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Two complete collections of the fishes residing on an isolated coral patch reef ( 1500 m2) at Oahu, Hawaii, were made 11 years apart. Of the 112 species of fishes in both collections combined, only 40% were in common, but these made up more than 85% of the wet biomass in each collection. The two assemblages of fishes were similar in trophic structure and standing crop. Many coral reef fish communities are dominated by carnivorous forms. In the present study, planktivorous fishes were the most important trophic group in the community; this was related to abundant zooplankton resources. Following the second collection in 1977, recolonization by fishes was followed for 1 year. Recolonization proceeded rapidly and was primarily by juvenile fishes well beyond larval metamorphosis. Within 6 months of the second collection, the trophic structure had been re-established. The MacArthur-Wilson model of insular colonization described the recolonization process and predicted an equilibrium situation in less than 2 years. The recolonization data suggested that chance factors may explain the colonization process on a small scale, but a relatively deterministic pattern emerged when considering the entire reef. Thus, at the community level the fishes are a persistent and predictable entity.  相似文献   

Paired flat plates of the hermatypic coral Montipora verrucosa from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, were acclimated to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) only and to full sunlight (PAR+UV) for several weeks in the summer of 1990. After the acclimation period, photosynthesis, both in PAR-only and PAR+UV as well as dark respiration were measured. Levels of the UV-absorbing compounds, S320, density of zooxanthellae, and chlorophyll a concentration were determined. Corals acclimated in PAR+UV had higher levels of the UV-protective compounds and lower areal zooxanthellae densities than corals acclimated in PAR-only. Chlorophyll a per unit volume of coral host and per algal cell did not differ between corals from the two acclimation treatments. Corals acclimated to PAR+UV displayed higher photosynthesis in full sunlight than corals acclimated to PAR-only, but when photosynthesis was measured in the light regime to which the corals had been acclimated, there were no differences in photosynthesis. Dark respiration was the same for corals from the two acclimation treatments regardless of the light quality immediately preceding the dark period.Contribution No. 902 HIMB  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis on starch gels was used to investigate population genetic structure of the barnacles Chthamalus montagui Southward and C. stellatus (Poli) over their north-east Atlantic and Mediterranean ranges. In each species, a single locus exhibited marked differentiation of allele frequencies between Atlantic and Mediterranean localities; in C. stellatus, genetic differentiation between the two basins had not previously been noted. In both species, mean heterozygosity per locus appeared higher in the Mediterranean samples than in the Atlantic, and Mediterranean populations had more alleles at the loci studied. Possible explanations for the differentiation between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean populations are discussed. Received: 30 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

The burrowing bivalve Lithophaga curta is abundant (8 to 9 per 100 cm2) in the encrusting, hermatypic coral Montipora berryi at Enewetak; this is the first report of L. curta colonizing living coral. Conversely, larvae of M. berryi appear to settle in empty bivalve burrows, tentatively identified as those of L. curta, located in dead M. berryi. Several hypotheses are suggested on the adaptive significance of substrate selection by larvae of both species and an overall hypothesis of reciprocal recruitment, describing the dynamic aspects of this apparently co-evolved relationship, is proposed.  相似文献   

