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Comparison of aerobic and anaerobic biotreatment of municipal solid waste   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To increase the operating lifetime of landfills and to lower leachate treatment costs, an increasing number of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are being managed as either aerobic or anaerobic bioreactors. Landfill gas composition, respiration rates, and subsidence were measured for 400 days in 200-L tanks filled with fresh waste materials to compare the relative effectiveness of the two treatments. Tanks were prepared to provide the following conditions: (1) air injection and leachate recirculation (aerobic), (2) leachate recirculation (anaerobic), and (3) no treatment (anaerobic). Respiration tests on the aerobic wet tank showed a steady decrease in oxygen consumption rates from 1.3 mol/day at 20 days to 0.1 mol/day at 400 days. Aerobic wet tanks produced, on average, 6 mol of carbon dioxide (CO2)/kg of MSW as compared with anaerobic wet tanks, which produced 2.2 mol methane/kg of MSW and 2.0 mol CO2/kg methane. Over the test period, the aerobic tanks settled on average 35%, anaerobic tanks settled 21.7%, and the no-treatment tank settled 7.5%, equivalent to overall mass loss in the corresponding reactors. Aerobic tanks reduced stabilization time and produced negligible odor compared with anaerobic tanks, possibly because of the 2 orders of magnitude lower leachate ammonia levels in the aerobic tank. Both treatment regimes provide the opportunity for disposal and remediation of liquid waste.  相似文献   

The volatile organic carbon (VOC) and odours emitted during the aerobic biological processing of municipal solid waste (MSW) was studied in a pilot-scale reactor. VOCs were detected by different techniques on solid waste samples and the outlet air stream, before and after a biofilter. Organic compounds (alpha-pinene, beta-myrcene, D-limonene) were also measured in condensate water and leachate from the process. Results showed uniformity in the composition of the air in the solid waste samples, air sampled during the process and condensed water, indicating a matrix-derived origin of these compounds. Leachates, however, contained substances with a quite different molecular structure from the compounds identified in the gaseous fraction. Most of the substances in the gaseous effluent had a hydrocarbon-like structure, mainly terpenoids. The odour produced and detected through olfactometry agreed with GC-MS analyses. This was true above all for terpenes.  相似文献   

生活垃圾堆肥厂的核心——发酵系统对堆肥产品的质量和成本起着决定性的作用,所以其设计显得至关重要。结合多年的科研及工程实践经验,就垃圾仓式静态好氧发酵供风系统工艺设计中供风形式、方式选择,风量、风压计算以及供风控制形式选择等几个关键部分做了详细介绍。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾处理厂挥发性有机物释放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择目前国内成功运营的餐厨垃圾处理厂为采样点,该厂以利用餐厨垃圾生产生物蛋白饲料和厌氧发酵为主要工艺,采用气相色谱/质谱联用(GC/MS)技术对挥发性有机物(VOCs)浓度较高的工段,如破碎室、湿热反应器、好氧发酵仓进行了定性和定量分析.结果表明,3个采样点共检测出65种物质,包括醇、醛、酮、酯、芳香烃、硫化物、卤代物、烯烃和烷烃9类.湿热反应器排放VOCs浓度最高且包含物质种类最多,其中酮、酯、芳香烃、硫化物、卤代物、烯烃及烷烃类物质浓度均高于其他检测点,需对该工段进行重点监测和控制.  相似文献   

随着水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾、污泥和危废等技术的推广应用,相关环保控制要求也不断提高,处置过程烟道气中总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)含量高低,也逐渐成为人们关注和控制的目标。为了消除人们的疑虑,将未经发酵的筛下(厨余)物直接加入低温烘干粉磨的水泥生料磨系统中,经实验检测分析和工程现场测试实践证明,在控制一定添加量的情况下,该过程中各环节TOC含量非但不会增加,反而有所降低,其降幅高达40%。  相似文献   

