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曾祥添 《生态环境》2001,10(2):171-172
"三高"农业与土壤和肥料有密切关系。地力是作物产量和质量的重要基础,要取得高产、优质、高效,就必须坚持不懈地培肥地力。土壤中营养元素的含量,肥料类型和施肥技术,都对农产品产量和品质有很大的影响。因此,培肥地力、因土种植、合理施肥能提高经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。忽视土肥工作,将影响"三高"农业的发展。  相似文献   

三高农业与土壤和肥料有密切的关系。地力是作物产量的重要基础,要取得高产,就必须坚持不懈地培肥地力。综合地力、土壤中营养元素及有害或有毒物质的含量、肥料类型和施肥技术,都对农产品的品质有很大的影响。要提高农产品的产量和质量,就要因土种植,合理施肥。高产优质是经济效益的主要构成因素,因而,培肥地力、因土种植、合理施肥能提高经济效益。忽视土肥工作,将影响三高农业的发展。  相似文献   

自农村实行生产承包责任制后,各地普遍出现以化肥为主的投肥倾向,有机肥的施用明显减少,有机与无机肥的投入比例严重失调,导致土壤地力下降,化肥利用率降低,影响了水稻生产的进一步发展。针对这一情况,我们从1986年冬开始,在省土肥总站的指导下,以怀乡镇为重点,开展“绿肥高产压青—杂交水稻良种—优化配方施肥”三配套的综合技术试验示范并推广应用。在绿肥压青、培肥地力的基础上,推广耐肥、丰产、抗病、抗  相似文献   

广东省耕地地力等级研究与评价   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
广东省耕地地力等级研究与评价工作根据《全国耕地类型区、耕地地力等级划分》标准为依据,以土种为评价单元,采用的方法有归纳法、限制因素法、专家经验法,建立了省级土种数据库、耕地地力评价指标体系,并对各等级耕地进行面积统计、科学评价。研究结果表明,广东省水稻田地力等级分为八个等级,以一至四等为主,占水稻田总面积的87.1%;一、二等的水稻田占水稻田总面积的32.3%,是高产稳产农田;三至八等水稻田占水稻田总面积的67.7%,是粮食生产的主要基地,也是主要的中低产水稻田。必须针对后者的障碍因素,因地制宜采取不同的改良措施,加强改造,提高地力。旱地地力分为九个等级,全省高产旱地比例较低,一至四等旱地只占旱地总面积的7.9%,五至八等旱地占旱地总面积的73.79%,是经济作物和水果的主要生产基地。低产的旱地在田间管理上必须重视施用有机肥,增加土壤粘粒,培肥地力,提高作物产量,促进农业生产的发展。  相似文献   

培肥地力在广东粮食生产中的重要性林碧珊(广东省土壤肥料总站,广州510500)民以食为天,食以粮为本。粮食是一种特殊的商品,也是一种战略物资,粮食生产是关系到社会和政治稳定的大事.粮食生产的重要性目前已逐渐为各级领导所认识和重视,而且随着农业的升温,...  相似文献   

论述土肥基础与持续发展农业的基本内涵和特征;从历史的经验教训、片面发展经济的现实、地力监测的情况等方面,论证了土肥基础对持续发展农业的重要性;分析了广东省土肥基础的现状,提出了一系列加强土肥基础的对策:建立健全有关法规、有计划地扩大耕地面积、加强地力建设、改造中低产田和保护耕地环境等.  相似文献   

广州土壤养分变化概况叶美俭,李育琴,梁文兴,谢汝君(广州市农业局土肥总站,广州510030)1广州市土壤地力定位监测设置简况广州市的土壤地力监测以水稻土为主。这项工作始于1984年冬,1986年建立了市、区和县级市二级监测网点。1990年在按省的要求...  相似文献   

针对当前地方政府偏重于高利润农业项目,导致“三高”农业重点旁移的现象,阐述政府抓农业重点的必要住,指出其重点在于:(1)抓调查研究,抓政策;(2)抓农业教育与农业科研;(3)抓既带战略性而农民又力所不及和缺乏积极性的项目;(4)抓农技推广机构和队伍.而高利润的农业项目可由市场来调节.并从发展“三高’农业的需要以及当前出现的农民单施化肥的短期行为、人均耕地面积下降、地力下降、丢荒弃耕的情况等方面阐述政府重点抓培肥地力的重要性.  相似文献   

