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Urban gardens are often heralded as places for building social, physical, and environmental health. Yet they are also sites of significant conflict based on competing political, economic, and ecological projects. These projects range from radical re-envisionings of liberatory urban spaces, reformist aesthetic and sanitary improvement programmes, to underwriting the production of the neo-liberal city. These projects are based on divergent visions of the garden ground itself, in particular, whether this is soil (the fertile and living source for growing food and social values) or dirt (an inert and even problematic substrate to be removed or built upon for development purposes). These are not fixed or mutually exclusive categories, but are unstable as soil/dirt moves in discursive and material ways over time and space. Contaminants such as lead in the soil contribute to this instability, reframing fertile soil as dangerous dirt. To understand this discursive and material movement of soil/dirt over time and space, a dynamic spatial politics framework is needed that encompasses three scalar concepts: location, duration, and interconnection. This paper applies this dynamic spatial politics framework to interpret the 30-year conflict over the fate of an urban garden in Sacramento, California, that began as a countercultural space and was eventually transformed into a manicured amenity for a gentrifying neighbourhood, and the role of soil lead contamination in this narrative.  相似文献   

Serious social and environmental problems are encountered on many of the large post‐war estates of blocks of social housing (grands ensembles) surrounding French cities, as well as in many inner‐city districts. In 1981 the new Socialist administration set up a National Commission to foster grass‐roots schemes in order to improve housing and to attempt to tackle both the expressions and the causes of social problems. The resulting neighbourhood programme represents an innovative dialogue between the central State, the regions, local authorities and residents’ groups. Examination of a sample of projects from the provinces (Romans, Dreux, Les Minguettes) and the Paris region confirms that progress has been made by improving housing, open spaces and community facilities. Formidable problems of poverty, unemployment and racism remain on many estates.  相似文献   

This study primarily assesses rainwater supply and demand for Taipei City elementary school to develop a method to derive the rainwater reuse system. This work will help planners build water reuse systems for the sites, and facilitate the water demand of school. This study also analyzes rainfall records from fifteen weather stations in Taipei City to evaluate the rainfall changes in the region's morphology, and measures the rainfall supply in the sub-district of Taipei. The effect of water demand factors is also analyzed with linear regressions applied to estimate the change in monthly water demand for Taipei elementary schools. This work assumes that 35% of total water demand can replaced with rainwater. This work creates an active model for comparisons of each Taipei elementary site rainwater supply trend, demand drift, and maximum rainwater use percentage based on the rainwater reuse system. The efficacy of implementing rainwater reuse in Taipei is identified.  相似文献   

Urban governance systems need to be adaptive to deal with emerging uncertainties and pressures, including those related to climate change. Realising adaptive urban governance systems requires attention to institutions, and in particular, processes of institutional innovation. Interestingly, understanding of how institutional innovation and change occurs remains a key conceptual weakness in urban climate change governance. This paper explores how institutional innovation in urban climate change governance can be conceptualised and analysed. We develop a heuristic involving three levels: (1) “visible” changes in institutional arrangements, (2) changes in underlying “rules-in-use”, and (3) the relationship to broader “governance dilemmas”. We then explore the utility of this heuristic through an exploratory case study of urban water governance in Santiago, Chile. The approach presented opens up novel possibilities for studying institutional innovation and evaluating changes in governance systems. The paper contributes to debates on innovation and its effects in urban governance, particularly under climate change.  相似文献   

Many cities today face challenges related to urban growth. This is also the case in Oslo, currently one of the fastest growing capitals in Europe. In order to prepare for the population growth, a new municipal master plan has been prepared. In this, sustainable development is a prominent concept, and the urban district is going to be densified as part of the strategy. This paper examines some obstacles of turning planning theory into practice. There is a lack of coherence between municipal goals and the actual outcome. The analysis indicates that the official strategy is not able to cater for social sustainability partly due to institutional constraints. Moreover, there is no concise understanding of what sustainability means, which in turn hampers the ability to operationalise the concept in urban planning.  相似文献   

