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Hotspots and coldspots of concentration and biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) marginally overlapped at the 0.5-100 m scale in a creosote contaminated soil in southern Sweden, suggesting that concentration and biodegradation had little spatial co-variation. Biodegradation was substantial and its spatial variability considerable and highly irregular, but it had no spatial autocorrelation. The soil concentration of PAHs explained only 20-30% of the variance of their biodegradation. Soil respiration was spatially autocorrelated. The spatial uncoupling between biodegradation and soil respiration seemed to be governed by the aging of PAHs in the soil, since biodegradation of added 13C phenanthrene covaried with both soil respiration and microbial biomass. The latter two were also correlated with high concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) that are common in gram-negative bacteria. However, several of the hotspots of biodegradation coincided with hotspots for the distribution of a PLFA indicative of fungal biomass.  相似文献   

Fractions of soil organic matter in a natural soil were extracted and sorption (or binding) characteristics of phenanthrene on each fraction and to the whole sample were investigated. The organic carbon normalized single point sorption (or binding) coefficient followed lipid > humin (HM) > humic acid (HA) > fulvic acid (FA) > whole soil sample, while the nonlinear exponent exhibited lipid > FA > HA > whole soil sample > HM. FA showed nonlinear binding of phenanthrene as it often does with other fractions. HM and HA contributed the majority of organic carbon in the soil. The calculated sorption coefficients of the whole soil were about two times greater than the measured values at different equilibrium phenanthrene concentrations. As for phenanthrene, the sorption capacity and nonlinearity of the physically mixed HA-HM mixtures were stronger as compared to the chemically reconstituted HA-HM composite. This was attributed to (besides the conditioning effect of the organic solvents) interactions between HA and HM and acid-base additions during fractionation.  相似文献   

The knowledge on the distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants in soils can provide better understanding for their fate in the environment. In the present study, the n-butanol extraction and humic fractionation were applied to investigate the impact of SOM on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The results indicated that 80.5%-94.8% of the target PAHs could be extracted by n-butanol and 63.1%-94.6% of PAHs were associated with fulvic acid (FA). Concentrations of un-extracted PAHs increased significantly with the increasing soil organic matter (SOM), however, such an association was absent for the extractable fractions. The results suggested that the sequestration played a critical role in the accumulation of PAHs in soils. SOM also retarded the diffusion of PAHs into the humin fractions. It implied that sequestration in SOM was critical for PAH distribution in soils, while the properties of PAH compounds also had great influences.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Shi X  Yu D  Wang H  Sun W 《Chemosphere》2005,59(11):1527-1535
The spatial patterns of soil organic carbon (SOC) are closely related to the global climate change. In quantifying the spatial patterns of SOC density, the concept of uncertainty of the SOC density values at unsampled locations is particularly important because such uncertainty can be propagated into the subsequent global climate change modelling and has fundamental impacts on the ultimate results of the model. A total of 361 SOC density data of topsoil (0–20 cm) in Hebei province and sequential indicator simulation (SIS) were applied to perform a conditional stochastic simulation in this study to quantitatively assess the uncertainty of mapping SOC density. The results showed that a great variation exists in the SOC density data. The conditional variance of 500 realizations generated by SIS was larger in mountainous areas of the study area where the SOC density fluctuated the most, and the uncertainty was smaller on the plain area where SOC density was consistently small. Realizations generated by SIS can represent the possible spatial patterns of SOC density without smoothing effect. A set of realizations can be used to explore all possible spatial patterns of SOC density and provide a visual and quantitative measure of the spatial uncertainty of mapping SOC density. With a given threshold of SOC density, SIS can quantitatively assess both local uncertainty and spatial uncertainty of SOC density that is greater the threshold.  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) and total organic carbon (TOC) contents of UK and Norwegian background soils were determined and their relationships with persistent organic pollutants (HCB, PAHs, PCBs, co-planar PCBs, PBDEs and PCDD/Fs) investigated by correlation and regression analyses, to assess their roles in influencing compound partitioning/retention in soils. The 52 soils used were high in TOC (range 54-460 mg/g (mean 256)), while BC only constituted 0.24-1.8% (0.88%) of the TOC. TOC was strongly correlated (p < 0.001) with HCB, PCBs, co-PCBs and PBDEs, but less so with PCDD/Fs (p < 0.05) and PAHs. TOC explained variability in soil content, as follows: HCB, 80%; PCBs, 44%; co-PCBs, 40%; PBDEs, 27%. BC also gave statistically significant correlations with PBDEs (p < 0.001), co-PCBs (p < 0.01) and PCBs, HCB, PCDD/F (p < 0.05); TOC and BC were correlated with each other (p < 0.01). Inferences are made about possible combustion-derived sources, atmospheric transport and air-surface exchange processes for these compounds.  相似文献   