Ophiocoma pumila Lütken andOphiocomella ophiactoides (H. L. Clark) are morphologically similar brittle stars with contrasting life histories, the former obligately sexual, the latter fissiparous (capable of both sexual reproduction and asexual proliferation by binary fission). Electrophoretic analysis of five polymorphic enzymes was used to assess the genetic consequences of these differing life histories and provide a genetic perspective on the taxonomic relationship between the two species. Genotypic diversity ofOphiocoma pumila collected at Discovery Bay, Jamaica, in 1985 conformed to expectations for a sexually reproducing population. In contrast, genotypic diversity ofOphiocomella ophiactoides at this site was significantly lower than expected for a sexually reproducing population, due largely to the predominance of clonal proliferation over larval recruitment. Large variation in clonal composition over a short (50 m) distance emphasized the very localized scale of clonal mixing in this species. Allozymic data are indicative of a close sibling species relationship betweenOphiocoma pumila andOphiocomella ophiactoides which suggests that the present generic separation of the two species should be re-examined. Electrophoretic analysis was also used to examine the genetic structure of sponge- and alga-dwelling populations of a second fissiparous brittle star,Ophiactis savignyi (Müller & Troschel), which was also collected at Jamaica in 1985. Striking differences in the allelic composition of sponge- and alga-dwellingO. savignyi were observed. Genotypic diversity ofO. savignyi in sponges was very low, each sponge being dominated by a single genotype. Genotypic diversity ofO. savignyi in algae was higher, although still significantly lower than expectations for a sexually reproducing population. In the light of the highly clonal composition of fissiparous brittle-star populations, the adaptive significance of clonal growth may be related to an increase in the overall fitness of dispersed clones (genets), compared to individuals of strictly sexual counterparts, through greater genotypespecific biomass and, hence, fecundity.Contribution No. 476 of the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory of the University of the West Indies  相似文献   

Gene flow among 18 widely separated populations of the starfishLinckia laevigata was investigated using allozyme electrophoresis at seven polymorphic enzyme loci. Little genetic differentiation was observed among East Indian-West Pacific populations separated by thousands of kilometres. Gene flow was estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as that found in the highly connected Great Barrier Reef region. The absence of genetic structure over such a broad geographic range is consistent with any of three conclusions: (1) there is extensive dispersal among widely separated populations across the range examined, (2) there has been a rapid expansion of the East Indian-West Pacific populations in the recent past, or (3) the loci surveyed are under the influence of balancing selection. The first two conclusions are not totally exclusive, since a recent expansion over several thousand generations would also require rapid dispersal at some stage, although present-day levels of dispersal need not be of the same order. With the available data, it is not possible to distinguish which of these mechanisms is the most likely. The most parsimonious conclusion is that extremely low levels of population differentiation are consistent with the existence of a large, homogeneous, panmictic population, with extensive dispersal occurring throughout the East Indian-West Pacific.  相似文献   

M. Sorice  V. Caputo 《Marine Biology》1999,134(2):327-333
Data on the electrophoretic patterns of 20 enzyme loci were used to investigate relationships among seven Mediterranean goby species. The study evidenced different levels of genetic variability among the species. On the whole, the degrees of genetic differentiation were consistent with the current taxonomic recognition of species and genera. Phenetic and phylogenetic analyses agreed in clustering the samples in three groups, i.e. the Gobius (including Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), the Lesueurigobius species and Pomatoschiarua minutus. The taxa analysed probably evolved following the complex geological and climatic events that have been affecting the Mediterranean basin ever since the Miocene. Received: 20 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

