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Trace metal export by stormwater runoff from a major road and local street in urban Sydney, Australia, is compared using pollutant yield rating curves derived from intensive sampling data. The event loads of copper, lead and zinc are well approximated by logarithmic relationships with respect to total event discharge owing to the reliable appearance of a first flush in pollutant mass loading from urban roads. Comparisons of the yield rating curves for these three metals show that copper and zinc export rates from the local street are comparable with that of the major road, while lead export from the local street is much higher, despite a 45-fold difference in traffic volume. The yield rating curve approach allows problematic environmental data to be presented in a simple yet meaningful manner with less information loss.  相似文献   

根据重庆市棕榈泉住宅区雨水径流处理人工湿地的进水特点和运行特点,考察了该人工湿地恒定负荷下对铅的长期去除效果和单场降雨冲击负荷下铅的去除效果。结果表明,住宅区径流中铅浓度随季节性降雨特征变化明显,主要以非溶解态存在。在平均HRT为56 h的日常进水负荷下,人工湿地对铅长期表现出明显而稳定的去除作用,平均去除率达到84.9%,去除负荷达到10.5 mg/(m2.d),出水浓度和去除率受季节变化影响不明显。铅浓度在人工湿地内沿程下降,湿地系统前端潜流床内的去除作用最为明显。在冲击负荷分别为7.3和8.7倍日常负荷、持续时间分别为1.5和2.5 h的两场降雨中,人工湿地铅平均去除率分别为73.22%和38.12%。人工湿地对暴雨高冲击负荷具有明显的缓冲作用,对铅的去除效果受单场降雨进水流量曲线、进水水质曲线以及雨前储存容积大小的影响明显。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of testing of roof runoff waters from buildings in the city of Gda sk (Poland), carried out as a part of a broader research project aimed at the determination of pollutant levels in precipitation. The analytes determined included volatile organohalogen compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F, Cl, NO2, NO3, PO43−, SO42− ions, as well as organonitrogen, organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides. In addition, the toxicity and pH of the samples were examined. The samples were collected over a period of six months, during or immediately following precipitation events. More than half of the samples (25) were found to be toxic, with inhibition exceeding 20%. The toxicity was weakly correlated to the levels of organonitrogen and organophosphorus pesticides in runoff waters. It was established that at least in some cases the roofing material affected the levels of the pollutants found in the samples.  相似文献   

2009年入秋至2010年春,中国西南地区发生了百年一遇的特大旱灾。为探讨河水受百年一遇大旱后降雨径流污染的状况,对昆明典型交通干道路面的降雨径流和河水水质进行了监测,分析了大旱后降雨径流污染的严重性和对河水水质的影响,并考察了曝气塘—浮石床水平潜流人工湿地复合系统处理大旱后由城市降雨径流污染导致的重污染河水的效能。结果表明,大旱后的前3场降雨径流污染程度较正常雨季降雨径流污染程度严重,SS、COD、TN及TP浓度平均高出1.3倍。大旱后的前3场降雨径流溢流会对河流造成严重污染。该复合系统在塘调蓄—循环处理运行工况下能有效处理大旱后的重污染河水,对SS、COD、TP、TN和NH4+-N的平均去除率分别为98%、90%、96%、60%和90%,出水均达《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)一级A标准。  相似文献   

Pollution from urban highway runoff has been identified as one of the major causes of the deterioration of receiving water quality. The purpose of this study is to assess the toxicity of urban storm water samples in Shanghai using the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo test and the bacterial luminescence (Vibrio qinghaiensis) assay. The toxicity of highway runoff from seventeen storm events was investigated in both grab and composite samples. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to the runoff samples and development parameters including lethality, spontaneous movements in 20 s, heart beat rate, hatching rate, and abnormality of zebrafish embryos were observed after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of exposure. Inhibition rates of luminescence intensity were also recorded. The results showed that in the zebrafish embryo toxicity tests, both grab and composite samples increased the lethality, reduced the percentage with spontaneous movements and heart beats, inhibited the hatching of embryos, and induced morphological abnormalities. In the Vibrio qinghaiensis toxicity test, all the grab samples inhibited the luminescence, while some of the composite samples promoted it, which indicated that different types of toxicants might have been affecting the species. The multivariate statistics analysis indicated that heavy metal (zinc, manganese, and copper) and PAHs might mainly contribute to the toxicity of runoff samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, a shifted power-law model, based on the wind profile model, had been supposed to simulate concentration gradient of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) with distance from a highway. Field experiments were performed for NO2 gradients from a highway in Shanghai by using passive samplers. The shifted power-law model was fitted well with experimental results of field experiments both in this study and in the literature. The results not only verified the validity of shifted power-law relationship between NO2 concentration and the distance from a highway, but also partially demonstrated that there were some significant similarities between wind profile and air pollutants concentration profile near highway. With known concentration of chosen reference point and appropriate value of the parameter k, the model could be practically applied for predicting the NO2 distributions near a highway. The methods of determining the parameter k were also discussed for further detailed studies.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope and Background