The microbial activity in soils was a critical factor governing the degradation of organic micro-pollutants. The present study was conducted to analyze the effects of soil organic matter on the development of degradation potentials for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Most of the degradation kinetics for PAHs by the indigenous microorganisms developed in soils can be fitted with the Logistic growth models. The microbial activities were relatively lower in the soils with the lowest and highest organic matter content, which were likely due to the nutrition limit and PAH sequestration. The microbial activities developed in humic acid (HA) were much higher than those developed in humin, which was demonstrated to be able to sequester organic pollutants stronger. The results suggested that the nutrition support and sequestration were the two major mechanisms, that soil organic matter influenced the development of microbial PAHs degradation potentials.  相似文献   

土壤有机质对铊在土壤中吸附-解吸行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了土壤有机质对Tl+在红壤和黄土2种土壤中的吸附-解吸行为的影响。结果表明,去除土壤有机质后红壤和黄土对Tl+的吸附量均明显下降,下降幅度最高分别达到24.7%和28.2%,黄土的下降幅度大于红壤;黄土对Tl+吸附率最高下降幅度约为20%,也高于红壤的15%。土壤有机质对Tl+吸附的贡献率平均值分别是黄土39.2%、红壤32.8%。2种土壤对Tl+的解吸量在去除有机质之后都明显增大,在初始Tl+浓度较高的情况下,增大幅度明显;并且Tl+的初始浓度越高,土壤在去有机质前后的解吸率相差就越大,在Tl+最大处理浓度为20 mg/L时,红壤和黄土的解吸率增加分别达到60.8%和65.5%。  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the distribution of exogenous HCB and DDT among different soil organic matter fractions were studied under sterile and non-sterile conditions, different soil water contents, and different concentrations of added Cu(2+). The residence time was 311days. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions by a methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) method. Results revealed that there is a mass transfer tendency of DDT and HCB from FA, HA and BHA to IR and lipid fractions with increasing residence time. Microbial activity accelerated the mass transfer, while the addition of Cu(2+) slowed it down. The HCB and DDT transfer rate decreased as the soil moisture increased from 1.9% to 60%, but increased when soil moisture increased further to 90%. A two-compartment first order kinetic model was used to describe the mass transfer from FA, HA and BHA.  相似文献   

Aniline and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) were equilibrated with particulate (POM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) from an organic soil at different compositions of adsorbed major cations (Na, Al) and pH (aniline: 3.7–5.1, TNT: 4.8–5.0). After separation of POM, concentrations of 14C-labelled aniline and TNT* (including TNT degradation products) were determined in DOM size fractions using size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and UV-detection. Concentrations in the <3.5 kDa size fraction were 2.8–6.0 and 8.5–9.5 times higher for aniline and TNT*, respectively, as compared to the >40 kDa fraction. Thus, both aniline and TNT* were preferentially associated to the smallest DOM size fraction. The significant binding to DOM (similar extent as to POM) and the fact that the <3.5 kDa DOM fraction was less susceptible to flocculation by major metals suggests that the mobility of aniline and TNT is highly affected by the solubility of soil organic matter.  相似文献   


Leaching studies of mecorprop (R,S)‐2‐(4‐chloro‐2‐methylphenoxy)propanoic acid, and dichlorprop, (R,S)‐2‐(4‐chloro‐2,4‐dichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid, under saturated conditions were conducted in unamended and amended soil columns. The purpose of the study was to investigate the leaching of these herbicides in three type of soils and the exogen organic matter effect on this process. The leaching patterns could be related to variation in the soil texture and diffusion processes of the herbicides into micropores within the walls of conducting pore. The leaching rate in the amended soil columns decreased with the addition of organic matter. The breakthrough curves (BTC) of these herbicides in the leachates of the amended soil columns were wider and more diffused than the BTC obtained for the corresponding unamended soil. The theoretical BTC overestimated the pore volume required for the displacement of these pesticides from the soil column. This may be due to the differences in the adsorption process between the bacth and soil columns methods  相似文献   

The application of swine wastewater to the soil for agricultural purposes results in the addition of total and dissolved organic matter to the soil, which may interfere with the dynamics of pesticides in the soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of total and dissolved organic matter from a biodigester and a treatment lagoon of swine wastewater in the adsorption and desorption of alachlor [2-chloro-2,6-diethyl-N(methoxymethyl acetamide)]. The assay was performed by the batch equilibrium method, and the results were fitted to the Freundlich model. The curve comparison test revealed a greater adsorption of alachlor in the soil treated with swine wastewater from the biodigester. The adsorption and desorption of alachlor increased in the soils where swine wastewater was added, and hysteresis was observed in all of the treatments.  相似文献   


