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Estimating contaminant distributions in environmental media is necesary to evaluate human and ecological hazards. Because of uncertainties in release histories and transport, traditional sampling and statistical techniques applicable to the experimental sciences may not be suitable for exploratory studies at hazardous waste sites. An approach that relies on cluster analysis of principal components (PCA) was used to identify contaminated wild asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) growing in the vicinity of waste disposal sites along the Columbia River at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site in southeast Washington state. Metals in soil samples taken from the sites contained elevated levels of Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Zn, and V. Samples of asparagus tissue were collected from the river near the waste site, from Hanford old fields abandoned 52 years ago, and from commercial fields in the neighboring communities. Dried tissues were analyzed for metals content by ICP-mass spectrometry, furnace AA, and cold vapor AA. Tissue concentrations of elements varied over 5 orders of magnitude, from K at 46 900 ppm to As and Ag at maximum concentrations below 1 ppm. PCA produced four components that accounted for 66.2% of the metals variance. Subsequent cluster analysis using Ward's minimum variance separated the data into Columbia River and old-field groups, with the River group further divided into three clusters: plants primarily upriver from the waste sites, plants primarily downriver, and plants growing in or near the waste sites. The clustering showed that the more soluble components of the discharges (Ba and Ca) showed a pattern of distribution in the asparagus plants consistent with the ground water flow pattern, in that these elements were found far downriver of the disposal sites themselves. In contrast, the less mobile elements Al, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Tl, and Zn were elevated only near the most-recently used waste disposal area. Asparagus from agricultural fields, including fields abandoned 50 years ago, contained higher concentrations of Fe, Cu, Pb, K, and Ni than did the wild riverine plants.The U.S. Governments right to retain a non-exclusive royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Use of specific plant species in remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil and water was a promising eco-friendly technology. The present study indicated the possibilities of phytoremediation of metal-contaminated (namely Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb) soil by using plant species important for floriculture of East Calcutta Wetlands, a Ramsar site at the eastern fringe of Calcutta city. Plant species like sunflower (Helianthus annuus), marigold (Tagetes patula), and cock's comb (Celocia cristata) grew on soil contaminated by industrial sludge and irrigated regularly with wastewater accumulated different metals in different plant parts in varied concentrations. Pot culture study in the laboratory setup was also done to ascertain the efficiency of these plants for ameliorating contaminated soil. It was found that general accumulation patterns of metals concerned in different plant parts were root > leaf > stem > flower. This work indicated the importance of cultivation of economically important, non-edible, ornamental plant species as an alternative cost-effective practice to remediate heavily contaminated farmlands of East Calcutta Wetlands.  相似文献   

Since the mid 1980s, Naples and the Campania region have suffered from the dumping of wastes into overfilled landfills. The aim was to characterise a former cave located in Roccarainola (Naples, Italy) for its eventual destination to a controlled landfill site. A detailed hydro-geochemical survey of the area was carried out through drilling of 14 boreholes and four monitoring wells. Samples of water, sediment and soil were analysed for heavy metals and organic contaminants from a dew pond placed in the middle of the cave. The underneath aquifer was also surveyed. The nature of gases emitted from the site was investigated. Results of the geognostic survey revealed the presence of huge volumes of composite wastes, approximately half a million of cubic metre, which accumulated up to a thickness of 25.6 m. In some points, wastes lie below the free surface level of the aquifer. The sampled material from the boreholes revealed levels of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sn, Tl and Zn exceeding the intervention legal limits. Outstanding loads of Cd, Pb and Zn were found, with levels exceeding of about 50, 100 and 1,870 times the limit. In several points, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon load was extremely high, 35 vs 1 mg kg?1 of the threshold. The aquifer was also very heavily polluted by Cd, Cr-tot, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, with impressive high load of Cr and Mn, up to 250–370 times the limits. Hot gases up to 62 °C with presence of xylene and ethylbenzene were found. Results indicated that the site needs an urgent intervention of recovery to avoid compromising the surrounding areas and aquifers of the Campania plain.  相似文献   