The effect of amphipod grazing on algal community structure was studied within a 75 l refuge tank connected to a 6500 l closed-system, coral reef microcosm. When amphipods (Ampithoe ramondi) were absent or present in low numbers, a high biomass of mostly filamentous algal species resulted, including Bryopsis hypnoides, Centroceras clavulatum, Ceramium flaccidum, Derbesia vaucheriaeformis, Enteromorpha prolifera, Giffordia rallsiae, and Polysiphonia havanensis. These microalgae disappeared when amphipod density increase beyond approximately 1 individual cm-2 of tank surface. The macroalga Hypnea spinella germinated in the system in association with amphipod tube sites. H. spinella plants remained rare until filamentous species were eliminated by amphipod grazing. Feeding trials confirmed that H. spinella was protected from grazing by its size rather than a chemical defense strategy. The H. spinella community we observed is similar to the flora described on algal ridges where physical conditions exclude fish grazing. We suggest that amphipods and similar micrograzers are responsible for the algal community structure of these ridges. Caging experiments may be subject to similar effects from increased amphipod grazing on the algae. Introduction of fish that are amphipod predators into the refuge tank caused an increase in algal species diversity but total H. spinella growth rates fell from 25 g dry wt month-1 to less than 8 g dry wt month-1. We describe amphipod behavior in relation to changes in population density and food supply, and we stress the potential for increasing the productivity of commercial seaweeds through maintenance of appropriate amphipod species in mariculture facilities.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diel variations in community structure and abundance of coral-reef lagoon mysids were examined at Davies Reef in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) between June 1980 and May 1981. Twenty-five mysid species belonging to three subfamilies of the family Mysidae were captured during the study, with six new records for the GBR. The epibenthic mysid community differed from that in the overlying water, was faunistically uniform, but formed characteristic seasonal and diel groupings. The dominant epibenthic species were Erythrops sp., Anisomysis pelewensis, Doxomysis littoralis, A. laticauda, Prionomysis stenolepis, A. lamellicauda, and A. australis, five of which formed schools. Total mysid abundances ranged between 110 and 790 m-3 with peak abundance in October. Schooling species occurred at local densities of up to 500 000 m-3. Mysids were absent from shallow and midwater depths during the day, but were distributed throughout all depths at night with peak abundances in mid-water and deep layers. The dominant species in the water column at night were Pseudanchialina inermis, A. laticauda and Gastrosaccus indicus, in descending order of abundance. Lagoonal mysids contribute little to the food of sessile reef planktivores, as all but three species remain concentrated near or on the lagoon floor both day and night. The contribution of resident lagoon mysids to reef trophodynamics is probably through remineralization of lagoon detritus. Given the vast reef areas comprised of sandy lagoons, the large populations and relatively large size of lagoon mysids, this trophodynamic role may be of considerable importance.A.I.M.S. Contribution No. 477  相似文献   

Two morphologically indistinguishable but genetically very distinct polychaete species of the family Spionidae are found in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan. Both species bore into molluscan shells and occur sympatrically. They are close in morphology to Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1838) and some other members of the redefined P. ciliata species complex. The systematics of the two species is still under consideration by one of us (V.I.R.). A total of nine enzyme systems comprising 12 isozyme loci were examined in both the species by means of starch gel electrophoresis. Nei's genetic distance between them proved surprisingly high (D= 1.942) being the highest among estimates so far obtained for pairs of polydorid species. The levels of intraspecific genetic variation in both species (Polydora sp. 1, H e= 0.287 ± 0.064; Polydora sp. 2, H e= 0.111 ± 0.045) are comparable to those of other electrophoretically studied polydorids. The problem of taxonomic integrity of cosmopolitan marine invertebrate species is briefly discussed as well as the usefulness of isozymes as species-specific characters suitable for unequivocal discrimination between sibling polydorid species. A list of enzymes characterized by interspecifically variable numbers of expressed isozymes within polydorids is given and recommended for such a discrimination. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

