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Chiba S 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1738-1746
The relationship between species richness and environmental variables may change depending on habitat structure, dispersal ability, species mixing, and community adaptation to the environment. It is crucial to know how these factors regulate the environment-diversity relationship. The land molluscan fauna of the Ogasawara Islands in the West Pacific is an excellent model system to address this question because of the high species endemicity (> 90%), small area, and simple habitat structure of the islands. I examined relationships among indigenous species composition, richness, and habitat condition, and especially productivity and forest moisture on the island of Anijima. Two major communities of snails could be distinguished by detrended correspondence analysis (DCA): one group dominated in a moist habitat with high productivity, and the other group dominated in a dry habitat with low productivity. However, species richness became highest at the intermediate condition between the habitats in which the two snail communities were dominant, so that species richness showed a hump-shaped relationship with moisture and productivity. In contrast, the species richness of the snail community in the moist habitat showed a monotonically positive correlation, and that in the dry habitat showed a monotonically negative correlation with moisture and productivity. Thus, the greater species richness in intermediate moisture and productivity resulted from the ecotone effect or community overlap at the transitional areas, where faunas with different ecologies can meet in a single site. These findings suggest that hump-shaped productivity-diversity relationships in land Mollusca would reflect the ecotone effect as a result of the mixing of species adapted to either fertile habitats or sterile habitats.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrates with high larval dispersal capacity typically exhibit low degrees of population differentiation, which reflects both contemporary and historical processes. We sampled 346 individuals from seven populations of the lined shore crab, Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, along the northeastern Pacific Coast and Korea during summer 2003. DNA sequence analysis of 613 bp of the mitochondrial COI gene showed that overall gene diversity (h) was high (0.92±0.01), whereas overall nucleotide diversity (π) was low (0.009±0.005). A total of 154 mtDNA haplotypes were identified; however, 114 were present in only one individual. Analysis of molecular variance revealed significant genetic structuring at Point Conception, CA, USA, that is likely due to the oceanographic circulation patterns, which result in asymmetrical migration of haplotypes. However, genetic variation among eastern Pacific populations was generally low, probably because of high contemporary gene flow and recent common ancestry of haplotypes. Mismatch analysis and nested clade analysis suggested that the population history of this region is characterized by two contiguous northwards range expansions, which are congruent with Late Pleistocene glacial cycles. Highly significant genetic differentiation was detected between eastern Pacific populations and Korea, indicating transpacific gene flow is restricted. Time of divergence between the two transpacific lineages was estimated between 0.8 and 1.2 Myrs ago. The small, recently founded population of P. crassipes at Bamfield, BC, Canada, did not appear to have undergone a founder effect.  相似文献   

Lake Peipsi is of great economic significance, first of all, in terms of water transport, fishery and energy production. Its bottom deposits hold great reserves of curative mud and building materials, and its waters cool the huge kettles of the Baltic and Estonian Thermal Power Plants and drive the turbines of the Narva Hydropower Station. The beaches of the lake, especially in the northern and eastern parts, have a high recreational value. The lake is shared between Estonia and Russia. The sparsely distributed population is mainly engaged in fishery and agriculture. Long-term observations have shown that the water level in L. Peipsi fluctuates greatly. This complicates water transport, shore protection and recreational possibilities around the lake. Both, water erosion and hummocky ice have changed the coasts, but differently in every year. Due to the uneven glacioisostatic uplift of the lake basin the water masses are steadily retreating southward, which means that in the coming future erosion of the northern coast will diminish and large areas on the southern coast will be flooded. Sustainable development of L. Peipsi integrates social, economic, cultural and environmental concerns. Recommendations for the protection and management of the coastal zone are presented.  相似文献   

A typical subarctic copepod,Neocalanus cristatus, occurred in the mesopelagic layer (500 to 1000 m) in Sagami Bay, central Japan, throughout the year. Specimens were collected from 1982 to 1986. A small number of adult females were distributed from 800 to 900 m only, but no adult males were collected. This species appeared to be abundant in April and August, when intermediate Oyashio water flowed strongly into Sagami Bay. Mean prosome lengths of copepodite stages IV and V and adults were 4.33, 6.87 and 6.87 mm, respectively. The condition factor [wet wt/(prosome length)3 × 100] of copepodite stage V did not vary remarkably, and mean values ranged from 4.7 to 5.0. Prosome length, body weight and condition factor ofN. cristatus collected from Sagami Bay were smaller than those of copepods in the northern North Pacific.N. cristatus transported from the north cannot molt to adult stages (except for those originating in mesopelagic waters) due to the adverse environmental conditions in Sagami Bay; instead, they die in the mesopelagic layer and sink to the bathypelagic layer (1 000 to 1 400 m), close to the bottom. Since nauplii and early copepodite stages did not occur in any season,N. cristatus probably do not reproduce in Sagami Bay.  相似文献   