One of India's major concerns is the increasing level of land pollution largely due to the uncontrolled disposal of industrialsolid and hazardous waste. With rapid industrialization, thegeneration of industrial solid and hazardous waste has increasedappreciably and the nature of waste generated has become complex.Their impacts on the ecological bodies are noticeable. The article describes the details of studies conducted using Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure, to estimate the toxicity effects of the metals viz., chromium, zinc, manganese,iron, nickel, cobalt and copper by the Zero Headspace Extractorfor the sludges generated from effluent treatment plant of steeltube, wire and plating industries on environment constituentslike groundwater, surface water and land. Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure determines the mobility of organic and inorganic analytes of liquid, solid or multiphase waste from hazardous solid wastes in the form of primary and secondary extracts. These extracts are mixed in equal volumeproportion and analyzed by Direct Reading 2000 spectrophotometer.The amount of heavy metals observed during the studies in theleachates were found and the results were compared with HazardousWaste categories as per Indian Standards, TCLP regulatory limitsgiven by United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) andGermany Leachate Quality Standards and it was observed that theywere on higher side, needing a proper preventive concept of sludge management including handling, treatment, recovery and disposal.  相似文献   

The Fen Central Complex in southern Norway, a geologically well investigated area of magmatic carbonatite rocks, is assumed to be among the world largest natural reservoirs of thorium ((232)Th). These rocks, also rich in iron (Fe), niobium (Nb), uranium ((238)U) and rare earth elements (REE), were mined in several past centuries. Waste locations, giving rise to enhanced levels of both radionuclides and metals, are now situated in the area. Estimation of radionuclide and metal contamination of the environment and radiological risk assessment were done in this study. The average outdoor gamma dose rate measured in Fen, 2.71 μGy h(-1), was significantly higher than the world average dose rate of 0.059 μGy h(-1). The annual exposure dose from terrestrial gamma radiation, related to outdoor occupancy, was in the range 0.18-9.82 mSv. The total activity concentrations of (232)Th and (238)U in soil ranged from 69 to 6581 and from 49 to 130 Bq kg(-1), respectively. Enhanced concentrations were also identified for metals, arsenic (As), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr) and zinc (Zn), in the vicinity of former mining sites. Both radionuclide and heavy metal concentrations suggested leaching, mobilization and distribution from rocks into the soil. Correlation analysis indicated different origins for (232)Th and (238)U, but same or similar for (232)Th and metals As, Cr, Zn, nickel (Ni) and cadmium (Cd). The results from in situ size fractionation of water demonstrated radionuclides predominately present as colloids and low molecular mass (LMM) species, being potentially mobile and available for uptake in aquatic organisms of Norsj? Lake. Transfer factors, calculated for different plant species, showed the highest radionuclide accumulation in mosses and lichens. Uptake in trees was, as expected, lower. Relationship analysis of (232)Th and (238)U concentrations in moss and soil samples showed a significant positive linear correlation.  相似文献   

An investigation using in situ analysis by portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) has shown that contamination present on industrial buildings at a heritage arsenic works site near Redruth, Cornwall, UK results from the absorption of arsenic by porous and semi-porous building materials that were in contact with arsenic-rich flue gases. Results from a preliminary survey indicate that arsenic remains locked in these materials and is being gradually leached out by weathering processes. This weathering causes general contamination of the adjacent building surfaces averaging 1845 microg g(-1) arsenic, presumably caused by evaporation of leach solutions in contact with air at the surface of the building materials. More extensive crystalline deposits were found under arches protected from dissolution and further dispersion by rain water. These deposits appeared to comprise calcium sulfate (gypsum), associated with on average between 1.2 and 6.8% m/m As. In situ PXRF proved to be highly effective in locating sources of contamination at the site and in providing data that allowed a hypotheses for the origin of this contamination to be formulated and tested in the field.  相似文献   

The present study was done to assess the sources and the major processes controlling the trace metal distribution in sediments of Buckingham Canal. Based on the observed geochemical variations, the sediments are grouped as South Buckingham Canal and North Buckingham Canal sediments (SBC and NBC, respectively). SBC sediments show enrichment in Fe, Ti, Mn, Cr, V, Mo, and As concentrations, while NBC sediments show enrichment in Sn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Hg. The calculated Chemical Index of Alteration and Chemical Index of Weathering values for all the sediments are relatively higher than the North American Shale Composite and Upper Continental Crust but similar to Post-Archaean Average Shale, and suggest a source area with moderate weathering. Overall, SBC sediments are highly enriched in Mo, Zn, Cu, and Hg (geoaccumulation index (Igeo) class 4–6), whereas NBC sediments are enriched in Sn, Cu, Zn, and Hg (Igeo class 4–6). Cu, Ni, and Cr show higher than Effects-Range Median values and hence the biological adverse effect of these metals is 20%; Zn, which accounts for 50%, in the NBC sediments, has a more biological adverse effect than other metals found in these sediments. The calculated Igeo, Enrichment Factor, and Contamination Factor values indicate that Mo, Hg, Sn, Cu, and Zn are highly enriched in the Buckingham Canal sediments, suggesting the rapid urban and industrial development of Chennai Metropolitan City have negatively influenced on the surrounding aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The tanning industry is one of the largest environmental polluters due to high generation waste in all production processes, but the tanning is particularly worrisome due to the use of significant amounts of chromium. Cr is an element potentially toxic to both health and the environment, depending on the concentration and the oxidation state. Cr(VI) can come in contact with human skin when using leather goods, which can cause allergies and dermatitis, besides being carcinogenic. Considering that approximately 90% of the world production of leather is performed with Cr salts, the determination of this element in leather is necessary to avoid exposure to the risks that the element can provide. The main goal of this study was the development of an alternative analytical method for the determination of Cr in leathers (ovine and bovine leather tanned with Cr and vegetable tannin) using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) for direct solid analysis. Besides performing analysis of the chemical composition and determination of Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sr, Ti, and Zn in leather by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Principal component analysis (PCA) was also used in the evaluation of the WDXRF and ICP OES data sets. WDXRF calibration models for Cr presented satisfactory figures of merit and the analysis of the leathers revealed an alarming concentration of total Cr in the samples reaching 21,353 mg kg?1.  相似文献   