The sorption of bromacil and simazine by the surface soil (0–15 cm) sampled at various positions along an 8% slope citrus grove (Candler fine sand; Typic Quartzipsamment) and at various depths (0–200 cm) at upper, middle, and lower positions along the slope were investigated. The sorption of both herbicides by the top 15 cm soil decreased considerably from the upper to mid position along the slope and increased at the lower position. The organic matter content and concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, P, and Cu in the soil showed evidence of transport of organic matter and mineral nutrients from the mid position on the slope and accumulation in the lower position. The differential sorption of herbicides by the soil samples taken at various positions along the slope was closely related to changes in organic matter content. Although sorption of bromacil and simazine varied considerably at various positions along the slope, the sorption of bromacil was very similar at depths below 30 cm regardless of positions along the slope. In the case of simazine, however, the sorption was much greater at all depths in the lower than in the upper and mid position of the slope. The sorption of both herbicides decreased considerably at depths below 30 cm at all positions along the slope, thus, indicating the potential for rapid leaching of the herbicides down the soil profile.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess 2,4-D mineralization in an undulating cultivated field, along a sloping transect (458 m to 442 m above sea level), as a function of soil type, soil microbial communities and the sorption of 2,4-D to soil. The 2,4-D soil sorption coefficient (Kd) ranged from 1.81 to 4.28 L kg?1, the 2,4-D first-order mineralization rate constant (k) ranged from 0.04 to 0.13 day?1 and the total amount of 2,4-D mineralized at 130 days (M130) ranged from 24 to 39%. Both k and M130 were significantly negatively associated (or correlated) with soil organic carbon content (SOC) and Kd. Both k and M130 were significantly associated with two fatty-acid methyl esters (FAME), i17:1 and a18, but not with twenty-two other individual FAME. Imperfectly drained soils (Gleyed Dark Grey Chernozems) in lower-slopes showed significantly lesser 2,4-D mineralization relative to well-drained soils (Orthic Dark Grey Chernozems) in mid- and upper-slopes. Well-drained soils had a greater potential for 2,4-D mineralization because of greater abundance and diversity of the microbial community in these soils. However, the reduced 2,4-D mineralization in imperfectly drained soils was predominantly because of their greater SOC and increased 2,4-D sorption, limiting the bioavailability of 2,4-D for degradation. The wide range of 2,4-D sorption and mineralization in this undulating cultivated field is comparable in magnitude and extent to the variability of 2,4-D sorption and mineralization observed at a regional scale in Manitoba. As such, in-field variations in SOC and the abundance and diversity of microbial communities are determining factors that require greater attention in assessing the risk of movement of 2,4-D by runoff, eroded soil and leaching.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to assess the roles of various soil components in sorption of organic compounds differing in polarity. Removal of the whole soil organic matter decreased sorption by approximately 86% for nonpolar 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (TCB), but only 34-54% for highly polar 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB); however, removal of the extractable humic/fulvic acids did not much affect sorption of the two sorbates. With normalization of solute hydrophobicity, TNB exhibits several orders of magnitude stronger sorption compared with TCB to maize burn residue (black carbon), extracted humic acid and Na+-saturated montmorillonite clay, suggesting specific sorptive interactions for TNB with the individual model soil components. It was proposed that sorption of TCB to the bulk soil was dominated by hydrophobic partition to the condensed, non-extractable fraction of organic matters (humin/kerogen and black carbon), while interactions with soil clay minerals were an important additional factor for sorption of TNB.  相似文献   

pH和有机质对铬渣污染土壤中Cr赋存形态的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
选用3种不同的铬渣污染土壤作为试验样,通过调节其pH和有机质含量,并采用碱消解-共沉淀法和改良BCR顺序提取法,研究了pH和有机质含量对土壤中铬的价态及形态的影响。结果表明,总体上Cr(Ⅵ)含量随pH降低和有机质投加量增大而减小,Cr(Ⅲ)则增加,但土1各水平间差异均显著(F8.89),土2和土3只有部分水平间差异显著。同时,随pH降低和有机质投加量增大,酸可提取态Cr含量减小,可氧化态Cr增加,可还原态略有增加,表明酸性条件和有机质有利于Cr(Ⅵ)的还原和酸可提取态Cr向可还原态和可氧化态Cr的转化。  相似文献   