A comprehensive list of 1068 typical littoral plant species and subspecies has been composed. They are considered endemic in a wide sense and are subdivided into widespread, transregional, regional and local endemics, the latter three categories being considered as endemics s.s. For each taxon the distribution, habitat preference, endemic status and conservation status are given. The list, which is available upon request, is summarized in a number of figures and tables, from which it appears that 61% of all species are endemics s.s., that ca. 30% of all species are dune and beach species and another nearly 30% are maritime rock species. Species of wet habitats are concentrated in northern and northwestern Europe, dune species in western and southwestern Europe, western Mediterranean and Black Sea. The conservation status of most species is indicated; 37% is considered threatened. It is concluded that the Bern Convention and the European Habitat Directive offer an entirely insufficient framework for effective conservation action. It is suggested to take the present list as a starting point for a geographical/taxonomical/ecological data base of European coastal endemics.  相似文献   

Management of coastal dunes on developed coasts could effectively take advantage of comprehensive and multitemporal georeferenced data collection, which offers the possibility to relate dune data with the natural and cultural characteristics of the beach and hinterland. The recent implementation of a coastal management geodatabase for the Veneto region provides the opportunity for improving knowledge on coastal dunes on developed littoral as well as a basis for appropriate future coastal planning in the study area. The geodatabase gathers data concerning different physical, evolutionary and human aspects of the coastal zone, with a special focus on coastal dunes. Established foredunes, human-altered dunes and relict dunes are irregularly distributed along 59 km, 38% of the entire coastal length. Their distribution and characteristics are the result of favourable natural conditions as well as long-lasting tourism exploitation (evaluated through an index of Land Use Pressure) and fragmentary and diversified uses of beaches (evaluated through an index of Tourism Pressure on the beach). At the same time, beach/dune nourishment intervention allowed the presence of artificial or sand fenced dunes along 17 km of coast. High dune elevation up to 8–10 m is promoted by the onshore exposition of the beach to dominant wind (from ENE), by stable-to-slowly negative sedimentary budget or by the re-activation of high relict foredunes in the case of shoreline retreat associated with strong negative budget. Present sedimentary budget (evaluated through the code ASPE – Accretion, Stable, Precarious, Erosive) is the tool used for dividing coasts in sedimentary compartments or cells. Past and present sedimentary budget and different human responses to erosive cases (hard and soft interventions) give the foredunes different means to form, grow, survive and evolve over time. The assessment of Human Impact and Active Management Practices on the dunes allows a first evaluation of the Management Effectiveness, which shows strong shortcomings for 81% of the dunes. The great variability of beach usage, human impact and management practises on the different dune stretches highlight the lack of effective and systematic management actions being correctly scheduled and performed.  相似文献   

2008年7月—2010年9月,对珠海淇澳岛红树林不同生境和不同植被群落的蟹类进行了调查,共采集到蟹类8科24种,其中相手蟹科Sesarmidae种类最多,为9种;弓蟹科Varunidae次之,为5种,沙蟹科Ocypodidae 4种。Jaccard区系相似性指数表明,林内泥滩与林外硬质泥滩蟹类区系为中等相似(J=0.523),林外硬质泥滩与高潮区光滩蟹类区系(J=0.071)及林内泥滩与高潮区光滩蟹类区系(J=0)都极不相似。林内泥滩蟹类中,谭氏泥蟹(Ilyoplax deschampsi)在数量上占绝对优势。无齿螳臂相手蟹(Chiromantes dehaani)、中华中相手蟹(Sesarmops sinensis)和弧边招潮蟹(Uca arcuata)等在红树林外道路两侧和堤坝较硬质泥滩数量较多,而林外高潮区光滩的蟹类都是耐干旱和奔跑能力较强的种类。天然秋茄(Kandelia candel)群落蟹类种类数和平均密度较人工引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)群落的少,但平均生物量较无瓣海桑群落高。秋茄群落蟹类密度和生物量与土壤全氮、全磷、有机质等理化因子都呈不显著相关;无瓣海桑群落土壤速效磷与蟹类生物量呈极显著正相关,与蟹类密度呈显著正相关;全磷与蟹类密度呈显著负相关。红树林土壤类型和新生蟹类补充进种群是影响珠海淇澳岛红树林蟹类密度和生物量变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

