provide a solution for the conflict above on the China’s urbanization context. The ideal boundary, moderate boundary and limit boundary are defined for urban sprawl in space. Taking Nanjing city as a case, the three urban sprawl boundaries are estimated in this paper based on the calculation of agricultural land resources value in Nanjing. The results show that 1) the integrated value of agricultural (cultivated) land resources in Nanjing is 1.55 × 107 CNY·hm−2, the economic value accounts for only 8.74% of the integrated value, while 91.26% of the integrated value has not revealed itself due to the existing institutional arrangements, policy distortions, and imperfect land market; 2) it is difficult to define the ideal and moderate boundaries due to the relatively low price of North Nanjing. In South Nanjing the land price is expensive and the ideal, moderate and limit boundaries are expanded to Jiangning, Qixia, and Yuhuatai; 3) the city scale of South Nanjing should be limited within 5.82 × 104 hm2, which is roughly the same as the designated size of 5.81 × 104 hm2 in the urban planning. It is suggested that the rational scope of urban expansion should be controlled within the moderate boundary.  相似文献   

辽西大凌河流域土地利用变化及驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从政策、流域综合治理、经济发展和技术进步、农民认知态度等4方面对影响大凌河流域土地利用变化的驱动力进行了分析。同时运用农户问卷调查和驱动力分析结果,选取影响耕地变化的社会经济和人口因子,运用主成分分析和多元迭代回归分析确定影响耕地变化的主要因子,并拟合出耕地变化的最优度模型。研究结果表明:在1987—2002年期间,农田和未利用荒地面积在不断减小,而林地、果园、草地在不断增加,但1995年后变化边际度大大减小;主成分分析表明影响土地利用变化主要影响因子是农业人口(A-POP)、总人口(T-POP)、农村经济收入(TIRE)、农林牧渔收入(IAFAF)和第三产业总产值(GTI);多元迭代回归分析表明耕地面积变化的最优回归模型中主变量是农业人口(A-POP)、总人口(T-POP)、农村经济收入(TIRE),这些变量能够解释95.1%的耕地变化。  相似文献   

It is accepted that the historical routine use of agrochemicals may have resulted in undesirable concentrations of metals in the environment. To investigate and assess the effects of land use on concentrations of heavy metals around the Guanting Reservoir in China, 52 surface soil samples (depth of 2–10 cm) were taken from areas where four types of land use were practiced (including arable land, woodland, bare land, orchard land). The metals and metalloids (As, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Significant accumulation of As, Cd, and Cr was found in soils of arable land. Based on correlation and cluster analysis, it can be concluded that Cd and Zn originate mainly from phosphate fertilizer, Pb from the use of insecticides, fertilizers, and sewage sludge as well as air deposition, and Cu from copper-based fungicides, while As, Ni and Cr might come from parent soil material. According to an ecological risk analysis of metals based on the ecological index suggested by Hakanson, the four types of land can be ranked by severity of ecological risk as follows: arable land > woodland > bare land > orchard land, with a high ecological risk of Cd for all four types. Management measures for land use planners for avoiding water, soil, and sediment pollution caused by metals around the Guanting Reservoir are presented.  相似文献   

耕地保护中的政府责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汤建东  梁山然 《生态环境》2005,14(5):798-802
认为各级政府是耕地保护的主体,负有建设、管理和保护耕地的责任。十几年来,由于政府耕地保护责任的缺失,全国出现了相关法律法规缺乏协调、政策不连贯、执法力度不够、违法用地现象普遍等问题。今后应进一步落实政府责任制,为耕地保护创造良好的工作机制和条件,管理部门要提高耕地管理水平,公开政务信息,疏通司法审判渠道,切实保障农民的合法权益。  相似文献   

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