The Urban Farming Movement is relatively young in Louisville, Kentucky but it seems to be off to a good start. Being in its earliest stages, assessments of this effort must be made cautiously, even tentatively. Examining a movement that is in progress requires a study of the state's land use and segregation policies, both of which have been dynamic in Kentucky. Further, this study is also relevant as there is a growing convergence of national and regional attitudes towards American obesity, while there are competing notions of food preference and food choice. All of which are influenced by racial politics, and there is a deep concern regarding food security. Considering all of these, it is necessary to examine the Government's efforts to address obesity/food imbalance in a variety of settings, especially where urban farming is expanding, such as Chicago and Detroit. In New York, roof-top gardens dot the landscape and the urban farm movement is largely a “success”. So, city leaders have chosen to address another health issue – trans fat. Rather than joining the food choice/preference debate by banning fast-food restaurants, city leaders have chosen to enact a trans-fat ban. Unpopular at first, other cities and states have followed, and the Federal Government will mandate a trans-fat ban this year. In Louisville, Chicago and Detroit, where the trans-fat bans did not succeed, the urban farm movement may be the primary means of addressing malnutrition, in the form of obesity.  相似文献   

Land management in urban areas is characterized by the diversity of its goals and its physical expression in the landscape, as well as by the frequency and often rapidity of change. Deliberate or accidental landscape alterations lead to changes in habitat, some of which may be viewed as environmentally beneficial, others as detrimental. Evaluating what is there and how changes may fit into the landscape context is therefore essential if informed land-management decisions are to be made. The method presented here uses a simple ecological evaluation technique, employing a restricted number of evaluation criteria, to gather a spatially complete data set. A geographical information system (GIS) is then used to combine the resulting scores into a habitat value index (HVI). Using examples from Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom, existing real-world data are then applied to land-management scenarios to predict probable landscape ecological consequences of habitat alteration. The method provides an ecologically relevant, spatially complete evaluation of a large, diverse area in a short period of time. This means that contextual effects of land-management decisions can be quickly visualized and remedial or mitigating measures incorporated at an early stage without the requirement for complex modeling and prior to the detailed ecological survey. The strengths of the method lie in providing a detailed information baseline that evaluates all habitats, not just the traditional “quality” habitats, in a manner that is accessible to all potential users—from interested individuals to professional planners.  相似文献   

番禺市民环境意识调查与评价研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了了解番禺市民环境意识的现状,把握市民环境意识的总体水平,探讨今后环境保护宣传教育的重点和方向,对番禺市21个镇区的市民的环境意识进行了抽样设想。从环境态度,环境行为,环境知识3个方面对市民的环境意识水平进行了评价,并对影响环境影响水平的个人因素进行了分析和综合评价。结果表明:现阶段番禺市民环境意识勉强进入中 等水平,而市民的环境态度已进入较高水平,环境知识为中等水平,环境行为为中等水平,市民的环境态度,环境行为,环境知识水平相互脱节,表现为意识先行,行为滞后。  相似文献   

The traveling salesman's problem, in which one decides which order between n locations minimizes total travel distance, was used as a laboratory analogue of spatial decisions in large-scale environments. In an experiment in which university students were observed while solving this problem, a group who received numerical information about distances between locations was found to minimize local distances rather than total distance, that is, to choose first the closest location from the starting location, then the closest location from that chosen, and so forth. However, if a picture of the locations was presented, total distance was minimized more frequently than local distances, presumably because subjects changed their decisions which minimized local distances when they discovered spatial patterns indicating that a shorter path existed. It was also found that a picture did not always have to be presented because subjects mentally constructed a functionally equivalent spatial representation from pieces of direction and distance or only direction information. This finding was even clearer when subjects were allowed to draw pictures of the locations.  相似文献   