The information available reveals pronounced changes in the ion ratio when marine and fresh waters are mixed. The critical salinity has been shown to be about 5%. in the Kara, White, Baltic, Azov, Black and, probably, Caspian Seas, and British Columbia. Corresponding results were obtained in experimental mixings of White Sea waters with a variety of fresh waters. A close connection is suggested between mixed water hydrochemistry and the existence of an eco-physiological barrier. This barrier divides, at salinities of 5 to 8%., the two basic types of aquatic animals into marine and freshwater representatives.  相似文献   

Environmental effects of enlargement works in Puerto Calero (Lanzarote, Canary Islands) were analysed in the sediments using abiotic variables (total hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, organic matter and granulometry) and three biotic indexes (AMBI, M-AMBI and BENTIX). A before–after/control–impact (BACI) design was developed with four sampling campaigns, before (November 2004), during (March and July 2005) and after (July 2006) works. Inner stations were characterised by high concentrations of pollutants (total hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons). A temporal trend (2004–2006) was observed in macrofaunal assemblage structure, and thus in AMBI, M-AMBI and BENTIX indexes. Macrobenthic assemblages also mirrored the pollution gradient, with bioindicator species in inner stations (the polychaete Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata and the mollusc Abra alba), sensitive species (the sipunculid Aspidosiphon muelleri, the crustacean Pariambus typicus and the polychaete Aponuphis bilineata) in outer stations and ubiquitous species (the polychaetes Aricidea assimilis and Armandia polyophthalma) in both stations (inner and outer).  相似文献   

林兰稳  钟继洪  谭军  梁广灶 《生态环境》2012,(10):1678-1682
为了解不同利用方式下土壤动物多样性状况及其演变,对广州市东部郊区的水稻田、蔬菜地、果园旱地和林地4种土地利用类型0~5、5~10、10~15、15~20cm土层进行了土壤动物取样调查,共获得土壤动物24683只,分别隶属于4门10纲23类。统计分析结果表明,土壤动物多样性受土地利用方式的影响明显。果园旱地和林地的个体数显著高于蔬菜地和水稻田,但果园旱地与林地、蔬菜地与水稻田之间无显著差异;果园旱地和林地的土壤动物类群数显著高于水稻田,但果园旱地与林地、林地与蔬菜地、蔬菜地与水稻田之间的差异不显著;林地和果园旱地的复杂性指数显著高于蔬菜地,但林地与果园旱地和水稻田、水稻田与蔬菜地之间的差异不显著(P〈O.05)。土壤动物的个体数和类群数量随着土壤深度的增加而明显减少,但不同土地利用方式下各层土壤动物的丰富度及其随土层加深而递减的程度则有明显不同,其中,林地和果园旱地的土壤动物在不同土层中较丰富,垂直变化比较和缓,水稻田和蔬菜地的类群数和个体数则随土层的加深而急剧减少。  相似文献   

Relationships among populations (southeast Atlantic and northern Gulf coast, USA) of a ubiquitous, estuarine, harpacticoid copepod (Microarthridion littorale Poppe) were estimated using sequence data from two loci: one mitochondrial [cytochrome b (Cyt b)] and one nuclear [first internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS-1)]. Copepods were collected from seven estuaries in 1997/98. Allelic phylogenies based on both genes were generally concordant, and suggested that M. littorale populations are structured over large geographic scales (hundreds of kilometers). Three well-supported groups were found in both gene trees comprising clades of alleles sampled from South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. Alleles from the Savannah, Georgia sample formed a monophyletic group using the Cyt b data, but this clade was not distinguishable with comparable ITS-1 data. A single specimen from Louisiana was classified in different clades depending on the locus assayed. Received: 11 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of part (624 bp) of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase I was determined for 46 escarpiid vestimentiferans collected from seven sites in the western Pacific and 49 individual specimens of Arcovestia ivanovi from two sites in the Manus Basin. Phylogenetic analysis, based on the newly obtained and previously reported sequences, indicated that escarpiids in the western Pacific can be divided into two tentative species, as we proposed in a previous report. While members of the first tentative species have been collected exclusively from a seep area at a depth of 300 m off the coast of central Japan, the members of the second species inhabit some sites at depths greater than 1,100 m, namely, seep areas in Japanese and Papua-New Guinean waters as well as hydrothermal vent fields in the Okinawa Trough and the Manus Basin. We detected no genetic structure among populations of the second tentative species. The first tentative species was more closely related to a species in the eastern Pacific, Escarpia spicata, and to a species in the Gulf of Mexico, Escarpia laminata, than to the second tentative species in the western Pacific. Sequences obtained from all arcovestiids were identical with the exception of those from three individuals, each of which included a single synonymous nucleotide substitution relative to the dominant haplotype, and no genetic differences were detected between specimens from the two sites in the Manus Basin.  相似文献   

