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Helicid snails appear to regulate Pb more closely than other toxic metals, though it is reported as the least toxic. No regulatory mechanism has been described in animals, and the possible role of Mg in limiting Pb assimilation is examined here for the first time. Three populations of Cantareus aspersus were fed Pb and Ca with three levels of Mg for up to 64 days. Metal assimilation and production efficiency was calculated for each of 108 snails. Populations differed in their pattern of uptake but soft tissue Pb was unaffected by dietary Mg. The proportion of Pb assimilated did not change as soft tissue concentrations increased, indicating no specific regulatory mechanism. The daily addition of Pb to the soft tissues increases with growth rate suggesting uptake is instead some function of growth or cell turnover. Bioconcentration factors varied with time and are unreliable indicators of an evolved regulatory mechanism for Pb.  相似文献   

An As-contaminated soil (Unt) was amended with either iron grit (Z), a coal fly ash (beringite, B) or B + Z (BZ) and placed in lysimeters in 1997. An uncontaminated soil (R) was also studied. In summer and autumn 2003, lettuces were cultivated in the lysimeters and snails were caged for one month. Lettuce As concentrations were higher during the summer, while no differences occurred in snails between seasons. Snail As concentrations (μg g−1 DW) ranged from 2.5 to 7.0 in B, Z and BZ, and peaked at 17.5 in Unt. In summer, snail survival was affected in Unt and Z compared to R and B while no mortality was noticed in autumn. Snail growth decreased only in B, BZ and Unt in autumn. Snail As concentrations suggest a risk for their predators even on the remediated soils.  相似文献   

Root and shoot lead concentrations and the impact of chelating agents on these were investigated in two populations of the novel metallophyte Matthiola flavida. Plants were exposed in hydroponics to Pb(NO3)2, supplied alone, or in combination with citric acid, or EDDS. When supplied at concentrations expected to bind about 95% of the Pb in a solution containing 1-μM Pb (1000 μM citrate or 3.1 μM EDDS, respectively), the root and shoot Pb concentrations were dramatically lowered, in comparison with a 1-μM free ionic Pb control exposure. A 1-mM EDDS + 1-μM Pb treatment decreased the plants’ Pb concentrations further, even to undetectable levels in one population. At 100 μM Pb in a 1-mM EDDS-amended solution the Pb concentration increased strongly in shoots, but barely in roots, in comparison with the 1-μM Pb + 1-mM EDDS treatment, without causing toxicity symptoms. Further increments of the Pb concentration in the 1-mM EDDS-amended solution, i.e. to 800 and 990 μM, caused Pb hyperaccumulation, both in roots and in shoots, associated with a complete arrest of root growth and foliar necrosis. M. flavida seemed to be devoid of constitutive mechanisms for uptake of Pb-citrate or Pb-EDDS complexes. Hyperaccumulation of Pb-EDDS occurred only at high exposure levels. Pb-EDDS was toxic, but is much less so than free Pb. Free EDDS did not seem to be toxic at the concentrations tested.  相似文献   

In this study, the potential of rhizospheric bacteria in promoting the growth and Pb accumulation by the woody plant Eucalyptus camaldulensis under hydroponic conditions was investigated for the first time. Three Pb-tolerant bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of E. camaldulensis grown in Pb-contaminated soils in the Bo Ngam Pb mine, Thailand. Based on analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequence, the three isolates were identified as Microbacterium paraoxydans BN-2, Ochrobactrum intermedium BN-3, and Bacillus fusiformis BN-4. Among these strains, O. intermedium BN-3 showed the highest tolerance to not only Pb but also Cd and Zn. After growth in the presence of Pb, the membranes of O. intermedium BN-3 cells exhibited an increase in unsaturated fatty acid levels but a decrease in fluidity. In hydroponic studies, inoculation of O. intermedium BN-3 significantly increased the biomass and Pb accumulation by E. camaldulensis compared to the uninoculated control. The results suggested the role of the natural rhizospheric bacteria localized to the root surface of E. camaldulensis in promoting Pb accumulation and plant growth. Our results indicate that O. intermedium BN-3 and other indigenous rhizospheric bacteria have the potential to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

The in vivo localization and speciation of lead (Pb) in tissues of the accumulator Sedum alfredii grown in EDTA-Pb and Pb(NO3)2 was studied by synchrotron X-ray investigation. The presence of EDTA-Pb in solution resulted in a significant reduction of Pb accumulation in S. alfredii. Lead was preferentially localized in the vascular bundles regardless of treatments but the intensities of Pb were lower in the plants treated with EDTA. Lead was predominantly presented as a Pb-cell wall complex in the plants regardless of its supply form. However, a relatively high proportion of Pb was observed as Pb-EDTA complex when the plant was treated with EDTA-Pb, but as a mixture of Pb3(PO4)2, Pb-malic, and Pb-GSH when cultured with ionic Pb. These results suggest that EDTA does not increase the internal mobility of Pb, although the soluble Pb-EDTA complex could be transported and accumulated within the plants of S. alfredii.  相似文献   