In Ireland, mussels on exposed rocky shores constitute an interbreeding mixture of two forms of mussels, the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, and the Mediterranean mussel, M. galloprovincialis. Results from an Irish study in the 1980s, using partially diagnostic allozyme markers, indicated that mussels higher up the shore were more galloprovincialis-like than those lower down. In this study we set out to test two hypotheses: (a) recruits arriving on the shore are composed of genetically distinct cohorts that settle preferentially at different levels on the shore, and maintain genetic distinctiveness into adulthood; (b) recruits are genetically homogeneous, but once settled they diverge genetically over time, due to within-habitat site specific-selection. The diagnostic Me 15/16 DNA marker was used to analyse the genetic composition of newly-settled spat recruiting to artificial substrates, which were placed at two-week intervals from May–October 2002, on the mid- and low shore areas of two exposed sites in Galway Bay. Adult mussels were also collected on each sampling date. Results did not support the preferential settlement hypothesis, i.e., the genetic composition of primary settlers (≤ 500 μm) was similar between tidal heights and shores. Neither was there evidence of post settlement selective mortality, as adults were genetically similar to settling spat. In spat and adults the frequency of the M. galloprovincialis allele was high (0.56–0.80), due to high frequencies of M. galloprovincialis (> 37%) and hybrid (> 33%) genotypes, and correspondingly low frequencies of the M. edulis genotype (< 11%). Adult mussels from a nearby sheltered estuarine site, while significantly different to exposed shore mussels, still had low frequencies of the M. edulis genotype (< 17%), indicating no apparent advantage for the genotype in this environment. There are indications that the genetic composition of mussels may be changing on the Atlantic coasts of Ireland.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》1999,114(2-3):251-274
An analysis of the extended path and flow structure of a six compartment steady-state oyster reef model was conducted. The extended path and flow structure were analyzed in the context of a refined canonical path classification system based on the systems theory methods of environ and network unfolding analyses. A computer implementation of an operational path classification system facilitated investigation of a finite portion (path length ≤17 arcs) of the direct and indirect path structure of the oyster reef model. Important results of the path structure analysis include: (1) few simple paths and large numbers of compound paths enumerated; (2) dominance of path numbers by subsequent passage terminal cycle paths; (3) structural evidence in support of feedback control in ecosystems; (4) results provide evidence by analogy to support the hypothesis of network homogenization first described using the systems analysis methods of environ analysis and network unfolding; (5) constancy of the pattern of origin–destination path counts with increasing path length; (6) importance of nonliving compartments in the extended path structure of ecosystems. Simultaneous path and flow analysis of the oyster reef model assessed the flow contributions of the fundamental path categories for this model using a modification of a path-based network unfolding method. First passage paths contribute most of the flow; however, multiple passage cyclic paths also provide a large (22%) flow contribution. Because of cycling in the system, the numerous long paths in the extended path structure of this ecosystem model are significant in its function as represented by the flows. These results provide microscopic evidence for the macroscopic results of environ analysis that implicate cycling as a key ecosystem attribute in the mechanisms of holistic system determination. The principles enunciated here for a model with a low cycling index (11%) carry over to, and would be even more significant for, models with high cycling indexes. These results also serve to form a link between the extended structure of food webs and their functioning as represented by energy-matter flows. The present analysis demonstrates that extended path structure, and the component articulation from which it is generated, have significant consequences for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

 Although oysters are commercially very important in Brazil, there is still much dispute about the number of Crassostrea species occurring on the Brazilian coast. The dispute is centered around C. brasiliana, considered by some authors to be a junior synonym of C. rhizophorae. In this paper we compared, by allozyme electrophoresis, sympatric and allopatric populations of the two putative species. Of the 17 loci analysed, five were diagnostic for the two species in sympatry (gene identity = 0.46 to 0.47), clearly demonstrating that they are distinct biological species. Heterozygosity (h) levels were high for both species (h = 0.24 to 0.28), and no heterozygote deficiencies were observed in any population (local inbreeding, F IS  = 0.141; P > 0.70). Levels of population structure in C. rhizophorae along 1300 km of coast were very low (population inbreeding, F ST  = 0.026; P > 0.15), indicating that the planktonic, planktotrophic larvae of these species are capable of long-range dispersal. Received: 14 January 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

The swimming abilities of larval fishes are important for their survival, potentially affecting their ability to avoid predators, obtain food and control dispersal patterns. Near settlement swimming abilities may also influence spatial and temporal patterns of recruitment. We examined Critical speed (U-crit) swimming ability in late stage larvae of 89 species of coral reef fishes from the Great Barrier Reef and the Caribbean. Coefficients of variation in U-crit calculated at the individual level were high (28.4%), and this was not explained by differences in size or condition factor of these same larvae. Among species U-crit ranged from 5.5 cm s−1 to 100.8 cm s−1 (mean=37.3 cm s−1), with 95% of species able to swim faster than the average current speed around Lizard Island, suggesting that most species should be capable of influencing their spatial and temporal patterns of settlement. Inter-specific differences in swimming ability (at both the family and species levels) were significantly correlated with size and larval morphology. Correlations were found between swimming performance and propulsive area, fineness ratio and aspect ratio, and these morphological parameters may prove useful for predicting swimming ability in other taxa. Overall, the swimming speeds of larvae from the same families at the two locations were relatively similar, although the Lutjanidae and Acanthuridae from the Caribbean were significantly slower than those from the great barrier reef. Differences in swimming speed and body form among late stage larvae suggests that they will respond differently to factors influencing survival and transport during their pelagic phase, as well as habitat use following settlement.  相似文献   