Over 60 species of reef fishes were observed from submersibles between 50 and 305 m depth, and 25 species were collected from the same depth range using fish traps and submersibles. Short transects gave relative abundance of some species with depth. Many shallow-water coral-reef fishes reach depths far below the lower growth limits of reef-building corals. A true “deep-reef” fauna exists, but the juveniles of some of these species are found at depths of less than 50 m.  相似文献   

Microcoleus chthonoplastes and Phormidium corium were isolated from microbial mats covering all sediments along the Arabian Gulf coasts. These isolates could consume and oxidise n-alkanes. The establishment of axenic cultures faced the problem that with progressive axenity the cyanobacterial growth seemed to cease. The associated organotrophic bacteria, Rhodococcus rhodochrous, Arthrobacter nicotianae, Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp., could utilize n-alkanes. The total number of these organotrophs was about 2×106 cells g−1 fresh culture, and R. rhodochrous was the most dominant. In order to test the potential of cyanobacteria for n-alkane consumption, experiments were constructed to rule out the role of the associated organotrophic bacteria. Aliquots, 0.5 g fresh cyanobacterial samples, each containing about 1×106 organotrophic bacterial cells (≡0.001 mg fresh bacteria) were incubated in inorganic medium aliquots supplied with an n-alkane. The same was repeated using 1.0×106 cells each of the four organotrophic bacteria instead of the cyanobacterial samples. The nonaxenic cyanobacterial samples consumed up to 60% of the available alkane, whereas no detectable consumption was measured in any of the pure organotrophic bacterial cultures. For all organotrophic bacteria, the numbers had to be increased ten-thousand times in order that detectable alkane consumption might become measurable. The fatty acids resulting from the n-alkane oxidation were found incorporated in cell lipid classes characteristic of cyanobacteria, namely in galactolipids and sulfolipids. These results may imply that the two test cyanobacteria contribute directly to n- alkane uptake and oxidation. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

Pollinator Extinction in the Pacific Islands   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Several methods of assessment have been used to document variation in grazing pressure on temperate rocky shores, although often these methods are applied without consideration of local conditions or species. In this study, a comparison was made between abundance counts of inactive molluscan grazers at low tide, direct observations of grazer activity and distribution throughout day and night tidal cycles, and records of grazing marks on wax discs, for the mid-shore of Hong Kong. The abundance of grazers found during low-tide counts varied among dates, sites and species. This method, however, did not record all grazer species that day/night observations showed to migrate from the low shore with the rising tide. Low-tide counts, therefore, underestimate grazing pressure (number of active grazers per unit area) and grazer guild (number of species). Grazing marks on wax discs also recorded a greater number of species than the low-tide counts of inactive grazers, and included grazers that were seen to migrate up shore during day/night observations. Certain limpet species, however, avoided the wax and did not leave grazing marks, showing this method to also underestimate grazing pressure. All methods showed grazing pressure to be variable at spatial scales of tens of metres or less and also temporally variable between sampling dates. The sole use of either low-tide counts or wax discs is likely to underestimate grazing pressure, due to variation in shore topography and grazer foraging behaviour, especially on shores with a narrow tidal range such as in Hong Kong. To gain a more accurate assessment of total grazing pressure, it is suggested that recording of grazing marks on wax discs should be used in conjunction with direct day/night observations.  相似文献   

Approximately 500 animal species and plants are listed as being the most typical for the infratidal and shallow subtidal benthic fauna of the Red Sea. Most of them are divided into communities typical for various soft and hard substrata, and at different water depths. The oceanographic conditions and the development of several of the communities are discussed in general terms.Supported partly by grants 62558-4556 and F 671052 67C 0043 of the US Office of Naval Research and Grant SFC-7-0074 of the Smithsonian Institution.  相似文献   

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