Two different biowaste composting techniques were compared with regard to their overall emission of volatile compounds during the active composting period. In the aerobic composting process, the biowaste was aerated during a 12-week period, while the combined anaerobic/aerobic composting process consisted of a sequence of a 3-week anaerobic digestion (phase I) and a 2-week aeration period (phase II). While the emission of volatiles during phase I of the combined anaerobic/aerobic composting process was measured in a full-scale composting plant, the aerobic stages of both composting techniques were performed in pilot-scale composting bins. Similar groups of volatile compounds were analysed in the biogas and the aerobic composting waste gases, being alcohols, carbonyl compounds, terpenes, esters, sulphur compounds and ethers. Predominance of alcohols (38% wt/wt of the cumulative emission) was observed in the exhaust air of the aerobic composting process, while predominance of terpenes (87%) and ammonia (93%) was observed in phases I and II of the combined anaerobic/aerobic composting process, respectively. In the aerobic composting process, 2-propanol, ethanol, acetone, limonene and ethyl acetate made up about 82% of the total volatile organic compounds (VOC)-emission. Next to this, the gas analysis during the aerobic composting process revealed a strong difference in emission profile as a function of time between different groups of volatiles. The total emission of VOC, NH3 and H2S during the aerobic composting process was 742 g ton-1 biowaste, while the total emission during phases I and II of the combined anaerobic/aerobic composting process was 236 and 44 g ton-1 biowaste, respectively. Taking into consideration the 99% removal efficiency of volatiles upon combustion of the biogas of phase I in the electricity generator, the combined anaerobic/aerobic composting process can be considered as an attractive alternative for aerobic biowaste composting because of its 17 times lower overall emission of the volatiles mentioned.  相似文献   

A new dynamic air sampling system was devised and evaluated in conjunction with solid phase microextraction (SPME) fiber materials for extracting odor-causing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in swine building environments. Utilizing a standard solution consisting of 11 compounds (i.e., volatile fatty acids, indoles, and phenol), sampling times, volumes, and flow rates were adjusted to establish optimal extraction conditions. Results indicated that the sampling system was effective with the Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) fiber in extracting all 11 standard compounds. The best sampling conditions for the extraction were a 100-mL sampling vial subjected to a continuous flow of 100 mL/min for 60 min. The gas chromatographic analysis showed that the reproducibility was within acceptable ranges for all compounds (RSD=4.24-17.26% by peak areas). In addition, field tests revealed that the sampling system was capable of detecting over 60 VOCs in a swine house whose major components were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and by their retention times as volatile fatty acids, phenols, indole, and skatole. The field tests also showed that considerably different levels of VOCs were present in various parts of the swine building.  相似文献   

He X  Xi B  Wei Z  Guo X  Li M  An D  Liu H 《Chemosphere》2011,82(4):541-548
This paper aims to characterize the evolution of water extractable organic matter (WEOM) during the composting of municipal solid waste (MSW), and investigate the correlation between maturity and WEOM characteristics. WEOM was extracted at different stages of MSW composting (0, 7, 14, 21, and 51 d) and characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results obtained show that the composting process decreased aliphatics, alcohols, polysaccharides, as well as protein-like materials, and increased aromatic polycondensation, humification, oxygen-containing functional groups, molecular weight, and humic-like materials. The maturity of MSW during composting was characterized by the presence of the peak with an excitation/emission wavelength pair of 289/421 nm in excitation-emission matrix spectra.  相似文献   

高温微生物菌剂加速垃圾填埋场好氧稳定化进程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一种可加速垃圾填埋场好氧稳定化进程的生物强化技术。实验对比了A、B、C 3种填埋方式,A、B为好氧填埋,C为厌氧填埋;A中接种高温复合菌剂,B、C中不接种菌剂。实验周期为20 d。研究发现:高温菌剂的投加起到了多重作用:增强了微生物的活动,导致A中的温度显著升高,最高可达72℃,且50℃以上的高温期达14 d,而B仅在45℃维持3 d,C则基本处于常温;加速了垃圾堆体的降解与稳定化进程,至实验结束,A中可生物降解有机质含量(BDM)去除率达51.2%,明显高于B、C中的BDM去除率(31.1%和39.4%);加速了堆体中含氮物质的降解与转化,减少了垃圾浸出液中氨氮的累积;加速了堆体的沉降,A中垃圾堆体沉降高度达10 cm,远大于B、C堆体的沉降高度(4 cm和2.5 cm)。  相似文献   