大庆油田钻井液遗传毒性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用国家环保局《环境监测技术规范》中规定的“蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术”测试了大庆油田废钻井液、聚合物体系钻井液、三钾聚合物体系钻井液的压滤液和全泥浆的生物毒性,评价结果表明:大庆油田钻井液遗传毒性很低或基本为无遗传毒性,废钻井液除大部分回收利用外,剩余部分在井场就地掩埋处理,不会通过环境介质对人群产生致癌的潜在危险性。  相似文献   

This study examined neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation programs being implemented in neighbourhoods in Canada (FireSmart-ForestWise), Australia (Community Fireguard) and the US (Firewise Communities). Semi-structured interviews were completed with 19 residents participating in the programs. A wide range of activities were completed as part of the three programs. Despite differences between the three programs, participants appeared to participate in the programs for three main reasons: Fire experience, agency involvement, and personal and family protection. A fire therefore provides a window of opportunity to engage residents in neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation programs. The neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation programs helped to reduce the wildfire risk, but also enhanced both community resilience and relationships between residents and government agencies.  相似文献   

住宅小区污水管道施工是小区建设的重要环节.因小区面积不等、户型多样、情况复杂,检查井砌筑不慎将导致污水渗漏,污染地下水.检查井新施工工艺在施工前的准备工作、注意事项、优缺点以及与规范做法的不同之处.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported which investigates the effect which the pleasingness of a landmark has on the accuracy of judging the distance from that landmark to another landmark. Thirty subjects were shown a scaled map. They were then asked to recall from memory various distances between landmarks on the map, and to rank the landmarks in order of pleasingness. The results showed that accuracy increases as the pleasingness of a landmark increases.  相似文献   

Maintaining national parks is an integral policy tool to conserve rare habitats. However, because national parks are funded by taxpayers, they must also serve the needs of the general public. Increasingly, and thanks to today's diverse society, there is evidence that this creates challenges for park managers who are pulled in two opposing directions: to conserve nature on the one hand and to meet different visitor expectations on the other. This tension was explored in the Peak District National Park, a rural landscape dominated by heather moorland and sheep farming in Northern England where research was conducted to determine how social class and ethnicity shaped perceptions of the park. Results uncovered that social class played a very strong role in shaping perceptions of this region with 'middle class' respondents reacting far more favourably to the park than people from more working class backgrounds. We observed ethnicity playing a similar role, though our results are less significantly different.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between daylight exposure in urban residential units and the mood/happiness of nonworking female residents (housewives) in Isfahan, Iran. A growing body of evidence points to the physiological and psychological benefits of daylight, yet few studies have focused on the relationship between residential daylight and women's mental health. A cross‐sectional study was conducted using two‐stage random cluster sampling of nonworking female occupants of buildings in four residential districts. Mood/happiness was determined using the Oxford Happiness Inventory and the Fordyce Happiness Inventory. Spearman's rank correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables. A significant relationship was found between residents’ happiness and the amount of daylight in their residential units (Oxford Inventory, r = 0.68, P < 0.05; Fordyce Inventory, = 0.53, P < 0.05). The findings suggest that features of physical residential environments, such as daylight, may be linked to the happiness of housewives. Persons belonging to various demographic groups who spend the majority of their time indoors (e.g., housewives, children, elderly individuals, and people with disabilities) are most dependent on architecture and environmental design for their well‐being, and therefore, are most affected by design decisions.  相似文献   

This paper examines household livelihoods in highland and lowland communities of the Kali-Khola agricultural watershed in western Nepal on the basis of economic, ecological and social security indicators. Significant differences were found in soil fertility status, pests and diseases management, risk and uncertainties, use of agrochemicals and access to social services. No remarkable variations were found in crop diversification, annual agricultural income and food sufficiency. However, uncertainty and risk in agricultural production is relatively low in highland communities. The findings reveal that agriculture production alone is not a viable livelihood option for agricultural watershed communities in Nepal. The households growing crops with hired labour have relatively sustainable livelihoods in Nepal's agricultural watersheds. Insufficient agricultural land, insufficient working manpower within a family, and lack of access to ecological agricultural services are prime factors in being livelihood insecure in agricultural watershed communities. Therefore, long-term policies and plans need to be developed for the empowerment of local farmers and to support rural livelihoods with adaptable and flexible income-generating strategies, resilient resource management institutions and enhancement of knowledge, skills and social capital.  相似文献   