冬玉米混种紫云英效果好朱权宝(广东省吴川县土肥站,吴川524500)陈励文(吴川县塘农技站)在全省大力推广冬种玉米增产粮食、恢复冬绿肥生产以培肥地力、开发利用中低产田及冬闲田的情况下,我们就如何解决一年三造禾本科作物连作所造成的地力下降的问题,从19...  相似文献   

我省的绿肥以紫云英为主,其次有萝卜箐、苕子等.绿肥含有较高的有机质和氮、磷、钾等养分,是农作物的优质肥料.绿肥作为增加土壤有机肥、培肥地力的一条重要措施,既可降低生产成本、又可提高粮食产量,这在各级政府和广大农民中已形成共识.我省种植绿肥有悠久的历史.在6  相似文献   

本文从当前形势发展的要求出发,针对目前广东农业面临的各种危机,阐述了土肥工作在今后的农业生产中仍具有重要的地位,呼吁今后一定要加强土肥工作;明确提出了今年广东土肥工作的主要任务和要求,强调要力争开创广东土肥工作的新局面.  相似文献   

Ever since the concept of metabolism was extended from biological science by social scientists to analyze human systems, socio-economic metabolism has been extensively applied to explore resource consumption, asset accumulation, waste emissions, and complex processes of land use change in a socio-economic system. Current research in socio-economic metabolism and land use change has used accounting approaches for macroscopic comparisons of countries and regions. However, socio-economic metabolism has seldom been applied to the analysis of land use change. To simulate the spatial-temporal dynamics of socio-economic metabolism and land use change, this study adopts a spatial system modeling method to develop a Socio-Economic Metabolism and Land Use Change (SEMLUC) model for the Taipei Metropolitan Region. The simulation results illustrate that the Taipei Metropolitan Region is highly dependent on inflows of non-renewable energy and exhibits a spatial hierarchy of non-renewable energy consumption centering on Taipei's Main station. Additionally, urban assets provide feedback to natural and agricultural systems to extract additional resource inflows which, driven by the maximum power principle, accelerate the convergence of energy flows toward urban assets. Accumulating urban assets also facilitates inflows of non-renewable material to nearby cells thereby enhancing land use conversion to urban areas. This work also demonstrates the capability of ArcGIS software in simulating socio-economic metabolism and land use change in an urban system.  相似文献   

Land use change is influenced by a complexity of drivers that transcend spatial, institutional and temporal scales. The analytical framework of telecoupling has recently been proposed in land system science to address this complexity, particularly the increasing importance of distal connections, flows and feedbacks characterising change in land systems. This framework holds important potential for advancing the analysis of land system change. In this article, we review the state of the art of the telecoupling framework in the land system science literature. The article traces the development of the framework from teleconnection to telecoupling and presents two approaches to telecoupling analysis currently proposed in the literature. Subsequently, we discuss a number of analytical challenges related to categorisation of systems, system boundaries, hierarchy and scale. Finally, we propose approaches to address these challenges by looking beyond land system science to theoretical perspectives from economic geography, social metabolism studies, political ecology and cultural anthropology.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the distribution of cultural values associated with forest and non-forest landscapes among stakeholder groups shaping land use and land cover change (LULCC) in an agricultural/forest frontier in the western Brazilian Amazon. The study addresses theoretical and methodological obstacles to the integration of cultural data and social science research into the study of LULCC, providing a simple, systematic, and more accurate way of understanding this missing feature of land change. The findings offer insights on elusive cultural features that influence how diverse actors make land use decisions and respond to drivers, and can thus contribute to enhancing the predictive capacity of land change research.  相似文献   