城市固体有机废物堆肥实验装置设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据城市固体有机废物的特点和性质 ,设计了一种堆肥的实验装置 ,该设计包括空间结构设计、通风系统设计和搅拌系统设计。空间结构设计的特点是小型的、用于实验室研究的、仓式动态好氧结构 ;通风系统的设计则是以供氧、散热和去除水分所需通风量为基础 ;搅拌系统设计包括搅拌器的结构设计和所需动力设计  相似文献   

An activated sludge aeration tank (40 x 40 x 300 cm, width x length x height) with a set of 2-mm orifice air spargers was used to treat gas-borne volatile organic compounds (VOCs; toluene, p-xylene, and dichloromethane) in air streams. The effects of liquid depth (Z), aeration intensity (G/A), the overall mass-transfer rate of oxygen in clean water (KLaO2), the Henry's law constant of the tested VOC (H), and the influent gaseous VOC concentration (C0) on the efficiency of removal of VOCs were examined and compared with a literature-cited model. Results show that the measured VOC removal efficiencies and those predicted by the model were comparable at a G/A of 3.75-11.25 m3/m2 hr and C0 of approximately 1000-6000 mg/m3. Experimental data also indicated that the designed gas treatment reactor with KLaO2 = 5-15 hr(-l) could achieve > 85% removal of VOCs with H = 0.24-0.25 at an aerated liquid depth of 1 m and > 95% removal of dichloromethane with H = 0.13 at a 1-m liquid depth.  相似文献   

Food wastes collected from typical urban residential communities were investigated for the emission of volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSCs) during laboratory-controlled aerobic decomposition in an incubator for a period of 41 days. Emission of VOSCs from the food wastes totaled 409.9 mg kg?1 (dry weight), and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), methyl 2-propenyl disulfide, carbonyl sulfide and methyl 1-propenyl sulfide were the five most abundant VOSCs, with shares of 75.5%, 13.5%, 4.8%, 2.2% and 1.3% in total 15 VOSCs released, respectively. The emission fluxes of major VOSCs were very low at the beginning (day 0). They peaked at days 2–4 and then decreased sharply until they leveled off after 10 days of incubation. For most VOSCs, over 95% of their emission occurred in the first 10 days. The time series of VOSC emission fluxes, as well as their significant correlation with internal food waste temperature (p < 0.05) during incubation, suggested that production of VOSC species was induced mainly by microbial activities during the aerobic decomposition instead of as inherited. Released VOSCs accounted for 5.3% of sulfur content in the food wastes, implying that during aerobic decomposition considerable portion of sulfur in food wastes would be released into the atmosphere as VOSCs, primarily as DMDS, which is very short-lived in the atmosphere and thus usually less considered in the sources and sinks of reduced sulfur gases.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of aeration patterns in terms of intra- (S1) and extra- (S2) aeration on aerobic granulation were investigated. Granules developed in S1 were retarded due to the high shear force of highly mixed air bubbles, and they were more solid while the S2 granules were porous with many distinct pores and channels. Mature granules in two series had comparable specific oxygen uptake rate and ammonium-nitrogen uptake rate, which were 37.57 and 39.64 mg O2/(gMLSS ⋅ h), 6.44 and 4.03 mg NH3-N/ (gMLSS ⋅ h) respectively. Moreover, S1 granules contained more extracellular polymeric substances and higher exopolysaccharide content, which resulted higher negative charges.  相似文献   

预处理对城市固体有机垃圾厌氧发酵的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对近年来城市固体有机垃圾厌氧消化的各种预处理技术和发展趋势进行了综合分析和评述.研究认为,通过预处理能够改善城市固体有机物的物化性质,提高微生物对难降解有机物的降解,优化垃圾的厌氧消化过程.  相似文献   

室内环境中挥发性有机物释放过程的数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据组成结构,将室内环境中释放挥发性有机物(VOCs)的建筑装饰材料划分为单层干材料、单层湿材料、多层组合材料等类型,总结了这三种材料的VOCs释放特征、传输过程和数学模型研究现状,分析了模型的特点和适用范围,指出了模型研究发展的趋势,对应用中模型的选择提出了指导性建议.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to develop a simple and fast analytical method for the determination of a wide range of organic compounds (volatile and semivolatile compounds) in municipal wastewater. The headspace-solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography (with mass spectroscopy) was used for determination of the organic compounds. In this study, 39 organic compounds were determined, including 3 sulfur compounds, 28 substituted benzenes, and 8 substituted phenols. The extraction parameters, such as types of SPME fiber, extraction temperature, extraction time, desorption time, salt effect, and magnetic stirring, were investigated. The method had very good repeatability, because the relative standard deviations ranged from 0.5 to 12%. The detection limit of each compound was at or below the microgram-per-liter level. This method was applied for determination of the organic compounds in raw wastewater, primary effluent, secondary effluent, and chlorinated secondary effluent samples from the Chania Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (Crete, Greece).  相似文献   