A batch experiment was conducted to assess the impact of chemical oxidation using modified Fenton reaction on PAH content and on physico-chemical and biological parameters of an industrial PAH contaminated soil in unsaturated condition. Two levels of oxidant (H2O2, 6 and 65 g kg−1) and FeSO4 were applied. Agronomic parameters, bacterial and fungal density, microbial activity, seed germination and ryegrass growth were assessed. Partial removal of PAHs (14% and 22%) was obtained with the addition of oxidant. The impact of chemical oxidation on PAH removal and soil physico-chemical and biological parameters differed depending on the level of reagent. The treatment with the highest concentration of oxidant decreased soil pH, cation exchange capacity and extractable phosphorus content. Bacterial, fungal, and PAH degrading bacteria densities were also lower in oxidized soil. However a rebound of microbial populations and an increased microbial activity in oxidized soil were measured after 5 weeks of incubation. Plant growth on soil treated by the highest level of oxidant was negatively affected.  相似文献   

The influence of different organic amendments on diuron leaching was studied through undisturbed vineyard soil columns. Two composts (A and D), the second at two stages of maturity, and two soils (VR and Bj) were sampled. After 1 year, the amount of residues (diuron + metabolites) in the leachates of the VR soil (0.19-0.71%) was lower than in the Bj soil (4.27-8.23%), which could be explained by stronger diuron adsorption on VR. An increase in the amount of diuron leached through the amended soil columns, compared to the blank, was observed for the Bj soil only. This result may be explained by the formation of mobile complexes between diuron and water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) through the Bj soil, or by competition between diuron and WEOM for the adsorption sites in the soil. For both soils, the nature of the composts and their degree of maturity did not significantly influence diuron leaching.  相似文献   

Organic pollutants (e.g. polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)) strongly sorb to carbonaceous sorbents such as black carbon and activated carbon (BC and AC, respectively). For a creosote-contaminated soil (Sigma15PAH 5500 mg kg(dry weight(dw))(-1)) and an urban soil with moderate PAH content (Sigma15PAH 38 mg kg(dw)(-1)), total organic carbon-water distribution coefficients (K(TOC)) were up to a factor of 100 above values for amorphous (humic) organic carbon obtained by a frequently used Linear-Free-Energy Relationship. This increase could be explained by inclusion of BC (urban soil) or oil (creosote-contaminated soil) into the sorption model. AC is a manufactured sorbent for organic pollutants with similar strong sorption properties as the combustion by-product BC. AC has the potential to be used for in situ remediation of contaminated soils and sediments. The addition of small amounts of powdered AC (2%) to the moderately contaminated urban soil reduced the freely dissolved aqueous concentration of native PAH in soil/water suspensions up to 99%. For granulated AC amended to the urban soil, the reduction in freely dissolved concentrations was not as strong (median 64%), especially for the heavier PAH. This is probably due to blockage of the pore system of granulated AC resulting in AC deactivation by soil components. For powdered and granulated AC amended to the heavily contaminated creosote soil, median reductions were 63% and 4%, respectively, probably due to saturation of AC sorption sites by the high PAH concentrations and/or blockage of sorption sites and pores by oil.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon compositions of atmospheric particulate matter from urban areas of Rio de Janeiro city have been studied to assess the different pollution levels. Samples were acquired using a standard high-volume air sampler (Hi-Vol), extracts were prepared and fractionated into aliphatic and aromatic compounds. High-resolution gas chromatography and GC coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) were used for the analysis of the organic matter. The results show that all samples contain n-alkanes, but the distributions are different for each sample, reflecting both the biogenic (vascular plant wax input) and fossil fuel contamination sources (vehicular exhaust). The fossil fuel biomarkers, hopanes and steranes, were also observed in all samples except in the Tijuca Forest, which is a mountain forest in the midst of the sea-level city. A decrease in the level of pollution was observed in the sequence for Rebouças Tunnel>Cinelândia (downtown)>Quinta da Boa Vista Park>Tijuca Forest, as expected from the traffic density. Unfortunately, all sites are polluted mainly from vehicular emissions, but at different degrees, with the lowest levels in Tijuca Forest.  相似文献   

土壤粒径及有机质对多溴二苯醚热脱附的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下,研究了土壤粒径与土壤有机质含量对多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)热脱附的影响,以期为PBDEs污染土壤热脱附修复提供理论依据。实验结果表明,300℃停留30 min条件下,粒径为<75、75~125、125~250、250~425和425~850μm的土壤中PBDEs去除率分别为49.53%、73.88%、79.39%、83.56%和87.09%,PBDEs总去除率随粒径的增大而增大,土壤BDE209较BDE206、BDE207和BDE208更易于脱除。此外,温度低于450℃时,H2O2氧化部分去除有机质后土壤中PBDEs的去除率较原土高;表明,土壤有机质可能抑制土壤中PBDEs的热脱附。  相似文献   

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