Constructing land-use maps of the Netherlands in 2030   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The National Environmental Assessment Agency of the RIVM in the Netherlands is obliged to report on future trends in the environment and nature every 4 years. The last report, Nature Outlook 2, evaluated the effects of four alternative socio-economic and demographic scenarios on nature and the landscape. Spatially detailed land-use maps are needed to assess effects on nature and landscape. The objective of the study presented here was how to create spatially detailed land-use maps of the Netherlands in 2030 using the Environment Explorer, a Cellular Automata-based land-use model to construct land-use maps from four scenarios. One of these is discussed in great detail to show how the maps were constructed from the various scenario elements, story lines and additional data and assumptions on national, regional and local land-use developments. It was the first time in the history of our outlooks that consistent, spatially detailed land-use maps of the Netherlands for 2030 were constructed from national economic and demographic scenarios. Each map represents a direct reflection of model input and assumptions. The maps do not show the most probable developments in the Netherlands but describe the possible change in land use if Dutch society were to develop according to one of the four scenarios. The large (societal) uncertainties are reflected in the total set of future land-use maps. The application of a land-use model such as the Environment Explorer ensures that all relevant aspects of a scenario, i.e. economic and demographic developments, zoning policies and urban growth, are integrated systematically into one consistent framework.  相似文献   

This study uses a developed plan coding protocol in evaluating the quality of 76 comprehensive plans to examine whether local comprehensive plans have adequately integrated the concepts of sustainable stormwater management. The Chesapeake Bay watershed was chosen for the investigation because degraded stormwater runoff from nearby urban and suburban jurisdictions have critically polluted the watershed. The findings indicate that the majority of local governments have not sufficiently incorporated the sustainable stormwater management principles into their comprehensive plans. Five plan components (factual basis, goals and objectives, inter-organizational cooperation, policies, tools and strategies, and implementation) appear weak in realizing the concepts. The current study concludes by providing policy implications and recommendations to increase awareness and understanding of sustainable stormwater management concepts and to produce better implementation plans that integrate stormwater, ecosystem, and environmental planning comprehensively.  相似文献   

This paper reports the investigative study, which used a phenomenographical approach, on how a group of 12-year-old students found their way around a designated suburban route by referring to a sequential listing of streets along the route and a street directory map of the suburban area. While the content of this study belongs to map use and wayfinding experience of the pre-adolescent students, the approach used is phenomenographic in that it identified the qualitatively different ways that the students experienced the suburban environment. The students' experiences were interpreted using a behaviourial matrix of their actions while they traversed the route. Qualitative variations in their approaches to wayfinding using maps were obtained from interviews which were conducted immediately after the students completed their route navigation. Four qualitatively different approaches were determined from their reflections of their own wayfinding behaviours. They are the restricted and neophytic approach; careful and sequential approach; deductive and familiarized approach; and the visualized and co-ordinated spatial approach. These approaches reflect the different behaviours and abilities of the students to: plan their route using a street directory map; plan the route street by street or a number of streets at a time; use street signs and other landmarks during the actual task; utilize local knowledge of the route; maintain their orientation; visualize spatial patterns; and use the scale on the map to help planning.  相似文献   

Selenium status in food grains of northern districts of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The selenium status in the food grains of the agricultural lands of northern parts of India was estimated by using the HG-AAS technique. The areas where lesser rains were received or less irrigation water was available in northern Indian states viz. Rajasthan and southern parts of the Haryana had higher selenium levels in food grains. Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and northern parts of the Haryana states had normal levels of selenium in their food grains, except for slightly lower selenium levels in a few areas that were affected by floods along the river Yamuna.  相似文献   

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