This research investigates atmospheric pollution from an isolated and increasingly productive lead-smelting site by examining the dendrochemistry of Pinus sylvestris growing in the local environment and at control sites. Tree increment cores and soil in the rooting environment were analysed for lead content. Inter-site comparisons of lead-in-soil suggest that contamination of the soil may be a less important pathway for lead inclusion within wood than pathways via bark or needles. Levels of lead-in-wood (up to 38mgkg(-1)) are at the upper end of those previously reported. There is evidence of radial translocation of lead towards the heartwood and variability in intra-site dendrochemical records. Mean site lead-in-wood records can however be related to a well-documented pollution chronology and also suggest the importance of local topography in the dispersal and deposition of particulate lead. This study demonstrates that P. sylvestris can be used to estimate the scale and timing of past pollution episodes in similar environmental contexts to those investigated at Darley Dale, where precisely dated pollution chronologies are lacking.  相似文献   

Upadhyay A  Singh DK 《Chemosphere》2011,85(6):1095-1100
Effect of active molluscicidal components of Sapindus mukorossi and Terminalia chebula on the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), acid and alkaline phosphatase (ACP/ALP) activity in the nervous tissue of freshwater snail Lymnaea acuminata were studied. In vivo and in vitro exposure of saponin (active component of S. mukorossi pericarp) and tannic acid (active component of T. chebula) significantly inhibited the AChE, ACP and ALP activity in the nervous tissue of L. acuminata. The inhibition kinetics of these enzymes indicate that saponin and tannic acid caused competitive and competitive-non-competitive inhibition of AChE, respectively. Saponin also caused competitive and competitive-non-competitive inhibition of ACP and ALP, respectively, whereas tannic acid caused competitive-non-competitive inhibition of ACP and ALP. Thus the inhibition of AChE, ACP and ALP by saponin and tannic acid in the nervous tissue of L. acuminata may be the cause of molluscicidal activity of S. mukorossi and T. chebula.  相似文献   

Particles from channelled emissions of a battery recycling facility were size-segregated and investigated to correlate their speciation and morphology with their transfer towards lettuce. Microculture experiments carried out with various calcareous soils spiked with micronic and sub-micronic particles (1650 ± 20 mg Pb kg−1) highlighted a greater transfer in soils mixed with the finest particles. According to XRD and Raman spectroscopy results, the two fractions presented differences in the amount of minor lead compounds like carbonates, but their speciation was quite similar, in decreasing order of abundance: PbS, PbSO4, PbSO4·PbO, α-PbO and Pb0. Morphology investigations revealed that PM2.5 (i.e. Particulate Matter 2.5 composed of particles suspended in air with aerodynamic diameters of 2.5 μm or less) contained many Pb nanoballs and nanocrystals which could influence lead availability. The soil-plant transfer of lead was mainly influenced by size and was very well estimated by 0.01 M CaCl2 extraction.  相似文献   

Uptake and localisation of lead in the root system of Brassica juncea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake and distribution of Pb sequestered by hydroponically grown (14days growth) Brassica juncea (3days exposure; Pb activities 3.2, 32 and 217microM) was investigated. Lead uptake was restricted largely to root tissue. Examination using scanning transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy revealed substantial and predominantly intracellular uptake at the root tip. Endocytosis of Pb at the plasma membrane was not observed. A membrane transport protein may therefore be involved. In contrast, endocytosis of Pb into a subset of vacuoles was observed, resulting in the formation of dense Pb aggregates. Sparse and predominantly extracellular uptake occurred at some distance from the root tip. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed that the Pb concentration was greater in root tips. Heavy metal rhizofiltration using B. juncea might therefore be improved by breeding plants with profusely branching roots. Uptake enhancement using genetic engineering techniques would benefit from investigation of plasma membrane transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of distance to the forest edge, forest type, and time on Cl, SO42−, NO3, and NH4+ throughfall deposition in forest edges. The forests were dominated by pedunculate oak, silver birch, or Corsican/Austrian pine, and were situated in two regions of Flanders (Belgium). Along transects, throughfall deposition was monitored at distances of 0-128 m from the forest edge. A repeated-measures analysis demonstrated that time, forest type, and distance to the forest edge significantly influenced throughfall deposition of the ions studied. The effect of distance to the forest edge depended significantly on forest type in the deposition of Cl, SO42−, and NO3: the edge effect was significantly greater in pine stands than in deciduous birch and oak stands. This finding supports the possibility of converting pine plantations into oak or birch forests in order to mitigate the input of nitrogen and potentially acidifying deposition.  相似文献   