广州市生活垃圾高温有氧静态堆肥的生命周期分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用生命周期分析(LCA)方法,对广州市生活垃圾高温有氧静态堆肥系统进行分析,计算出全生命周期的资源消耗和环境影响潜值,同时与垃圾焚烧典型工艺的LCA数据进行对比。结果表明,堆肥处理的环境影响负荷为0.023PET90,资源消耗系数为9.238mPET90。环境影响类型中光化学臭氧合成造成的影响最大,占环境总影响的43.8%。与焚烧处理方式相比,高温有氧静态堆肥的环境总影响较小,环境影响负荷相比于焚烧减少20.3%,在降低酸化的影响方面有较为显著的作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the characterization of energy consumption and contaminant emissions from a municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment system that comprises transfer station, landfill site, combustion plant, composting plant, dejecta treatment station, and an integrated MSW treatment plant. The consumed energy and energy medium materials were integrated under comprehensive energy consumption (CEC) for comparison. Among typical MSW disposal methods such as combustion, composting, and landfilling, landfilling has the minimum CEC value. Installing an integrated treatment plant is the recommended MSW management method because of its lower CEC. Furthermore, this method is used to ensure process centralization. In landfill sites, a positive linear correlation was observed between the CEC and contaminant removal ratios when emitted pollutants have a certain weight coefficient. The process should utilize the minimum CEC value of 5.3702 kgce/t MSW and consider energy consumption, energy recovery, MSW components, and the equivalent of carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   


Transfer station, incineration plant, and landfill site made up the major parts of municipal solid waste disposal system of S city in Eastern China. Characteristics of volatile compounds (VCs) and odor pollution of each facility were investigated from a systematic perspective. Also major index related to odor pollution, i.e., species and concentration of VCs, olfactory odor concentration, and theoretic odor concentration, was quantified. Oxygenated compounds and hydrocarbons were the most abundant VCs in the three facilities. Different chemical species were quantified, and the following average concentrations were obtained: transfer station, 54 VCs, 2472.47 μg/m3; incineration plant, 75 VCs, 33,129.25 μg/m3; and landfill site, 71 VCs, 1694.33 μg/m3. Furthermore, the average olfactory odor concentrations were 20,388.80; 50,677.50; and 4951.17, respectively. The highest odor nuisance was detected in the waste tipping port of the incineration plant. A positive correlation between the olfactory and chemical odor concentrations was found with R 2 = 0.918 (n = 15, P < 0.01). The result shows odor pollution risk transfer from landfill to incineration plant when adopting thermal technology to deal with the non-source-separated waste. Strong attention thus needs to be paid on the enclosed systems in incineration plant to avoid any accidental odor emission.


Rendek E  Ducom G  Germain P 《Chemosphere》2006,64(7):1212-1218
The biodegradation of organic matter in municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash was studied in order to investigate the interaction between the CO(2) produced by microbial respiration and bottom ash. Respiration tests were performed on bottom ash at different moisture contents in an incubator at 30 degrees C. O(2) consumption and CO(2) production were monitored and quantified. Leaching tests were carried out at the end of the experiments. Total organic carbon (TOC) leaching had decreased. Over a period of three weeks, pH decreased from 10.7 to 8.2 and bottom ash was considered to be fully carbonated. This showed that the organic matter found in bottom ash can provide a substrate for microbial activity. The CO(2) produced by microbial respiration was directly dissolved in bottom ash pore water in order to be mineralized in carbonate form. The origin of the carbon dioxide which induces maturation of bottom ash on weathering areas has never been really discussed and is often presumed to be atmospheric CO(2). However, biodegradation of organic matter could contribute for a large part to this phenomenon, depending on field-scale physico-chemical weathering conditions.  相似文献   

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