The potential negative impact of urban storm water on aquatic freshwater ecosystems has been demonstrated in various studies with different types of biological methods. There are a number of factors that influence the amount and bioavailability of contaminants in storm water even if it is derived from an area with a fairly homogenous land use such as a roadscape where a variation in toxicity during rain events might be expected. There are only a few previous investigations on the toxicity of highway runoff and they have not explored these issues extensively. The main objective of this study is therefore to characterize the potential toxicity of highway runoff during several rain events before it enters a detention pond in VästerOas, Sweden, using laboratory bioassays with test organisms representing various functional groups in an aquatic ecosystem. The results are to be used for developing a monitoring program, including biological methods.

Materials and Methods

The storm water was sampled before the entrance to a detention pond, which receives run-off from a highway with approximately 20,000 vehicles a day. The drainage area, including the roadscape and vegetated areas, is 4.3 ha in size. Samples for toxicity tests were taken with an automatic sampler or manually during storm events. In total, the potential toxicity of 65 samples representing 15 different storm events was determined. The toxicity was assessed with 4 different test organisms; Vibrio fischeri using the Microtox® comparison test, Daphnia magna using Daphtoxkit-F?agna, Thamnocephalus platyurus using the ThamnotoxkitF? and Lemna minor, duckweed using SS 028313.

Results and Discussion

Of the 65 samples, 58 samples were tested with DaphniatoxkitF?agna, 57 samples with the Microtox® comparison test, 48 samples with ThamnotoxkitF? and 20 samples with Lemna minor, duckweed. None of the storm water samples were toxic.No toxicity was detected with the Lemna minor test, but in 5 of the 23 samples tested in comparison to the control a growth stimulation of 22–46% was observed. This is in accordance with the chemical analysis of the storm water, which indicated rather large concentrations of tot-N and tot-P. In addition to the growth stimulation, morphological changes were observed in all the 5 samples from the winter event that was sampled. The lack of toxicity observed in our study might be due to a lower traffic intensity (20,000 vehicles/day) at the site and the trapping of pollutants in the vegetated areas of the roadscape, resulting in much smaller loads of pollutants in the storm water than in some previous studies.


Ecotoxicological evaluations of storm water including run off from rain events from urban roadscape studies clearly reveal that toxicity may or may not be detected depending upon site, storm condition and the test organism chosen. However, storm water might not be as polluted as previously reported nor may the first flush be such a widespread phenomenon as we originally expected. In this study, there was also a good correlation between pollutant load measured and the lack of toxicity. The test organisms chosen in this study are commonly used in effluent control programs in Sweden and other countries, which makes it possible to compare the results with those from other effluents. In this study, only acute toxicity tests were used and further studies using chronic toxicity tests, assays for genotoxic compounds or in situ bioassays might reveal biological effects at this site. Furthermore, most of the samples were taken in spring, summer or fall and it is possible that winter conditions might alter the constituents in the storm water and, thus, the toxicity of the samples.

Recommendations and Perspectives

Considering the complex nature of run off from urban roadscapes, it will be virtually impossible to evaluate properly the potential hazard of particular storm water and the efficiency of a particular treatment strategy from only physical and chemical characterizations of the effluent. Therefore, despite the lack of toxicity detected in this study, it is recommended that toxicity tests or other biological methods should be included in evaluations of the effects of runoff from roadscapes.

The concentration of TCDD at different points of an urban incinerator were analyzed and the emission of TCDD and TCDF from the incinerator were studied in relation to the kind of refuse burned.  相似文献   

生物滞留池改善城市雨水径流水质的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如何有效控制城市雨水径流所带来的面源污染已成为城市管理工作所面临的重要难题之一.作为城市暴雨最佳管理措施(BMPs)中的技术之一,生物滞留池可有效控制城市面源污染.总结了生物滞留池在改善城市雨水径流水质方面的研究进展,简要分析了生物滞留池去除污染物的机制.研究结果表明,生物滞留池对雨水径流中的总悬浮颗粒物(TSS)、重...  相似文献   