Land system science and affiliated research linked to sustainability require improved understanding and theorization of land and its change as a social-ecological system (SES). The absence of a general land-use theory, anchored in the social subsystem but with explicit links to the environmental subsystem, hampers this effort. Drawing on land-use explanations, meta-analyses, and associated frameworks, we advance a broad framework structure of eight elements – aggregations of explanatory variables – with links to the biophysical subsystem, for systematic comparisons of extant explanations. Tests and models can be employed to identify which set of variables and their configurations provide robust explanations of across land uses, identifying the potential for theory development. The framework and its application are applicable to both top-down and bottom-up explanatory approaches employed in the social sciences. Links to the environmental subsystem invite future exploration of SES explanations that reach across the different dimensions of global change and sustainability science.  相似文献   


Reflecting on the 2019 Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Program and on commentaries since, we argue that the time is ripe for the land system science community to fully embrace the thorny issue of land ownership and control. Beyond land governance and institutions, the issue of who actually owns and controls land, and how land holding and rents are distributed across society, is central to the future of sustainability initiatives, biodiversity protection, social justice, climate change mitigation, and long-term food security and sovereignty. By explicitly tracking and visualizing just Who Owns the Earth, the land system science community could provide much-needed data and insights to inform public debate and advance political action in these arenas.  相似文献   


Ecology has developed from its position as an obscure science to being at the interface of science and public policy. The impact of mankind can be described in ecological terms relating to population size, energy use and non-renewability. Sustainable development needs to be addressed on the basis of knowledge of ecological processes which maintain the environment in a state of change; the processes need to be conserved, not maintained in any particular state. Recent advances in the understanding of ecological processes are reviewed to highlight the potential contribution of this knowledge to the development of a sustainable policy. At the level of the population the significance of considering the extinction risks in the framework of spatio-temporal dynamics is now established indicating opportunities for planning land use more precisely to sustain biodiversity. Whilst the maintenance of habitats is generally the key to the persistence of biodiversity, they must be viewed as ever-changing mosaics within which cycles of succession, best described by Markovian sets of probabilities, are occurring continually. The extent to which these probabilities are distorted will determine whether the ecosystem returns to the same system or moves to a novel one. At the global level, biogeochemical cycles have a certain flexibility in relation to fluxes and stocks, hence pollution must be defined by relating the flow rate of the substance to this flexibility, which often permits the accommodation of anthropogenic perturbations. Non-sustainable processes can be defined in ecological terms, thus providing functional definitions of a sustainable policy and of sustainable development.  相似文献   


Land science has generated critical knowledge about how humans modify Earth’s surface and has advanced our understanding of land as a coupled human–environment system. However, to date, most work has been in frontier environments with less attention – both conceptually and empirically – on how urban land systems affect the carbon cycle. Much of what is known about urban areas and the carbon cycle is limited to aggregate levels of activities within urban areas, usually by sector, with little focus on how the spatial configuration of urban land systems affects carbon-emitting activities. Given that urban areas produce about 70% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, it is crucial to understand the relationship between urban environments, the activities they influence, and the resulting carbon emissions. This paper summarizes the current state of knowledge of how urban land systems affect carbon emissions and vulnerability, and identifies research gaps and opportunities for urban land science to contribute to climate change science, particularly through land architecture. We argue that more attention to urban land science conceptualization, measurement, and analysis would contribute to both fundamental knowledge about urban systems, as well as help identify policies and strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change at the urban scale.  相似文献   

Ecological Costs of Livestock Grazing in Western North America   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Livestock grazing is the most widespread land management practice in western North America. Seventy percent of the western United States is grazed, including wilderness areas, wildlife refuges, national forests, and even some national parks. The ecological costs of this nearly ubiquitous form of land use can be dramatic. Examples of such costs include loss of biodiversity; lowering of population densities for a wide variety of taxa; disruption of ecosystem functions, including nutrient cycling and succession; change in community organization; and change in the physical characteristics of both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Because livestock congregate in riparian ecosystems, which are among the biologically richest habitats in arid and semiarid regions, the ecological costs of grazing are magnified in these sites. Range science has traditionally been laden with economic assumptions favoring resource use. Conservation biologists are encouraged to contribute to the ongoing social and scientific dialogue on grazing issues.  相似文献   

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