Corals are the primary reef-building organisms, therefore it is key to understand their recruitment patterns for effective reef management. Coral recruitment rates and juvenile coral abundance were recorded in the Wakatobi National Marine Park, Indonesia, on two reefs (Sampela and Hoga) with different levels of environmental degradation (12.5 vs. 44 % coral cover with high and low sedimentation rates, respectively) to examine consistencies in recruitment patterns between years and seasons. Recruitment was measured on multiple panels at two sites on each reef (6–7 m depth) and cleared areas of natural reef. Although coral recruitment was twofold higher in 2008–2009 than in 2007–2008, and seasonal differences were identified, consistent significant differences in recruitment rates were found between the two reefs even though they are separated by only ~1.5 km. Recruitment rates and juvenile abundance were lower on the more degraded reef. These patterns are likely a consequence of differential pre- and post-settlement mortality as a result of the high sedimentation rates and degraded conditions and possibly reduced larval supply.  相似文献   

Most presettlement reef fish settled at night at One Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef. Fish were sampled day and night using channel nets located on the reef crest, and a plankton-mesh purse-seine net in the lagoon (1992–1994). Catches of fish at night were generally tens to hundreds of times greater than those taken during the day. Preflexion fish, as well as postflexion and pelagic juveniles, were taken in greater numbers at night. Preflexion forms were a combination of those that had hatched from demersal eggs and later stages that had been transported over the reef crest. Highest numbers of postflexion and pelagic juvenile forms of Apogonidae, Blenniidae, Gobiesocidae, Gobiidae, Labridae, Lutjanidae, Mugiloididae, Mullidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, Serranidae and Tripterygiidae were found at night. Observations, while SCUBA diving, and purse-seine samples in the lagoon indicated that the only resident larvae were of the genera Spratelloides and Hypoatherina; most of the fishes caught in nets, therefore, were immigrants. Patch reefs, sampled for new settlers early in the morning and late in the day, indicated that the majority of apogonids (Apogon doederleini, >95%) settled at night. Although greater numbers of pomacentrids were found in morning counts (e.g. Pomacentrus wardi), if data were converted to an hourly rate, many pomacentrids showed a similar hourly rate of settlement day and night. Depth-stratified sampling in waters near One Tree Island (to 20 m) indicated that some taxa rise to the surface at night. This behaviour, perhaps combined with avoidance of diurnal predators may explain on-reef movement of potential settlers soon after dark. Studies on settlement cues, therefore, need to focus on night-related phenomena. Received: 3 March 2000 / Accepted: 20 June 2000  相似文献   

Increments in the hard parts of marine organisms (otoliths, skeletons, shells) can provide long-term chronologies of growth analogous to tree rings. For the first time in the Southern Hemisphere, we use a dendrochronological (tree-ring analysis) approach to develop a multidecadal chronology of growth for a temperate reef fish, Girella tricuspidata, from the coast of northern New Zealand. Growth patterns in the otoliths of this species were strongly synchronous among individual fish over a period spanning 27 years (1980–2006). We then compared our otolith chronology to climatic records and found strong positive correlations of growth with sea surface temperature, and weak negative correlations with the multivariate El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index. Strongest correlations were found between summer sea surface temperature and otolith growth. This relationship was consistent across all years and explained 44 % of the variation (y = −2.0 + 0.1785 × temperature, r 2 = 0.4367, P = 0.0002) in the G. tricuspidata growth chronology. Our study illustrates how otolith chronologies provide remarkable records of annual growth patterns over decadal time scales that will be useful for forecasting the likely effects of climate change on marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

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