根据城市初期雨水径流的污染负荷初始冲刷效应以及主要污染物COD和N/P与SS成线性相关性的污染特点,对初期雨水的主要污染物COD和N/P开展了控制技术研究。以示范工程为基础,研究城市初期雨水径流污染控制的强化处理技术即沸石渗滤床技术,运行结果表明,对NH3-N、TP、COD都有较好的去除效果,其中对NH3-N的去除效果较为明显,进水氨氮浓度在2~5 mg/L,出水都能达到地表IV类水标准(NH3-N≤0.5 mg/L)。  相似文献   

上海市城市绿地土壤特性及对雨洪削减效应的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了上海市5个功能区城市绿地土壤的特性,分析了它们在各功能区的分布规律及造成差异的影响因素,并对上海市利用绿地蓄渗雨洪的潜力进行了计算分析.结果表明,上海市城市绿地土壤质地以粘壤土、砂质粘壤土和壤质粘土为主;城市绿地土壤由于受人为活动的影响,土壤物理性质发生了显著变化,土壤容重增大,孔隙度和渗透性降低,压实现象普遍;土壤的入渗速率差异较大,以文教区和居民生活区为最好,其后依次为公园、商业活动区、道路交通区.对绿地面积比为20%的功能区,在一年一遇的设计暴雨重现期内,绿地蓄渗雨水效果随土壤入渗速率的增大而增大,且下凹式绿地的蓄渗效果明显优于平绿地.  相似文献   

The urban air quality in Barcelona in the Western Mediterranean Basin is characterized by overall high particulate matter (PM) concentrations, due to intensive local anthropogenic emissions and specific meteorological conditions. Moreover, on several days, especially in summer, natural PM sources, such as long-range transported Saharan dust from Northern Africa or wildfires on the Iberian Peninsula and around the Mediterranean Basin, may influence the levels and composition of the organic aerosol. In the second half of July 2009, daily collected PM10 filter samples in an urban background site in Barcelona were analyzed on organic tracer compounds representing several emission sources. During this period, an important PM peak event was observed. Individual organic compound concentrations increased two to five times during this event. Although highest increase was observed for the organic tracer of biomass burning, the contribution to the organic aerosol was estimated to be around 6?%. Organic tracers that could be related to Saharan dust showed no correlation with the PM and OC levels, while this was the case for those related to fossil fuel combustion from traffic emissions. Moreover, a change in the meteorological conditions gave way to an overall increase of the urban background contamination. Long-range atmospheric transport of organic compounds from primary emissions sources (i.e., wildfires and Saharan dust) has a relatively moderate impact on the organic aerosol in an urban area where the local emissions are dominating.  相似文献   

Whilst limited information on particle size distributions and number concentrations in cities is available, very few data on the very smallest of particles, nanoparticles, have been recorded. Measurements in this study show that road traffic and stationary combustion sources generate a significant number of nanoparticles of diameter <10 nm. Measurements at the roadside (4 m from the kerb) and downwind from the traffic (more than 25 m from the kerb) show that nanoparticles (<10 nm diameter) accounted for more than 36–44% of the total particle number concentrations. Measurements designed to sample the plume of individual vehicles showed that both a diesel- and a petrol-fuelled vehicle generated nanoparticles (<10 nm diameter). The fraction of nanoparticles was even greater in a plume 350 m downwind of a stationary combustion source. On a few occasions, a temporal association between nanoparticles in the size range 3–7 nm and solar radiation was observed in urban background air at times when no other local sources were influential, which suggests that homogeneous nucleation can also be an important source of particles in the urban atmosphere.  相似文献   

The PM(2.5) concentration and its elemental composition were measured in the Cincinnati metropolitan area, which is characterized by intense highway traffic. The spatial and temporal variations were investigated for various chemical elements that contributed to the PM(2.5) fraction during a 1-year-long measurement campaign (December 2001-November 2002). The ambient aerosol monitoring was performed in 11 locations around the city during nine measurement cycles. During each cycle, four Harvard-type impactors were operating in parallel in specific locations to explore various factors affecting the PM(2.5) elemental concentrations. The sampling was performed during business days, thus assuring traffic uniformity. The 24-h PM(2.5) samples were collected on Teflon and quartz filters. Teflon filters were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis while quartz filters were analyzed by thermal-optical transmittance (TOT) analysis. In addition to PM(2.5) measurements, particle size-selective sampling was performed in two cycles using micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor; the collected fractionated deposits were analyzed by XRF. It was found that PM(2.5) concentration ranged from 6.70 to 48.3 mug m(-3) and had low spatial variation (median coefficient of variation, CV=11.3%). The elemental concentrations demonstrated high spatial variation, with the median CV ranged from 38.2% for Fe to 68.7% for Ni. For traffic-related trace metals, the highest concentration was detected in the city center site, which was close to a major highway. The particle size selective measurement revealed that mass concentration of the trace metals, such as Zn, Pb, Ni, as well as that of sulfur reach their peak values in the particle size range of 0.32-1.0 mum. Meteorological parameters and traffic intensity were not found to have a significant influence on the PM(2.5) elemental concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of Sphagnum and urban runoff on the bioavailability of metals were tested by adding PbCl2 and ZnCl2 to laboratory microcosms constructed of peat substrate with or without live Sphagnum spp. and planted with Acer rubrum L. seedlings or Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. shoots. We hypothesized that Sphagnum would increase bioavailability through its acidifying action, while urban runoff would decrease availability through increases in alkalinity. Metals were more available to the test plants treated with acidic swampwater than with alkaline runoff. Sphagnum moss caused increases in tissue concentrations in V. macrocarpon, but not in A. rubrum. The latter species took up more metals when grown on substrate from sites receiving runoff, whereas the former took up more metals from substrate from undisturbed sites, despite the lower substrate metal concentrations. Differences in uptake by the two species may reflect differences in their ability to root in the Sphagnum mat. The results demonstrate that Sphagnum spp. exerts strong species-specific effects on the uptake of metals by vascular plants, and that plant species native to acidic wetlands vary widely in their response to metals in the substrate.  相似文献   