The amount of toxic metal accumulated by an organism is often taken as an indicator of potential toxicity. We investigated this relationship in the freshwater snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, exposed to 500 μg l−1 Al over 30 days, either alone or in the presence of phosphate (500 μg l−1 P) or a fulvic acid surrogate (FAS; 10 mg l−1 C). Behavioural activity was assessed and tissue accumulation of Al quantified. Lability of Al within the water column was a good predictor of toxicity. FAS increased both Al lability and behavioural dysfunction, whereas phosphate reduced Al lability, and completely abolished Al-induced behavioural toxicity. Tissue accumulation of Al was not linked to toxicity. Higher levels of Al were accumulated in snails exposed to Al + P, compared to those exposed to Al alone, whereas FAS reduced Al accumulation. These findings demonstrate that the degree of tissue accumulation of a metal can be independent of toxicity.  相似文献   

Trees as bioindicator of heavy metal pollution in three European cities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concentrations of four heavy metals were determined in tree leaves and bark collected from polluted and non-polluted areas of three European cities (Salzburg, Belgrade and Thessaloniki) for a comparative study. Platanus orientalis L. and Pinus nigra Arn., widespread in urban northern and southern Europe, were tested for their suitability for air quality biomonitoring. Leaves and barks were collected uniformly of an initial quantity of about 30 g of each sample. Analysis was accomplished by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after total digestion. Site-dependent variations were found with the highest concentration level measured in Belgrade, followed by Thessaloniki and Salzburg. A higher accumulation of heavy metals was found in bark compared to leaves. Pine tree bark, accumulating higher concentrations of trace metals compared to plane tree bark, shows a higher efficiency as bioindicator for urban pollution. Both indicator species are suitable for comparative studies on bioindication of urban air pollution.  相似文献   

The Pb mining area of the valley of Alcudia and the Sierra Madrona mountains (S. Spain) has been exploited intermittently for over 2100 years, since Roman occupation and up until the late 1900s. Red deer (n = 168) and wild boar (n = 58) liver and bone (metacarpus) were analyzed for Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As and Se. Lipid peroxidation, total and oxidized glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), GSH peroxidase (GPX) and fatty acid composition were studied in liver of red deer. The concentrations of Pb in liver and bone of red deer and wild boar were higher in the mining area than in the control area, and higher in the wild boar than red deer, but well below the level associated with clinical signs of Pb poisoning. Liver levels of Cu, Cd and Se were also higher in red deer from the mining area. Red deer from the mining area had 39% less total GSH than in the control area. The percentage of docosahexaenoic acid in liver of red deer from the mining area was 16% lower than in the control area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine and quantify effects of copper and lithium in tissues of early juveniles of the ramshorn snail, Marisa cornuarietis. For this purpose, hatchlings of M. cornuarietis were exposed for 7 days to a range of five different sublethal concentrations of copper (5, 10, 25, 50, and 75 μg Cu2+ L−1) and lithium (50, 100, 200, 1000, and 5000 μg Li+ L−1). Both metals changed the tissue structure of epidermis, hepatopancreas, and gills, varying between slight and strong reactions, depending on the copper and lithium concentration. The histopathological changes included alterations in epithelial and mucous cells of the epidermis, swelling of hepatopancreatic digestive cells, alterations in the number of basophilic cells, abnormal apices of digestive cells, irregularly shaped cilia and changes in the amount of mucus in the gills. The most sensible organ in M. cornuarietis indicating Cu or Li pollution is the hepatopancreas (LOECs were 10 μg Cu2+ L−1, or 200 μg Li+ L−1). In epidermis, mantle and gills relevant effects occurred with higher LOECs (50 μg Cu2+ L−1, or 1000 μg Li+ L−1). Base on LOECs, our results indicated that histopathological endpoints are high sensitivity to copper and lithium compared to endpoints for embryonic developmental toxicity.  相似文献   