Soil contamination by heavy metals has become a serious problem mainly because, above certain concentrations, all metals have adverse effects on human health. In particular, the accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soils leads to elevated uptake by crops and affects food quality and safety. In this paper, we present the results of a study carried out over a decade for evaluating the impact of a new industrial settlement in an area geared to agriculture and livestock and far from urban sites. We focus our study on the bioavailable fraction of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in soil samples. Heavy metal concentrations in soil are analysed with both univariate and multivariate statistical procedures. The main goal of this paper is the development of a statistical procedure, based on a mix of multivariate analysis, able to compare field surveys carried out during different years and to characterize spatial and temporal changes in soil heavy metals concentrations.  相似文献   

The use of bioindicators for contaminant monitoring ispopular in all sectors of the environment but quite oftenbioindicators are utilised without rigorous evaluation oftheir viability as an indicator. We report field andlaboratory investigations into the value of a commonlyfound macroalga, Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J.Agardh (Chlorophyta: Ulvales) as an indicator of copper,zinc and lead contamination in a tropical estuary inFiji. In the laboratory, metal content of E.flexuosa after 60 days of growth in seawater containingincreasing concentrations of the metals showed almostperfect correlation with metal concentrations in waterfor all three metals, and concentration factors obtainedwere generally higher than values reported for otherspecies of Enteromorpha. Performance in the fieldwas evaluated by a one-year monitoring of metals in E. flexuosa, water and sediments from a contaminatedestuary. Metal concentrations in water were always belowdetection limits and field concentration factors couldnot be determined but the concentration of lead in E. flexuosa showed a high correlation with the leadcontent of sediments. Lack of such correlation forcopper and zinc in the field suggests that otherenvironmental factors besides metal load in the physicalenvironment could be controlling the bioaccumulation ofthese two metals. Whilst demonstrating E. flexuosato be a viable bioindicator for lead, these results alsohighlight the need for proper assessment before anorganism is considered for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Carbamoylation of glutathione, peptides and DNA is thought to be one of the most important reactions occurring in an organism after exposure to nitrosoureas, methylformamides or isocyanates. The carcinogenic effects of carbamoylation are not yet fully clarified. Although carbamoylation is known to occur after occupational exposure, it has never been reported in the general population. To clarify the situation, we investigated the levels of N-acetyl-S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)cysteine (AMCC) in urine samples from persons without occupational exposure using a sensitive and specific method (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS). AMCC is the degradation product of N-methylcarbamoylated glutathione. The clean-up procedure of urine samples includes two liquid-liquid extraction steps and solid phase extraction using a cation-exchange resin to separate AMCC from other urinary components. N,N-Dimethylpropionic acid amide (DMPA) is used as internal standard. During the preparation of the samples, AMCC is converted to ethyl-N-methylcarbamate (EMC) in the presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate (K2CO3) and ethanol. The reliability and accuracy of this method have been proven in detail. The relative standard deviation for the within-series imprecision for three different concentrations was determined to be between 10.9% and 14.3%, while the relative standard deviation for the between-day imprecision was between 11.3% and 14.8%. The mean recovery for AMCC was determined to be between 79.2% and 85.6%. The limit of detection for the simultaneous measurement of two fragment masses was 30 micrograms L-1. Using this GC-MS method, we analysed urine samples from 42 individuals of the general population in order to determine their urinary excretion of AMCC. It was identified in 40 samples. The mean concentration was 40 micrograms L-1. AMCC can be formed in two ways. The first possibility is the dietary intake of isothiocyanates, especially methyl isothiocyanate, which is a component of wine and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, turnips and cress). During the metabolism of isothiocyanates in humans, the sulfur is partly exchanged for oxygen resulting in the formation of the corresponding isocyanate derivatives. The other possibility is the physiological formation of AMCC. In humans, this may occur via a two step process: carbamoylation and methylation, or vice versa. However, as AMCC was identified in about 95% of urine samples, and the standard deviation for the level of AMCC excreted was low, physiological formation seems to be the more probable pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to elucidate the usefulness of the Microbial Assay for Risk Assessment (MARA) to evaluate toxicity in samples containing cyanobacterial products. Cyanobacterial extracts with different cyanotoxin contents and pure cyanotoxins—microcystin-LR, cylindrospermopsin and anatoxin-a—were tested. On the basis of the microbial reaction, MARA indicated only slight or no toxicity in the studied extracts. Similarly, no or low toxicity of pure toxins was detected at the concentrations used (up to 10 μg/ml). Weak relationships between the reactions of individual organisms exposed to cyanotoxin-containing extracts and to the same pure toxins were observed. On the other hand, inhibition of some organisms, such as Pichia anomalia, whose growth was not impacted by pure cyanotoxins, indicated the presence of other biologically active compounds in the studied extracts. In conclusion, MARA assay is not enough sensitive to be used as a good tool for cyanotoxin screening. It may, however, be applied in searching for antimicrobial/antifungal cyanobacteria-derived compounds.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine levels of heavy metal in the feathers and blood of Black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris), to evaluate metallothionein (MT) mRNA level in Black-tailed gulls on three independent islets, and to examine the correlation between heavy metal concentrations and MT mRNA expression. Eleven heavy metals (Al, Cd, Mn, Pb, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Hg, and As) were investigated in blood and feathers of 65 chicks from breeding colonies (Seomando, Hongdo, and Dokdo islet) of South Korea in 2010. Heavy metals were assayed by PerkinElmer NexION 300 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The mean concentrations of non-essential heavy metals were found to blood containing Cd (0.002?~?0.02 ppm), Pb (0.06?~?0.18) ppm, Hg (0.03?~?0.05) ppm, and As (0.26?~?0.48 ppm), and feather containing Cd (0.05?~?0.30 ppm), Pb (2.47?~?10.80 ppm), Hg (1.18?~?1.57 ppm), and As (0.15?~?0.44 ppm). Chicks on Seomando islet showed the highest levels of metals (Cd, Pb, Mn, Cr, Cu, and Se in blood; Al, As, Mn, Cr, Fe, Cu, and Se in feathers) among the colonies. Concentrations of Pb and Hg in feathers were the highest on Hongdo, and the levels of Cd and Zn in feathers were the highest on Dokdo islet. MT mRNA in the blood of Black-tailed gulls was relatively higher in gulls from Seomando than in gulls from Hongdo and Dokdo islet. MT mRNA level is thus positively correlated to heavy metal concentrations in Black-tailed gulls.  相似文献   

Two populations of the European bee-eater were studied, one living at a reference site and the other at a metal mining site. The concentration of arsenic and 11 metals (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) was measured in feathers and regurgitated pellets collected at both sites. Cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, and lead were at least twofold higher in feathers of birds from the contaminated site than in the reference site, suggesting that this population was exposed to higher metal levels. Similarly, levels of aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, iron, and lead were also at least twofold higher in pellets from the contaminated area. The obtained results suggested that the impacted population of Merops apiaster is at risk due to the exposure to some metals.  相似文献   

Despite a significant decrease in the metallic waste emissions from an industrial site and a remediation process initiated in 2007, the Riou-Mort watershed (southwest France) still exhibits high Cd and Zn concentrations. Metal wastes have long been proven to significantly disturb aquatic communities. In this study, bioaccumulation capacities and responses to the chemical improvement of the hydrosystem were assessed for a year along the contamination gradient through the comparison of two biological models: Corbicula fluminea and periphytic biofilms, both considered as good bioindicators. Bioaccumulation results confirmed the persistence of water contamination in Corbicula fluminea and biofilms with, respectively, maximum Cd concentrations reaching 80.6 and 861.2 μg gDW(-1), and Zn concentrations 2.0 and 21.3 mg gDW(-1). Biofilms exhibited bioaccumulation in close correlation with water contamination, while Corbicula fluminea presented Cd bioaccumulation clearly regulated by water temperature and metal concentrations, affecting the ventilatory activity, as revealed by condition indices measurements. Also, a linear regression using Cd bioaccumulation and temperature () showed that below approximately 6 °C Corbicula fluminea did not appear to accumulate metals. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were higher in biofilms in comparison with Corbicula fluminea and showed the great accumulation capacity of suspended particulate matter in biofilms. However, bioaccumulation capacities are known to be influenced by many factors other than metal concentrations, such as temperature, water oxygenation or plankton and nutrient concentrations. Thus, this study demonstrates the power of a combined assessment using both Corbicula fluminea and biofilms as bioindicators to give a more integrated view of water quality assessment. Finally, when comparing our results with previous studies, the start of hydrosystem restoration could be shown by decreasing bioaccumulation in organisms.  相似文献   