Air pollution by particulate matter is well linked with anthropogenic activities; the global economic crisis that broke out in the last year may be a proper indicator of this close relationship. Some economic indicators show the regional effects of the crisis on the Cantabria Region. The present work aims to evaluate the impact of the economic crisis on PM10 levels and composition at the major city of the region, Santander. Some metals linked to anthropogenic activities were measured at Santander and studied by Positive Matrix Factorization; this statistical analysis allowed to identify three main factors: urban background, industrial and molybdenum-related factor. The main results show that the temporal trend of the levels of the industrial tracers found in the present study are well agree with the evolution of the studied economic indicators; nevertheless, the urban background tracers and PM10 concentration levels are not well correlated with the studied economic indicators.  相似文献   

Flow field and concentration measurements have been performed in an idealized model of an urban street canyon with one row of trees arranged along the center axis. The model was set up in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel and the approach flow was directed perpendicular to the street axis. A line source embedded in the bottom of the street was used to release tracer gas for the simulation of traffic exhaust emissions. Trees with spherical crowns were modeled and positioned inside the street canyon, varying crown diameter, crown permeability, trunk height and tree spacing. Traffic-induced turbulence was simulated by rotating belts with thin plates. Concentrations were measured at the facades of the street canyon. For small tree crowns, only little changes in concentration were measured, however, increasing crown diameters led to increasing concentrations at the leeward street canyon wall associated with a reduction of local concentrations at the windward wall. For some cases, a variation of trunk height led to a modification of the concentration pattern on the walls. Increasing the tree spacing resulted in a noticeable concentration decrease. When compared to the situation with standing (but emitting) traffic, the traffic-induced turbulence by two-way car movements always contributed to a more homogenous concentration field inside the street canyon yielding to reduced mean concentration levels.  相似文献   

We investigated the absorption rates of zinc, copper and lead in freshwater biofilm and assessed whether biofilm bacterial populations are affected by exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of these metals in flow chamber microcosms. Metals were rapidly accumulated by the biofilm and then retained for at least 14 days after transfer to uncontaminated water. Changes in bacterial populations were assessed by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Significant differences in bacterial community structure occurred within only three days of exposure to metals and remained detectable at least 14 days after transfer to uncontaminated water. The rapid uptake of stormwater-associated metals and their retention in the biofilm highlight the potential role of biofilms in the transfer of metals to organisms at higher trophic levels. The sensitivity of stream biofilm bacterial populations to metal exposure supports their use as an indicator of stream ecological health.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater infiltration basins are designed to hold runoff from impervious surfaces and allow the settling of sediments and associated pollutants. However concerns have been expressed about the environmental impacts that may be exerted by the trapped pollutants on groundwater, soils and ecosystems. In this context, sediment characterization represents a key issue for local authorities in terms of management strategies. During the last two decades, several studies were launched including either physical or chemical characterization of stormwater sediments but without real synthesis of data and methods used. Consequently, there is an important need for reviewing the current experimental techniques devoted to the physico-chemical characterization of sediment. The review is based on the outcomes of two experimental sites for which long term monitoring and data collection have been done: the Cheviré basin (near Nantes) and the Django Reinhardt basin (near Lyon). The authors summarize the studies dealing with bulk properties, pollutant contents, their potential mobility and speciation. This paper aims at promoting the significant progresses that were made through a multidisciplinary approach involving multi-scaled and combined experimental techniques.  相似文献   

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