Hu J  Wang D  Wang J  Wang J 《Chemosphere》2012,89(5):536-541
Although engineered nanoparticles (NPs) could negatively impact environmental organisms, the synergistic effect of NPs and other toxic substances, which could be more significant than that of NP alone, have seldom been examined. The effect of two common NPs, nano-CeO2 and nano-TiO2, on the toxicity of Pb was evaluated using Ceriodaphnia dubia (C. dubia) as the model organism. Standard EPA procedures were followed in the toxicity evaluation. The toxicity of bare NPs (without Pb) was first evaluated and safe doses (levels without causing lethal effect) of NPs were used in the synergistic studies. It was found that the overall toxicity of Pb in the system containing NPs was greater than that of Pb alone, as indicted by the reduced median lethal concentration (LC50) of soluble Pb. The sorption of Pb onto the NP, and the uptake of NPs in the gastrointestinal tract of C. dubia were validated. Therefore, the uptake of Pb-loaded NPs increased the exposure of C. dubia to Pb, resulting in the enhanced toxicity. Reducing the solution pH could shift Pb speciation and enhance the overall toxicity of Pb, with or without the presence of NPs.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) accumulation in Sesbania drummondii shoots was enhanced by 654 and 415% in the presence of 100 microM IAA and 100 microM NAA, respectively, compared to control plants (Pb alone). However, when IAA or NAA was added along with EDTA, Pb accumulation further increased in shoots by 1349% and 1252%, respectively. Scanning electron microscopic observations revealed that Pb particles in both leaf and stem of Pb+EDTA+IAA and Pb+EDTA+NAA treated plants were concentrated in the region of vascular bundles. In root tissue, Pb particles were present between epidermis to stele region. Plant growth in both treatments (Pb+100 microM IAA and Pb+100 microM NAA) was comparable to control plants; however, it was significantly inhibited in the treatments containing Pb+EDTA and EDTA at concentrations of 10 microM of IAA or NAA. Moreover, the photosynthetic efficiency and strength of the treated plants were not affected in the presence of IAA or NAA and EDTA.  相似文献   

Genotypic and environmental variation in Cr, Cd and Pb concentrations of rice grains and the interaction between these metals were investigated by using 138 rice genotypes grown in three contaminated soils. There were significant genotypic differences in the three heavy metal concentrations of rice grains, with the absolute difference among 138 genotypes in grain Cr, Cd and Pb concentrations being 24.5-, 9.1- and 23.8-folds, respectively, under the slightly contaminated soil (containing 4.61mgkg(-1) Cr, 1.09mgkg(-1) Cd and Pb 28.28mgkg(-1), respectively). A highly significant interaction occurred between genotype and environment (soil type) in the heavy metal concentrations of rice grains. Cr concentration in rice grains was not correlated with Cd and Pb concentration. However, there was a significant correlation between Cd and Pb in slightly and highly contaminated soils. The results suggest the possibility to develop the rice cultivars with low Cd and Pb concentrations in grain.  相似文献   

The genetic composition and diversity of Plantago lanceolata L. populations were analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) as well as simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to test for differences in an old semi-natural grassland after five years of treatment with ambient or elevated ozone (O3) using a free-air fumigation system. Genetic diversity in populations exposed to elevated O3 was slightly higher than in populations sampled from control plots. This effect was significant for AFLP-based measures of diversity and for SSR markers based on observed heterozygosity. Also, a small but significant difference in genetic composition between O3 treatments was detected by analysis of molecular variance and redundancy analysis. The results show that micro-evolutionary processes could take place in response to long-term elevated O3 exposure in highly diverse populations of outbreeding plant species.  相似文献   

Rocket is an important source of essential elements. However, it may also accumulate toxic elements such as metal(oids). The objectives of the present work were (i) to study the uptake of arsenic, lead, cadmium and zinc in rocket grown in contaminated soils, (ii) to establish the genotoxic and cytotoxic activities of this vegetable material, and (iii) to study the modulator role of the glucosinolate and metal contents in the genotoxic/cytotoxic activities. Lead, cadmium and zinc leaf concentrations in our study were over the concentrations allowed by the statutory limit set for metal(oid) contents in vegetables. The accessions were non genotoxic at the different concentrations studied, although one of the accessions showed the highest mutation rates doubling those of negative control. The cytotoxicity assays with HL60 human leukaemia cells showed that the tumouricide activities of rocket leaves decreased with the increasing of metal(oid) concentrations and also with the decreasing of glucosinolate concentrations in their tissues. An interaction between metal(oid)s and glucosinolate degradation products contained in rocket leaves is suggested as the main modulator agents of the biological activity of the plants grown in metal-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) desorption and toxicity to the Florida apple snail were investigated from soils obtained from agricultural sites acquired under the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. Copper concentrations in 11 flooded soils ranged from 5 to 234 mg/kg on day 0 and from 6.2 to 204 mg/kg on day 28 (steady-state). The steady-state Cu concentration in overlying water ranged from 9.1 to 308.2 microg/L. In a 28-d growth study, high mortality in snails occurred within 9 to 16 d in two of three soil treatments tested. Growth of apple snails over 28 d was affected by Cu in these two treatments. Tissue Cu concentrations by day 14 were 12-23-fold higher in snails exposed to the three soil treatments compared to controls. The endangered Florida snail kite and its main food source, the Florida apple snail, may be at risk from Cu exposure in these managed agricultural soil-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

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