The main objectives of article were monitor the metal concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, cobalt, and iron, in the feather of shorebirds species, Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) and Siberian Gull (Larus heuglini) from Hara Biosphere Reserve of Southern Iran; and identify any relationships between species. Assaying heavy metals by using Shimadzu AA 680 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the results were given as micrograms per gram dry weight. The concentrations of heavy metal were found to follow the order of iron>zinc>copper>lead>cadmium>cobalt for E. gularis and of iron>zinc>lead>copper>cadmium>cobalt for L. heuglini. Also, they showed that the cadmium, copper, and cobalt concentrations were higher in females than in the males, while the lead concentration for E. gularis and L. heuglini was higher in males. The cadmium concentration means they were measured as1.16 and 1.37 μg/g for E. gularis and L. heuglini, respectively, whereas the lead concentration means 7.04 and 5.48 μg/g for E. gularis and L. heuglini, respectively. The concentrations of nonessential trace elements in E. gularis and L. heuglini were generally comparable to values reported in other studies. The average levels of lead we observed in these birds were greater than 5 μg/g dry weight in the feather that is known to be associated with adverse behavioral or reproductive effects. Data analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between copper and zinc (P?相似文献   

The labile species of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the Tama River, an urban river in Tokyo, Japan, were measured using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) method under dry and wet weather conditions, and the results were compared with total dissolved concentrations in hourly samples collected in parallel. A total of 10 DGT deployments were made and 251 hourly samples were collected during 2 rounds of sampling, conducted between August and October, 2006. Two types of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) devices-DGT-RG for labile inorganic and DGT-APA for total (inorganic and organic) labile species-were applied throughout the samplings. The proportions of metals measured by DGT, compared with the dissolved metal concentrations (filtered using a membrane of 0.5 microm pore size), were 38 +/- 5% (RG) and 45 +/- 8% (APA) for Ni and 45 +/- 22% (RG) and 53 +/- 23% (APA) for Zn. No labile Cu was detected throughout the sampling; Cu was assumed to be in stable complexed forms. Labile Pb was detected in 3 out of 10 deployments only; the rest were lower than the detection limit. Dissolved and labile Cd concentrations were below the detection limits. Three rain events encountered during the sampling periods were evaluated. Rains brought considerably higher loads of metals in dissolved form, and DGT measurements indicated that labile metal loads also increased. Selected DGT measurements were compared with the WHAM 6 speciation model and found to be similar to the model-computed results.  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of 13 elements (Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Zn, Co, As, Pb, Cu, Mo, Hg, and Cd) were determined in the sediments of three different sites in the Kapulukaya Dam Lake between May 2007 and November 2008. They ranged from 1.47 to 4.64 for Al, 0.92 to 3.48 for Fe (in percent), 326.60 to 1053.00 for Mn, 98.00 to 1,116.00 for Cr, 24.70 to 127.10 for Ni, 14.80 to 124.20 for Zn, 11.0 to 43.20 for Co, 5.00 to 29.30 for Cu, 9.10 to 69.70 for As, 8.60 to 34.00 for Pb, 2.50 to 5.20 for Mo, 1.00 to 1.60 for Hg, and 0.50 to1.80 for Cd in microgram per gram dry weight sediment. The contamination degree of the sediment was assessed on the basis of enrichment factor and corresponding sediment quality guideline. The calculated enrichment factors (EF, measured metal vs. background concentrations) indicated that the effect of man-made activities on the occurrence of concentrations could be accounted for the majority of heavy metals namely Mn, As, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Co, Mo, and Cd, whereas such affect was not detected for Hg and Pb. The maximum values of the EF were represented by As, minimum values by Hg at all sites. Mean EF values were 36.60 and 0.70 for As and Hg, respectively. This study has clearly assessed a certain level of heavy metal pollution in the region, based particularly on the findings from sediment.  相似文献   

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